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‘Pompeii of prehistoric plants’ unlocks evolutionary secret

 Reconstruction of the crown of Paratingia wuhaia sp. nov.
Reconstruction of the crown of Paratingia wuhaia sp. nov.

Spectacular fossil plants preserved within a volcanic ash fall in China have shed light on an evolutionary race 300 million years ago, which was eventually won by the seed-bearing plants that dominate so much of the Earth today.

New research into fossils found at the ‘Pompeii of prehistoric plants’, in Wuda, Inner Mongolia, reveals that the plants, called Noeggerathiales, were highly-evolved members of the lineage from which came seed plants.

Noeggerathiales were important peat-forming plants that lived around 325 to 251 million years ago. Understanding their relationships to other plant groups has been limited by poorly preserved examples until now.

The fossils found in China have allowed experts to work out that Noeggerathiales are more closely related to seed plants than to other fern groups.

No longer considered an evolutionary dead-end, they are now recognized as advanced tree-ferns that evolved complex cone-like structures from modified leaves. Despite their sophistication, Noeggerathiales fell victim to the profound environmental and climate changes of 251 million years ago that destroyed swamp ecosystems globally.

The international research team, led by palaeontologists at Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology and the University of Birmingham, today published its findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Co-author Dr. Jason Hilton, Reader in Palaeobiology at the University of Birmingham’s Institute of Forest Research, commented: “Noeggerathiales were recognized as early as the 1930s, but scientists have treated them as a ‘taxonomic football’, endlessly kicked around without anyone identifying their place in the Story of Life.

“The spectacular fossil plants found in China are becoming renowned as the plant equivalent of Pompeii. Thanks to this slice of life preserved in volcanic ash, we were able to reconstruct a new species of Noeggerathiales that finally settles the group’s affinity and evolutionary importance.

“The fate of the Noeggerathiales is a stark reminder of what can happen when even very advanced life forms are faced with rapid environmental change.”

The researchers studied complete Noeggerathiales preserved in a bed of volcanic ash 66 cm thick formed 298 million years ago, smothering all the plants growing in a nearby swamp.

The ash stopped the fossils from rotting or being consumed, and preserved many complete individuals in microscopic detail.

Lead-Author Jun Wang, Professor of Palaeobotany at Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, commented: “Many specimens were identified in excavations in 2006-2007 when a few leaves were visible on the surface of the ash. It looked they might be connected to each other and a stem below — we revealed the crown on site, but then extracted the specimens complete to take them back to the lab.

“It has taken many years to study these fully and the additional specimens we have found more recently. The complete trees are the most impressive fossil plants I have seen and because of our careful work they are also some of the most important to science.”

The researchers also deduced that that the ancestral lineage from which seed plants evolved diversified alongside the earliest seed plant radiation during the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian periods, and did not rapidly die out as previously thought.

Jun Wang, Jason Hilton, Hermann W. Pfefferkorn, Shijun Wang, Yi Zhang, Jiri Bek, Josef Pšenička, Leyla J. Seyfullah, David Dilcher. Ancient noeggerathialean reveals the seed plant sister group diversified alongside the primary seed plant radiation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021; 118 (11): e2013442118 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2013442118

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Birmingham.

Unusual earthquakes highlight central Utah volcanoes

The Cinders lava flow Utah
The Cinders lava flow Utah

If you drive south through central Utah on Interstate 15 and look west somewhere around Fillmore, you’ll see smooth hills and fields of black rock. The area is, aptly, named the Black Rock Desert. It may not look like much, but you’re looking at some of Utah’s volcanoes.

A pair of earthquake sequences, in September 2018 and April 2019, focused scientists’ attention on the Black Rock Desert. The sequences, which included the main quakes and their aftershocks, were very different from the Magna earthquake that shook the Wasatch Front in 2020 and other Utah earthquakes. The Black Rock sequences were captured by the Utah Regional Seismic Network and by nearby temporary seismic equipment deployment that was monitoring a geothermal well. Earthquakes in the Black Rock Desert are rare and capturing the seismic recordings from these earthquakes provides a glimpse into the volcanic system of the Black Rock Desert that, while not showing any signs of erupting, is still active. A study of the earthquake sequences is published in Geophysical Research Letters.

“The results showed us that we should give more attention to the Black Rock area,” says Maria Mesimeri, a postdoctoral research associate with the University of Utah Seismograph Stations. “We need to improve seismic and volcanic monitoring in this area, so that we are aware of small changes that may occur.”

Not your typical earthquakes

The earthquake sequences, with main shocks of magnitude 4.0 and 4.1 respectively, were picked up by both the Utah Regional Seismic Network and a dense temporary network of seismometers deployed as part of Utah FORGE, an experimental geothermal project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and operated by the University of Utah, located about 19 miles south of the Black Rock Desert near Milford, Utah. The temporary network allowed researchers to detect more aftershocks than usual. For example, the regional network detected 19 earthquakes as part of the April 2019 sequence. But the dense temporary network detected an additional 35 quakes. Each additional aftershock provided a bit more information for seismologists studying the sequence.

The Black Rock sequences showed some interesting features that set them apart from the 2020 Magna sequence and other Utah earthquake sequences. While the initial Magna quake occurred at a depth of about six miles below the surface, a typical depth for Utah earthquakes, the Black Rock quakes were much shallower — around 1.5 miles below the surface.

“Because these earthquakes were so shallow,” Mesimeri says, “we could measure surface deformation [due to the quakes] using satellites, which is very unusual for earthquakes this small.”

Also, Mesimeri and her colleagues found, the quakes produced much lower-frequency seismic energy than usually seen in Utah quakes. And one of the main types of seismic waves, shear waves or S-waves, wasn’t detected in the Black Rock sequences.

Volcanoes? In Utah?

All of these signs point to the Black Rock sequences having a very different origin than the Magna sequence, which was generated by movement of the Wasatch Fault. The Black Rock quakes, on the other hand, may have been generated by ongoing activity in the Black Rock volcanic field.

What are volcanoes doing in the middle of Utah? The Wasatch Mountains (and Wasatch Fault) form the eastern margin of a region called the Basin and Range province that stretches west to the Sierra Nevada. The province is being stretched apart by plate tectonics, and that stretching thins the crust, allowing more heat to rise up from the Earth’s interior. In the Black Rock area, that heat resulted in eruption of basalt lava up until around 9,000 to 12,000 years ago.

So what do these earthquake sequences mean for the volcanoes of the Black Rock Desert?

“Our findings suggest that the system is still active and that the earthquakes were probably the result of fluid-related movement in the general area,” Mesimeri says, referring to potentially magma or heated water. “The earthquakes could be the result of the fluid squeezing through rock or the result of deformation from fluid movement that stressed the surface faults.”

Activity in a volcanic field does not mean eruption, and Mesimeri says that there’s no evidence that any eruption is imminent in the Black Rock Desert. But, she says, it’s an area that geoscientists may want to monitor a little more closely.

Maria Mesimeri, Kristine L. Pankow, William D. Barnhart, Katherine M. Whidden, J. Mark Hale. Unusual Seismic Signals in the Sevier Desert, Utah Possibly Related to the Black Rock Volcanic Field. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021; 48 (5) DOI: 10.1029/2020GL090949

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Utah. Original written by Paul Gabrielsen.

How do you know where volcanic ash will end up?

Volcanic plume associated with the April-May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano (Iceland) and Scanning Electron Microscope image of a typical ash cluster made of micrometric volcanic particles collected on an adhesive paper during fallout. © UNIGE, Costanza Bonadonna
Volcanic plume associated with the April-May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull volcano (Iceland) and Scanning Electron Microscope image of a typical ash cluster made of micrometric volcanic particles collected on an adhesive paper during fallout. © UNIGE, Costanza Bonadonna

When the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland erupted in April 2010, air traffic was interrupted for six days and then disrupted until May. Until then, models from the nine Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAACs) around the world, which aimed at predicting when the ash cloud interfered with aircraft routes, were based on the tracking of the clouds in the atmosphere. In the wake of this economic disaster for airlines, ash concentration thresholds were introduced in Europe which are used by the airline industry when making decisions on flight restrictions. However, a team of researchers, led by the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, discovered that even the smallest volcanic ash did not behave as expected. Its results, to be read in the journal Nature Communications, will help to refine the way that volcanic ash is represented in forecasting models used by the VAACs, which must react in real-time to provide useful advice during a volcanic eruption.

The eruption of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano in 2010 not only disrupted global air traffic, but also called into question the functioning of the forecast strategies used by the VAACs, based only on the spatial tracking of the ash cloud. A meeting of experts refined the strategies based on ash concentration thresholds and enabled flights to resume more quickly, while ensuring the safety of passengers and flight personnel.

“During a volcanic explosive eruption, fragments ranging from a few microns to more than 2 metres are ejected from the volcanic vent,” explains Eduardo Rossi, a researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences of the UNIGE Faculty of Sciences and the first author of the study. The larger the particles, the faster and closer to the volcano they fall, reducing the concentration of ash in the atmosphere. “This is why the new strategies have integrated concentration thresholds better defining the dangerousness for aircraft engines. From 2 milligrams per cubic metre, airlines must have an approved safety case to operate,” says the Geneva-based researcher.

Particle aggregates that impact predictive models

Despite existing knowledge about the ash clouds, several open questions remained unanswered after the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption, including the discovery of particles in UK that were much larger than expected. “We wanted to understand how this was possible by accurately analysing the ash particles from the Sakurajima volcano in Japan, which has been erupting 2-3 times a day for more than 50 years,” says Costanza Bonadonna, a professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at UNIGE.

By using adhesive paper to collect the ash before it hit the ground, the team of scientists had already observed during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption how micrometric particles would group together into clusters, which, after the impact with the ground, were destroyed. “It plays an important role in the sedimentation rate, notes Eduardo Rossi. Once assembled in aggregates, these micrometre particles fall much faster and closer to the volcano than the models predict, because they are ultimately heavier than if they fell individually. This is called premature sedimentation. ”

The rafting effect, declared impossible by theory

In Japan the UNIGE team made a new important discovery: the observation of the rafting effect. Using a high-speed camera, the volcanologists observed the sedimentation of the ash in real-time and discovered previously unseen aggregates called cored clusters. “These are formed by a large particle of 100-800 microns — the core — which is covered by many small particles less than 60 microns, explains Costanza Bonadonna. And this external layer of small particles can act like a parachute over the core, delaying its sedimentation. This is the rafting effect. ”

This rafting effect had been theoretically suggested in 1993, but finally declared impossible. Today, its existence is well and truly proven by direct observation and accurate theoretical analysis, made possible by high-speed camera. “Working with Frances Beckett of the UK Met Office, we have carried out several simulations that have enabled us to answer the questions raised by the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull and the unexplained discovery of these oversized ash particles in UK. It was the result of this rafting effect, which delayed the fall of these aggregates,” enthuses Eduardo Rossi.

Now that the ash aggregates, the cored clusters and the rafting effect have been studied, it is a matter of collecting more accurate physical particle parameters so that one day they can be integrated into the operational models of the VAACs, for which size and density play a crucial role in calculating the concentration of ash in the atmosphere.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Université de Genève.

Asteroid dust found in crater closes case of dinosaur extinction

 The asteroid impact led to the extinction of 75% of life, including all non-avian dinosaurs. Credit: Willgard Krause/Pixabay.
The asteroid impact led to the extinction of 75% of life, including all non-avian dinosaurs. Credit: Willgard Krause/Pixabay.

Researchers believe they have closed the case of what killed the dinosaurs, definitively linking their extinction with an asteroid that slammed into Earth 66 million years ago by finding a key piece of evidence: asteroid dust inside the impact crater.

Death by asteroid rather than by a series of volcanic eruptions or some other global calamity has been the leading hypothesis since the 1980s, when scientists found asteroid dust in the geologic layer that marks the extinction of the dinosaurs. This discovery painted an apocalyptic picture of dust from the vaporized asteroid and rocks from impact circling the planet, blocking out the sun and bringing about mass death through a dark, sustained global winter — all before drifting back to Earth to form the layer enriched in asteroid material that’s visible today.

In the 1990s, the connection was strengthened with the discovery of a 125-mile-wide Chicxulub impact crater beneath the Gulf of Mexico that is the same age as the rock layer. The new study seals the deal, researchers said, by finding asteroid dust with a matching chemical fingerprint within that crater at the precise geological location that marks the time of the extinction.

“The circle is now finally complete,” said Steven Goderis, a geochemistry professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, who led the study published in Science Advances on Feb. 24.

The study is the latest to come from a 2016 International Ocean Discovery Program mission co-led by The University of Texas at Austin that collected nearly 3,000 feet of rock core from the crater buried under the seafloor. Research from this mission has helped fill in gaps about the impact, the aftermath and the recovery of life.

The telltale sign of asteroid dust is the element iridium — which is rare in the Earth’s crust, but present at elevated levels in certain types of asteroids. An iridium spike in the geologic layer found all over the world is how the asteroid hypothesis was born. In the new study, researchers found a similar spike in a section of rock pulled from the crater. In the crater, the sediment layer deposited in the days to years after the strike is so thick that scientists were able to precisely date the dust to a mere two decades after impact.

“We are now at the level of coincidence that geologically doesn’t happen without causation,” said co-author Sean Gulick, a research professor at the UT Jackson School of Geosciences who co-led the 2016 expedition with Joanna Morgan of Imperial College London. “It puts to bed any doubts that the iridium anomaly [in the geologic layer] is not related to the Chicxulub crater.”

The dust is all that remains of the 7-mile-wide asteroid that slammed into the planet millions of years ago, triggering the extinction of 75% of life on Earth, including all nonavian dinosaurs.

Researchers estimate that the dust kicked up by the impact circulated in the atmosphere for no more than a couple of decades — which, Gulick points out, helps time how long extinction took.

“If you’re actually going to put a clock on extinction 66 million years ago, you could easily make an argument that it all happened within a couple of decades, which is basically how long it takes for everything to starve to death,” he said.

The highest concentrations of iridium were found within a 5-centimeter section of the rock core retrieved from the top of the crater’s peak ring — a high-elevation point in the crater that formed when rocks rebounded then collapsed from the force of impact.

The iridium analysis was carried out by labs in Austria, Belgium, Japan and the United States.

“We combined the results from four independent laboratories around the world to make sure we got this right,” said Goderis.

In addition to iridium, the crater section showed elevated levels of other elements associated with asteroid material. The concentration and composition of these “asteroid elements” resembled measurements taken from the geologic layer at 52 sites around the world.

The core section and geologic layer also have earthbound elements in common, including sulfurous compounds. A 2019 study found that sulfur-bearing rocks are missing from much of the rest of the core despite being present in large volumes in the surrounding limestone. This indicates that the impact blew the original sulfur into the atmosphere, where it may have made a bad situation worse by exacerbating global cooling and seeding acid rain.

Gulick and colleagues at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics and Bureau of Economic Geology — both units of the UT Jackson School — plan to return to the crater this summer to begin surveying sites at its center, where they hope to plan a future drilling effort to recover more asteroid material.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas at Austin.

Making sense of commotion under the ocean to locate tremors near deep-sea faults

Using a method to better locate the source of weak tremors from regions with complex geological features, researchers found that many tremors originate from the shear zone, an area of high fluid pressure, in the Nankai Trough, which is schematically shown here with structures of tectonic plates and fault lines.
Using a method to better locate the source of weak tremors from regions with complex geological features, researchers found that many tremors originate from the shear zone, an area of high fluid pressure, in the Nankai Trough, which is schematically shown here with structures of tectonic plates and fault lines.

Researchers from Japan and Indonesia have pioneered a new method for more accurately estimating the source of weak ground vibrations in areas where one tectonic plate is sliding under another in the sea. Applying the approach to Japan’s Nankai Trough, the researchers were able to estimate previously unknown properties in the region, demonstrating the method’s promise to help probe properties needed for better monitoring and understanding larger earthquakes along this and other plate interfaces.

Episodes of small, often imperceptible seismic events known as tremors occur around the world and are particularly common in areas near volcanoes and subduction zones — regions where one of the massive plates forming Earth’s outer layers slides under another. Though they may be weak, studying these vibrations is important for estimating features of the associated tectonic plate boundaries and is necessary for detecting slipping among the plates that can be used to warn against larger earthquake events and tsunamis.

“Tremor episodes occur frequently in subduction zones, but their point of origin can be difficult to determine as they have no clear onset features like the sudden, strong shaking seen with ordinary earthquakes,” explains Takeshi Tsuji, leader of the study’s research team from Kyushu University’s International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (I2CNER).

“Current techniques to identify their source rely on waveform readings from nearby seismic stations together with a modelling system, but complex geological structures can greatly influence the results, leading to inaccurate travel times.”

The I2CNER team developed the new methodology to take into account some of the complexities of subduction zones such as the Nankai Trough and estimate more accurate travel times from source to station. The novel approach involves a model that does not rely on a constant waveform and also considers the relationships between tremors detected at all possible pairs of monitoring stations.

“Applying this method to the Nankai Trough, we found that most tremors occurred in areas of high fluid pressure called the shear zone on the plate boundary,” says study lead author Andri Hendriyana.

“The thickness of the shear zone was found to be a major controlling factor for the tremor epicentre, with the tremor sequence initiating at regions where fluid pressures within the rocks are the greatest.”

Having better determined the locations of several tremors, the research could also more accurately estimate the speed of tremor propagation. Using this information, the team was then able to estimate how easily liquids can move through the deep fault. Known as permeability, this property is important for evaluating earthquake rupture processes and had never before been reported for the deep plate interface of the Nankai Trough.

“Accurately determining tremor source and related geophysical properties is crucial in the monitoring and modelling of larger earthquakes along the plate interface,” comments Tsuji. “Our method can also be applied in other regions where tremor location estimation is difficult because of a complex geography to better obtain this vital information.”

Andri Hendriyana, Takeshi Tsuji. Influence of structure and pore pressure of plate interface on tectonic tremor in the Nankai subduction zone, Japan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021; 558: 116742 DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116742

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Kyushu University.

A new, clearer insight into Earth’s hidden crystals

A transmitted light view through a 200-micron section of a peridotite sample, showing the three main minerals - olivine (clear-green), orthopyroxene (grey-green) and garnet (pink). Credit: Dr Emma Tomlinson, Trinity College Dublin.
A transmitted light view through a 200-micron section of a peridotite sample, showing the three main minerals – olivine (clear-green), orthopyroxene (grey-green) and garnet (pink). Credit: Dr Emma Tomlinson, Trinity College Dublin.

Geologists have developed a new theory about the state of Earth billions of years ago after examining the very old rocks formed in the Earth’s mantle below the continents.

Assistant Professor Emma Tomlinson from Trinity College Dublin and Queensland University of Technology’s Professor Balz Kamber have just published their research in leading international journal, Nature Communications.

The seven continents on Earth today are each built around a stable interior called a craton, and geologists believe that craton stabilisation some 2.5 — 3 billion years ago was critical to the emergence of land masses on Earth.

Little is known about how cratons and their supporting mantle keels formed, but important clues can be found in peridotite xenoliths, which are samples of mantle that are brought to the Earth’s surface by erupting volcanoes.

Dr Tomlinson, from Trinity’s School of Natural Sciences, said:

“Many rocks from the mantle below old continents contain a surprising amount of silica — much more than is found in younger parts of the mantle.”

“There is currently no scientific consensus about the reason for this.”

The new research, which looks at the global data for mantle peridotite, comes up with a new explanation for this observation.

The research used a new thermodynamic model to calculate that the unusual mineralogy developed when very hot molten rock — greater than 1700 °C — interacted with older parts of the mantle and this caused the growth of silica-rich minerals.

“For more than 1 billion years, from 3.8 to 2.5 billion years ago, volcanoes also erupted very unusual lavas of very low viscosity — lava that was very thin, very hot and often contained variable levels of silica,” Dr Tomlinson added.

“Our modelling suggests that the unusual lavas were in fact the molten rocks that interacted with the mantle at great depth and this interaction resulted in the variable level of silica.”

Professor Kamber, QUT, said:

“Both the silica-rich rocks in the deep mantle and the low viscosity volcanic rocks stopped being made by the Earth some 2.5 billion years ago. This timing is the boundary between the Archaean and Proterozoic eons — one of the most significant breaks in Earth’s geological timescale.”

What caused this boundary remains unknown, but the research offers a new perspective.

Professor Kamber added:

“This may have been due to a change in how the mantle was flowing. Once the mantle started slowly turning over all the way down to the core (2,900 km), the very high temperatures of the Archaean eon were no longer possible.”

Tomlinson, E.L., Kamber, B.S. Depth-dependent peridotite-melt interaction and the origin of variable silica in the cratonic mantle. Nat Commun, 2021 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21343-9

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Trinity College Dublin.

World’s oldest DNA reveals how mammoths evolved

1.2 million year old mammoth tooth from the Krestovka mammoth. Credit: Pavel Nikolskiy
1.2 million year old mammoth tooth from the Krestovka mammoth. Credit: Pavel Nikolskiy

An international team led by researchers at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm has sequenced DNA recovered from mammoth remains that are up to 1.2 million years old. The analyses show that the Columbian mammoth that inhabited North America during the last ice age was a hybrid between the woolly mammoth and a previously unknown genetic lineage of mammoth. In addition, the study provides new insights into when and how fast mammoths became adapted to cold climate. These findings are published today in Nature.

Around one million years ago there were no woolly or Columbian mammoths, as they had not yet evolved. This was the time of their predecessor, the ancient steppe mammoth. Researchers have now managed to analyse the genomes from three ancient mammoths, using DNA recovered from mammoth teeth that had been buried for 0.7-1.2 million years in the Siberian permafrost.

This is the first time that DNA has been sequenced and authenticated from million-year-old specimens, and extracting the DNA from the samples was challenging. The scientists found that only minute amounts of DNA remained in the samples and that the DNA was degraded into very small fragments.

“This DNA is incredibly old. The samples are a thousand times older than Viking remains, and even pre-date the existence of humans and Neanderthals,” says senior author Love Dalén, a Professor of evolutionary genetics at the Centre for Palaeogenetics in Stockholm.

The age of the specimens was determined using both geological data and the molecular clock. Both these types of analyses showed that two of the specimens are more than one million years old, whereas the third is roughly 700 thousand years old and represents one of the earliest known woolly mammoths.

An unexpected origin of the Columbian mammoth

Analyses of the genomes showed that the oldest specimen, which was approximately 1.2 million years old, belonged to a previously unknown genetic lineage of mammoth. The researchers refer to this as the Krestovka mammoth, based on the locality where it was found. The results show that the Krestovka mammoth diverged from other Siberian mammoths more than two million years ago.

“This came as a complete surprise to us. All previous studies have indicated that there was only one species of mammoth in Siberia at that point in time, called the steppe mammoth. But our DNA analyses now show that there were two different genetic lineages, which we here refer to as the Adycha mammoth and the Krestovka mammoth. We can’t say for sure yet, but we think these may represent two different species,” says the study’s lead author Tom van der Valk.

The researchers also suggest that it was mammoths that belonged to the Krestovka lineage that colonised North America some 1.5 million years ago. In addition, the analyses show that the Columbian mammoth that inhabited North America during the last ice age, was a hybrid. Roughly half of its genome came from the Krestovka lineage and the other half from the woolly mammoth.

“This is an important discovery. It appears that the Columbian mammoth, one of the most iconic Ice Age species of North America, evolved through a hybridisation that took place approximately 420 thousand years ago,” says co-lead author Patrícia Pec?nerova?.

Evolution and adaptation in the woolly mammoth

The second million-year-old genome, from the Adycha mammoth, appears to have been ancestral to the woolly mammoth. The researchers could therefore compare its genome with the genome from one of the earliest known woolly mammoths that lived 0.7 million years ago, as well as with mammoth genomes that are only a few thousand years old. This made it possible to investigate how mammoths became adapted to a life in cold environments and to what extent these adaptations evolved during the speciation process.

The analyses showed that gene variants associated with life in the Arctic, such as hair growth, thermoregulation, fat deposits, cold tolerance and circadian rhythms, were already present in the million-year-old mammoth, long before the origin of the woolly mammoth. These results indicate that most adaptations in the mammoth lineage happened slowly and gradually over time.

“To be able to trace genetic changes across a speciation event is unique. Our analyses show that most cold adaptations were present already in the ancestor of the woolly mammoth, and we find no evidence that natural selection was faster during the speciation process,” says co-lead author David Di?ez-del-Molino.

Future research

The new results open the door for a broad array of future studies on other species. About one million years ago was a period when many species expanded across the globe. This was also a time period of major changes in climate and sea levels, as well as the last time that Earth’s magnetic poles changed places. Because of this, the researchers think that genetic analyses on this time scale have great potential to explore a wide range of scientific questions.

“One of the big questions now is how far back in time we can go. We haven’t reached the limit yet. An educated guess would be that we could recover DNA that is two million years old, and possibly go even as far back as 2.6 million. Before that, there was no permafrost where ancient DNA could have been preserved,” says Anders Götherström, a professor in molecular archaeology and joint research leader at the Centre for Palaeogenetics.

van der Valk, T., Pečnerová, P., Díez-del-Molino, D. et al. Million-year-old DNA sheds light on the genomic history of mammoths. Nature, 2021 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03224-9

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Stockholm University.

Proegernia mikebulli : New Australian fossil lizard

Swamp Skink (Lissolepis coventryi), which is probably the living lizard most similar to the new fossil. Photo: Dr Mark Hutchinson, SA Museum / Flinders University, a co-author. Credit: Dr Mark Hutchinson, SA Museum / Flinders University
Swamp Skink (Lissolepis coventryi), which is probably the living lizard most similar to the new fossil. Photo: Dr Mark Hutchinson, SA Museum / Flinders University, a co-author. Credit: Dr Mark Hutchinson, SA Museum / Flinders University

Some of Australia’s most famous animals—wombat, platypus, kangaroos and the extinct marsupial tiger thylacine—have been traced back to their fossil ancestors in remarkable finds in central South Australia.

Now a remote expedition to a large inland salt lake in 2017 has sifted through remains unearthed in Namba Formation deposits to describe a tiny new skink, an ancestor of Australia’s well-known bluetongue lizards—to be named in honor of world-renown Flinders University lizard researcher Professor Mike Bull.

The new species, unveiled in the Royal Society’s Open Science today, is described as Australia’s oldest—a 25 million-year-old skink named Proegernia mikebulli after the late Flinders University Professor Mike Bull.

It was found by Flinders University and South Australian Museum palaeontologists and volunteers at a rich fossil site on Lake Pinpa located on the 602,000 square hectare Frome Downs Station, seven hours drive north of capital city Adelaide.

Following the crusted shoreline of a salt lake, the team homed in on a cross section of sediments where fossil excavations of ancestors of koala, a predatory bird, and fragments of a thylacine were previously unearthed. Remains of prehistoric fish, platypus, dolphins and crocodilians have also been found nearby.

“It was 45 C in the shade that day and hard work digging through the clay, but it was definitely worth it once the tiniest of bone fragments turned out to be those of the oldest Australian skink,” says lead author palaeo-herpetologist Dr. Kailah Thorn, who conducted the research at Flinders University as part of her Ph.D.

The once-verdant interior of Australia is considered the cradle of Australia’s unique fauna and in particular its reptile diversity.

“Fossil lizards are often too small to be identified when you’re in the field. Lizard skulls are made of more than 20 individual bones that all disarticulate when they fossilize,” says Dr. Thorn, who now works as curator of the Edward de Courcy Clarke Earth Sciences Museum at the University of Western Australia.

The discovery of the tiny fossil lizards in an area the size of one million soccer fields was enabled by building an understanding of the geology of the region, and targeting fossiliferous bands of silt to thoroughly sieve and sort back at the lab, she explains.

“These lizard fossils owe their discovery to the patient sorting of tiny bones,” says lead author, vertebrate palaeontologist Flinders University Associate Professor Trevor Worthy. “A teaspoon holds hundreds of tiny bones—all revealed in translucent splendor under a microscope.”

“Once every 30 spoons something else is found among the fish—usually a tiny mammal tooth. But the 2017 discovery of the oldest skink was a golden moment for a palaentologist,” he says.

When researchers placed the fossil in the evolutionary tree of lizards, it was found to be an early member of the Australian skink subfamily Egerniinae—the group now encompassing bluetongues, sleepy lizards (shinglebacks), land mullets and spiny-tailed skinks.

The newly described lizard Proegernia mikebulli is named after the late Flinders University Professor Mike Bull, who passed away suddenly in late 2016.

Inspired generations of Australian herpetologists, Professor Bull’s wide-ranging research career centered on social skinks from the Egerniinae subfamily, their behavior, parasites, and conservation.

“Our colleague Professor Bull’s long-term ecological studies of sleepy lizards were a massive contribution to biology,” says co-author Matthew Flinders Professor Mike Lee (Flinders University / SA Museum).

“The fossil record is essentially data from a long-term natural ecological study, so its fitting that this fossil lizards is named after in honor of Mike.”

A new species of Proegernia from the Namba Formation in South Australia and the early evolution and environment of Australian egerniine skinks, Royal Society Open Science,

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Flinders University.

Slow motion precursors give earthquakes the fast slip

Matthew Siegfried inspects a GPS device, powered by a solar panel at Whillans Ice Plain. Credit: Grace Barcheck/Cornell University
Matthew Siegfried inspects a GPS device, powered by a solar panel at Whillans Ice Plain. Credit: Grace Barcheck/Cornell University

At a glacier near the South Pole, earth scientists have found evidence of a quiet, slow-motion fault slip that triggers strong, fast-slip earthquakes many miles away, according to Cornell University research published in Science Advances.

During an earthquake, a fast slip happens when energy builds up underground and is released quickly along a fault. Blocks of earth rapidly slide against one another.

However, at an Antarctic glacier called Whillans Ice Plain, the earth scientists show that “slow slips” precede dozens of large magnitude 7 earthquakes. “We found that there is almost always a precursory ‘slow slip’ before an earthquake,” said lead author Grace Barcheck, research associate in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University.

Barcheck said that these slow-slip precursors — occurring as far as 20 miles away from the epicenter — are directly involved in starting the earthquake. “These slow slips are remarkably common,” she said, “and they migrate toward where the fast earthquake slip starts.”

Observations before several large tsunami-generating magnitude 8 and 9 earthquakes on subduction zone faults suggest a similar process may have occurred, according to Patrick Fulton, assistant professor and Croll Sesquicentennial Fellow in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.

As these faults are mostly offshore and deep underwater, and because it is difficult to know when or where a large earthquake will occur, the start of large earthquakes is generally hard to observe.

To overcome these challenges, the scientists placed GPS sensors above an icy glacial fault at Whillans Ice Plain, where large magnitude 7 earthquakes occur nearly twice a day over a 60-mile-wide area of the glacier.

Within a period of two months in 2014, the group captured 75 earthquakes at the bottom of the Antarctic glacier. Data from GPS stations indicated that 73 — or 96% — of the 75 earthquakes showed a period of precursory slow motion.

The data from the GPS tracking stations and surface seismometers allowed the team to identify how the slow precursory slip triggers the fast earthquake slip.

“Our group was a little surprised to see so many precursors,” Barcheck said.

“In some cases, we can actually see the migration of the earthquake precursor towards where the earthquake begins.”

“Before we pored over the data, I thought that if we saw any precursors before the earthquakes, they would be rare and in the same place as the earthquake epicenter,” she said. “Instead, we found many slow-slip precursors — starting miles from the epicenters and migrating across the fault.”

G. Barcheck, E. E. Brodsky, P. M. Fulton, M. A. King, M. R. Siegfried, S. Tulaczyk. Migratory earthquake precursors are dominant on an ice stream fault. Science Advances, 2021; 7 (6): eabd0105 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abd0105

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Cornell University. Original written by Blaine Friedlander.

Subduction may recycle less water than thought

The Middle America Trench, seen here as a dark blue strip off the Pacific coast of Central America, is a surface feature of a subduction zone extending from Mexico to Costa Rica. Credit: NOAA
The Middle America Trench, seen here as a dark blue strip off the Pacific coast of Central America, is a surface feature of a subduction zone extending from Mexico to Costa Rica. Credit: NOAA

When one tectonic plate dives beneath another at a subduction zone, it recycles huge amounts of water and other chemicals into Earth’s mantle. The sinking plate carries seawater trapped in sediments and crust or chemically bound in minerals like serpentine. Later release of this water in the mantle contributes to key geological processes, such as earthquakes and the formation of volcano-feeding magma.

By volume, the largest portion of a subducting plate is its bottom layer, which comprises upper mantle material. Estimates of the amount of water in down-going slabs of upper mantle vary widely: Some suggest that worldwide, subduction zones have swallowed more than two oceans’ worth of water in the past 540 million years. However, new research by Miller et al. suggests that water transport at the Middle America Trench subduction zone is an order of magnitude less than previously estimated.

As a plate approaches a subduction zone, it bends downward, causing faults to form. Models and earlier observations have suggested that this bending and faulting allow seawater to infiltrate into the upper mantle, where it fills cracks in fault zones, reacts with olivine to produce serpentine, and is later carried deeper into the subduction zone.

Previous estimates of how much water reaches the upper mantle along bending faults have relied on measurements of the speed of seismic waves as they pass through a subducting plate. However, those measurements and estimates could not discern whether the upper mantle layer is uniformly hydrated or whether water is confined to bending fault zones.

To address that limitation, the new study accounted for seismic anisotropy characterizing how the speed of seismic waves depends on the direction they travel through a material. The researchers used data collected by seafloor seismometers to measure seismic anisotropy along the Middle America Trench near Nicaragua, which enabled a much more detailed picture of upper mantle hydration.

The data revealed that in the region studied, water storage in the upper mantle is limited to serpentinized fault zones that thin rapidly with depth, suggesting that fault dynamics and serpentinization reaction kinetics prevent seawater from hydrating the mantle between bending faults. New estimates of water transport that incorporate this finding are an order of magnitude lower than previous estimates for the Middle America Trench. Because the same processes occur at other subduction zones, the researchers report that far less water may be transported worldwide than previously estimated.

Nathaniel C. Miller et al. Limited Mantle Hydration by Bending Faults at the Middle America Trench, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2020). DOI: 10.1029/2020JB020982

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by American Geophysical Union. The original article was written by Sarah Stanley.

Fujitsu leverages world’s fastest supercomputer and AI to predict tsunami flooding

An overview of tsunami prediction with AI Credit: Tohoku University, University of Tokyo, and Fujitsu Laboratories
An overview of tsunami prediction with AI Credit: Tohoku University, University of Tokyo, and Fujitsu Laboratories

A new AI model that harnesses the power of the world’s fastest supercomputer, Fugaku, can rapidly predict tsunami flooding in coastal areas before the tsunami reaches land.

The development of the new technology was announced as part of a joint project between the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IREDeS) at Tohoku University, the Earthquake Research Institute at the University of Tokyo, and Fujitsu Laboratories.

The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami highlighted the shortcomings in disaster mitigation and the need to utilize information for efficient and safe evacuations.

While tsunami observation networks in Japanese coastal waters have been strengthened since then, using the data produced from those networks to predict a tsunami’s path once it hits land has gained greater urgency. This is especially true since a major earthquake is likely to hit Japan’s densely populated east coast sometime in the near future.

Tsunami prediction technologies will allow authorities to obtain accurate information quickly and aid them in effectively directing evacuation orders.

Fujitsu, Tohoku University, and The University of Tokyo leveraged the power of Fugaku to generate training data for 20,000 possible tsunami scenarios based on high-resolution simulations. These scenarios were used to streamline an AI model that uses offshore waveform data generated by the tsunami to predict flooding before landfall at high spatial resolution.

Conventional prediction technologies require the use of supercomputers and make rapid prediction systems difficult to implement. The current AI model, however, can be run in seconds on ordinary PCs.

When the model was applied to a simulation of tsunami flooding in Tokyo Bay following a large earthquake, it achieved highly accurate predictions with a regular PC within seconds. The results matched tsunami flooding of the tsunami source models released by the Cabinet Office of Japan.

The research team will continue to make use of Fugaku’s high-speed performance in the future by training the system with additional tsunami scenarios. Doing so will help realize AI that can predict tsunami flooding over even wider areas.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Tohoku University.

The comet that killed the dinosaurs

Representative Image: Comet

It was tens of miles wide and forever changed history when it crashed into Earth about 66 million years ago.

The Chicxulub impactor, as it’s known, left behind a crater off the coast of Mexico that spans 93 miles and goes 12 miles deep. Its devastating impact brought the reign of the dinosaurs to an abrupt and calamitous end by triggering their sudden mass extinction, along with the end of almost three-quarters of the plant and animal species then living on Earth.

The enduring puzzle has always been where the asteroid or comet that set off the destruction originated, and how it came to strike the Earth. And now a pair of Harvard researchers believe they have the answer.

In a study published in Scientific Reports, Avi Loeb, Frank B. Baird Jr. Professor of Science at Harvard, and Amir Siraj ’21, an astrophysics concentrator, put forth a new theory that could explain the origin and journey of this catastrophic object and others like it.

Using statistical analysis and gravitational simulations, Loeb and Siraj show that a significant fraction of a type of comet originating from the Oort cloud, a sphere of debris at the edge of the solar system, was bumped off-course by Jupiter’s gravitational field during its orbit and sent close to the sun, whose tidal force broke apart pieces of the rock. That increases the rate of comets like Chicxulub (pronounced Chicks-uh-lub) because these fragments cross the Earth’s orbit and hit the planet once every 250 to 730 million years or so.

“Basically, Jupiter acts as a kind of pinball machine,” said Siraj, who is also co-president of Harvard Students for the Exploration and Development of Space and is pursuing a master’s degree at the New England Conservatory of Music. “Jupiter kicks these incoming long-period comets into orbits that bring them very close to the sun.”

It’s because of this that long-period comets, which take more than 200 years to orbit the sun, are called sun grazers, he said.

“When you have these sun grazers, it’s not so much the melting that goes on, which is a pretty small fraction relative to the total mass, but the comet is so close to the sun that the part that’s closer to the sun feels a stronger gravitational pull than the part that is farther from the sun, causing a tidal force” he said. “You get what’s called a tidal disruption event and so these large comets that come really close to the sun break up into smaller comets. And basically, on their way out, there’s a statistical chance that these smaller comets hit the Earth.”

The calculations from Loeb and Siraj’s theory increase the chances of long-period comets impacting Earth by a factor of about 10, and show that about 20 percent of long-period comets become sun grazers. That finding falls in line with research from other astronomers.

The pair claim that their new rate of impact is consistent with the age of Chicxulub, providing a satisfactory explanation for its origin and other impactors like it.

“Our paper provides a basis for explaining the occurrence of this event,” Loeb said. “We are suggesting that, in fact, if you break up an object as it comes close to the sun, it could give rise to the appropriate event rate and also the kind of impact that killed the dinosaurs.”

Loeb and Siraj’s hypothesis might also explain the makeup of many of these impactors.

“Our hypothesis predicts that other Chicxulub-size craters on Earth are more likely to correspond to an impactor with a primitive (carbonaceous chondrite) composition than expected from the conventional main-belt asteroids,” the researchers wrote in the paper.

This is important because a popular theory on the origin of Chicxulub claims the impactor is a fragment of a much larger asteroid that came from the main belt, which is an asteroid population between the orbit of Jupiter and Mars. Only about a tenth of all main-belt asteroids have a composition of carbonaceous chondrite, while it’s assumed most long-period comets have it. Evidence found at the Chicxulub crater and other similar craters that suggests they had carbonaceous chondrite.

This includes an object that hit about 2 billion years ago and left the Vredefort crater in South Africa, which is the largest confirmed crater in Earth’s history, and the impactor that left the Zhamanshin crater in Kazakhstan, which is the largest confirmed crater within the last million years.

The researchers say that composition evidence supports their model and that the years the objects hit support both their calculations on impact rates of Chicxulub-sized tidally disrupted comets and for smaller ones like the impactor that made the Zhamanshin crater. If produced the same way, they say those would strike Earth once every 250,000 to 730,000 years.

Loeb and Siraj say their hypothesis can be tested by further studying these craters, others like them, and even ones on the surface of the moon to determine the composition of the impactors. Space missions sampling comets can also help.

Aside from composition of comets, the new Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile may be able to see the tidal disruption of long-period comets after it becomes operational next year.

“We should see smaller fragments coming to Earth more frequently from the Oort cloud,” Loeb said. “I hope that we can test the theory by having more data on long-period comets, get better statistics, and perhaps see evidence for some fragments.”

Loeb said understanding this is not just crucial to solving a mystery of Earth’s history but could prove pivotal if such an event were to threaten the planet again.

“It must have been an amazing sight, but we don’t want to see that side,” he said.

Siraj, A., Loeb, A. . Breakup of a long-period comet as the origin of the dinosaur extinction. Sci Rep, 2021 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82320-2

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Harvard University. Original written by Juan Siliezar.

The songs of fin whales offer new avenue for seismic studies of the oceanic crust

An artist’s illustration shows a mosasaur feeding on a plesiosaur called elasmosaur, although there is no fossil evidence of mosasaurs feeding on this particular species. Illustration/Takashi Oda

The songs of fin whales can be used for seismic imaging of the oceanic crust, providing scientists a novel alternative to conventional surveying, a new study published this week in Science shows.

Fin whale songs contain signals that are reflected and refracted within the crust, including the sediment and the solid rock layers beneath. These signals, recorded on seismometers on the ocean bottom, can be used to determine the thickness of the layers as well as other information relevant to seismic research, said John Nabelek, a professor in Oregon State University’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and a co-author of the paper.

“People in the past have used whale calls to track whales and study whale behavior. We thought maybe we can study the Earth using those calls,” Nabelek said. “What we discovered is that whale calls may serve as a complement to traditional passive seismic research methods.”

The paper serves as a proof of concept that could provide new avenues for using data from whale calls in research, Nabelek said.

“This expands the use of data that is already being collected,” he said. “It shows these animal vocalizations are useful not just for understanding the animals, but also understanding their environment.”

The study’s lead author is Vaclav M. Kuna, who worked on the project as a doctoral student at Oregon State and has since completed his Ph.D.

Kuna and Nabelek were studying earthquakes from a network of 54 ocean-bottom seismometers placed along the Blanco transform fault, which at its closest is about 100 miles off Cape Blanco on the Oregon Coast.

They noted strong signals on the seismometers that correlated with whales’ presence in the area.

“After each whale call, if you look closely at the seismometer data, there is a response from the Earth,” Nabelek said.

Whale calls bounce between the ocean surface and the ocean bottom. Part of the energy from the calls transmits through the ground as a seismic wave. The wave travels through the oceanic crust, where it is reflected and refracted by the ocean sediment, the basalt layer underneath it and the gabbroic lower crust below that.

When the waves are recorded at the seismometer, they can provide information that allows researchers to estimate and map the structure of the crust.

Using a series of whale songs that were recorded by three seismometers, the researchers were able to pinpoint the whale’s location and use the vibrations from the songs to create images of the Earth’s crust layers.

Researchers use information from these layers to learn more about the physics of earthquakes in the region, including how sediment behaves and the relationship between its thickness and velocity. Earthquakes shake up the sediment, expelling water and speeding up the settlement of the sediment.

The current traditional method for imaging of the crust can be expensive and permits can be difficult to obtain because the work involves deploying air guns, Nabelek said. The imaging created using the whale songs is less invasive, though overall it is of lower resolution.

Future research could include using machine learning to automate the process of identifying whale songs and developing images of their surroundings, Nabelek said.

“The data from the whale songs is useful but it doesn’t completely replace the standard methods,” he said. “This method is useful for investigating the Earth’s oceanic crust where standard science survey methods are not available.”

Václav M. Kuna, John L. Nábělek. Seismic crustal imaging using fin whale songs. Science, 2021; 371 (6530): 731 DOI: 10.1126/science.abf3962

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Oregon State University. Original written by Michelle Klampe.

Neanderthals and Homo sapiens used identical Nubian technology

Photos of Nubian Levallois cores associated with Neanderthal fossils. Credit © UCL, Institute of Archaeology & courtesy of the Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania
Photos of Nubian Levallois cores associated with Neanderthal fossils. Credit © UCL, Institute of Archaeology & courtesy of the Penn Museum, University of Pennsylvania

Long held in a private collection, the newly analysed tooth of an approximately 9-year-old Neanderthal child marks the hominin’s southernmost known range. Analysis of the associated archaeological assemblage suggests Neanderthals used Nubian Levallois technology, previously thought to be restricted to Homo sapiens.

With a high concentration of cave sites harbouring evidence of past populations and their behaviour, the Levant is a major centre for human origins research. For over a century, archaeological excavations in the Levant have produced human fossils and stone tool assemblages that reveal landscapes inhabited by both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, making this region a potential mixing ground between populations. Distinguishing these populations by stone tool assemblages alone is difficult, but one technology, the distinct Nubian Levallois method, is argued to have been produced only by Homo sapiens.

In a new study published in Scientific Reports, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History teamed up with international partners to re-examine the fossil and archaeological record of Shukbah Cave. Their findings extend the southernmost known range of Neanderthals and suggest that our now-extinct relatives made use of a technology previously argued to be a trademark of modern humans. This study marks the first time the lone human tooth from the site has been studied in detail, in combination with a major comparative study examining the stone tool assemblage.

“Sites where hominin fossils are directly associated with stone tool assemblages remain a rarity — but the study of both fossils and tools is critical for understanding hominin occupations of Shukbah Cave and the larger region,” says lead author Dr Jimbob Blinkhorn, formerly of Royal Holloway, University of London and now with the Pan-African Evolution Research Group (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History).

Shukbah Cave was first excavated in the spring of 1928 by Dorothy Garrod, who reported a rich assemblage of animal bones and Mousterian-style stone tools cemented in breccia deposits, often concentrated in well-marked hearths. She also identified a large, unique human molar. However, the specimen was kept in a private collection for most of the 20th century, prohibiting comparative studies using modern methods. The recent re-identification of the tooth at the Natural History Museum in London has led to new detailed work on the Shukbah collections.

“Professor Garrod immediately saw how distinctive this tooth was. We’ve examined the size, shape and both the external and internal 3D structure of the tooth, and compared that to Holocene and Pleistocene Homo sapiens and Neanderthal specimens. This has enabled us to clearly characterise the tooth as belonging to an approximately 9 year old Neanderthal child,” says Dr. Clément Zanolli, from Université de Bordeaux. “Shukbah marks the southernmost extent of the Neanderthal range known to date,” adds Zanolli.

Although Homo sapiens and Neanderthals shared the use of a wide suite of stone tool technologies, Nubian Levallois technology has recently been argued to have been exclusively used by Homo sapiens. The argument has been made particularly in southwest Asia, where Nubian Levallois tools have been used to track human dispersals in the absence of fossils.

“Illustrations of the stone tool collections from Shukbah hinted at the presence of Nubian Levallois technology so we revisited the collections to investigate further. In the end, we identified many more artefacts produced using the Nubian Levallois methods than we had anticipated,” says Blinkhorn. “This is the first time they’ve been found in direct association with Neanderthal fossils, which suggests we can’t make a simple link between this technology and Homo sapiens.”

“Southwest Asia is a dynamic region in terms of hominin demography, behaviour and environmental change, and may be particularly important to examine interactions between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens,” adds Prof Simon Blockley, of Royal Holloway, University of London. “This study highlights the geographic range of Neanderthal populations and their behavioural flexibility, but also issues a timely note of caution that there are no straightforward links between particular hominins and specific stone tool technologies.”

“Up to now we have no direct evidence of a Neanderthal presence in Africa,” said Prof Chris Stringer of the Natural History Museum. “But the southerly location of Shukbah, only about 400 km from Cairo, should remind us that they may have even dispersed into Africa at times.”


Researchers involved in this study include scholars from the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, Royal Holloway, University of London, the Université de Bordeaux, the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, the University of Malta, and the Natural History Museum, London. This work was supported by the Leverhulme trust (RPH-2017-087).

James Blinkhorn, Clément Zanolli, Tim Compton, Huw S. Groucutt, Eleanor M. L. Scerri, Lucile Crété, Chris Stringer, Michael D. Petraglia & Simon Blockley. Nubian Levallois technology associated with southernmost Neanderthals. Scientific Reports, 2021 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82257-6

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.

How rocks rusted on Earth and turned red

The colorful banded Tepees are part of the Blue Mesa Member, a geological feature about 220 million to 225 million years old in the Chinle Formation in Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. Credit: NPS
The colorful banded Tepees are part of the Blue Mesa Member, a geological feature about 220 million to 225 million years old in the Chinle Formation in Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. Credit: NPS

How did rocks rust on Earth and turn red? A Rutgers-led study has shed new light on the important phenomenon and will help address questions about the Late Triassic climate more than 200 million years ago, when greenhouse gas levels were high enough to be a model for what our planet may be like in the future.

“All of the red color we see in New Jersey rocks and in the American Southwest is due to the natural mineral hematite,” said lead author Christopher J. Lepre, an assistant teaching professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. “As far as we know, there are only a few places where this red hematite phenomenon is very widespread: one being the geologic ‘red beds’ on Earth and another is the surface of Mars. Our study takes a significant step forward toward understanding how long it takes for redness to form, the chemical reactions involved and the role hematite plays.”

The research by Lepre and a Columbia University scientist is in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It challenges conventional thinking that hematite has limited use for interpreting the ancient past because it is a product of natural chemical changes that occurred long after the beds were initially deposited.

Lepre demonstrated that hematite concentrations faithfully track 14.5 million years of Late Triassic monsoonal rainfall over the Colorado Plateau of Arizona when it was on the ancient supercontinent of Pangea. With this information, he assessed the interrelationships between environmental disturbances, climate and the evolution of vertebrates on land.

Lepre examined part of a 1,700-foot-long rock core from the Chinle Formation in the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona (the Painted Desert) that is housed at Rutgers. Rutgers-New Brunswick Professor Emeritus Dennis V. Kent examined the same core for a Rutgers-led study that found that gravitational tugs from Jupiter and Venus slightly elongate Earth’s orbit every 405,000 years and influenced Earth’s climate for at least 215 million years, allowing scientists to better date events like the spread of dinosaurs.

Lepre measured the visible light spectrum to determine the concentration of hematite within red rocks. To the scientists’ knowledge, it is the first time this method has been used to study rocks this old, dating to the Late Triassic epoch more than 200 million years ago. Many scientists thought the redness was caused much more recently by the iron in rocks reacting with air, just like rust on a bicycle. So for decades, scientists have viewed hematite and its redness as largely unimportant.

“The hematite is indeed old and probably resulted from the interactions between the ancient soils and climate change,” Lepre said. “This climate information allows us to sort out some causes and effects—whether they were due to climate change or an asteroid impact at Manicouagan in Canada, for example—for land animals and plants when the theropod dinosaurs (early ancestors of modern birds and Tyrannosaurus rex) were rising to prominence.”

The scientists, in collaboration with Navajo Nation members, have submitted a multi-million dollar grant proposal to retrieve more cores at the Colorado Plateau that will include rocks known to record a very rapid atmospheric change in carbon dioxide similar to its recent doubling as a result of human activity.

Christopher J. Lepre el al., “Hematite reconstruction of Late Triassic hydroclimate over the Colorado Plateau,” PNAS (2021).

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Rutgers University.

Antarctic Lava Yields Clues to Earth’s Past Magnetic Field

Rock samples collected near the Antarctic volcano Mount Erebus, seen here in the distance, harbor fingerprints of Earth’s ancient magnetic field. A new analysis delves into discrepancies between these fingerprints and predictions from a long-standing approximation of the field. Credit: Hanna Asefaw
Rock samples collected near the Antarctic volcano Mount Erebus, seen here in the distance, harbor fingerprints of Earth’s ancient magnetic field. A new analysis delves into discrepancies between these fingerprints and predictions from a long-standing approximation of the field. Credit: Hanna Asefaw

The movement of molten metals in Earth’s outer core generates a vast magnetic field that protects the planet from potentially harmful space weather. Throughout Earth’s history, the structure of the magnetic field has fluctuated. However, data suggest that averaged over sufficient time, the field may be accurately approximated by a geocentric axial dipole (GAD) field—the magnetic field that would result from a bar magnet centered within Earth and aligned along its axis of rotation.

Now Asefaw et al. present evidence demonstrating that the GAD approximation may not represent the intensity of the paleomagnetic field over the past 5 million years as well as it represents the directions of the field.

Clues to the direction and intensity of the paleomagnetic field at a given moment in Earth’s history can be preserved in magnetic grains in rocks that formed at that time. The new research stemmed from observations that rocks in Antarctica indicate a lower paleomagnetic field intensity than would be predicted by a GAD field for that latitude when compared with global paleomagnetic field intensities.

To determine whether these seemingly low intensities accurately represent the paleomagnetic field, the researchers reevaluated previously published data and collected new samples from lava flows around the Erebus Volcanic Province in Antarctica. They analyzed the magnetic properties of the samples and followed a strict protocol to weed out potentially poor data.

The analysis yielded estimates for directional features of the paleomagnetic field that are in line with the GAD hypothesis. However, estimates of field intensity remained lower than expected. The reason, according to the researchers, may be that the average intensity of the paleomagnetic field over the past 5 million years was weaker than the modern geomagnetic field. Or, the field may have included stronger deviations from a GAD field structure.

The authors say they intend to analyze paleointensity and paleodirections from several other latitudes over the same time period to resolve these outstanding questions. The resulting insights could improve reconstructions of Earth’s paleomagnetic history and inform models of past and future changes to Earth’s magnetic field.

H. Asefaw et al. Four‐Dimensional Paleomagnetic Dataset: Plio‐Pleistocene Paleodirection and Paleointensity Results From the Erebus Volcanic Province, Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2020). DOI: 10.1029/2020JB020834

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by American Geophysical Union.

The Role of Midsized Phytoplankton in Earth’s Biological Pump

Several types of dinoflagellates are shown in this microscope image. Some dinoflagellates are classified as nanoplankton, which new research shows have a more important role in Earth’s biological pump than previously thought. Credit: fickleandfreckled, CC BY 2.0
Several types of dinoflagellates are shown in this microscope image. Some dinoflagellates are classified as nanoplankton, which new research shows have a more important role in Earth’s biological pump than previously thought. Credit: fickleandfreckled, CC BY 2.0

Every spring, phytoplankton blooms flourish across the ocean. The single-celled, photosynthetic organisms pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and produce oxygen—part of a carbon sequestration system known as the biological pump.

Widely used numerical and satellite-based models assume that primary production and net community production (or the net amount of carbon removed from the atmosphere through the biological pump) are greatest in ecosystems dominated by plankton larger than 20 micrometers, known as microplankton, and lowest in those dominated by plankton smaller than 2 micrometers, known as picoplankton. However, the role of plankton in between those sizes, known as nanoplankton, has largely been ignored. Now Juranek et al. show that nanoplankton may play a more significant role than previously thought.

The team studied the relationship between size and productivity in a region of the North Pacific Transition Zone (NPTZ), a subtropical-subpolar, basin-sized feature characterized by strong physical, chemical, and ecological gradients. The team members conducted three transects of the NPTZ in the spring or early summer of 2016, 2017, and 2019, crossing a feature known as the transition zone chlorophyll front, where net community production rates were as much as five times higher than those south of the transition zone.

The authors used a combination of approaches to characterize the size and diversity of plankton ranging from 0.5 to 100 micrometers in diameter. These measurements were compared to productivity rates determined both by an incubation-based method and by tracking the ratio of dissolved oxygen to argon in the seawater, which is related to net organic carbon production.

These coordinated data streams revealed a strong and previously unidentified link between variation in net community production and the biomass of nanoplankton. With additional insights from modeling, the authors suggest that both bottom-up factors, such as nutrient supply, and top-down factors, like size-specific grazing by predators, contribute to the importance of nanoplankton in the transition zone.

Models that fail to account for these middle-sized plankton may underestimate primary production and the efficiency of the biological pump, the researchers say. Understanding the role of nanoplankton will be critical as scientists work to understand how climate change may affect the carbon cycle in the future.

Lauren W. Juranek et al. The Importance of the Phytoplankton “Middle Class” to Ocean Net Community Production, Global Biogeochemical Cycles (2020). DOI: 10.1029/2020GB006702

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by American Geophysical Union.

Going with the grains to explain a fundamental tectonic force

Mylonite is a fine-grained, compact metamorphic rock produced by dynamic recrystallization of the constituent minerals resulting in a reduction of the grain size of the rock. Credit: Wikipedia
Mylonite is a fine-grained, compact metamorphic rock produced by dynamic recrystallization of the constituent minerals resulting in a reduction of the grain size of the rock. Credit: Wikipedia

A new study suggests that tiny, mineral grains—squeezed and mixed over millions of years—set in motion the chain of events that plunge massive tectonic plates deep into the Earth’s interior.

The theory, proposed by Yale scientists David Bercovici and Elvira Mulyukova, may provide an origin story for subduction, one of the most fundamental forces responsible for the dynamic nature of the planet.

The study appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Subduction occurs when one tectonic plate slides underneath another plate and then sinks into the Earth’s mantle. Its role in major geological processes is immense: It is the main engine for tectonic motion. It builds mountains, triggers earthquakes, forms volcanoes, and drives the geologic carbon cycle.

Yet researchers have been uncertain about what initiates subduction.

“Why Earth even has subduction, unlike other terrestrial planets as far as we know, is a mystery,” said Bercovici, Yale’s Frederick William Beinecke Professor and chair of Earth and Planetary Sciences.

“Mantle rock near the surface that has cooled for hundreds of millions of years has two competing effects,” he said. “While it’s gotten colder and heavier and wants to sink, it’s also gotten stiffer and doesn’t want to sink. The stiffening effect should win out, as it does on most planets, but on Earth, for some reason, it doesn’t.”

According to the theoretical model developed by Bercovici and Mulyukova, a research scientist at Yale, subduction may initiate at the margins between Earth’s sea floor and continents.

The model shows that tectonic stresses in an oceanic plate cause its mineral grains to mix with each other, become damaged, and eventually shrink. Over a period of approximately 100 million years, this process weakens the oceanic plate and makes it susceptible to vertical shear and bending—which are associated with the start of subduction.

“The real bottleneck for tectonic plate activity on a terrestrial planet is how fast its massive, rocky layers can deform,” said Mulyukova. “The rocks can deform only as fast as their tiny mineral grains allow. Our model explains how these changes in mineral grains can dramatically weaken the rock and make subduction possible on a planet like Earth.”

David Bercovici el al., “Evolution and demise of passive margins through grain mixing and damage,” PNAS (2021).

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Yale University.

Diving into Devonian seas: Ancient marine faunas unlock secrets of warming oceans

Professor Cathryn Newton studies Middle Devonian marine faunas (such as these brachiopods from 380-390 million years ago), whose fossils are lodged in a unit of bedrock in Central New York. Credit: Syracuse University
Professor Cathryn Newton studies Middle Devonian marine faunas (such as these brachiopods from 380-390 million years ago), whose fossils are lodged in a unit of bedrock in Central New York. Credit: Syracuse University

Members of Syracuse University’s College of Arts and Sciences are shining new light on an enduring mystery — one that is millions of years in the making.

A team of paleontologists led by Professor Cathryn Newton has increased scientists’ understanding of whether Devonian marine faunas, whose fossils are lodged in a unit of bedrock in Central New York known as the Hamilton Group, were stable for millions of years before succumbing to waves of extinctions.

Drawing on 15 years of quantitative analysis with fellow professor Jim Brower (who died in 2018), Newton has continued to probe the structure of these ancient fossil communities, among the most renowned on Earth.

The group’s findings, reported by the Geological Society of America (GSA), provide critical new evidence for the unusual, long-term stability of these Devonian period communities.

Such persistence, Newton says, is a longstanding scientific enigma. She and her colleagues tested the hypothesis that these ancient communities displayed coordinated stasis — a theory that attempts to explain the emergence and disappearance of species across geologic time.

Newton and Brower, along with their student Willis Newman G’93, found that Devonian marine communities vary more in species composition than the theory predicts. Newton points out that they sought not to disprove coordinated stasis but rather to gain a more sophisticated understanding of when it is applicable. “Discovering more about the dynamics of these apparently stable Devonian communities is critical,” she says. “Such knowledge has immediate significance for marine community changes in our rapidly warming seas.”

Since geologist James Hall Jr. first published a series of volumes on the region’s Devonian fossils and strata in the 1840s, the Hamilton Group has become a magnet for research scientists and amateur collectors alike. Today, Central New York is frequently used to test new ideas about large-scale changes in Earth’s organisms and environments.

During Middle Devonian time (approximately 380-390 million years ago), the faunal composition of the region changed little over 4-6 million years. “It’s a significant amount for marine invertebrate communities to remain stable, or ‘locked,'” explains Newton, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

She, Brower and student researchers spent years examining eight communities of animals that once dwelled in a warm, shallow sea on the northern rim of the Appalachian Basin (which, eons ago, lay south of the equator). When the organisms died, sediment from the seafloor began covering their shells and exoskeletons. Minerals from the sediment gradually seeped into their remains, causing them to fossilize. The process also preserved many of them in living position, conserving original shell materials at some sites.

These fossils currently populate exposed bedrock throughout Central New York, ranging from soft, dark, deep-water shale to hard, species-rich, shelf siltstone. “Communities near the top of the bedrock exhibit more taxonomic and ecological diversity than those at the bottom,” Newton says. “We can compare the community types and composition through time. They are remarkable sites.”

Coordinated stasis has been a source of contention since 1995, when it was introduced. At the center of the dispute are two model-based explanations: environmental tracking and ecological locking.

Environmental tracking suggests that faunas follow their environment. “Here, periods of relative stasis are flanked by coordinated extinctions or regional disappearances. When the environment changes, so do marine faunas,” says Newton, also Professor of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Dean Emerita of Arts and Sciences.

Ecological locking, in contrast, views marine faunas as tightly structured communities, resistant to large-scale taxonomic change. Traditionally, this model has been used to describe the stability of lower Hamilton faunas.

Newton and her colleagues analyzed more than 80 sample sites, each containing some 300 specimens. Special emphasis was placed on the Cardiff and Pecksport Members, two rock formations in the Finger Lakes region that are part of the ancient Marcellus subgroup, famed for its natural gas reserves.

“We found that lower Hamilton faunas, with two exceptions, do not have clear counterparts among upper ones. Therefore, our quantitative tests do not support the ecological locking model as an explanation for community stability in these faunas,” she continues.

Newton considers this project a final tribute to Newman, a professor of biology at the State University of New York at Cortland, who died in 2014, and Brower, who fell seriously ill while the manuscript was being finalized. “Jim knew that he likely would not live to see its publication,” says Newton, adding that Brower died as the paper was submitted to GSA.

She says this new work extends and, in some ways, completes the team’s earlier research by further analyzing community structures in the Marcellus subgroup. “It has the potential to change how scientists view long-term stability in ecological communities.”

Cathryn R. Newton, Willis B. Newman, James C. Brower. Quantitative paleoecology of marine faunas in the lower Hamilton Group (Middle Devonian, central New York): Significance for probing models of long-term community stability. GeoScience World, 2021 DOI: 10.1130/2020.2545(09)

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Syracuse University. Original written by Rob Enslin.

Newly discovered fossil, likely subaqueous insect

The newly named trace fossil Glossifungites gingrasi is a collection of burrows that were home to water-dwelling insects, similar to mayflies, more than 90 million years ago. (Photo: Ryan King)
The newly named trace fossil Glossifungites gingrasi is a collection of burrows that were home to water-dwelling insects, similar to mayflies, more than 90 million years ago. (Photo: Ryan King)

A newly discovered trace fossil of an ancient burrow has been named after University of Alberta paleontologist Murray Gingras. The fossil, discovered by a former graduate student, has an important role to play in gauging how salty ancient bodies of water were, putting together a clearer picture of our planet’s past.

“Naming the fossil after Gingras was a straightforward decision since his research focuses on tying modern observations of how salinity and substrate affect organism burrowing to ancient burrow appearance and species abundance trends.”

Trace fossils are a type of fossil that preserves activity of ancient life in the geological record. They include fossilized footprints, nests, droppings and, in this case, a fossilized burrow dug by an organism that lived in a watery environment.

The fossilized burrow, named Glossifungites gingrasi, is from the late Cretaceous of central Utah and was home to water-dwelling insects, similar to mayflies, more than 90 million years ago.

“Fossils like this are significant because they help us narrow down what type of organism dug the burrow — which in turn will tell us about the salinity of the water in which they lived,” said King.

Many organisms make use of burrows for shelter and protection while they feed. These animal-constructed sedimentary structures give researchers a clearer picture of biological communities and are important in understanding ancient rivers, bays, estuaries and oceans through their oxygenation levels and saltiness, King explained.

Murray Gingras, professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, was the co-advisor for King’s doctoral studies and for the master’s degree of another researcher on the team, Andrew La Croix, now an assistant professor at the University of Waikato.

“I was surprised and honoured,” said Gingras of the recognition. “I have been recognized with a few different awards over the years, but nothing really came close to the pride and elation I felt when Ryan informed me that he and Andrew formally named a trace fossil for me.”

M. Ryan King, Andrew D. La Croix, Terry A. Gates, Paul B. Anderson, Lindsay E. Zanno. Glossifungites gingrasi n. isp., a probable subaqueous insect domicile from the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah. Journal of Paleontology, 2021; 1 DOI: 10.1017/jpa.2020.115

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta. Original written by Andrew Lyle.

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