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Paleontologists uncover three new species of extinct walruses in Orange County

Map & Skulls. Credit: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Map & Skulls. Credit: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology

Millions of years ago, in the warm Pacific Ocean off the coast of Southern California, walrus species without tusks lived abundantly.

But in a new study, Cal State Fullerton paleontologists have identified three new walrus species discovered in Orange County and one of the new species has “semi-tusks” — or longer teeth.

The other two new species don’t have tusks and all predate the evolution of the long iconic ivory tusks of the modern-day walrus, which lives in the frigid Arctic.

The researchers describe a total of 12 specimens of fossil walruses from Orange, Los Angeles and Santa Cruz counties, all estimated to be 5 to 10 million years old. The fossils represent five species, with two of the three new species represented by specimens of males, females and juveniles.

Their research, which gives insights on the dental and tusk evolution of the marine mammal, was published today in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Geology graduate Jacob Biewer, and his research adviser James F. Parham, associate professor of geological sciences, are authors of the study, based on fossil skull specimens.

Parham and Biewer worked with Jorge Velez-Juarbe, an expert in marine mammals at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, who is a co-author of the paper. Velez-Juarbe is a former postdoctoral scholar in Parham’s lab and has collaborated on other CSUF fossil research projects. Parham is a research associate at the museum, which provides research opportunities for him and his students.

The researchers teamed to study and describe the anatomy of the specimens, most of which are part of the museum’s collection.

“Orange County is the most important area for fossil walruses in the world,” said Biewer, first author of the paper who conducted the research for his master’s thesis. “This research shows how the walruses evolved with tusks.”

Extinct Walrus Species Get Names

Today, there is only one walrus species and its scientific name is Odobenus.

For the new species found in Orange County, the researchers named the semi-tusked walrus, Osodobenus eodon, by combining the words Oso and Odobenus. Another is named Pontolis kohnoi in honor of Naoki Kohno, a fossil walrus researcher from Japan. Both of these fossils were discovered in the Irvine, Lake Forest and Mission Viejo areas.

Osodobenus eodon and Pontolis kohnoi are both from the same geological rock layer as the 2018 study by Parham and his students of another new genus and species of a tuskless walrus, Titanotaria orangensis, named after CSUF Titans. These fossils were found in the Oso Member of the Capistrano Formation, a geological formation near Lake Forest and Mission Viejo.

The third new walrus species, Pontolis barroni, was found in Aliso Viejo, near the 73 Toll Road. It is named after John Barron, a retired researcher from the U.S.Geological Survey and world expert on the rock layer where the specimens were found, Parham said.

Analysis of these specimens show that fossil walrus teeth are more variable and complex than previously considered. Most of the new specimens predate the evolution of tusks, Parham said.

“Osodobenus eodon is the most primitive walrus with tusk-like teeth,” Parham said. “This new species demonstrates the important role of feeding ecology on the origin and early evolution of tusks.”

Biewer explained that his work focused on getting a better understanding of the evolutionary history of the walrus in regards to its teeth.

“The importance of dental evolution is that it shows the variability within and across walrus species. Scientists assumed you could identify certain species just based on the teeth, but we show how even individuals of the same species could have variability in their dental setup,” said Biewer, who earned a master’s degree in geology in 2019.

“Additionally, everyone assumes that the tusks are the most important teeth in a walrus, but this research further emphasizes how tusks were a later addition to the history of walruses. The majority of walrus species were fish eaters and adapted to catching fish, rather than using suction feeding on mollusks like modern walruses.”

Biewer, now a paleontologist in the Modesto area, also examined whether climate changes in the Pacific Ocean had an impact on ancient walruses. His work suggests that a rise in water temperature helped to boost nutrients and planktonic life, and played a role in the proliferation of walruses about 10 million years ago, which may have contributed to their diversity.


For the fossil walrus research project, geology graduate Jacob Biewer spent hours in the lab measuring and describing the walrus bones.

“I sat many hours with a handy caliper taking notes on the lengths of teeth and width of skulls, among many other measurements,” he said. “Describing bones is much more in depth and meticulous than it sounds. There are traits that the bones of each walrus species have — the size, shape and number of teeth. I recorded how the bones are different from, or similar to, other extinct walrus species.”

Biewer, a paleontologist who lives in Modesto, noted that despite the pandemic, he and Parham worked on the scientific paper with 300 miles of social distancing.

Completing his first journal publication, based on his master’s work, and conducting the research project helped him to understand scientific methods and techniques that he now uses in his career, where he monitors construction sites for paleontological resources. He also teaches undergraduate geology courses at Cal State Stanislaus, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in geology, and is considering pursuing a doctorate.

“The experiences I had in conducting this research, especially the presentations at national paleontological conferences, led to a big increase in my confidence in my scientific abilities,” Biewer said. “I credit my time working with Dr. Parham directly to the achievements in my current employment — from the skills he imparted to the doors he helped open.”

Jacob N. Biewer, Jorge Velez-Juarbe, James F. Parham. Insights on the dental evolution of walruses based on new fossil specimens from California. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2020; e1833896 DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2020.1833896

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Taylor & Francis Group.

A 55-Million-Year-Old Owl Skeleton

Similar to present-day diurnal birds of prey (right), the talons on the hind toe and the second toe of Primoptynx poliotauros (left) are noticeably larger than the talons on the third and fourth toe. In modern owls (center) all four talons are roughly the same size.
Similar to present-day diurnal birds of prey (right), the talons on the hind toe and the second toe of Primoptynx poliotauros (left) are noticeably larger than the talons on the third and fourth toe. In modern owls (center) all four talons are roughly the same size.

Together with colleagues from Belgium and the USA, Senckenberg scientist Gerald Mayr described a new fossil owl species. The skeleton of Primoptynx poliotauros is the oldest fossil of an owl preserved in such a state of completeness. The discovery provides unique insights into the lifestyle of the earliest owls. Unlike modern owls, the large extinct owl presumably did not kill its prey with its beak but with its talons, similar to goshawks and eagles. The study will be published today in the “Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.”

Discoveries from the early stages of owl evolution are exceedingly rare. An approximately 60-million-year-old leg bone is the oldest fossil that can be assigned to an owl. “Other owls from this time period are also only known on the basis of individual bones and fragments. Therefore, I was especially pleased when I received a largely complete owl skeleton from the North American Willwood Formation for study, which my colleague and the study’s co-author, Philip Gingerich, had discovered 30 years ago,” explains Dr. Gerald Mayr of the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum in Frankfurt, Germany.

The newly described animal belongs to a previously unknown, very large species of fossil owl. Except for the skull, all major bones of the 55-million-year-old bird are preserved. “The fossil owl was about the size of a modern Snowy Owl. However, it is clearly distinguished from all extant species by the different size of its talons. While in present-day owls the talons on all toes are approximately the same size, the newly described species Primoptynx poliotauros has noticeably enlarged talons on its hind toe and second toe,” explains Mayr.

These toe proportions are known from modern diurnal raptors, e.g., eagles and goshawks. These birds, which are not closely related to owls, pierce their prey with their sharp talons. Mayr and his colleagues therefore assume that the extinct owl also used its feet to kill its prey. “By contrast, present-day owls use their beak to kill prey items – thus, it appears that the lifestyle of this extinct owl clearly differed from that of its modern relatives,” adds the ornithologist from Frankfurt.

Moreover, the new discovery reveals a high level of diversity among the owls of the early Eocene in North America – from the small species Eostrix gulottai, measuring a mere 12 centimeters, to the newly discovered, roughly 60-centimeter-tall bird.

“It is not clear why owls changed their hunting technique in the course of their evolution. However, we assume that it may be related to the spread of diurnal birds of prey in the late Eocene and early Oligocene, approximately 34 million years ago. Competition for prey with diurnal birds of prey may have triggered feeding specializations in owls, possibly also leading to these charismatic birds’ nocturnal habits,” adds Mayr in closing.

Mayr, G., Gingerich, P.D. and Smith, Th. (2020): Skeleton of a new owl from the early Eocene of North America (Aves, Strigiformes) with an accipitrid-like foot morphology. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2020.1769116

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Senckenberg.

After 1760 It Is Called Resin

Fungus gnat trapped in a piece of defaunation resin from Madagascar. Credit: Enrique Peñalver
Fungus gnat trapped in a piece of defaunation resin from Madagascar. Credit: Enrique Peñalver

In a study published today in the Nature journal Scientific Reports, Senckenberg scientist Mónica Solórzano-Kraemer defines specific time periods for the terms amber, copal, and resin. Together with researchers from the Universitat de Barcelona, the Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, and the University of Kansas, she also advocates the introduction of the term “defaunation resin.” These fossilizations, formed after 1760, fall into a time period significantly impacted by humans. They often provide the only direct opportunity to trace environmental changes and species loss.

Around the world, species go extinct every day—and the losses are particularly high in tropical areas such as the lowland forests. “These very landscapes were, and are, home to a large number of resin-producing trees,” explains Mónica Solórzano-Kraemer of the Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum in Frankfurt, and she continues, “In these resins, we can find animals that have been preserved over several hundreds, or even thousands, of years, thus giving us insights into a bygone, often no longer existing fauna.”

‘Defaunation resin’ is the name given to these fossilizations by Solórzano-Kraemer and her Spanish and American colleagues Xavier Delclòs, Enrique Peñalver, and Michael Engel in their recently published study. Defaunation refers to the loss of species and populations of wild animals, analog to the term deforestation for the loss of forests. From now on, this name is intended to be used for all resins that were formed after the year 1760. “With this, we want to establish a clear differentiation from the terms ‘copal’ and ‘amber,’ while at the same time emphasizing the importance of the young resins, which were deposited during an age massively influenced by humans,” adds the researcher from Frankfurt.

The chosen time period is oriented on the—as yet informal—Anthropocene epoch, which started with the onset of the industrial revolution and is characterized by deforestation, loss of species diversity, and additional environmental changes caused by humans. “Apart from historical collections, these comparatively young resins often provide the only opportunity to examine bygone ecosystems and to quantify the loss of species,” adds Solórzano-Kraemer.

For the term ‘copal,’ the team suggests an age classification between 2.58 million years ago and the year 1760; from now on, the term ‘amber’ is only to be used for fossilizations that are older than 2.58 million years. “This clear demarcation is very important for us to ensure comparability. Over 120 new species have been described from East African and Malagasy ‘copals’ alone, and many others will follow—we therefore need a uniform and succinct terminology that can be allocated to a specific time period,” adds Solórzano-Kraemer in conclusion.

Mónica M. Solórzano-Kraemer et al. A revised definition for copal and its significance for palaeontological and Anthropocene biodiversity-loss studies, Scientific Reports (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-76808-6

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum.

Fossil shark turns into mystery pterosaur

Pterosaurs with these types of beaks are better known at the time period from North Africa, so it would be reasonable to assume a likeness to the North African Alanqa. Credit: Attributed to Davide Bonadonna
Pterosaurs with these types of beaks are better known at the time period from North Africa, so it would be reasonable to assume a likeness to the North African Alanqa. Credit: Attributed to Davide Bonadonna

Palaeontologists have made a surprising discovery while searching through 100-year-old fossil collections from the UK — a new mystery species of pterosaur, unlike anything seen before.

Lead author of the project, University of Portsmouth PhD student Roy Smith, discovered the mystery creature amongst fossil collections housed in the Sedgwick Museum of Cambridge and the Booth Museum at Brighton that were assembled when phosphate mining was at its peak in the English Fens between 1851 and 1900. These fossils found while workmen were digging phosphate nodules were frequently sold to earn a little bit of extra money.

It was while Smith was examining the fossils of shark spines that he made the amazing discovery. The fossils were actually fragments of jaws of toothless pterosaurs, which do indeed resemble shark fin spines, but there are many subtle differences that allow them to be distinguished.

Smith says: “One such feature are tiny little holes where nerves come to the surface and are used for sensitive feeding by the pterosaurs. Shark fin spines do not have these, but the early palaeontologists clearly missed these features. Two of the specimens discovered can be identified as a pterosaur called Ornithostoma, but one additional specimen is clearly distinct and represents a new species. It is a palaeontological mystery.

“Unfortunately, this specimen is too fragmentary to be the basis for naming the new species. Sadly, it is doubtful if any more remains of this pterosaur will be discovered, as there are no longer any exposures of the rock from which the fossils came. But I’m hopeful that other museum collections may contain more examples, and as soon as the Covid restrictions are lifted I will continue my search.”

Smith’s supervisor, Professor Dave Martill, University of Portsmouth, says: “The little bit of beak is tantalising in that it is small, and simply differs from Ornithostoma in subtle ways, perhaps in the way that a great white egret might differ from a heron. Likely the differences in life would have been more to do with colour, call and behaviour than in the skeleton.”

“Pterosaurs with these types of beaks are better known at the time period from North Africa, so it would be reasonable to assume a likeness to the North African Alanqa (pictured below). This is extremely exciting to have discovered this mystery pterosaur right here in the UK.

“This find is significant because it adds to our knowledge of these ancient and fascinating flying prehistoric reptiles, but also demonstrates that such discoveries can be made, simply by re-examining material in old collections.”

Roy E. Smith, David M. Martill, David M. Unwin, Lorna Steel. Edentulous pterosaurs from the Cambridge Greensand (Cretaceous) of eastern England with a review of Ornithostoma Seeley, 1871. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2020.10.004

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Portsmouth.

New analysis refutes claim that dinosaurs were in decline before asteroid hit

Titanosaurs were common at the time of the asteroid hit at the end of the Cretaceous 66 million years ago. (Credit: AlienCat)
Titanosaurs were common at the time of the asteroid hit at the end of the Cretaceous 66 million years ago. (Credit: AlienCat)

A new study from researchers at the University of Bath and Natural History Museum looking at the diversity of dinosaurs shows that they were not in decline at the time of their extinction by an asteroid hit 66 million years ago.

The researchers say that had the impact not happened, dinosaurs might have continued to dominate the Earth.

Dinosaurs were widespread globally at the time of the asteroid impact at the end of the Late Cretaceous period, occupying every continent on the planet and were the dominant form of animal of most terrestrial ecosystems.

However, it is still contentious amongst paleobiologists as to whether dinosaurs were declining in diversity at the time of their extinction.

Statistical modelling

In order to address this question, the research team collected a set of different dinosaur family trees and used statistical modelling to assess if each of the main dinosaur groups was still able to produce new species at this time.

Their study, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, found that dinosaurs were not in decline before the asteroid hit, contradicting some previous studies. The authors also suggest that had the impact not occurred, dinosaurs might have continued to be the dominant group of land animals on the planet.

First author of the study, Joe Bonsor, is undertaking his PhD jointly at the Milner Centre for Evolution at the University of Bath and the Natural History Museum.

He said: “Previous studies done by others have used various methods to draw the conclusion that dinosaurs would have died out anyway, as they were in decline towards the end of the Cretaceous period.

“However, we show that if you expand the dataset to include more recent dinosaur family trees and a broader set of dinosaur types, the results don’t actually all point to this conclusion — in fact only about half of them do.”

Sampling bias

It is difficult to assess the diversity of dinosaurs due to gaps in the fossil record. This can be due to factors such as which bones are preserved as fossils, how accessible the fossils are in the rock to allow them to be found, and the locations where palaeontologists search for them.

The researchers used statistical methods to overcome these sampling biases, looking at the rates of speciation of dinosaur families rather than simply counting the number of species belonging to the family.

Joe Bonsor said: “The main point of our paper is that it isn’t as simple as looking at a few trees and making a decision — The large unavoidable biases in the fossil record and lack of data can often show a decline in species, but this may not be a reflection of the reality at the time.

“Our data don’t currently show they were in decline, in fact some groups such as hadrosaurs and ceratopsians were thriving and there’s no evidence to suggest they would have died out 66 million years ago had the extinction event not happened.”

Whilst mammal existed at the time of the asteroid hit, it was only due to the extinction of the dinosaurs that led to the niches being vacated, allowing mammals to fill them and later dominate the planet.

The research was funded by the Leverhulme Trust and Natural History Museum.

Joseph A. Bonsor, Paul M. Barrett, Thomas J. Raven, Natalie Cooper. Dinosaur diversification rates were not in decline prior to the K-Pg boundary. Royal Society Open Science, 2020; 7 (11): 201195 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.201195

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Bath.

Henderson island fossils reveal new Polynesian sandpiper species

The extinct Kiritimati Sandpiper, Prosobonia cancellata - a close cousin of the newly discovered Prosobonia sauli. Credit: George Edward Lodge, 1907
The extinct Kiritimati Sandpiper, Prosobonia cancellata – a close cousin of the newly discovered Prosobonia sauli. Credit: George Edward Lodge, 1907

Fossil bones collected in the early 1990s on Henderson Island, part of the Pitcairn Group, have revealed a new species of Polynesian sandpiper.

The Henderson Sandpiper, a small wading bird that has been extinct for centuries, is described in an article in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society published last week.

The newly-described bird is formally named Prosobonia sauli after Cook Islands-based ornithologist and conservationist Edward K Saul.

A team of researchers from New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, Switzerland, the Netherlands and China, led by Canterbury Museum Research Curator Natural History Dr Vanesa De Pietri, described the Henderson Sandpiper from 61 fossilised bones cared for by the Natural History Museum at Tring in England.

Canterbury Museum Visiting Researcher Dr Graham Wragg collected the bones from caves and overhangs on Henderson Island in 1991 and 1992 during the Sir Peter Scott Commemorative Expedition to the Pitcairn Islands.

Prosobonia sauli is the fifth known species of Polynesian sandpiper. All but one of the species, the endangered Tuamotu Sandpiper (Prosobonia parvirostris), are extinct.

“We think Prosobonia sauli probably went extinct soon after humans arrived on Henderson Island, which archaeologists estimate happened no earlier than the eleventh century,” says Dr De Pietri.

“It’s possible these humans brought with them the Polynesian rat, which Polynesian sandpiper populations are very vulnerable to.”

DNA of the living Tuamotu Sandpiper and the extinct Tahiti Sandpiper (Prosobonia leucoptera), which is known only from a skin in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the Netherlands, was used to determine how Polynesian sandpipers are related to other wading birds.

“We found that Polynesian sandpipers are early-diverging members of a group that includes calidrine sandpipers and turnstones. They are unlike other sandpipers in that they are restricted to islands of the Pacific and do not migrate,” says Dr De Pietri.

Comparisons with the other two extinct Polynesian sandpiper species, the Kiritimati Sandpiper (Prosobonia cancellata) and the Mo’orea Sandpiper (Prosobonia ellisi), are complicated. These birds are known only from illustrations primarily by William Wade Ellis, an artist and Surgeon’s Mate on Captain James Cook’s third expedition, who probably saw the birds alive in the 1770s.

Compared to the Tuamotu Sandpiper, its geographically closest cousin, the Henderson Sandpiper had longer legs and a wider, straighter bill, indicating how it foraged for food. It probably adapted to the habitats available on Henderson Island, which are different to those on other islands where Polynesian sandpipers were found.

Henderson Island is the largest island in the Pitcairn Group, in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. It has been uninhabited since around the fifteenth century and was designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1988.

Dr Paul Scofield, Canterbury Museum Senior Curator Natural History and one of the study’s co-authors, says Henderson Island is home to a number of unique species, a handful of which are landbirds like the Henderson Sandpiper.

“The island is really quite remarkable because every landbird species that lives there, or that we know used to live there, is not found anywhere else,” he says.

Dr De Pietri says the study shows the need to protect the one remaining Polynesian sandpiper species, the Tuamotu Sandpiper.

“We know that just a few centuries ago there were at least five Polynesian sandpiper species scattered around the Pacific. Now there’s only one, and its numbers are declining, so we need to ensure we look after the remaining populations.”

This research was supported by a grant from the Marsden Fund Council, managed by the Royal Society Te Ap?rangi, as well as the R S Allan Fund managed by Canterbury Museum.

Vanesa L De Pietri, Trevor H Worthy, R Paul Scofield, Theresa L Cole, Jamie R Wood, Kieren J Mitchell, Alice Cibois, Justin J F J Jansen, Alan J Cooper, Shaohong Feng, Wanjun Chen, Alan Jd Tennyson, Graham M Wragg. A new extinct species of Polynesian sandpiper (Charadriiformes: Scolopacidae: Prosobonia) from Henderson Island, Pitcairn Group, and the phylogenetic relationships of Prosobonia. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2020; DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa115

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Canterbury Museum.

Geoscientists discover Ancestral Puebloans survived from ice melt in New Mexico lava tubes

USF geosciences professor Bogdan Onac is pictured with ice deposit in New Mexico. Credit: University of South Florida
USF geosciences professor Bogdan Onac is pictured with ice deposit in New Mexico. Credit: University of South Florida

For more than 10,000 years, the people who lived on the arid landscape of modern-day western New Mexico were renowned for their complex societies, unique architecture and early economic and political systems. But surviving in what Spanish explorers would later name El Malpais, or the “bad lands,” required ingenuity now being explained for the first time by an international geosciences team led by the University of South Florida.

Exploring an ice-laden lava tube of the El Malpais National Monument and using precisely radiocarbon- dated charcoal found preserved deep in an ice deposit in a lava tube, USF geosciences Professor Bogdan Onac and his team discovered that Ancestral Puebloans survived devastating droughts by traveling deep into the caves to melt ancient ice as a water resource.

Dating back as far as AD 150 to 950, the water gatherers left behind charred material in the cave indicating they started small fires to melt the ice to collect as drinking water or perhaps for religious rituals. Working in collaboration with colleagues from the National Park Service, the University of Minnesota and a research institute from Romania, the team published its discovery in Scientific Reports.

The droughts are believed to have influenced settlement and subsistence strategies, agricultural intensification, demographic trends and migration of the complex Ancestral Puebloan societies that once inhabited the American Southwest. Researchers claim the discovery from ice deposits presents “unambiguous evidence” of five drought events that impacted Ancestral Puebloan society during those centuries.

“This discovery sheds light on one of the many human-environment interactions in the Southwest at a time when climate change forced people to find water resources in unexpected places,” Onac said, noting that the geological conditions that supported the discovery are now threatened by modern climate change.

“The melting cave ice under current climate conditions is both uncovering and threatening a fragile source of paleoenvironmental and archaeological evidence,” he added.

Onac specializes in exploring the depths of caves around the world where ice and other geological formations and features provide a window to past sea level and climate conditions and help add important context to today’s climate challenges.

Their study focused on a single lava tube amid a 40-mile swatch of treacherous ancient lava flows that host numerous lava tubes, many with significant ice deposits. While archaeologists have suspected that some of the surface trails crisscrossing the lava flows were left by ancient inhabitants searching for water, the research team said their work is the earliest, directly dated proof of water harvesting within the lava tubes of the Southwest.

The study characterizes five drought periods over an 800-year period during which Ancestral Puebloans accessed the cave, whose entrance sits more than 2,200 meters above sea level and has been surveyed at a length of 171 meters long and about 14 meters in depth. The cave contains an ice block that appears to be a remnant of a much larger ice deposit that once filled most of the cave’s deepest section. For safety and conservation reasons, the National Park Service is identifying the site only as Cave 29.

In years with normal temperatures, the melting of seasonal ice near cave entrances would leave temporary shallow pools of water that would have been accessible to the Ancestral Puebloans. But when the ice was absent or retreated in warmer and dryer periods, the researchers documented evidence showing that the Ancestral Puebloans repeatedly worked their way to the back of the cave to light small fires to melt the ice block and capture the water.

They left behind charcoal and ash deposits, as well as a Cibola Gray Ware pottery shard that researchers found as they harvested a core of ancient ice from the block. The team believes the Ancestral Puebloans were able to manage smoke within the cave with its natural air circulation system by keeping the fires small.

The discovery was an unexpected one, Onac said. The team’s original goal in its journey into the lava tube was to gather samples to reconstruct the paleoclimate using ice deposits, which are slowly but steadily melting.

“I have entered many lava tubes, but this one was special because of the amount of charcoal present on the floor in the deeper part of the cave,” he said. “I thought it was an interesting topic, but only once we found charcoal and soot in the ice core that the idea to connect the use of ice as a water resource came to my mind.”

Unfortunately, researchers are now racing against the clock as modern climate conditions are causing the cave ice to melt, resulting in the loss of ancient climate data. Onac said he recently received support from the National Science Foundation to continue the research in the lava tubes before the geological evidence disappears.

Joining in the exploration and research were Dylan S. Parmenter, whose master’s degree at USF was on the topic and is now a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota, Steven M. Baumann and Eric Weaver of the National Park Service, and Tiberiu B. Sava of the Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering in Romania. The research was funded by the National Park Service and the National Science Foundation.

Bogdan P. Onac, Steven M. Baumann, Dylan S. Parmenter, Eric Weaver, Tiberiu B. Sava. Late Holocene droughts and cave ice harvesting by Ancestral Puebloans. Scientific Reports, 2020; 10 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-76988-1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of South Florida (USF Innovation).

Evidence from one of Earth’s biggest underwater landslides ever sheds light on East African rifting

The figure shows a portion of the Mafia mega-slide imaged by a time-slice extracted from 3-D seismic reflection data (coherence attribute). Credit: Data courtesy of Royal Dutch Shell
The figure shows a portion of the Mafia mega-slide imaged by a time-slice extracted from 3-D seismic reflection data (coherence attribute). Credit: Data courtesy of Royal Dutch Shell

A recent study, published in Nature Communications, discovered that earthquakes and continental movements triggered massive underwater landslides tens of millions of years ago off the coast of East Africa—findings that could help assess the future risk of tsunamis to the increasingly populated coastline in the region.

Led by Vittorio Maselli, Canada Research Chair in Coastal Zone Processes and an assistant professor in the Faculty of Science’s Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, the study is the first to link large-scale submarine mass movements of sediment and rock in the margin slope of the western Indian Ocean with continental rifting and, thus, the formation of a new plate boundary.

With help from industry, Dr. Maselli and his team used seismic data to explore the continental margin of Tanzania in the western Indian Ocean and quantify the distribution of submarine landslide deposits at the sea floor and in the sediments beneath. The authors were able to identify catastrophic mass wastings as old as 40 million years.

“We discovered that hundreds of kilometre wide underwater landslides occurred during a specific time window along the Tanzania margin,” says Dr. Maselli. “One of these landslides, which we named the Mafia mega-slide, is one of the biggest landslides ever discovered on Earth. We dated the Mafia mega-slide to about 20 million years ago by using data from two exploration wells.”

“Still tectonically very active”

The name Mafia mega-slide derives from the island located just landward of it. Mafia Island is one of three major Islands in Tanzania, together with Pemba and Zanzibar. The mega-slide covers 11,600 km2, the size of more than 2 million hockey rinks.

Dr. Maselli and his team then interpreted the Mafia mega-slide and the other landslides occurring at the same time as a consequence of the East African Rift System (EARS), hypothesizing that plateau uplift and rifting in East Africa can trigger potentially tsunamigenic landslides likely through earthquake activity and enhanced sediment supply.

“The study area is still tectonically very active, as demonstrated by the earthquakes recorded in the western Indian Ocean and in the continent over the last few decades. We also found many, but much smaller, submarine landslide deposits and fault escarpments of the modern sea floor.”

Just the beginning

This information indicates that underwater sediment failures, likely of a smaller extent if compared with the Mafia mega-slide, can still occur today. But many questions remain unanswered: How often they can occur? What is their size? What is the trigger mechanism?

By replying to these questions, Dr. Maselli says, we will help evaluating the risks associated with underwater landslides along the margin of Tanzania and their potential in generating tsunamis. Indeed, the sudden movement of sediment underwater can generate catastrophic tsunami waves, and understanding if, or how often, they may occur, is a critical information in this region due to the rapid population growth along the coastline.

“Our study is just the beginning, and we plan to further investigate the data available to understand the impact of submarine landslides on the evolution of the margin,” he says. “We will also use numerical models to simulate the generation and propagation of landslide-induced tsunami waves and identify which areas along the coast can be more at risk.”

Vittorio Maselli et al. Large-scale mass wasting in the western Indian Ocean constrains onset of East African rifting, Nature Communications (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17267-5

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Dalhousie University.

Volcanic eruptions have more effect in summer

The team has developed a simulation of the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991. The blue shading represents sulfur dioxide, the white shading represents sulfate aerosols and the orange area represents volcanic ash. Credit: KAUST
The team has developed a simulation of the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991. The blue shading represents sulfur dioxide, the white shading represents sulfate aerosols and the orange area represents volcanic ash. Credit: KAUST

Detailed modeling of the effect of volcanic eruptions on the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has shown that the climate response to these events depends on the timing of the eruption and the preceding conditions. The research, led by KAUST researchers Evgeniya Predybaylo and Georgiy Stenchikov, settles a long-standing debate about the role of volcanic eruptions in global climate perturbations.

“The ENSO is a feature of the tropical Pacific Ocean climate, with patterns of temperature, precipitation and wind that oscillate between warmer El Niño and cooler La Niña phases every two to seven years,” explains Predybaylo. “Due to the vast size of the tropical Pacific, the ENSO controls the climate in many other parts of the globe and is responsible for droughts, floods, hurricanes, heat waves and other severe weather events. To evaluate these risks, it is essential to have proper projections and predictions of future ENSO behavior.”

Climate modeling indicates that the ENSO is very sensitive to external perturbations, such as increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or volcanic eruptions. Even though major volcanic eruptions, like the Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991, are known to have caused widespread cooling due to the reflection of solar radiation, such effects have been difficult to prove by modeling.

“There was previously no modeling consensus on how the Pacific Ocean responds to such climatologically large volcanic eruptions, with climate models predicting diverse and often contradictory responses,” says Sergey Osipov from the research team.

Because the tropical Pacific climate is itself highly variable, the modeling needs to be performed carefully to separate the eruption-driven ocean response from random variations. This requires a large number of climate simulations using a model that can simulate both the radiative impact of volcanic eruptions and a realistic ENSO cycle. To achieve this, the team collaborated with Andrew Wittenberg from Princeton University, US, to run the CM2.1 climate model using KAUST’s supercomputer.

“After running more than 6,000 climate simulations covering nearly 20,000 model years and analyzing the data,” says Predybaylo, “we found that the ENSO response to stratospheric volcanic eruptions strongly depends on the seasonal timing of the eruption and the state of the atmosphere and ocean in the Pacific at the time.”

In particular, the research showed that even very large eruptions seem to have little discernible effect on the ENSO in winter or spring, while summer eruptions almost always produce a strong climate response.

“The principles and techniques developed in our study could also be applied to various types of observational data and multimodel studies of future climate change, including the effects of global warming,” says Predybaylo.

Evgeniya Predybaylo et al, El Niño/Southern Oscillation response to low-latitude volcanic eruptions depends on ocean pre-conditions and eruption timing, Communications Earth & Environment (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s43247-020-0013-y

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Researchers discover ‘missing’ piece of Hawaii’s formation

The journey of Hawaii’s pancake from its creation at the mantle plume to where it slipped under the Pacific plate and sunk deep into the Earth’s mantle. Credit: Michigan State University

An oceanic plateau has been observed for the first time in the Earth’s lower mantle, 800 kilometers deep underneath Eastern Siberia, pushing Hawaii’s birthplace back to 100 million years, says a Michigan State University geophysicist.

The discovery came when Songqiao “Shawn” Wei, an Endowed Assistant Professor of Geological Sciences in MSU’s Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, noticed something unusual in his data using groundbreaking techniques. Wei’s research will be published on Nov. 20 in the journal Science.

The Earth’s mantle is mostly solid, but at a mid-ocean ridge it melts creating new oceanic crust between two tectonic plates such as the Pacific Plate. Typically, this new Pacific Ocean crust has a uniform thickness of four miles, Wei said.

As the plates continue to move, a hot plume of solid rocks slowly rises in the mantle melting the tectonic plate to create volcanoes like the Hawaiian Islands. The mantle plume has a mushroom-like shape with a wide head that is thousands of miles across and a thin tail that is only of a few hundred miles across.

Wei said once this mushroom head reaches the Earth’s surface in the ocean, it stretches and flattens out, while it melts the overriding tectonic plate to form a pancake-shaped 20-mile-thick oceanic plateau. This process continues as more of the mantle reaches the surface and the overriding plate continues to move. Over time, what remains is a dotted trail of islands.

“Normally, you would see a pancake-shaped oceanic plateau created by the mushroom’s head followed by a dotted chain of islands created by the mushroom’s tail,” Wei said. “The Hawaiian Islands are the end of the tail but where is Hawaii’s pancake head?”

There are still debates on whether every mantle plume creates a “pancake” during its earliest history, and the ultimate destination of these pancake-shaped oceanic plateaus. Trying to find ancient oceanic crust, including old oceanic plateaus, is difficult because the crust might have subducted or slid into or underneath an oceanic trench and disappeared from the Earth’s surface.

Although scientists generally believe the oceanic crust is preserved in the Earth’s mantle after subduction, it is usually too thin to be observed using conventional technology, such as seismic tomography. Up until now, this is what Wei thought happened to Hawaii’s “pancake” until he detected a surprising signal in the data.

“I spotted an unusually thick chunk of oceanic crust about 500 miles beneath the Earth’s surface,” he said. “The thickness of this piece of crust made it distinguishable, but it was still too thin and too deep to be easily found.”

Wei and his team compiled the largest dataset of a specific type of seismograms and conducted big data analysis and numerical simulations on the High-Performance Computing Cluster managed by the MSU Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research. His collaborators include: Peter M. Shearer from Scripps Institute of Oceanography; Carolina Lithgow-Bertelloni and Lars Stixrude from the University of California, Los Angeles; and Dongdong Tian from MSU.

The team also combined the strengths of seismic tomography, seismic reflection and mineral physics. Seismic tomography from previously published work creates a 3-D image which revealed a vague image of the ancient Pacific Plate in the mantle. Seismic reflection results —the core observation of this work—helped the researchers find the thick crust at great depths. Mineral physics was used by the team to prove that the detected signal indicates a piece of oceanic plateau.

Plate reconstruction modeling helped the researchers link the newly found oceanic plateau to the Hawaiian “pancake” that was created during the formation of the Hawaii hotspot approximately 100 million years ago.

One hypothesis is that the Hawaii “pancake” broke into two pieces.

One piece was part of the Izanagi Plate which subducted into the Aleutian Trench and disappeared about 70-80 million years ago. The other piece was part of the Pacific Plate and after it entered the Kamchatka Trench 20-30 million years ago, the heavy oceanic crust sunk deep into the Earth’s mantle later until Wei and his team spotted it.

This discovery not only provides clues of Hawaii’s early history, but also sheds light on the evolution of other hotspots, seamounts and oceanic plates.The researchers plan to use this new technique combining seismic tomography, seismic reflection and mineral physics to find other “missing pancakes” and to continue looking for evidence of older pieces of Earth’s oceanic crust in the deep Earth.

Songqiao Shawn Wei et al. Oceanic plateau of the Hawaiian mantle plume head subducted to the uppermost lower mantle, Science (2020). DOI: 10.1126/science.abd0312

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Michigan State University.

New placement for one of Earth’s largest mass extinction events

End Triassic vs Anthropocene
End Triassic vs Anthropocene

Curtin University research has shed new light on when one of the largest mass extinction events on Earth occurred, which gives new meaning to what killed Triassic life and allowed the ecological expansion of dinosaurs in the Jurassic period.

The research, published in the prestigious journal PNAS, examined biomarkers (molecular fossils) and their stable isotopic compositions which suggest the end-Triassic mass extinction of prehistoric creatures such as conodonts and phytosaurs began after a volcanic eruption spewed carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, disrupting the Earth’s natural carbon cycle and sparking a chain reaction of environmental events.

That carbon disruption led to acidic ocean waters which then affected delicate marine ecosystems, and led to other unfavorable planetary changes.

Lead author, Curtin Ph.D. graduate Dr. Calum Peter Fox, from the WA-Organic and Isotope Geochemistry Center (WA-OIGC) in Curtin’s School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said the team analyzed biomarkers extracted from rocks collected in the United Kingdom’s Bristol Channel and found evidence of ancient microbial mats, which are complex communities of microorganisms.

“Through our analysis of the chemical signature of these microbial mats, in addition to seeing sea-level change and water column freshening, we discovered the end-Triassic mass extinction occurred later than previously thought,” Dr. Fox said.

Dr. Fox explained that previous research suggests the extinction took place where we now know microbial mats flourished and the chemical signatures left by these ancient microbes complicated the rock record, leading others to believe this is where the extinction took place.

“The microbial mats recorded in UK samples are comparable to extant microbial mats such as in Shark Bay of Western Australia. It’s amazing to consider that similar microbial communities that confounded the timing of one of Earth’s largest extinctions millions of years ago are on our shorelines and so easy to observe for ourselves,” Dr. Fox said.

John Curtin Distinguished Professor Kliti Grice, also from WA-OIGC in Curtin’s School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said the research findings not only presented a new theory of what started the end-Triassic extinction, but also provided a type of warning for future potential mass extinction events on Earth.

“Our recent research shows that microbial mats played important functions in several mass extinction events as well as a role in preserving remains of life including soft tissue of dead organisms under exceptional circumstances,” Professor Grice said.

“Knowing more about the carbon dioxide levels present during the end-Triassic mass extinction event provides us with important details that could help protect our environment and health of our ecosystems for future generations.”

The paper is titled “Molecular and isotopic evidence reveals the end-Triassic carbon isotope excursion is not from massive exogenous light carbon.”

Fox et al., Molecular and isotopic evidence reveals the end-Triassic carbon isotope excursion is not from massive exogenous light carbon, PNAS (2020). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1917661117

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Curtin University.

International Chronostratigraphic Chart (v2020/03)

International Chronostratigraphic Chart (v2020/03)
International Chronostratigraphic Chart (v2020/03)

Click here (PDF or JPG) to download the latest version (v2020/03) of the International Chronostratigraphic Chart. The explanatory article was published in September 2013 issue of Episodes (download from Episodes or ICS website).


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Hormuz Island, Iran

Hormuz Island, Iran
Hormuz Island, Iran

Hormuz Island, also known as Hormoz, is an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf. Located in the Strait of Hormuz, 8 kilometres (5 mi) from the coast of Iran, the island is part of the Hormozgan Province. Reddish ocher on the island and its beaches.

The area of Hormuz Island is 42 km2 (16 sq mi). It is riddled with sedimentary rock and layers of volcanic ash on its surface. The highest point of the island is about 186 metres (610 ft ) above sea level. The soil and water are salty due to lack of precipitation.

The soil of Hormuz has a high concentration of iron oxide which gives the landscape a characteristic reddish hue. Where the sand is reddish, the waves in the sea become tinged with pink. This has been used for decades in the dyeing, cosmetics, glass and ceramics industries – with plenty of exports going on from areas like this.

A 520-million-year-old, five-eyed fossil reveals arthropod origin

Fossil specimen of Kylinxia, holotype. Credit: ZENG Han
Fossil specimen of Kylinxia, holotype. Credit: ZENG Han

Arthropods have been among the most successful animals on Earth since the Cambrian Period, about 520 million years ago. They are the most familiar and ubiquitous, and constitute nearly 80% of all animal species today, far more than any other animals.

But how did arthropods evolve, and what did their ancestors look like? These have been a major conundrum in animal evolution puzzling generations of scientists for more than a century.

Now, researchers from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS) have discovered a shrimp-like fossil with five eyes, which has provided important insights into the early evolutionary history of arthropods. The study was published in Nature on Nov. 4.

The fossil species, Kylinxia, was collected from the Chengjiang fauna in southwest China’s Yunnan Province. The fauna documents the most complete early animal fossils in the Cambrian time.

Prof. Huang Diying, corresponding author for the study from NIGPAS, said, “Kylinxia is a very rare chimeric species. It combines morphological features from different animals, which is analogous to ‘kylin,’ a chimeric creature in traditional Chinese mythology.”

“Owing to very special taphonomic conditions, the Kylinxia fossils exhibit exquisite anatomical structures. For example, nervous tissue, eyes and digestive system—these are soft body parts we usually cannot see in conventional fossils,” said Prof. Zhao Fangchen, co-corresponding author of the study.

Kylinxia shows distinctive features of true arthropods, such as a hardened cuticle, a segmented trunk and jointed legs. However, it also integrates the morphological characteristics present in very ancestral forms, including the bizarre five eyes of Opabinia, known as the Cambrian “weird wonder,” as well as the iconic raptorial appendages of Anomalocaris, the giant apex predator in the Cambrian ocean.

Among the Chengjiang fauna, Anomalocaris is a top predator that can reach two meters in body length, and has been regarded as an ancestral form of arthropod. But huge morphological differences exist between Anomalocaris and true arthropods. There is a great evolutionary gap between the two that can hardly be bridged. This gap has become a crucial “missing link” in the origin of arthropods.

The research team conducted detailed anatomical examinations of the fossils of Kylinxia. They demonstrated that the first appendages in Anomalocaris and true arthropods were homologous. The phylogenetic analyses suggested that there was affinity between the front appendages of Kylinxia, small predatory appendages in front of the mouth of Chelicerata (a group that includes spiders and scorpions) and the antennae of Mandibulata (a subdivision of arthropods including insects such as ants and bees).

“Our results indicate that the evolutionary placement of Kylinxia is right between Anomalocaris and the true arthropods. Therefore, our finding reached the evolutionary root of the true arthropods,” said Prof. Zhu Maoyan, a co-author of the study.

“Kylinxia represents a crucial transitional fossil predicted by Darwin’s evolutionary theory. It bridges the evolutionary gap from Anomalocaris to true arthropods and forms a key “missing link” in the origin of arthropods, contributing strong fossil evidence for the evolutionary theory of life,” said Dr. Zeng Han, first author of the study.

An early Cambrian euarthropod with radiodont-like raptorial appendages, Nature (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2883-7

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Donwilhelmsite : New mineral from the moon could explain what happens in the Earth’s mantle

Fragments of the Oued Awlitis 001 meteorites acquired by the Ludovic-Ferrière. Credit: University of Manchester
Fragments of the Oued Awlitis 001 meteorites acquired by the Ludovic-Ferrière. Credit: University of Manchester

A team of European researchers discovered a new high-pressure mineral in a lunar meteorite which is helping to explain what happens to materials within the extreme pressures of the Earth’s mantle.

The new mineral donwilhelmsite is the first high-pressure mineral found in meteorites with application for terrestrial sediments dragged deep into the Earth mantle by plate tectonics. Mainly composed of calcium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen atoms, donwilhelmsite was discovered within the lunar meteorite Oued Awlitis 001 found in 2014 in the Western Sahara.

The meteorite is compositionally similar to rocks comprising the Earth’s continents. Eroded sediments from these continents are transported by wind and rivers to the oceans, and subducted into the Earth’s mantle as part of the dense oceanic crust. Once dragged to depths of about 460-700 km, their constituent minerals transform at high pressures and high temperatures existing at those depths into denser mineral phases, including the newly discovered mineral donwilhelmsite. In the terrestrial rock cycle, donwilhelmsite is therefore an important agent for transporting continental crustal sediments through the transition zone of the Earth’s mantle (460-700 km depth).

Around 382 kilograms of rocks and soils have been collected by the Apollo and Luna missions, lunar meteorites allow valuable insights into the formation and evolution of the moon. Ejected by impacts onto the lunar surface and subsequently delivered to Earth, some of these meteorites experienced particularly high temperatures and pressures.

Dr. Vera Assis Fernandes of The University of Manchester measured the Argon isotopic composition of lunar rocks to date their complex history including magmatic formation, multiple impact bombardments, and the exposure to cosmic rays on the lunar surface, over billions of years. Dr. Fernandes explains: “During impact bombardment rocks like the lunar meteorite Oued Awlitis 001 experience extreme physical conditions. This often led to shock melting of microscopic areas forming veins or melt pockets within these meteorites.

“These shocked areas are of great relevance as they mirror pressure and temperature regimes similar to those prevailing in the Earth’s mantle, and therefore are natural crucibles hosting minerals that are otherwise naturally inaccessible at the Earth’s surface.”

The new discovery is published in the journal American Mineralogist.

Mariana Klementova applied the cutting edge 3-D electron diffraction (3DED) technique, together with a specially developed software to solve, for the first time, the crystal structure of an extraterrestrial mineral. Dr. Vera Assis Fernandes determined the ages of various events in the complex history of this meteorite, including the formation of the new mineral donwilhlemsite. The new mineral was named in honor of the lunar geologist Don E. Wilhelms, an American scientist involved in landing site selection and data analyses of the Apollo space missions that brought to Earth the first rock samples from the moon. Part of the meteorite Oued Awlitis 001 is now on display at the Natural History Museum Vienna.

Jörg Fritz et al. Donwilhelmsite, [CaAl4Si2O11], a new lunar high-pressure Ca-Al-silicate with relevance for subducted terrestrial sediments, American Mineralogist (2020). DOI: 10.2138/am-2020-7393

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Manchester.

Giant lizards learnt to fly over millions of years

Rhamphohynchus - one of 75 pterosaur species studied by the researchers Credit: Mark Witton
Rhamphohynchus – one of 75 pterosaur species studied by the researchers Credit: Mark Witton

Pterodactyls and other related winged reptiles that lived alongside the dinosaurs steadily improved their ability to fly to become the deadly masters of the sky over the course of millions of years.

A new study published in the journal Nature has shown that pterosaurs — a group of creatures that became Earth’s first flying vertebrates — evolved to improve their flight performance over their 150 million-year existence, before they went extinct at the same time as the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

Scientists from the Universities of Reading, Lincoln and Bristol carried out the most detailed study yet into how animals evolve to become better suited to their environments over time. They combined fossil records with a new model of flight based on today’s living birds to measure their flight efficiency and fill in the gaps in our knowledge of their evolutionary story.

This allowed the scientists to track the gradual evolution of pterosaurs and demonstrate that they became twice as good at flying over the course of their history. It also showed that their evolution was caused by consistent small improvements over a long period, rather than sudden evolutionary bursts as had been previously suggested.

Professor Chris Venditti, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Reading and lead author of the study, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, said: “Pterosaurs were a diverse group of winged lizards, with some the size of sparrows and others with the wingspan of a light aircraft. Fans of the movie Jurassic World will have seen a dramatisation of just how huge and lethal these creatures would have been. Their diet consisted mostly of other animals, from insects to smaller dinosaurs.

“Despite their eventual prowess in the air being well-known, the question of whether pterosaurs got better at flying and whether this gave them an advantage over their ancestors has puzzled scientists for decades. There are many examples of how natural selection works on relatively short time scales, but until now it has been very difficult to demonstrate whether plants or animals adapt to become more efficient over a long period.

“Our new method has allowed us to study long-term evolution in a completely new way, and answer this question at last by comparing the creatures at different stages of their evolutionary sequence over many millions of years.”

Pterosaurs evolved from land-based animals and first emerged as flyers in the Early Triassic period, around 245 million years ago. The first fossils are from 25 million years later.

The scientists monitored changes to pterosaur flight efficiency by using fossils to measure their wingspan and body size at different stages. Their new model based on living birds was applied to the data for 75 pterosaur species, which showed that pterosaurs gradually got better at flying over millions of years.

The models showed that pterosaurs adapted their body shape and size to use 50% less energy when flying over their 150 million-year history. They showed that the creatures increased in mass by 10 times, some to eventually weigh more than 300kg.

The new method also revealed that one group of pterosaurs — azhdarchoids — was an exception to the rule. Scientists have disagreed over how well these animals flew, but the new study showed that they did not get any better throughout their existence.

The enlarged size of azhdarchoids appeared to provide their survival advantage instead, with one animal — Quetzlcoatlus — growing to the height of a giraffe.

Dr Joanna Baker, evolutionary biologist and co-author at the University of Reading said: “This is unique evidence that although these animals were competent fliers, they probably spent much of their time on the ground. Highly efficient flight probably didn’t offer them much of an advantage, and our finding that they had smaller wings for their body size is in line with fossil evidence for their reduced reliance on flight.”

Professor Stuart Humphries, biophysicist and author from the University of Lincoln said: “One of the few things that haven’t changed over the last 300 million years are the laws of physics, so it has been great to use those laws to understand the evolution of flight in these amazing animals.”

Professor Mike Benton at the University of Bristol said, “Until recently, paleontologists could describe the anatomy of creatures based on their fossils and work out their functions. It’s really exciting now to be able to calculate the operational efficiency of extinct animals, and then to compare them through their evolution to see how efficiency has changed. We don’t just have to look at the fossils with amazement, but can really get to grips with what they tell us.”

Chris Venditti, Joanna Baker, Michael J. Benton, Andrew Meade, Stuart Humphries. 150 million years of sustained increase in pterosaur flight efficiency. Nature, 2020; DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2858-8

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Reading.

Geologist helps confirm date of earliest land plants on Earth

Planet Earth. and You!
Planet Earth

A new UO study confirms what earth scientists have long suspected: Plants first appeared on land about 460 million years ago, in the middle of a 45-million-year-long geologic period known as the Ordovician.

Authored by geologist Greg Retallack and published in the international journal The Palaeobotanist, the study describes a series of plant impressions in an Ordovician rock deposit from Douglas Dam in Tennessee. While previous studies have revealed fossil evidence of invertebrate animals in the deposit, Retallack’s is the first to identify whole fossil plants, including mosses, liverworts and lichens.

Retallack, director of the Condon Fossil Collection at the Museum of Natural and Cultural History, said those whole-plant impressions offer a key support to Ordovician land plant theories.

“Fossil spores liberated from rocks have indicated a likely presence of nonvascular plants like these, and soil analysis and carbon isotope studies have all pointed to the likely presence of land plants during this period, but this is the first line of direct evidence,” he said.

If land plants emerged and proliferated 460 million years ago, they may have directly contributed to a decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide and, in turn, to the global cooling that fueled an explosion of new marine life during the Ordovician and eventually ushered an ice age that occurred about 445 million years ago.

The deposit under study, comprised of rocks formed when most of Earth’s land mass was combined into the supercontinent Gondwana, was removed when Douglas Dam was constructed for the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1942. Sections of the deposit have since been preserved at the University of Cincinnati and the Smithsonian Institution, where Retallack conducted parts of the study.

“It’s another example of how dusty old museum collections can produce truly extraordinary new finds,” he said.

One of the newly identified fossil moss species, Dollyphyton boucotii, has been named for legendary singer Dolly Parton, whose Dollywood theme park is located a few miles away from the original rock deposit.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Oregon.

Ancient marine predator had a built-in float

An illustration of Brevicaudosaurus. Credit: Tyler Stone BA '19, art and cinema; see his website
An illustration of Brevicaudosaurus. Credit: Tyler Stone BA ’19, art and cinema; see his website

About 240 million years ago, when reptiles ruled the ocean, a small lizard-like predator floated near the bottom of the edges in shallow water, picking off prey with fang-like teeth. A short and flat tail, used for balance, helps identify it as a new species, according to research published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Paleontologists at the Chinese Academy of Scientists and Canadian Museum of Nature have analysed two skeletons from a thin layer of limestone in two quarries in southwest China. They identified the skeletons as nothosaurs, Triassic marine reptiles with a small head, fangs, flipper-like limbs, a long neck, and normally an even longer tail, probably used for propulsion. However, in the new species, the tail is short and flat.

“Our analysis of two well-preserved skeletons reveals a reptile with a broad, pachyostotic body (denser boned) and a very short, flattened tail. A long tail can be used to flick through the water, generating thrust, but the new species we’ve identified was probably better suited to hanging out near the bottom in shallow sea, using its short, flattened tail for balance, like an underwater float, allowing it to preserve energy while searching for prey,” says Dr Qing-Hua Shang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Beijing.

The scientists have named the new species Brevicaudosaurus jiyangshanensis, from the Latin ‘brevi’ for ‘short,’ ‘caudo’ for ‘tail,’ and the Greek ‘sauros’ for ‘lizard.’ The most complete skeleton of the two was found in Jiyangshan quarry, giving the specimen its species name. It’s just under 60cm long.

The skeleton gives further clues to its lifestyle. The forelimbs are more strongly developed than the hind limbs, suggesting they played a role in helping the reptile to swim. However, the bones in the front feet are short compared to other species, limiting the power with which it could pull through the water. Most of its bones, including the vertebrae and ribs, are thick and dense, further contributing to the stocky, stout appearance of the reptile, and limiting its ability to swim quickly but increasing stability underwater.

However, thick, high-mass bones act as ballast. What the reptile lost in speed, it gained in stability. Dense bones, known as pachyostosis, may have made it neutrally buoyant in shallow water. Together with the flat tail, this would have helped the predator to float motionless underwater, requiring little energy to stay horizontal. Neutral buoyancy should also have enabled it to walk on the seabed searching for slow-moving prey.

Highly dense ribs may also suggest the reptile had large lungs. As suggested by the lack of firm support of the body weight, nothosaurs were oceanic nut they needed to come to the water surface for oxygen. They have nostrils on the snout through which they breathed. Large lungs would have increased the time the species could spend under water.

The new species features a bar-shaped bone in the middle ear called the stapes, used for sound transmission. The stapes was generally lost in other nothosaurs or marine reptiles during preservation. Scientists had predicted that if a stapes was found in a nothosaur, it would be thin and slender like in other species of this branch of the reptilian family tree. However, in B. jiyangshanensis it is thick and elongate, suggesting it had good hearing underwater.

“Perhaps this small, slow-swimming marine reptile had to be vigilante for large predators as it floated in the shallows, as well as being a predator itself,” says co-author Dr. Xiao-Chun Wu from the Canadian Museum of Nature.

Qing-Hua Shang, Xiao-Chun Wu, Chun Li. A New Ladinian Nothosauroid (Sauropterygia) from Fuyuan, Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2020; e1789651 DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2020.1789651

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Taylor & Francis Group.

Researchers reconstruct the first complete brain of one of the oldest dinosaurs

Buriolestes schultzi brain. Credit: Márcio L. Castro
Buriolestes schultzi brain. Credit: Márcio L. Castro

The study of the brain of extinct organisms sheds lights on their behaviors. However, soft tissues, like the brain, are not usually preserved for long periods. Hence, researchers reconstruct the brains of dinosaurs by analyzing the cranial cavities under computed tomography. It demands well-preserved braincases, which is the region that envelops the brain tissues. To date, complete and well-preserved neurocrania from the oldest dinosaurs worldwide have not been found.

In 2015, a Brazilian paleontologist from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Dr. Rodrigo Temp Müller, unearthed an exceptionally well-preserved skeleton from a fossiliferous locality in southern Brazil. The skeleton, approximately 233 million years old (Triassic period), belongs to a small carnivorous dinosaur named Buriolestes schultzi and the entire braincase was preserved. Now, Brazilian researchers have reconstructed the first complete brain of one of the oldest dinosaurs worldwide.

The study was published in Journal of Anatomy and performed by Rodrigo T. Müller, José D. Ferreira, Flávio A. Pretto, and Leonardo Kerber from the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria and Mario Bronzati from the Universidade de São Paulo.

The brain of Buriolestes schultzi is relatively small and weighed approximately 1.5 grams, which is slightly lighter than a pea. The shape was primitive, resembling the general morphology of a crocodile brain. In addition, the presence of well-developed structures in the cerebellum indicates the capability to track moving prey. Conversely, the olfactory sense was not high; therefore, it is more likely that Buriolestes schultzi hunted and tracked prey based on optical capability rather than its olfactory sense.

Despite the carnivorous feeding behavior of this dinosaur, it belongs to the lineage of giant, long-necked, herbivorous sauropods, the largest land animals that ever lived. However, Buriolestes schultzi is considered the earliest member of this lineage. So, the new brain reconstruction allows researchers to analyze the brain evolution of this impressive lineage.

One of the most conspicuous trends is the increase of the olfactory bulbs. Whereas these structures responsible for the sense of smell are relatively small in Buriolestes schultzi, they become very large in later sauropods and closely related forms. The development of a strong sense of smell could be related to the acquisition of a more complex social behavior, which relies on the olfactory sense in several vertebrate groups. Alternatively, it has also been observed that high olfactory capabilities played an important role in foraging, helping animals to better discriminate between digestible and indigestible plants. Finally, another putative explanation for the increase in the olfactory sense of sauropods relies on the capability to detect predator chemical cues.

The scientists also calculated the cognitive capability, or intelligence, of Buriolestes schultzi based on the brain volume and body weight. The values obtained are higher than that of the giant sauropods, like Diplodocus and Brachiosaurus, suggesting a decrease in encephalization in the lineage. This is interesting because several other lineages present an increase in the encephalization through time. Nevertheless, the cognitive capability of Buriolestes schultzi is lower than that of theropod dinosaurs, the lineage that includes Tyrannosaurus, Velociraptor, and birds.

Alex Schiller Aires et al. Development and evolution of the notarium in Pterosauria, Journal of Anatomy (2020). DOI: 10.1111/joa.13319

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Universidade Federal de Santa Maria .

Fossil poop shows fishy lunches from 200 million years ago

CT scan of coprolite specimen, BRSMG Cf15546, in different views, showing tuberculated bone (blue) from a fish skull, and two vertebrae from the tail of the marine reptile Pachystropheus, in yellow and green. Credit: Marie Cueille, and Palaeobiology Research Group, University of Bristol
CT scan of coprolite specimen, BRSMG Cf15546, in different views, showing tuberculated bone (blue) from a fish skull, and two vertebrae from the tail of the marine reptile Pachystropheus, in yellow and green. Credit: Marie Cueille, and Palaeobiology Research Group, University of Bristol

A new study of coprolites, fossil poop, shows the detail of food webs in the ancient shallow seas around Bristol in south-west England. One hungry fish ate part of the head of another fish before snipping off the tail of a passing reptile.

Marie Cueille, a visiting student at the University of Bristol’s School of Earth Sciences, was working on a collection of hundreds of fish poops from the Rhaetian bone bed near Chipping Sodbury in South Gloucestershire, dated at 205 million years ago.

She applied new scanning technology to look inside these coprolites and found an amazing array of food remains.

Marie said: “The ancient fishes and sharks of the Rhaetian seas were nearly all carnivores. Their coprolites contain scales, teeth, and bones, and these tell us who was eating whom. In fact, all the fish seem to have been snapping at each other, although the general rule of the sea probably applied: if it’s smaller than you, eat it.”

The CT scans of one tiny coprolite, measuring only a centimeter or so in length, contained only three bones, one a highly tuberculated skull bone of another fish, and two vertebrae from the tail of a small marine reptile called Pachystropheus.

Dr. Chris Duffin, who collaborated on the project added: “This shark probably snapped at another fish or scavenged some flesh from the head region of a dead fish. But it didn’t just strip off the flesh but swallowed great chunks of bone at the same time. Then it snapped at a Pachystropheus swimming by and had a chunk of its tail.”

Professor Mike Benton, who co-supervised the study, said: “What amazed us was that the bones and scales inside the coprolites were almost completely undamaged. Today, most predators that swallow their prey whole, such as sharks, crocodiles or killer whales, have powerful stomach acids that dissolve the bone away. These ancient fishes must have had a painful time passing their feces which were absolutely bristling with relatively large chunks of bone.”

The researchers also identified for the first time some coprolites of crabs and lobsters, so this completes the food web. The marine reptiles and sharks were feeding on smaller fishes, which in turn fed on even smaller fishes and lobsters. Some also had crushing teeth adapted to feeding on oysters and other molluscs.

The study has a classical resonance as well, because Rhaetian coprolites from bonebeds near Bristol were some of those studied by William Buckland (1784–1856) in the 1820s when he invented the name coprolite. Buckland was professor of geology at Oxford University, but also Dean of Christ Church, and known for his unusual eating habits. Possibly his interest in eating exotic animals (he would serve his guests roasted dormice or potted panther but declared that moles and house flies were inedible) gave him an interest in animal diets.

Buckland pioneered the use of coprolites to reconstruct ancient food webs. He also collected specimens from the Jurassic around Lyme Regis, and many were supplied by famous fossil collector Mary Anning (1799–1847). Buckland even had these larger coprolites cut across and set into the top of a table, which was highly polished and doubtless formed a conversation opener during lunch and tea parties in the Dean’s lodgings.

The new work also sheds light on the Mesozoic Marine Revolution, the time when marine ecosystems modernized. The coprolites from Bristol show a complex, modern-style ecosystem with lobsters, bony fishes, sharks and marine reptiles at the top of the food web. Reconstructing the timing of the event is of current interest, and the new work suggests the process began earlier than had been thought.

Marie Cueille et al. Fish and crab coprolites from the latest Triassic of the UK: From Buckland to the Mesozoic Marine Revolution, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2020.07.011

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Bristol.

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