OpendTect main features
dGB’s software products can be split into two parts: open source and closed source.
The open source part is OpendTect, a seismic interpretation software system for processing, visualizing and interpreting multi-volume seismic data, and for fast-track development of innovative interpretation tools.
The closed source part consists of a set of commercial plugins to OpendTect that offer unique seismic interpretation work flows. To buy, or rent commercial plugins OpendTect must be run under a commercial (or academic) license agreement.
- Data IO via SEGY, LAS, ASCII
- 2D & 3D viewers
- Horizon trackers, fault sticks & planes
- Interactive attribute analysis
- Well tie, wavelets
- Time-depth conversion
- 3D bodies.
Special Functionality in OpendTect
- Spectral Decomposition (FFT and CWT)
- Distributed computing
- Trace cross-equalization
- Create pseudo-3D volumes from 2D seismic
- Link to GMT (open source mapping)
- Link to Madagascar (open source processing).
Introduction OpendTect
Screenshots :

OpendTect Installation Manager
OpendTect is available under GPL, commercial license and academic license. Learn more about licenses here.
Download the OpendTect Installation Manager by selecting on of the platform links:
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