Chemical Formula: TlPbAs5S9
Locality: Binnental, Valais, Switzerland.
Name Origin: Named for Arthur Hitchinson (1866-1937), Professor of Mineralogy, Cambridge University, England.
Hutchinsonite is a sulfosalt mineral of thallium, arsenic and lead with formula TlPbAs5S9. Hutchinsonite is a rare hydrothermal mineral.
It was first discovered in Binnental, Switzerland in 1904 and named after Cambridge mineralogist Arthur Hutchinson, F.R.S. (1866–1937).
Physical Properties
Cleavage: {100} Good
Color: Cherry red, Pink, Black.
Density: 4.6
Diaphaneity: Subtranslucent to opaque
Fracture: Brittle – Conchoidal – Very brittle fracture producing small, conchoidal fragments.
Hardness: 1.5-2 – Talc-Gypsum
Luster: Sub Metallic
Streak: red