View the spectacular images by the 2016 Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year winners for each category, the Young Competition, as well as our Robotic Scope prize and Sir Patrick Moore for Best Newcomer prize winners. These pictures capture all manner of celestial spectacles: moons, stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and some of the great astronomical events of the last year.
Best Astronomy Photos of 2016
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As the moon "grazes" by the sun during a solar eclipse, the rugged lunar limb topography allows beads of sunlight to shine through in some places, and not in others. The series of photos of the total solar eclipse are stacked, showing the full progression of a solar eclipse from Luwuk, Indonesia. Winner of "Our Sun" category and Overall Winner. Image: Yu Jun

In Hong Kong, the urban streets and buildings are dotted with countless light pipes and huge neon signs which cause serious light pollution. When this city falls asleep at night, only a few stars can be seen regularly in the urban areas, even on some of the clearest evenings. Winner in the "People & Space" category. Image: Wing Ka Ho

The International Space Station appears to pierce a path across the radiant, concentric star trails seemingly spinning over the silhouettes of the trees in Harrogate, South Australia. Highly Commended in the "Young Astronomy Photographer" category. Image: Scott Carnie-Bronca

The Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, is one of the jewels of southern sky which can be seen with unaided eye. Winner of the Sir Patrick Moore Prize for Best Newcomer. Image: Carlos Fairbairn

The northern lights dancing overhead outside the city of Troms, Norway. Highly Commended in the "Aurora" category. Image: Kolbein Svensson

A Maasai warrior teaches his son about the stars, as they enjoy the vastness of space together. Highly Commended in the "People & Space" category. Image: Robin Stuart

After a last-minute escape from clouds, the coronal structures are clearly visible during a total solar eclipse observed in Indonesia. Runner-up in the "Our Sun" category. Image: Catalin Beldea and Alson Wong

A series of exposures showing the star Sirius, sometimes called the "Rainbow Star," due to its seemingly colorful twinkling. Winner of the "Stars & Nebulae" category. Image: Steve Brown

A meteor shower captured above Xinglong Station of National Astronomical Observatories of China. Highly Commended in the "Skyscapes" category. Image: Yu Jun

The aurora borealis shine above the Adventtoppen mountain in Norway. Winner in the "Aurorae" category. Image: György Soponyai

The photo highlights the complexity and beauty of the lunar surface. Winner of the "Young Astronomy Photographer" category. Image: Brendan Devine

Lack of color from this black-and-white image emphasizes the mountain peak and brings out the magic of the aurora in Norway. Runner up in the "Aurorae" category. Image: Kolbein Svensson

A galaxy features a nice halo with smaller galaxies in the background. Winner in the "Galaxies" category. Image: Nicolas Outters

Northumbrian aurora borealis. Highly Commended in the "Young Astronomy Photographer" category. Image: Jonathan Farooqi

A man stands on top of the "Peña Muñana" mountain in Cadalso de los Vidrios (Madrid, Spain). Runner-up in the "People & Space" category. Image: Dani Caxete

This is a 110-hour mosaic, with 36 panes, showcasing the summer skies from the Northern Hemisphere. Parts of the constellations Sagittarius, Scutum, Serpens, and Ophiuchus can be seen in this image. Highly Commended in the "Stars & Nebulae" category. Image: Tom O’Donoghue

Fine details of Saturn are captured across the globe and ring system, which is near is maximum tilt toward Earth. A variety of colored bands and zones are seen within the atmosphere, along with various small storms. Winner in the "Planets, Comets & Asteroids" category. Image: Damian Peach

The Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter line up in close conjunction. A thick layer of low-lying mist on a gently sloping field adds a new dimension, accentuating the brightness of the crescent moon and Venus, and making the other planets look like glowing spheres. Winner of the "Skyscapes" category. Image: Ainsley Bennett

This composite of two images compares slitless spectroscopy of two well-known planetary nebulas, NGC6543 (Cat's Eye Nebula) at the top and NGC6720 (M57, Ring Nebula) below it. Winner of the "Robotic Scope" category. Image: Robert Smith