SEDPAK provides a conceptual framework for modeling the sedimentary fill of basins by visualizing stratal geometries as they are produced between sequence boundaries. The simulation is used to substantiate inferences drawn about the potential for hydrocarbon entrapment and accumulation within a basin. It is designed to model and reconstruct clastic and carbonate sediment geometries which are produced as a response to changing rates of tectonic movement, eustasy, and sedimentation The simulation enables the evolution of the sedimentary fill of a basin to be tracked, defines the chronostratigraphic framework for the deposition of these sediments, and illustrates the relationship between sequences and systems tracts seen in cores, outcrop, and well and seismic data.
This Sedpak movie captures a sedimentary section subdivided into geometric packages defined by bounding unconformities and internal surfaces that result from varying positions of relative sea level and rates of sedimentation. These geometries demonstrate why sequence stratigraphic analyses of seismic cross-sections, well logs and outcrop studies of sedimentary rock are used to predict the thickness and extent of sediment lithology from inferences built from this understanding of how sediment geometry changes with relative sea level and rates of sedimentation.
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URL http://sedpak.geol.sc.edu