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Massive Exoplanets May Be More Earth-Like Than Thought

This artist’s concept depicts Kepler-69c, a super-Earth-size planet in the habitable zone of a star like our sun, located about 2,700 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. (Credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech)

Massive terrestrial planets, called “super-Earths,” are known to be common in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Now a Northwestern University astrophysicist and a University of Chicago geophysicist report the odds of these planets having an Earth-like climate are much greater than previously thought.


Nicolas B. Cowan and Dorian Abbot’s new model challenges the conventional wisdom which says super-Earths actually would be very unlike Earth — each would be a waterworld, with its surface completely covered in water. They conclude that most tectonically active super-Earths — regardless of mass — store most of their water in the mantle and will have both oceans and exposed continents, enabling a stable climate such as Earth’s.

Cowan is a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern’s Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA), and Abbot is an assistant professor in geophysical sciences at UChicago.

“Are the surfaces of super-Earths totally dry or covered in water?” Cowan said. “We tackled this question by applying known geophysics to astronomy.

“Super-Earths are expected to have deep oceans that will overflow their basins and inundate the entire surface, but we show this logic to be flawed,” he said. “Terrestrial planets have significant amounts of water in their interior. Super-Earths are likely to have shallow oceans to go along with their shallow ocean basins.”

In their model, Cowan and Abbot treated the intriguing exoplanets like Earth, which has quite a bit of water in its mantle, the rocky part that makes up most of the volume and mass of the planet. The rock of the mantle contains tiny amounts of water, which quickly adds up because the mantle is so large. And a deep water cycle moves water between oceans and the mantle. (An exoplanet, or extrasolar planet, is a planet outside our solar system.)

Cowan presented the findings at a press conference, “Windows on Other Worlds,” held Jan. 7 at the 223rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

He also will discuss the research at a scientific session to be held from 2 to 3:30 p.m. EST Wednesday, Jan. 8, at the AAS meeting (Potomac Ballroom D, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center). The study will be published Jan. 20 in the Astrophysical Journal.

Water is constantly traded back and forth between the ocean and the rocky mantle because of plate tectonics, Cowan and Abbot said. The division of water between ocean and mantle is controlled by seafloor pressure, which is proportional to gravity.

Accounting for the effects of seafloor pressure and high gravity are two novel factors in their model. As the size of the super-Earths increase, gravity and seafloor pressure also go up.

“We can put 80 times more water on a super-Earth and still have its surface look like Earth,” Cowan said. “These massive planets have enormous seafloor pressure, and this force pushes water into the mantle.”

It doesn’t take that much water to tip a planet into being a waterworld. “If Earth was 1 percent water by mass, we’d all drown, regardless of the deep water cycle,” Cowan said. “The surface would be covered in water. Whether or not you have a deep water cycle really matters for planets that are one one-thousandth or one ten-thousandth water.”

The ability of super-Earths to maintain exposed continents is important for planetary climate. On planets with exposed continents, like Earth, the deep carbon cycle is mediated by surface temperatures, which produces a stabilizing feedback (a thermostat on geological timescales).

“Such a feedback probably can’t exist in a waterworld, which means they should have a much smaller habitable zone,” Abbot said. “By making super-Earths 80 times more likely to have exposed continents, we’ve dramatically improved their odds of having an Earth-like climate.”

Cowan and Abbot accede that there are two major uncertainties in their model: that super-Earths have plate tectonics and the amount of water Earth stores in its mantle.

“These are the two things we would like to know better to improve our model,” Cowan said. “Our model is a shot from the hip, but it’s an important step in advancing how we think about super-Earths.”

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by Northwestern University. The original article was written by Megan Fellman. 


Locality: Hilarion area, Kamariza Mines (Kamareza Mines), Agios Konstantinos [St Constantine] (Kamariza), Lavrion District Mines, Lavrion District (Laurion; Laurium), Attikí Prefecture (Attica; Attika), Greece Field of View: 6 mm Copyright © Fritz Schreiber
Chemical Formula: Cu4Al2(SO4)(OH)12 · 2H2O
Locality: Moldava Noua (Moldawa, Új Moldova), Banat, Romania.
Name Origin: From the Greek, kyaneos, “blue” and triches, “hair,” hence, blue hair.

Cyanotrichite is a hydrous copper aluminium sulfate mineral with formula Cu4Al2(SO4)(OH)12 · 2H2O, also known as lettsomite. Cyanotrichite forms velvety radial acicular crystal aggregates of extremely fine fibers. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system and forms translucent bright blue acicular crystal clusters or drusey coatings. The Mohs hardness is 2 and the specific gravity ranges from 2.74 to 2.95. Refractive indices are nα=1.588 nβ=1.617 nγ=1.655.

Occurrence and discovery

It is an oxidation product of primary copper mineralization in a weathering environment with abundant aluminium and sulfate. Associated minerals include brochantite, spangolite, chalcophyllite, olivenite, tyrolite, parnauite, azurite and malachite.

The main deposits are Cap la Garrone in the Var (France), Romania and Arizona (USA).

It was first described in 1839 from Moldova Nouă, Banat, Romania. The name is from Greek kyaneos for “blue” and triches for “hair” referring to the typical color and habit. Its earlier name, Lettsomite, is taken from the name of William Garrow Lettsom (1804–1887), co-author of the 1858 Manual of the Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland.

Physical Properties of Cyanotrichite

Cleavage: {???} Good
Color: Sky blue, Light blue, Dark blue.
Density: 2.74 – 2.95, Average = 2.84
Fracture: Uneven – Flat surfaces (not cleavage) fractured in an uneven pattern.
Hardness: 2 – Gypsum
Luminescence: Non-fluorescent.
Luster: Silky
Streak: pale blue


Locality: Grand View Mine (Last Chance Mine; No. 1 Pat claim 3591; No. 5 Pat claim 3592a; No. 4 Pat claim 3592a; Canyon Copper Mine; Grand Canyon Mine), Horseshoe Mesa, Grandview District, Coconino Co., Arizona, USA Dimensions: 3.8 cm x 3.7 cm x 1.2 cm “Courtesy of Rob Lavinsky, The Arkenstone,”
Locality: Grand View Mine (Last Chance Mine; No. 1 Pat claim 3591; No. 5 Pat claim 3592a; No. 4 Pat claim 3592a; Canyon Copper Mine; Grand Canyon Mine), Horseshoe Mesa, Grandview District, Coconino Co., Arizona, USA FOV: 20 x 17 mm Copyright © Michael C. Roarke
Locality: Hilarion area, Kamariza Mines (Kamareza Mines), Agios Konstantinos [St Constantine] (Kamariza), Lavrion District Mines, Lavrion District (Laurion; Laurium), Attikí Prefecture (Attica; Attika), Greece Field of View: 5 mm Copyright © Fritz Schreiber
Locality: Grand View Mine (Last Chance Mine; No. 1 Pat claim 3591; No. 5 Pat claim 3592a; No. 4 Pat claim 3592a; Canyon Copper Mine; Grand Canyon Mine), Horseshoe Mesa, Grandview District, Coconino Co., Arizona, USA FOV: 5mm. Copyright © Michael Clin

Neolithic mural may depict ancient eruption

This is the Hasan Dagi volcano. Credit: Janet C. Harvey

Volcanic rock dating suggests the painting of a Çatalhöyük mural may have overlapped with an eruption in Turkey according to results published January 8, 2014, in the open access journal PLOS ONE by Axel Schmitt from the University of California Los Angeles and colleagues from other institutions.

Scientists analyzed rocks from the nearby Hasan Dagi volcano in order to determine whether it was the volcano depicted in the mural from ~6600 BC in the Catalhöyük Neolithic site in central Turkey. To determine if Hasan Dagi was active during that time, scientists collected and analyzed volcanic rock samples from the summit and flanks of the Hasan Dagi volcano using (U-Th)/He zircon geochronology. These ages were then compared to the archeological date of the mural.

Volcanic rock textures and ages support the interpretation that residents of Çatalhöyük may have recorded an explosive eruption of Hasan Dagi volcano. The dating of the volcanic rock indicated an eruption around 6900 BC, which closely overlaps with the time the mural was estimated to have been painted in Çatalhöyük. The overlapping timeframes indicate humans in the region may have witnessed this eruption.

Alternative interpretations of the mural include the depiction of a leopard skin, consistent with other art at the Çatalhöyük site.

Schmitt adds, “We tested the hypothesis that the Çatalhöyük mural depicts a volcanic eruption and discovered a geological record consistent with this hypothesis. Our work also demonstrates that Hasan Dagi volcano has potential for future eruptions.”

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by Public Library of Science


Shinkolobwe Mine (Kasolo Mine), Shinkolobwe, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaïre) © Stephan Wolfsried

Chemical Formula: Pb3(UO2)8O8(OH)6 · 3H2O
Locality: Shinkolobwe Mine (Kasolo Mine), Shinkolobwe, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaïre)
Name Origin: Named for Pierre Curie (1859-1906) and Marie Curie-Sklodowska (1867 – 1934), French research team of radioactive minerals. Discoverd the element radium.

Curite is a lead uranium oxide mineral with formula: Pb3(UO2)8O8(OH)6 · 3H2O. It is named after the physicists Marie and Pierre Curie, who are both known for their work on radioactivity. The type locality is the Shinkolobwe Mine.

Physical Properties of Curite

Cleavage: {100} Good, {110} Good
Color: Yellow, Reddish orange, Brownish yellow.
Density: 7.19
Diaphaneity: Transparent to Translucent
Fracture: Brittle – Generally displayed by glasses and most non-metallic minerals.
Hardness: 4-5 – Fluorite-Apatite
Luster: Adamantine
Streak: orange


Locality: South Alligator River, West Arnhem Region, Northern Territory, Australia FOV: 2.16 mm Copyright © Matteo Chinellato
Locality: Shinkolobwe Mine (Kasolo Mine), Shinkolobwe, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaïre) Picture width 3 mm. Copyright © Stephan Wolfsried
Curite, Metatorbernite Locality: Shinkolobwe Mine (Kasolo Mine), Shinkolobwe, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaïre) Copyright © Collection and photo, Paul De Bond
Curite, Soddyite, Torbernite, Heterogenite Locality: Shinkolobwe Mine (Kasolo Mine), Shinkolobwe, Katanga Copper Crescent, Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaïre) Specimen size, 55 mm. Copyright © Collection and photo, Paul De Bondt

Mega-landslide in giant Utah copper mine may have triggered earthquakes

This is Figure 1 from K.L. Pankow et al. of megalandslide at the Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah. Landslide image copyright Kennecott Utah Copper. Credit: Seismic/Infrasound image by K.L. Pankow et al. Landslide image copyright Kennecott Utah Copper.

Landslides are one of the most hazardous aspects of our planet, causing billions of dollars in damage and thousands of deaths each year. Most large landslides strike with little warning—and thus geologists do not often have the ability to collect important data that can be used to better understand the behavior of these dangerous events. The 10 April 2013 collapse at Kennecott’s Bingham Canyon open-pit copper mine in Utah is an important exception.

Careful and constant monitoring of the conditions of the Bingham Canyon mine identified slow ground displacement prior to the landslide. This allowed the successful evacuation of the mine area prior to the landslide and also alerted geologists at the University of Utah to enable them to successfully monitor and study this unique event.

The landslide—the largest non-volcanic landslide in the recorded history of North America—took place during two episodes of collapse, each lasting less than two minutes. During these events about 65 million cubic meters of rock—with a total mass of 165 million tons—collapsed and slid nearly 3 km (1.8 miles) into the open pit floor.

In the January 2014 issue of GSA Today, University of Utah geologists, led by Dr. Kristine Pankow, report the initial findings of their study of the seismic and sound-waves generated by this massive mega-landslide. Pankow and her colleagues found that the landslide generated seismic waves that were recorded by both nearby seismic instruments, but also instruments located over 400 km from the mine. Examining the details of these seismic signals, they found that each of the two landslide events produced seismic waves equivalent to a magnitude 2 to 3 earthquake.

Interestingly, while there were no measurable seismic events prior to the start of the landslide, the team did measure up to 16 different seismic events with characteristics very much like normal “tectonic” earthquakes beneath the mine. These small (magnitude less than 2) earthquakes happened over a span of 10 days following the massive landslide and appear to be a rare case of seismic activity triggered by a landslide, rather than the more common case where an earthquake serves as the trigger to the landslide.

Later studies of both the seismic and sound waves produced by this landslide will allow Pankow and her team to characterize the failure and displacement of the landslide material in much more detail.

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by Geological Society of America

First Dinosaurs Identified from Saudi Arabia

Adaffa Theropod Tooth: This isolated tooth evidences the first identifiable carnivorous theropod dinosaur from the Arabian Peninsula. Abelisaurids like this specimen have been found in the ancient Gondwanan landmasses of North Africa, Madagascar and South America. (Credit: Photo by Maxim Leonov (Palaeontological Institute, Moscow) / Creative Commons Attribution, No Derivatives)

Dinosaur fossils are exceptionally rare in the Arabian Peninsula. An international team of scientists from Uppsala University, Museum Victoria, Monash University, and the Saudi Geological Survey have now uncovered the first record of dinosaurs from Saudi Arabia.What is now dry desert was once a beach littered with the bones and teeth of ancient marine reptiles and dinosaurs.

A string of vertebrae from the tail of a huge “Brontosaurus-like” sauropod, together with some shed teeth from a carnivorous theropod represent the first formally identified dinosaur fossils from Saudi Arabia, and were found in the north-western part of the Kingdom along the coast of the Red Sea.

The remains were discovered during excavations conducted by a team of scientists working under the auspices of the Saudi Geological Survey, Jeddah.

The dinosaur finds were recently published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE and jointly authored by participating researchers from Sweden, Australia and Saudi Arabia.

“Dinosaur fossils are exceptionally rare in the Arabian Peninsula, with only a handful of highly fragmented bones documented this far” says Dr Benjamin Kear, based at Uppsala University in Sweden and lead author of the study.

“This discovery is important not only because of where the remains were found, but also because of the fact that we can actually identify them. Indeed, these are the first taxonomically recognizable dinosaurs reported from the Arabian Peninsula” Dr Kear continues.

“Dinosaur remains from the Arabian Peninsula and the area east of the Mediterranean Sea are exceedingly rare because sedimentary rocks deposited in streams and rivers during the Age of Dinosaurs are rare, particularly in Saudi Arabia itself” says Dr Tom Rich from Museum Victoria in Australia.

When these dinosaurs were alive, the Arabian landmass was largely underwater and formed the north-western coastal margin of the African continent.

“The hardest fossil to find is the first one. Knowing that they occur in a particular area and the circumstances under which they do, makes finding more fossils significantly less difficult” says Dr Rich.

The teeth and bones are approximately 72 million years old.

Two types of dinosaur were described from the assemblage, a bipedal meat-eating abelisaurid distantly related to Tyrannosaurus but only about six metres long, and a plant-eating titanosaur perhaps up to 20 metres in length.

Similar dinosaurs have been found in North Africa, Madagascar and as far away as South America.

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by Uppsala Universitet. 


Locality: Madonna di Fucinaia (Madonna della Fucinaia) slag locality, Campiglia Marittima, Livorno Province, Tuscany, Italy FOV: 0.76 mm Copyright © Chinellato Matteo

Chemical Formula: Cu2O
Locality: Commonly in the copper deposits of SW USA and in Chile.
Name Origin: From the Latin, cuprum, meaning copper. Chalcotrichite from the Greek, meaning “hairy copper.”

Cuprite is an oxide mineral composed of copper(I) oxide Cu2O, and is a minor ore of copper.

Its dark crystals with red internal reflections are in the isometric system hexoctahedral class, appearing as cubic, octahedral, or dodecahedral forms, or in combinations. Penetration twins frequently occur. In spite of its nice color it is rarely used for jewelry because of its low Mohs hardness of 3.5 to 4. It has a relatively high specific gravity of 6.1, imperfect cleavage and a brittle to conchoidal fracture. The luster is sub-metallic to brilliant adamantine. The “chalcotrichite” variety typically shows greatly elongated (parallel to [001]) capillary or needle like crystals forms.

It is a secondary mineral which forms in the oxidized zone of copper sulfide deposits. It frequently occurs in association with native copper, azurite, chrysocolla, malachite, tenorite and a variety of iron oxide minerals. It is known as ruby copper due to its distinctive red color.

Cuprite was first described in 1845 and the name derives from the Latin cuprum for its copper content.

Cuprite is found in the Ural Mountains, Altai Mountains, and Sardinia, and in more isolated locations in Cornwall, France, Arizona, Chile, Bolivia, and Namibia.

Physical Properties of Cuprite

Cleavage: {111} Imperfect
Color: Brown red, Purple red, Red, Black.
Density: 6.1
Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent
Fracture: Brittle – Conchoidal – Very brittle fracture producing small, conchoidal fragments.
Hardness: 3.5-4 – Copper Penny-Fluorite
Luminescence: Non-fluorescent.
Luster: Adamantine
Magnetism: Nonmagnetic
Streak: brownish red


Locality: Clara Mine, Rankach valley, Oberwolfach, Wolfach, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Picture width 3 mm Copyright © Stephan Wolfsried
Locality: Clara Mine, Rankach valley, Oberwolfach, Wolfach, Black Forest, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Picture width 4 mm Copyright © Stephan Wolfsried
Locality: Ray, Mineral Creek District (Ray District), Dripping Spring Mts, Pinal Co., Arizona, USA Size of crystal 1 mm. Copyright © Collection & photo Georges BRET
Locality: Tsumeb Mine (Tsumcorp Mine), Tsumeb, Otjikoto Region (Oshikoto), Namibia FOV: 1.8 cm. Copyright © Tony Peterson

Supervolcano Triggers Recreated in X-Ray Laboratory

This artist’s impression depicts the magma chamber of a supervolcano with partially molten magma at the top. The pressure from the buoyancy is sufficient to initiate cracks in the Earth’s crust in which the magma can penetrate. (Credit: ESRF/Nigel Hawtin)

Scientists have reproduced the conditions inside the magma chamber of a supervolcano to understand what it takes to trigger its explosion. These rare events represent the biggest natural catastrophes on Earth except for the impact of giant meteorites. Using synchrotron X-rays, the scientists established that supervolcano eruptions may occur spontaneously, driven only by magma pressure without the need for an external trigger. The results are published in Nature Geosciences.

The team was led by Wim Malfait and Carmen Sanchez-Valle of ETH Zurich (Switzerland) and comprised scientists from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen (Switzerland), Okayama University (Japan), the Laboratory of Geology of CNRS, Université Lyon 1 and ENS Lyon (France) and the European Synchrotron (ESRF) in Grenoble (France).

A well-known supervolcano eruption occurred 600,000 years ago in Wyoming in the United States, creating a huge crater called a caldera, in the centre of what today is Yellowstone National Park. When the volcano exploded, it ejected more than 1000 km3 of ash and lava into the atmosphere, 100 times more than Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines did in 1992. Big volcanic eruptions have a major impact on the global climate. The Mt Pinatubo eruption decreased the global temperature by 0.4 degrees Celsius for a few months. The predictions for a super volcano are a fall in temperatures by 10 degrees Celsius for 10 years.

According to a 2005 report by the Geological Society of London, “Even science fiction cannot produce a credible mechanism for averting a super-eruption. We can, however, work to better understand the mechanisms involved in super-eruptions, with the goal of being able to predict them ahead of time and provide a warning for society. Preparedness is the key to mitigation of the disastrous effects of a super-eruption.”

The mechanisms that trigger supervolcano eruptions have remained elusive to date. The main reason is that the processes inside a supervolcano are different from those in conventional volcanoes like Mt. Pinatubo which are better understood. A supervolcano possesses a much larger magma chamber and it is always located in an area where the heat flow from the interior of Earth to the surface is very high. As a consequence, the magma chamber is very large and hot but also plastic: its shape changes as a function of the pressure when it gradually fills with hot magma. This plasticity allows the pressure to dissipate more efficiently than in a normal volcano whose magma chamber is more rigid. Supervolcanoes therefore do not erupt very often.

So what changes in the lead up to an eruption? Wim Malfait explains: “The driving force is an additional pressure which is caused by the different densities of solid rock and liquid magma. It is comparable to a football filled with air under water, which is forced upwards by the denser water around it.” Whether this additional pressure alone could eventually become sufficiently high to crack Earth’s crust, leading to a violent eruption, or whether an external energy source like an Earthquake is required has only now been answered.

Whilst it is virtually impossible to drill a hole into the magma chamber of a supervolcano given the depth at which these chambers are buried, one can simulate these extreme conditions in the laboratory. “The synchrotron X-rays at the ESRF can then be used to probe the state — liquid or solid — and the change in density when magma crystallises into rock” says Mohamed Mezouar, scientist at the ESRF and member of the team. Jean-Philippe Perrillat from the Laboratory of Geology of CNRS, Université Lyon 1 and ENS Lyon adds: “Temperatures of up to 1700 degrees and pressures of up to 36,000 atmospheres can be reached inside the so-called Paris-Edinburgh press, where speck-sized rock samples are placed between the tips of two tungsten carbide anvils and then heated with a resistive furnace. This special set-up was used to accurately determine the density of the liquid magma over a wide range of pressures and temperatures.”

Magma often includes water, which as vapour adds additional pressure. The scientists also determined magma densities as a function of water content.

The results of their measurements showed that the pressure resulting from the differences in density between solid and liquid magma rock is sufficient in itself to crack more than ten kilometres of Earth’s crust above the magma chamber. Carmen Sanchez-Valle concludes: “Our research has shown that the pressure is actually large enough for Earth’s crust to break. The magma penetrating into the cracks will eventually reach Earth’s surface, even in the absence of water or carbon dioxide bubbles in the magma. As it rises to the surface, the magma will expand violently, which is the well known origin of a volcanic explosion.”

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by CNRS.

Mine landslide triggered quakes

The April 10, 2013, landslide at Rio Tinto-Kennecott Utah Copper’s Bingham Canyon mine contains enough debris to bury New York City’s Central Park 66 feet deep, according to a new University of Utah study. The slide happened in the form of two rock avalanches 95 minutes apart. The first rock avalanche included grayer bedrock material seen around the margins of the lower half of the slide. The second rock avalanche is orange in color, both from bedrock and from waste rock from mining. The new study found the landslide triggered 16 small quakes. Such triggering has not been noted previously. The slide likely was the largest nonvolcanic landslide in North America’s modern history. Credit: Kennecott Utah Copper.

Last year’s gigantic landslide at a Utah copper mine probably was the biggest nonvolcanic slide in North America’s modern history, and included two rock avalanches that happened 90 minutes apart and surprisingly triggered 16 small earthquakes, University of Utah scientists discovered.

The landslide – which moved at an average of almost 70 mph and reached estimated speeds of at least 100 mph – left a deposit so large it “would cover New York’s Central Park with about 20 meters (66 feet) of debris,” the researchers report in the January 2014 cover study in the Geological Society of America magazine GSA Today.

While earthquakes regularly trigger landslides, the gigantic landslide the night of April 10, 2013, is the first known to have triggered quakes. The slide occurred in the form of two huge rock avalanches at 9:30 p.m. and 11:05 p.m. MDT at Rio Tinto-Kennecott Utah Copper’s open-pit Bingham Canyon Mine, 20 miles southwest of downtown Salt Lake City. Each rock avalanche lasted about 90 seconds.

While the slides were not quakes, they were measured by seismic scales as having magnitudes up to 5.1 and 4.9, respectively. The subsequent real quakes were smaller.

Kennecott officials closely monitor movements in the 107-year-old mine – which produces 25 percent of the copper used in the United States – and they recognized signs of increasing instability in the months before the slide, closing and removing a visitor center on the south edge of the 2.8-mile-wide, 3,182-foot-deep open pit, which the company claims is the world’s largest manmade excavation.

Landslides – including those at open-pit mines but excluding quake-triggered slides – killed more than 32,000 people during 2004-2011, the researchers say. But no one was hurt or died in the Bingham Canyon slide. The slide damaged or destroyed 14 haul trucks and three shovels and closed the mine’s main access ramp until November.

“This is really a geotechnical monitoring success story,” says the new study’s first author, Kris Pankow, associate director of the University of Utah Seismograph Stations and a research associate professor of geology and geophysics. “No one was killed, and yet now we have this rich dataset to learn more about landslides.”

There have been much bigger human-caused landslides on other continents, and much bigger prehistoric slides in North America, including one about five times larger than Bingham Canyon some 8,000 years ago at the mouth of Utah’s Zion Canyon.

But the Bingham Canyon Mine slide “is probably the largest nonvolcanic landslide in modern North American history,” said study co-author Jeff Moore, an assistant professor of geology and geophysics at the University of Utah.

There have been numerous larger, mostly prehistoric slides – some hundreds of times larger. Even the landslide portion of the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption was 57 times larger than the Bingham Canyon slide.

News reports initially put the landslide cost at close to $1 billion, but that may end up lower because Kennecott has gotten the mine back in operation faster than expected.

Until now, the most expensive U.S. landslide was the 1983 Thistle slide in Utah, which cost an estimated $460 million to $940 million because the town of Thistle was abandoned, train tracks and highways were relocated and a drainage tunnel built.

Pankow and Moore conducted the study with several colleagues from the university’s College of Mines and Earth Sciences: J. Mark Hale, an information specialist at the Seismograph Stations; Keith Koper, director of the Seismograph Stations; Tex Kubacki, a graduate student in mining engineering; Katherine Whidden, a research seismologist; and Michael K. McCarter, professor of mining engineering.

The study was funded by state of Utah support of the University of Utah Seismograph Stations and by the U.S. Geological Survey.

The University of Utah researchers say the Bingham Canyon slide was among the best-recorded in history, making it a treasure trove of data for studying slides.

Kennecott has estimated the landslide weighed 165 million tons. The new study estimated the slide came from a volume of rock roughly 55 million cubic meters (1.9 billion cubic feet). Rock in a landslide breaks up and expands, so Moore estimated the landslide deposit had a volume of 65 million cubic meters (2.3 billion cubic feet).

Moore calculated that not only would bury Central Park 66 feet deep, but also is equivalent to the amount of material in 21 of Egypt’s great pyramids of Giza.

The landslide’s two rock avalanches were not earthquakes but, like mine collapses and nuclear explosions, they were recorded on seismographs and had magnitudes that were calculated on three different scales:

  • The first slide at 9:30 p.m. MDT measured 5.1 in surface-wave magnitude, 2.5 in local or Richter magnitude, and 4.2 in duration or “coda” magnitude.
  • The second slide at 11:05 p.m. MDT measured 4.9 in surface-wave magnitude, 2.4 in Richter magnitude and 3.5 in coda magnitude.

Pankow says the larger magnitudes more accurately reflect the energy released by the rock avalanches, but the smaller Richter magnitudes better reflect what people felt – or didn’t feel, since the Seismograph Stations didn’t receive any such reports. That’s because the larger surface-wave magnitudes record low-frequency energy, while Richter and coda magnitudes are based on high-frequency seismic waves that people usually feel during real quakes.

So in terms of ground movements people might feel, the rock avalanches “felt like 2.5,” Pankow says. “If this was a normal tectonic earthquake of magnitude 5, all three magnitude scales would give us similar answers.”

The slides were detected throughout the Utah seismic network, including its most distant station some 250 miles south on the Utah-Arizona border, Pankow says.

The Landslide Triggered 16 Tremors

The second rock avalanche was followed immediately by a real earthquake measuring 2.5 in Richter magnitude and 3.0 in coda magnitude, then three smaller quakes – all less than one-half mile below the bottom of the mine pit.

The Utah researchers sped up recorded seismic data by 30 times to create an audio file in which the second part of the slide is heard as a deep rumbling, followed by sharp gunshot-like bangs from three of the subsequent quakes.

Later analysis revealed another 12 tiny quakes – measuring from 0.5 to minus 0.8 Richter magnitude. (A minus 1 magnitude has one-tenth the power of a hand grenade.) Six of these tiny tremors occurred between the two parts of the landslide, five happened during the two days after the slide, and one was detected 10 days later, on April 20. No quakes were detected during the 10 days before the double landslide.

“We don’t know of any case until now where landslides have been shown to trigger earthquakes,” Moore says. “It’s quite commonly the reverse.”

A Long, Fast Landslide Runout

The landslide, from top to bottom, fell 2,790 vertical feet, but its runout – the distance the slide traveled – was almost 10,072 feet, or just less than two miles.

“It was a bedrock landslide that had a characteristically fast and long runout – much longer than we would see for smaller rockfalls and rockslides,” Moore says.

While no one was present to measure the speed, rock avalanches typically move about 70 mph to 110 mph, while the fastest moved a quickly as 220 mph.

So at Bingham Canyon, “we can safely say the material was probably traveling at least 100 mph as it fell down the steepest part of the slope,” Moore says.

The researchers don’t know why the slide happened as two rock avalanches instead of one, but Moore says, “A huge volume like this can fail in one episode or in 10 episodes over hours.”

The Seismograph Stations also recorded infrasound waves from the landslide, which Pankow says are “sound waves traveling through the atmosphere that we don’t hear” because their frequencies are so low.

Both seismic and infrasound recordings detected differences between the landslide’s two rock avalanches. For example, the first avalanche had stronger peak energy at the end that was lacking in the second slide, Pankow says.

“We’d like to be able to use data like this to understand the physics of these large landslides,” Moore says.

The seismic and infrasound recordings suggest the two rock avalanches were similar in volume, but photos indicate the first slide contained more bedrock, while the second slide contained a higher proportion of mined waste rock – although both avalanches were predominantly bedrock.

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by University of Utah


Amelia Mine, Santa Rosalía (El Boleo), Boleo District, Mun. de Mulegé, Baja California Sur (BC Sur), Mexico © Vincent Bourgoin

Chemical Formula: Pb21Cu20Cl42(OH)40 · 6H2O
Locality: Boleo, near Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur.
Name Origin: Named for Edouard Cumenge (1828-1902), French mining engineer for the Boleo mines.

Cumengite is a rare mineral It shares a close relationship with another rare halide, boleite. Boleite and cumengite both come from the same type locality at Boleo, Baja California, Mexico; both resulted from the oxidation of igneous copper ore bodies; both have similar chemistries, although cumengite lacks silver; both have an attractive indigo blue color and both have interesting crystal forms. But all that is not the reason for the close relationship. Cumengite and boleite have about as close a relationship as two minerals can have since cumengite actually grows on the cube faces of boleite crystals.

Physical Properties of Cumengite

Cleavage: {101} Distinct, {110} Poor
Color: Indigo blue.
Density: 4.67
Diaphaneity: Transparent
Fracture: Brittle – Conchoidal – Very brittle fracture producing small, conchoidal fragments.
Hardness: 2.5 – Finger Nail
Luster: Adamantine
Streak: blue


Locality: Herzog Julius smelter slag locality, Astfeld, Goslar, Harz, Lower Saxony, Germany Picture width is 1,4mm Copyright © Elmar Lackner
Locality: Herzog Julius smelter slag locality, Astfeld, Goslar, Harz, Lower Saxony, Germany Picture width 1 mm Copyright © Stephan Wolfsried
Locality: Herzog Julius smelter slag locality, Astfeld, Goslar, Harz, Lower Saxony, Germany FOV 1.5 mm Copyright © Vincent Bourgoin
Locality: Herzog Julius smelter slag locality, Astfeld, Goslar, Harz, Lower Saxony, Germany FOV: 0.3 mm Copyright © Robert O. Meyer
Locality: Amelia Mine, Santa Rosalía (El Boleo), Boleo District, Mun. de Mulegé, Baja California Sur (BC Sur), Mexico Largest Crystal Size: 5.5 mm Copyright © John Rakovan

Ground-breaking work sheds new light on volcanic activity

The 20-km diameter Laguna del Maule caldera in the Chilean Andes was created by at least three very large eruptions that occurred 1.5, 0.95 and 0.34 million years ago. In contrast, over the last 25,000 years the volcano has erupted 36 small lava domes, like the one in the right foreground, the most recent of which formed 2,000 years ago. Understanding why volcanoes such as Laguna del Maule alternate between infrequent very large (or “super”) eruptions and frequent small eruptions is the subject of a recent paper in Nature Geoscience by Jon Blundy and Catherine Annen from the School of Earth Sciences and colleagues in Switzerland and France. Credit: University of Bristol

Factors determining the frequency and magnitude of volcanic phenomena have been uncovered by an international team of researchers.

Experts from the Universities of Geneva, Bristol and Savoie carried out over 1.2 million simulations to establish the conditions in which volcanic eruptions of different sizes occur.
The team used numerical modelling and statistical techniques to identify the circumstances that control the frequency of volcanic activity and the amount of magma that will be released.

The researchers, including Professor Jon Blundy and Dr Catherine Annen from Bristol University’s School of Earth Sciences, showed how different size eruptions have different causes. Small, frequent eruptions are known to be triggered by a process called magma replenishment, which stresses the walls around a magma chamber to breaking point. However, the new research shows that larger, less frequent eruptions are caused by a different phenomenon known as magma buoyancy, driven by slow accumulation of low-density magma beneath a volcano.

Predictions of the scale of the largest possible volcanic eruption on earth have been made using this new insight. This is the first time scientists have been able to establish a physical link between the frequency and magnitude of volcanic eruptions and their findings will be published today in the journal Nature Geoscience.

“We estimate that a magma chamber can contain a maximum of 35,000 km3 of eruptible magma. Of this, around 10 per cent is released during a super-eruption, which means that the largest eruption could release approximately 3,500 km3 of magma”, explained lead researcher Luca Caricchi, assistant professor at the Section of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Geneva and ex-research fellow at the University of Bristol.

Volcanic eruptions may be frequent yet their size is notoriously hard to predict. For example, the Stromboli volcano in Italy ejects magma every ten minutes and would take two days to fill an Olympic swimming pool. However, the last super-eruption of a volcano, which occurred over 70,000 years ago, spewed out enough magma to fill a billion swimming pools.

This new research identifies the main physical factors involved in determining the frequency and size of eruptions and is essential to understanding phenomena that effect human life, such as the 2010 ash cloud caused by the eruption of Eyjafallajökull in Iceland.

Professor Jon Blundy said: “Some volcanoes ooze modest quantities of magma at regular intervals, whereas others blow their tops in infrequent super-eruptions. Understanding what controls these different types of behaviour is a fundamental geological question.

“Our work shows that this behaviour results from interplay between the rate at which magma is supplied to the shallow crust underneath a volcano and the strength of the crust itself. Very large eruptions require just the right (or wrong!) combination of magma supply and crustal strength.”

The above story is based on materials provided by University of Bristol

Indonesian volcano erupts 30 times as 20,000 displaced

Indonesians look at the volcanic ash spewing up into the air from Mount Sinabung as it erupts in Karo, North Sumatra, on January 1, 2014

An Indonesian volcano that has erupted relentlessly for months shot volcanic ash into the air 30 times on Saturday, forcing further evacuations with more than 20,000 people now displaced, an official said.

Mount Sinabung on the western island of Sumatra sent rivers of lava flowing through an evacuation zone and columns of volcanic cloud up as high as 4,000 metres (13,000 feet), National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho said.
“Hot lava spewed from the volcano some 60 times, reaching up to five kilometres (three miles) southeast of the crater. This outpour is the biggest we’ve seen in all the recent eruptions,” Nugroho said.

Authorities had already told residents in a five-kilometre radius of the volcano to evacuate, and Nugroho said an expanded evacuation zone may be considered.

The number of people who have now fled the rumbling volcano since it began erupting in September last year has risen to 20,331, Nugroho said.

Mount Sinabung is one of dozens of active volcanoes in Indonesia that straddle major tectonic fault lines, known as the Ring of Fire.

It had been quiet for around 400 years until it rumbled back to life in 2010, and again in September last year.

In August, five people were killed and hundreds evacuated when a volcano on a tiny island in East Nusa Tenggara province erupted.

The country’s most active volcano, Mount Merapi in central Java, killed more than 350 people in a series of violent eruptions in 2010.

The above story is based on materials provided by © 2014 AFP


Locality: Henderson No. 2 mine, Chibougamau, Nord-du-Québec, Québec, Canada Copyright © John A. Jaszczak.
Chemical Formula: CuFe2S3
Locality: Barracanao, Cuba.
Name Origin: Named after its locality.

Cubanite is a yellow mineral of copper, iron, and sulfur, CuFe2S3.Cubanite was first described in 1843 for an occurrence in the Mayarí-Baracoa Belt, Oriente Province, Cuba.Cubanite occurs in high temperature hydrothermal deposits with pyrrhotite and pentlandite as intergrowths with chalcopyrite. It results from exsolution from chalcopyrite at temperatures below 200 to 210 °C. It has also been reported from carbonaceous chondrite meteorites.

Physical Properties of Cubanite

Cleavage: None
Color: Brass yellow, Bronze yellow.
Density: 4.7
Diaphaneity: Opaque
Fracture: Conchoidal – Fractures developed in brittle materials characterized by smoothly curving surfaces, (e.g. quartz).
Hardness: 3.5 – Copper Penny
Luminescence: Non-fluorescent.
Luster: Metallic
Magnetism: Strongly magnetic
Streak: black

Photos :

Cubanite Henderson Mine, Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada 29mm x 22mm x 4mm “Courtesy of Rob Lavinsky, The Arkenstone,”
This sample of cubanite is displayed in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. The sample is about 6×10 cm and is from Henderson mine #2, Chibougamah, Quebec, Canada.
Quartz with Siderite, Dolomite, Pyrrhotite, Cubanite  Morro Velho mine, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil Size: 21.0 x 18.0 x 6.5 cm Copyright © danweinrich

Amber Fossil Reveals Ancient Reproduction in Flowering Plants

Ancient flower. (Credit: Image courtesy of Oregon State University)

A 100-million-year old piece of amber has been discovered which reveals the oldest evidence of sexual reproduction in a flowering plant — a cluster of 18 tiny flowers from the Cretaceous Period — with one of them in the process of making some new seeds for the next generation.

The perfectly-preserved scene, in a plant now extinct, is part of a portrait created in the mid-Cretaceous when flowering plants were changing the face of the Earth forever, adding beauty, biodiversity and food. It appears identical to the reproduction process that “angiosperms,” or flowering plants still use today.

Researchers from Oregon State University and Germany published their findings on the fossils in the Journal of the Botanical Institute of Texas.

The flowers themselves are in remarkable condition, as are many such plants and insects preserved for all time in amber. The flowing tree sap covered the specimens and then began the long process of turning into a fossilized, semi-precious gem. The flower cluster is one of the most complete ever found in amber and appeared at a time when many of the flowering plants were still quite small.

Even more remarkable is the microscopic image of pollen tubes growing out of two grains of pollen and penetrating the flower’s stigma, the receptive part of the female reproductive system. This sets the stage for fertilization of the egg and would begin the process of seed formation — had the reproductive act been completed.

“In Cretaceous flowers we’ve never before seen a fossil that shows the pollen tube actually entering the stigma,” said George Poinar, Jr., a professor emeritus in the Department of Integrative Biology at the OSU College of Science. “This is the beauty of amber fossils. They are preserved so rapidly after entering the resin that structures such as pollen grains and tubes can be detected with a microscope.”

The pollen of these flowers appeared to be sticky, Poinar said, suggesting it was carried by a pollinating insect, and adding further insights into the biodiversity and biology of life in this distant era. At that time much of the plant life was composed of conifers, ferns, mosses, and cycads. During the Cretaceous, new lineages of mammals and birds were beginning to appear, along with the flowering plants. But dinosaurs still dominated the Earth.

“The evolution of flowering plants caused an enormous change in the biodiversity of life on Earth, especially in the tropics and subtropics,” Poinar said.

“New associations between these small flowering plants and various types of insects and other animal life resulted in the successful distribution and evolution of these plants through most of the world today,” he said. “It’s interesting that the mechanisms for reproduction that are still with us today had already been established some 100 million years ago.”

The fossils were discovered from amber mines in the Hukawng Valley of Myanmar, previously known as Burma. The newly-described genus and species of flower was named Micropetasos burmensis.

The above story is based on materials provided by Oregon State University. 

Earthquake lights linked to rift environments, subvertical faults

Earthquake lights from Tagish Lake, Yukon-Alaska border region, around the 1st of July, probably 1972 or 1973 (exact date unknown). Estimated size: 1m diameter. Closest orbs slowly drifted up the mountain to join the more distant ones. Credit: Jim Conacher

Rare earthquake lights are more likely to occur on or near rift environments, where subvertical faults allow stress-induced electrical currents to flow rapidly to the surface, according to a new study published in the Jan./Feb. issue of Seismological Research Letters.From the early days of seismology, the luminous phenomena associated with some earthquakes have intrigued scholars. Earthquake lights (EQL) appear before or during earthquakes, but rarely after.
EQL take a variety of forms, including spheres of light floating through the air. Seconds before the 2009 L’Aquila, Italy earthquake struck, pedestrians saw 10-centimeter high flames of light flickering above the stone-paved Francesco Crispi Avenue in the town’s historical city center. On Nov. 12, 1988, a bright purple-pink globe of light moved through the sky along the St. Lawrence River near the city of Quebec, 11 days before a powerful quake. And in 1906, about 100 km northwest of San Francisco, a couple saw streams of light running along the ground two nights preceding that region’s great earthquake.

Continental rift environments now appear to be the common factor associated with EQL. In a detailed study of 65 documented EQL cases since 1600 A.D., 85 percent appeared spatially on or near rifts, and 97 percent appeared adjacent to subvertical faults (a rift, a graben, strike-slip or transform fault). Intraplate faults are associated with just 5 percent of Earth’s seismic activity, but 97 percent of documented cases of earthquake lights.

“The numbers are striking and unexpected,” said Robert Thériault, a geologist with the Ministère des Ressources Naturelles of Québec, who, along with colleagues, culled centuries of literature references, limiting the cases in this study to 65 of the best-documented events in the Americas and Europe.

“We don’t know quite yet why more earthquake light events are related to rift environments than other types of faults,” said Thériault, “but unlike other faults that may dip at a 30-35 degree angle, such as in subduction zones, subvertical faults characterize the rift environments in these cases.”

Two of the 65 EQL events are associated with subduction zones, but Thériault suggests there may be an unknown subvertical fault present. “We may not know the fault distribution beneath the ground,” said Thériault. “We have some idea of surface structures, but sedimentary layers or water may obscure the underlying fault structure.”

While the 65 earthquakes ranged in magnitude, from M 3.6 to 9.2, 80 percent were greater than M 5.0. The EQL varied in shape and extent, though most commonly appeared as globular luminous masses, either stationary or moving, as atmospheric illuminations or as flame-like luminosities issuing from the ground.

Timing and distance to the epicenter vary widely. Most EQL are seen before and/or during an earthquake, but rarely after, suggesting to the authors that the processes responsible for EQL formation are related to a rapid build-up of stress prior to fault rupture and rapid local stress changes during the propagation of the seismic waves. Stress-activated mobile electronic charge carriers, termed positive holes, flow swiftly along stress gradients. Upon reaching the surface, they ionize air molecules and generate the observed luminosities.

Eyewitness reports and security cameras captured a large number of light flashes during the 2007 Pisco, Peru M 8.0 earthquake. Together with seismic records obtained on a local university campus, the automatic security camera records allow for an exact timing and location of light flashes that illuminated a large portion of the night sky. The light flashes identified as EQL coincided with the passage of the seismic waves.

Thériault likes the account of a local L’Aquila resident, who, after seeing flashes of light from inside his home two hours before the main shock, rushed his family outside to safety.

“It’s one of the very few documented accounts of someone acting on the presence of earthquake lights,” said Thériault. “Earthquake lights as a pre-earthquake phenomenon, in combination with other types of parameters that vary prior to seismic activity, may one day help forecast the approach of a major quake,” said Thériault.

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by Seismological Society of America

Granite research revises heat under Perth’s surface

“The high radiogenic heat generation in the Darling Range appears to be the cause of the hot water within the Perth Basin, as the granites of the Darling Range extend under the Perth Basin, which provides the sedimentary blanket,” Dr Middleton says. Credit: Michael Jefferies

Scientists investigating heat decay from radiogenic granite in the Darling Range have discovered the maximum heat output has exceeded previously known data.

Radiogenic granite, the major rock form of the Darling Range, is known for naturally high elemental concentrations of uranium (U), thorium (Th) and potassium (K).
During radioactive decay the elements release heat, and it is at depths of 3000–4000 metres that temperatures can attain 60 to 110C, making them viable for thermal applications.

Department of Mines and Petroleum research scientist Dr Mike Middleton says the thermal effect can also be observed at the base of a sedimentary rock layer, as is the case for the Perth Basin that lies over the Yilgarn Craton.

The Darling Range is at the boundary of both the Perth Basin and the Yilgarn Craton.

“In addition to establishing the amount of radiogenic heat generation in the Darling Range granites, the study was also about understanding the temperatures that might exist at depth in the Darling Range and adjacent Perth Basin,” he says.

Measuring exposed granite at 13 sites across the Darling Range using a Geiger Muller counter and RS 125 Spectrometer Dr Middleton and his team were able to model the data as an estimation of heat production.

Results indicate providing a uniform thickness in the granite profile (of 6km), heat generation can be within the vicinity of 50C at 1000m, 75C at 2000m, 100C at 3000m and 120C at 4000m.

Despite these geothermally considered lower temperatures Dr Middleton says this, “has a significant role to play in Perth’s energy mix, albeit with low-temperature applications”.

“The high radiogenic heat generation in the Darling Range appears to be the cause of the hot water within the Perth Basin, as the granites of the Darling Range extend under the Perth Basin, which provides the sedimentary blanket.”

“Indeed, hot water springs were noted in Dalkeith, near the Swan River, back in the early 1900s.”

Metropolitan Perth is ideally situated to take advantage of the low temperature geothermal energy, especially by the use of organic Rankine-cycle turbines or absorption chillers that operate at 70–120C.

“A current study is being carried out in the Vasse region, where hot pools and natural hot springs may be developed to support the tourist industry, especially in the colder months of the year,” he says.

Geothermal potential may also occur in Albany and Esperance.

Dr Middleton says studies are continuing in the regions south of Perth.

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by Science Network WA

Atlas Mountains in Morocco are buoyed up by superhot rock, study finds

This is a profile depicting the height and depth of the Atlas Mountains. The blue bars indicate the boundary between the crust and the superhot rock below, about 15 km shallower than predicted by previous models. Credit: Meghan Miller and Thorsten Becker

The Atlas Mountains defy the standard model for mountain structure in which high topography must have deep roots for support, according to a new study from Earth scientists at USC.

In a new model, the researchers show that the mountains are floating on a layer of hot molten rock that flows beneath the region’s lithosphere, perhaps all the way from the volcanic Canary Islands, just offshore northwestern Africa.

“Our findings confirm that mountain structures and their formation are far more complex than previously believed,” said lead author Meghan Miller, assistant professor of Earth sciences at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

The study, coauthored by Thorsten Becker, professor of Earth sciences at USC Dornsife, was published by Geology on Jan. 1, 2014 and highlighted by Nature Geoscience.

A well-established model for the Earth’s lithosphere suggests that the height of the Earth’s crust must be supported by a commensurate depth, much like how a tall iceberg doesn’t simply float on the surface of the water but instead rests on a large submerged mass of ice. This property is known as “istostacy.”

“The Atlas Mountains are at present out of balance, likely due to a confluence of existing lithospheric strength anomalies and deep mantle dynamics,” Becker said.

Miller and Becker used seismometers to measure the thickness of the lithosphere – that is, the Earth’s rigid outermost layer – beneath the Altas Mountains in Morocco. By analyzing 67 distant seismic events with 15 seismometers, the team was able to use the Earth’s vibrations to “see” into the deep subsurface.

They found that the crust beneath the Atlas Mountains, which rise to an elevation of more than 4,000 meters, reaches a depth of only about 35 km – about 15 km shy of what the traditional model predicts.

“This study shows that deformation can be observed through the entire lithosphere and contributes to mountain building even far away from plate boundaries” Miller said.

Miller’s lab is currently conducting further research into the timing and effects of the mountain building on other geological processes.

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by University of Southern California


Brunita open pit (Brunita Quarry), La Peraleja, Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión, La Unión, Murcia, Spain Copyright © Fontana Gianluca

Chemical Formula: Fe22+Fe3+((Si,Fe3+)2O5)(OH)4
Locality: Pribram and Kuttenberg, Bohemia of Czechoslovakia.
Name Origin: Named for Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1722-1765), Swedish mineralogist and chemist.

Cronstedtite is a complex iron silicate mineral belonging to the serpentine group of minerals. It has a formula of Fe22+Fe3+((Si,Fe3+)2O5)(OH)4.

It was discovered in 1821 and named in honor of Swedish mineralogist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1722–1765). It has been found in Bohemia in the Czech Republic and in Cornwall, England.

Cronstedtite is a major constituent of CM chondrites, a carbonaceous chondrite group exhibiting varying degrees of aqueous alteration. Cronstedtite abundance decreases with increasing alteration.

Physical Properties of Cronstedtite

Cleavage: {001} Perfect
Color: Brownish black, Greenish black, Dark brown, Black.
Density: 3.34 – 3.35, Average = 3.34
Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent
Hardness: 3.5 – Copper Penny
Luster: Vitreous – Resinous
Streak: dark olive green


Cronstedtite, Marcasite Locality: Brunita open pit (Brunita Quarry), La Peraleja, Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión, La Unión, Murcia, Spain Copyright © Enrico Bonacina
Locality: Brunita open pit (Brunita Quarry), La Peraleja, Sierra Minera de Cartagena-La Unión, La Unión, Murcia, Spain FOV: 5 mm Copyright © Fontana Gianluca
Locality: Salsigne mine, Salsigne, Mas-Cabardès, Carcassonne, Aude, Languedoc-Roussillon, France Copyright © Germano Fretti

Earth’s crust was unstable in the Archean eon and dripped down into the mantle

Computer simulation of the processes in the Earth’s mantle Credit: Institute of Geosciences, JGU

Earth’s mantle temperatures during the Archean eon, which commenced some 4 billion years ago, were significantly higher than they are today. According to recent model calculations, the Archean crust that formed under these conditions was so dense that large portions of it were recycled back into the mantle.
This is the conclusion reached by Dr. Tim Johnson who is currently studying the evolution of the Earth’s crust as a member of the research team led by Professor Richard White of the Institute of Geosciences at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). According to the calculations, this dense primary crust would have descended vertically in drip form. In contrast, the movements of today’s tectonic plates involve largely lateral movements with oceanic lithosphere recycled in subduction zones. The findings add to our understanding of how cratons and plate tectonics, and thus also the Earth’s current continents, came into being.

Because mantle temperatures were higher during the Archean eon, the Earth’s primary crust that formed at the time must have been very thick and also very rich in magnesium. However, as Johnson and his co-authors explain in their article recently published in Nature Geoscience, very little of this original crust is preserved, indicating that most must have been recycled into the Earth’s mantle. Moreover, the Archean crust that has survived in some areas such as, for example, Northwest Scotland and Greenland, is largely made of tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite complexes and these are likely to have originated from a hydrated, low-magnesium basalt source. The conclusion is that these pieces of crust cannot be the direct products of an originally magnesium-rich primary crust. These TTG complexes are among the oldest features of our Earth’s crust. They are most commonly present in cratons, the oldest and most stable cores of the current continents.

With the help of thermodynamic calculations, Dr. Tim Johnson and his collaborators at the US-American universities of Maryland, Southern California, and Yale have established that the mineral assemblages that formed at the base of a 45-kilometer-thick magnesium-rich crust were denser than the underlying mantle layer. In order to better explore the physics of this process, Professor Boris Kaus of the Geophysics work group at Mainz University developed new computer models that simulate the conditions when the Earth was still relatively young and take into account Johnson’s calculations.

These geodynamic computer models show that the base of a magmatically over-thickened and magnesium-rich crust would have been gravitationally unstable at mantle temperatures greater than 1,500 to 1,550 degrees Celsius and this would have caused it to sink in a process called ‘delamination’. The dense crust would have dripped down into the mantle, triggering a return flow of mantle material from the asthenosphere that would have melted to form new primary crust. Continued melting of over-thickened and dripping magnesium-rich crust, combined with fractionation of primary magmas, may have produced the hydrated magnesium-poor basalts necessary to provide a source of the tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite complexes. The dense residues of these processes, which would have a high content of mafic minerals, must now reside in the mantle.

Note : The above story is based on materials provided by Universitaet Mainz


Kosminsky Mine, Dundas mineral field, Zeehan District, Tasmania, Australia © 2009 ROM
Chemical Formula: Pb(CrO4)
Locality: Tasmania.
Name Origin: From the Greek krokos, meaning “crocus” or “saffron.”

Crocoite is a mineral consisting of lead chromate, Pb(CrO4), and crystallizing in the monoclinic crystal system. It is identical in composition with the artificial product chrome yellow used as a paint pigment.

Crocoite is commonly found as large, well-developed prismatic crystals, although in many cases are poorly terminated. Crystals are of a bright hyacinth-red color, translucent, and have an adamantine to vitreous lustre. On exposure to UV light some of the translucency and brilliancy is lost.

The streak is orange-yellow; Mohs hardness is 2.5–3; and the specific gravity is 6.0.It was discovered at the Berezovskoe Au Deposit (Berezovsk Mines) near Ekaterinburg in the Urals in 1766; and named crocoise by F. S. Beudant in 1832, from the Greek κρόκος (krokos), saffron, in allusion to its color, a name first altered to crocoisite and afterwards to crocoite. In the type locality the crystals are found in gold-bearing quartz-veins traversing granite or gneiss and associated with crocoite are quartz, embreyite, phoenicochroite and vauquelinite.

Phoenicochroite is a basic lead chromate, Pb2CrO5 with dark red crystals, and vauquelinite a lead and copper phosphate-chromate, Pb2CuCrO4PO4OH, with brown or green monoclinic crystals. Vauquelinite was named after L. N. Vauquelin, who in 1797 discovered (simultaneously with and independently of M. H. Klaproth) the element chromium in crocoite.

Abundant masses with exceptional examples of crocoite crystals have been found in the Extended Mine at Mount Dundas as well as the Adelaide, Red Lead, West Comet, Platt and a few other Mines at Dundas, Tasmania; they are usually found in long slender prisms, usually about 10–20 mm but rarely up to 200 mm (4 inches) in length, with a brilliant lustre and color. Crocoite is also the official Tasmanian mineral emblem. Other localities which have yielded good crystallized specimens are Congonhas do Campo near Ouro Preto in Brazil, Luzon in the Philippines, Mutare in Mashonaland, near Menzies in Western Australia, plus Brazil, Germany and South Africa.

The relative rarity of crocoite is connected with the specific conditions required for its formation: an oxidation zone of lead ore bed and presence of ultramafic rocks serving as the source of chromium (in chromite). Oxidation of Cr3+ into CrO42− (from chromite) and decomposition of galena (or other primary lead minerals) are required for crocoite formation. These conditions are relatively unusual.

As crocoite is composed of lead(II) chromate, it is toxic, containing both lead and hexavalent chromium.

Physical Properties of Crocoite

Cleavage: {110} Distinct, {001} Indistinct, {100} Indistinct
Color: Yellow, Orange, Red, Red orange.
Density: 5.9 – 6.1, Average = 6
Diaphaneity: Translucent
Fracture: Sectile – Curved shavings or scrapings produced by a knife blade, (e.g. graphite).
Hardness: 2.5-3 – Finger Nail-Calcite
Luminescence: Non-fluorescent.
Luster: Adamantine
Streak: yellowish orange

Photos :

This sample is about 12×22 cm and is from Red Lead mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia. This sample is on display at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
This sample is on display at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
This sample of crocoite is about 20 cm wide and is from Adelaide, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia. This sample is on display at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.
Crocoite Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia Size: 5.3×2.8×1.1 cm Photo Copyright © SpiriferMinerals.
Crocoite Adelaide Mine, Dundas mineral field, Zeehan District, Tasmania, Australia Size: 6.0 x 4.0 x 3.0 cm Photo Copyright © danweinrich
Crocoite Adelaide Mine, Dundas, Tasmania, Australia Size: 5.8×0.6×0.4 cm Photo Copyright © SpiriferMinerals.

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