Chemical Formula: Mn(OH)2 Locality: Vermland at Pajsberg near Persberg, Sweden. Name Origin: Named from the Greek, puro, “fire” and khroma, “color”, because of the change in color upon ignition.
Authors : IGELSTROEM Discovery date: 1864 Town of Origin : PAJSBERG, FILIPSTAD, VARMLAND Country of Origin : SUEDE
Optical properties
Optical and misc. Properties: Flexible –  Transparent –  Translucide –  Opaque – Refractive Index : from 1,68 to 1,72
Physical properties
Hardness : 2,50 Density : 3,25 Color: colorless; white; pale green; blue; brown; black; bronze yellow; bluish; greenish; bluish green Luster: nacreous; unpolished Streak : white Cleavage : yes