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Geochemists solve mystery of Earth’s vanishing crust

Scientists examined hundreds of samples taken along the global ridges that contain recycled ancient oceanic crust in variable amounts. "Depleted" segments of the ridge received lower than "normal" amounts of recycled crust, while "enriched" segments contain a larger proportion of recycled crust.
Scientists examined hundreds of samples taken along the global ridges that contain recycled ancient oceanic crust in variable amounts. “Depleted” segments of the ridge received lower than “normal” amounts of recycled crust, while “enriched” segments contain a larger proportion of recycled crust. Credit: Caroline McNiel/National MagLab

Thank goodness for the Earth’s crust: It is, after all, that solid, outermost layer of our planet that supports everything above it.

But much of what happens below that layer remains a mystery, including the fate of sections of crust that vanish back into the Earth. Now, a team of geochemists based at the Florida State University-headquartered National High Magnetic Field Laboratory has uncovered key clues about where those rocks have been hiding.

The researchers provided fresh evidence that, while most of the Earth’s crust is relatively new, a small percentage is actually made up of ancient chunks that had sunk long ago back into the mantle then later resurfaced. They also found, based on the amount of that “recycled” crust, that the planet has been churning out crust consistently since its formation 4.5 billion years ago—a picture that contradicts prevailing theories.

Their research is published in the journal Science Advances.

“Like salmon returning to their spawning grounds, some oceanic crust returns to its breeding ground, the volcanic ridges where fresh crust is born,” said co-author Munir Humayun, a MagLab geochemist and professor at Florida State’s Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science (EOAS). “We used a new technique to show that this process is essentially a closed loop, and that recycled crust is distributed unevenly along ridges.”

In addition to Humayun, the research team included MagLab postdoctoral researcher Shuying Yang, lead author on the paper, and MagLab Geochemistry Group Director and EOAS Chair Vincent Salters.

The Earth’s oceanic crust is formed when mantle rock melts near fissures between tectonic plates along undersea volcanic ridges, yielding basalt. As new crust is made, it pushes the older crust away from the ridge toward continents, like a super slow conveyer belt. Eventually, it reaches areas called subduction zones, where it is forced under another plate and swallowed back into the Earth.

Scientists have long theorized about what happens to subducted crust after being reabsorbed into the hot, high-pressure environment of the planet’s mantle. It might sink deeper into the mantle and settle there, or rise back to the surface in plumes, or swirl through the mantle, like strands of chocolate through a yellow marble cake. Some of that “chocolate” might eventually rise up, re-melt at mid-ocean ridges, and form new rock for yet another millions-year-long tour of duty on the sea floor.

This new evidence supports the “marble cake” theory.

Scientists had already seen clues supporting the theory. Some basalts collected from mid-ocean ridges, called enriched basalts, have a higher percentage of certain elements that tend to seep from the mantle into the melt from which basalt is formed; others, called depleted basalts, had much lower levels.

To shed more light on the mystery of the disappearing crust, the team chemically analyzed 500 samples of basalt collected from 30 regions of ocean ridges. Some were enriched, some were depleted and some were in between.

Early on, the team discovered that the relative proportions of germanium and silicon were lower in melts of recycled crust than in the “virgin” basalt emerging from melted mantle rock. So they developed a new technique that used that ratio to identify a distinct chemical fingerprint for subducted crust.

They devised a precise method of measuring that ratio using a mass spectrometer at the MagLab. Then they crunched the numbers to see how these ratios differed among the 30 regions sampled, expecting to see variations that would shed light on their origins.

At first the analysis revealed nothing of note. Concerned, Yang, a doctoral candidate at the time, consulted with her adviser. Humayun suggested looking at the problem from a wider angle: Rather than compare basalts of different regions, they could compare enriched and depleted basalts.

After quickly re-crunching the data, Yang was thrilled to see clear differences among those groups of basalts.

“I was very happy,” recalled Yang, lead author on the paper. “I thought, ‘I will be able to graduate!'”

The team had detected lower germanium-to-silicon ratios in enriched basalts—the chemical fingerprint for recycled crust—across all the regions they sampled, pointing to its marble cake-like spread throughout the mantle. Essentially, they solved the mystery of the vanishing crust.

It was a lesson in missing the forest for the trees, Humayun said.

“Sometimes you’re looking too closely, with your nose in the data, and you can’t see the patterns,” he said. “Then you step back and you go, ‘Whoa!'”

Digging deeper into the patterns they found, the scientists unearthed more secrets. Based on the amounts of enriched basalts detected on global mid-ocean ridges, the team was able to calculate that about 5 to 6 percent of the Earth’s mantle is made of recycled crust, a figure that sheds new light on the planet’s history as a crust factory. Scientists had known the Earth cranks out crust at the rate of a few inches a year. But has it done so consistently throughout its entire history?

Their analysis, Humayun said, indicates that, “The rates of crust formation can’t have been radically different from what they are today, which is not what anybody expected.”

“Elemental constraints on the amount of recycled crust in the generation of mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORBs)” Science Advances (2020). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba2923

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Florida State University.

The geological record of mud deposits

Mud Volcanoes
Representative Image: Mud Volcanoes

The nature of the sediments on the Basque continental shelf is very heterogeneous. From the point of view of distribution, two clearly differentiated sectors can be picked out in terms of grain size. “In the area of Bizkaia medium to coarse-sized sands predominate, whereas on the coast of Gipuzkoa there is a predomination of deposits of very fine sand, silts and clays, currently known as the Basque Mud Patch (BMP),” explained Maria Jesus Irabien, researcher in the UPV/EHU’s Department of Mineralogy and Petrology.

“This mud patch has an irregular surface area of approximately 680 km2. Metals and contaminants, in general, are more likely to build up in this type of muddy material. So if what we are aiming to do is study anthropogenic, industrial or human influence, it is necessary to explore the mud patch in the area of Gipuzkoa,” said the researcher in the Harea: Coastal Geology group of the UPV/EHU.

So, as Irabien pointed out, “we analyzed three cores (19-46 cm deep) from a multidisciplinary perspective that includes the analysis of various metals, foraminifera (small organisms characterized by a shell or chalky conch), pollen and various natural and artificial isotopes”.

“The results obtained have made it possible to calculate that the sediments build up at an approximate rate of one millimeter per year. An increase in the concentrations of metals from the end of the 19th century onwards can also be observed, showing that the influence of industrialization and human activity taking place in the Basque Country extends to the marine environment. In the case of lead (Pb), for example, the content in the most recent samples is five times higher than in that recorded in the past. However, the foraminifera are not affected by this contamination. Finally, the pollen analysis displays a growing trend in conifers and a reduction in indigenous species (Deciduous Quercus), possibly as a result of reforestation,” highlighted the researcher of the Harea: Coastal Geology group of the UPV/EHU.

“The results confirm that the influence of coastal anthropogenic activities extends to the adjacent shelf where muddy deposits are likely to act as a trap for contaminants,” said Irabien.

The researcher stresses “the importance of continuing to make interpretations of this type in marine depths to get to know marine evolution from a historical perspective. It is clear that human activity is exerting a significant influence on the coast, too; the only advantage that all this has is knowing we can stop,” concluded María Jesús Irabien.

María Jesús Irabien et al, Recent coastal anthropogenic impact recorded in the Basque mud patch (southern Bay of Biscay shelf), Quaternary International (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2020.03.042

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of the Basque Country.

Big-boned marsupial unearths evolution of wombat burrowing behavior

Life reconstruction of the giant wombat relative Mukupirna nambensis on the shores of Lake Pinpa 25 million years ago. Also shown are stiff-tailed ducks (foreground) and flamingos (background), the remains of which are known from the same fossil deposit. Credit: Painting by Peter Schouten.
Life reconstruction of the giant wombat relative Mukupirna nambensis on the shores of Lake Pinpa 25 million years ago. Also shown are stiff-tailed ducks (foreground) and flamingos (background), the remains of which are known from the same fossil deposit. Credit: Painting by Peter Schouten.

The discovery of a new species of ancient marsupial, named Mukupirna nambensis, is reported this week in Scientific Reports. The anatomical features of the specimen, which represents one of the oldest known Australian marsupials discovered so far, add to our understanding of the evolution of modern wombats and their characteristic burrowing behavior.

Robin Beck and colleagues describe the remains of a skull and partial skeleton from the Lake Eyre Basin of South Australia. The fossil dates back to the late Oligocene period ― approximately 25–26 million years ago ― and belongs to a new species of Vombatiformes, once one of the most diverse evolutionary groups of marsupial, of which only three species of wombat and the koala are alive today. The authors name the species Mukupirna nambensis from the words muku (“bones”) and pirna (“big”) of the Dieri and Malyangapa languages spoken in the surrounding areas of Lake Eyre and Lake Frome. The creature’s body mass is estimated to have been between 143–171kg, roughly five times larger than living wombat species.

A number of anatomical features identified in the skeleton are indicative of digging behavior, such as adaptations to the forearms commonly seen in burrowing animals. Yet, evidence from previous fossils dated to a later time, suggest Mukupirna was less well-adapted to burrowing than its later relatives. Given this and its size, Mukupirna may not have been capable of the true burrowing behavior seen in modern wombats, but may have used scratch-digging to access food items below the surface, such as roots and tubers. Another adaptation characteristic of living wombat species ― specialized molars capable of continuous growth ― were also absent, suggesting anatomical adaptations of the skeleton for digging pre-date dental changes in wombat evolution.

A new family of diprotodontian marsupials from the latest Oligocene of Australia and the evolution of wombats, koalas, and their relatives (Vombatiformes), Scientific Reports (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-66425-8

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Nature Publishing Group.

Purple Amethyst : What causes the purple color of amethyst?

Purple Amethyst
Purple Amethyst. Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay

Amethyst is a purple quartz type (SiO2) and owes its violet color to irradiation, iron impurities and, in some cases, other transition metals, and the presence of other trace elements resulting in complex crystal lattice substitutions. The hardness of the stone is the same as quartz, making it ideal for use in jewelry.

Amethyst occurs in primary shades from a light pinkish purple color to a deep purple color. Amethyst may have one or both secondary shades, red and blue. High-quality amethyst can be found in Russia, Sri Lanka, Peru, Uruguay and the Far East. The perfect classification is called “Ultra Siberian” which has a predominant purple hue of around 75–80 per cent, with 15–20 per cent blue which (depending on the light source) red secondary hues. ‘Rose de France’ has a distinctly light shade of purple, reminiscent of a lavender / lila shade. These pale colors were once considered undesirable but have recently become popular as a result of intensive marketing.

How does Amethyst get its color?

The color of amethyst has been shown to result from the substitution of trivalent iron (Fe3 +) for silicon in the structure in the presence of trace elements of a large ion radius and, to a certain extent, the amethyst color can naturally result from the displacement of the transition elements even if the iron concentration is low. Real amethyst is dichroic in reddish violet and blue violet, but when it is hot, it turns yellow-orange, yellow-brown, or dark brownish, and can resemble citrine, but, unlike true citrine, it lacks its dichroic. Amethyst can result in ametrine when partially heated.

The color of the amethyst comes from the quartz color centers. They are produced when small amounts of iron are irradiated (from the normal radiation in the rocks).

The purple color of ghost town glass comes from small amounts of manganese in the glass when exposed to ultraviolet light. Manganese was used as a clearing ingredient in glass from 1860 to 1915. Compared to this, lead was used, followed by the use of selenium.

Quartz will commonly contain trace amounts of iron (from 10 to 100 parts per million pieces of iron). Some of this iron is present in sites normally occupied by silicon, and some are interstitial (in sites where the atom is not normally present). The iron is usually at +3 valence.

Gamma ray radiation (from radioactive decay in the underlying rocks) is capable of shaking the electron out of the iron lattice and depositing the electron in the interstitial carbon. This +4 iron absorbs those wavelengths (357 and 545 nanometres) of light producing the colour of the amethyst. You need to get a quartz that contains the right amount of iron and then undergoes sufficiently natural radiation to create the color centers.

Amethyst Identification

Color: Purple, violet, dark purple
Crystal habit: 6-sided prism ending in 6-sided pyramid (typical)
Twinning: Dauphine law, Brazil law, and Japan law
Cleavage: None
Fracture: Conchoidal
Mohs scale hardness: 7–lower in impure varieties
Luster: Vitreous/glassy
Streak: White
Diaphaneity: Transparent to translucent
Specific gravity: 2.65 constant; variable in impure varieties

Roebling Opal : Amazing Rare blue and green Opal Found in Nevada

The Roebling Opal
The Roebling Opal. Photo by Chip Clark / Smithsonian Institution

Roebling Opal

The Roebling Opal, discovered in Humboldt County’s Virgin Valley, was donated to the Smithsonian in 1917. The 1.5 pound black fire opal is considered one of the museum’s most impressive specimens.

The Opal was named for its creator Colonel Washington Augustus Roebling who is in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History ‘s permanent collection of the same name.

The Roebling Opal, from Virgin Valley, Nevada, is an exceptional 2,585ct opal rough piece. The opal was deposited in voids from silica-rich water that existed after buried tree limbs had rotted away, In some cases to opal casts of the original parts of the tree. Although extremely beautiful, opal is not commonly used in jewellery from this location because it tends to crack or crack. Opals with a vivid play-of-color and a black or other dark body color are called black opals. The Roebling Opal is a black opal with flashes of blue and green play-of-color.

This opalised log from Nevada is one of the many treasures in the Smithsonian National Gem Collection. For several millions of years Western USA has been the site of plentiful volcanism and associated hydrothermal systems, and because much of it is silica-rich, there is plenty of raw material for mineralized waters to create these parts by replacing buried and rotted trees and logs, the Petrified Forest in Arizona being a popular example (though unfortunately agatised rather than opalised).

What Is Opal?

Opal is a hydrated amorphous form of silica; its water content may range from 3 to 21% by weight, but is usually between 6 and 10%. Because of its amorphous character, it is classed as a mineraloid, unlike the other crystalline forms of silica, which are classed as minerals. It is deposited at a relatively low temperature and may occur in the fissures of almost any kind of rock, being most commonly found with limonite, sandstone, rhyolite, marl, and basalt.

Opal is the national gemstone of Australia. Australian opal has often been cited as accounting for 95-97% of the world’s supply of precious opal, with the state of South Australia accounting for 80% of the world’s supply. Recent data suggests that the world supply of precious opal may have changed. In 2012, Ethiopian opal production was estimated to be 14,000 kg (31,000 lb) by the United States Geological Survey. USGS data from the same period (2012), reveals that Australian opal production to be $41 million. Because of the units of measurement, it is not possible to directly compare Australian and Ethiopian opal production, but these data and others suggest that the traditional percentages given for Australian opal production may be overstated. Yet, the validity of data in the USGS report appears to conflict with that of Laurs and others and Mesfin, who estimated the 2012 Ethiopian opal output (from Wegal Tena) to be only 750 kg (1,650 lb).

Read more : What Is Opal?


How seismometers record church bells ringing

Seismic recordings with bell ringing signals in four European locations to mark the passage of time: Lunas (France), Riolos (Greece), Sta. Marيa de Montmagastrell (Spain) y Oriolo (Italy). Each plot corresponds to one day. Each trace represents the same minute at every hour on that day. Time scale is in seconds. (Image: Jordi Dيaz, ICTJA-CSIC)
Seismic recordings with bell ringing signals in four European locations to mark the passage of time: Lunas (France), Riolos (Greece), Sta. Marيa de Montmagastrell (Spain) y Oriolo (Italy). Each plot corresponds to one day. Each trace represents the same minute at every hour on that day. Time scale is in seconds. (Image: Jordi Dيaz, ICTJA-CSIC)
  • A new study analyses the vibrations generated by the ringing of the bells to indicate the passage of time recorded by seismometers installed near bell towers from 4 European countries
  • The research, published in Journal of Seismology, compares the signal patterns and provides information on the traditions followed to mark the hours in Greece, France, Italy and Spain

A new study made by Jordi Díaz, researcher at Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera of the Spanish National Research Council (ICTJA-CSIC), has compared the different types of bell ringing to indicate the passage of time used in several European countries using recordings of seismometers installed near bell towers. The study, which has been published recently in “Journal of Seismology”, describes the characteristics of the seismic signal recorded by stations installed close to four churches from Greece, France, Italy and Spain. The work reflects the existing differences traditions still active in Europe to mark the hours with bell ringing.

According to Jordi Díaz, one of the objectives of this study is to show “that bridges can be built between very different scientific disciplines, such as seismology and social sciences, since the seismic data offers a new tool to study ethnographic aspects related to how the passage of time is marked in different European cultures”.

Seismometers are very sensitive instruments. As the main objective of this equipment is to detect seismic waves generated by distant and local earthquakes, the preferred locations for the stations are quiet areas to acquire the cleanest possible signal. Small chapels and churches are often seen as a good option to install seismometers, since most of the time they are not used and they offer the requirements for security and electrical power. However, the vibrations induced by eventual bells ringing can be recorded by seismometers and this can affect the data quality.

“The recorded signal contains high values in the upper frequency band, which may indicates that the signals are generated by the acoustic waves produced by the bells and converted to mechanical vibrations close to the seismometers, rather than the vibrations of the bell tower “, said Jordi Díaz.

Díaz became interested in analysing the seismic signal of bell ringing during the deployment of seismic stations carried out in the framework of the TopoIberia-Iberarray project (2007).

“One of the seismometers was installed in the church of Santa Maria de Montmagastrell (Spain). We had been told that the bells wouldn’t ring. But we could check soon that it was not the case. When we looked the records, we were able to see clearly the signal of the ringing bell. Since then, I have found here and there other stations that have recorded the same type of signals”, said Jordi Díaz.

Díaz collected data from seismometers installed close to the churches of Riolos Kato Achaia (Greece), Oriolo (Italy), Lunas (France) and Santa María de Montmagastrell (Spain). Once the data was processed, the scientist was able to identify some of the characteristics and differences on how each church marked the passage of the hours. Díaz could identify, for instance, the periods during which the bells remained active and inactive, since in France, Greece and Spain cases the chimes during nigh time were supressed. The researcher determined also the patterns and the intervals between bell strokes in each particular case.

In the Greek case, for example, hourly announcements are supressed from 13:00 to 17:00, probably to preserve the rest time after lunch. In the French case, according to the recorded signal, the medieval tradition of the Angelus is preserved: three times a day, at 07:00, 12:00 and 19:00, a triple stroke of the bells is repeated three times. In the Spanish case, the particular characteristic is how the hour quarters are indicated: smaller ringing bells are played every quarter and the exact hour bell calls are preceded by four strikes, one for each quarter.

In the Italian example, the seismic signal shows a complex pattern. First, bells ring during night and day time. Second, each hour quarter is marked by a bell stroke that includes the number of chimes corresponding to the previous hour and the number of smaller strikes corresponding to the quarter. This manner of bell ringing results in a total of 768 bell strikes during a single day.

“The data presented here can be interesting to perform studies analysing the relationship between acoustic and mechanic waves”, said Jordi Díaz.

The researcher also highlights the potential use of this type of signals from a seismological point of view. “These signals may be used, as long as they provide a large number of repetitive sources, to explore changes in the mechanical properties of the subsoil, as it is currently being done with environmental seismic noise”.

Díaz considers that this study is also an opportunity to increase the interest of the general public in seismology. “I think that this survey can be used to reach an audience that does not usually worry about seismic records nor Earth Sciences, showing that seismic data can also be used in other scientific disciplines “.

Díaz, J. (2020). “Church Bells and Ground Motions”. Journal of Seismology. DOI: 10.1007/s10950-020-09935-2

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra Jaume Almera – ICTJA-CSIC. The original article was written by Jordi Díaz.

Coal-burning in Siberia led to climate change 250 million years ago

A lump of coal weathering out from Siberian flood basalts in a quarry near the town of Ust Ilimsk Credit: Scott Simper
A lump of coal weathering out from Siberian flood basalts in a quarry near the town of Ust Ilimsk Credit: Scott Simper

A team of researchers led by Arizona State University (ASU) School of Earth and Space Exploration professor Lindy Elkins-Tanton has provided the first ever direct evidence that extensive coal burning in Siberia is a cause of the Permo-Triassic Extinction, the Earth’s most severe extinction event. The results of their study have been recently published in the journal Geology.

For this study, the international team led by Elkins-Tanton focused on the volcaniclastic rocks (rocks created by explosive volcanic eruptions) of the Siberian Traps, a region of volcanic rock in Russia. The massive eruptive event that formed the traps is one of the largest known volcanic events in the last 500 million years. The eruptions continued for roughly two million years and spanned the Permian-Triassic boundary. Today, the area is covered by about three million square miles of basaltic rock.

This is ideal ground for researchers seeking an understanding of the Permo-Triassic extinction event, which affected all life on Earth approximately 252 million years ago. During this event, up to 96% of all marine species and 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species became extinct.

Calculations of sea water temperature indicate that at the peak of the extinction, the Earth underwent lethally hot global warming, in which equatorial ocean temperatures exceeded 104 degrees Fahrenheit. It took millions of years for ecosystems to be re-established and for species to recover.

Among the possible causes of this extinction event, and one of the most long-hypothesized, is that massive burning coal led to catastrophic global warming, which in turn was devastating to life. To search for evidence to support this hypothesis, Elkins-Tanton and her team began looking at the Siberian Traps region, where it was known that the magmas and lavas from volcanic events burned a combination of vegetation and coal.

While samples of volcaniclastics in the region were initially difficult to find, the team eventually discovered a scientific paper describing outcrops near the Angara River. “We found towering river cliffs of nothing but volcaniclastics, lining the river for hundreds of miles. It was geologically astounding,” says Elkins-Tanton.

Over six years, the team repeatedly returned to Siberia for field work. They flew to remote towns and were dropped by helicopter either to float down rivers collecting rocks, or to hike across the forests. They ultimately collected over 1,000 pounds of samples, which were shared with a team of 30 scientists from eight different countries.

As the samples were analyzed, the team began seeing strange fragments in the volcaniclastics that seemed like burnt wood, and in some cases, burnt coal. Further field work turned up even more sites with charcoal, coal, and even some sticky organic-rich blobs in the rocks.

Elkins-Tanton then collaborated with fellow researcher and co-author Steve Grasby of the Geological Survey of Canada, who had previously found microscopic remains of burnt coal on a Canadian arctic island. Those remains dated to the end-Permian and were thought to have wafted to Canada from Siberia as coal burned in Siberia. Grasby found that the Siberian Traps samples collected by Elkins-Tanton had the same evidence of burnt coal.

“Our study shows that Siberian Traps magmas intruded into and incorporated coal and organic material,” says Elkins-Tanton. “That gives us direct evidence that the magmas also combusted large quantities of coal and organic matter during eruption.”

And the changes at the end-Permian extinction bear remarkable parallels to what is happening on Earth today, including burning hydrocarbons and coal, acid rain from sulfur, and even ozone-destroying halocarbons.

“Seeing these similarities gives us extra impetus to take action now, and also to further understand how the Earth responds to changes like these in the longer term,” says Elkins-Tanton.

F. Goodarzi, O.H. Ardakani, R.V. Veselovskiy, B.A. Black, S.E. Grasby, L.T. Elkins-Tanton. Field evidence for coal combustion links the 252 Ma Siberian Traps with global carbon disruption. Geology, 2020; DOI: 10.1130/G47365.1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Arizona State University.

Scientists detect unexpected widespread structures near Earth’s core

Earthquakes send sound waves through the Earth. Seismograms record the echoes as those waves travel along the core-mantle boundary, diffracting and bending around dense rock structures. New research from University of Maryland provides the first broad view of these structures, revealing them to be much more widespread than previously known. Credit: Doyeon Kim/University of Maryland
Earthquakes send sound waves through the Earth. Seismograms record the echoes as those waves travel along the core-mantle boundary, diffracting and bending around dense rock structures. New research from University of Maryland provides the first broad view of these structures, revealing them to be much more widespread than previously known. Credit: Doyeon Kim/University of Maryland

University of Maryland geophysicists analyzed thousands of recordings of seismic waves, sound waves traveling through the Earth, to identify echoes from the boundary between Earth’s molten core and the solid mantle layer above it. The echoes revealed more widespread, heterogenous structures — areas of unusually dense, hot rock — at the core-mantle boundary than previously known.

Scientists are unsure of the composition of these structures, and previous studies have provided only a limited view of them. Better understanding their shape and extent can help reveal the geologic processes happening deep inside Earth. This knowledge may provide clues to the workings of plate tectonics and the evolution of our planet.

The new research provides the first comprehensive view of the core-mantle boundary over a wide area with such detailed resolution. The study was published in the June 12, 2020, issue of the journal Science.

The researchers focused on echoes of seismic waves traveling beneath the Pacific Ocean basin. Their analysis revealed a previously unknown structure beneath the volcanic Marquesas Islands in the South Pacific and showed that the structure beneath the Hawaiian Islands is much larger than previously known.

“By looking at thousands of core-mantle boundary echoes at once, instead of focusing on a few at a time, as is usually done, we have gotten a totally new perspective,” said Doyeon Kim, a postdoctoral fellow in the UMD Department of Geology and the lead author of the paper. “This is showing us that the core-mantle boundary region has lots of structures that can produce these echoes, and that was something we didn’t realize before because we only had a narrow view.”

Earthquakes generate seismic waves below Earth’s surface that travel thousands of miles. When the waves encounter changes in rock density, temperature or composition, they change speed, bend or scatter, producing echoes that can be detected. Echoes from nearby structures arrive more quickly, while those from larger structures are louder. By measuring the travel time and amplitude of these echoes as they arrive at seismometers in different locations, scientists can develop models of the physical properties of rock hidden below the surface. This process is similar to the way bats echolocate to map their environment.

For this study, Kim and his colleagues looked for echoes generated by a specific type of wave, called a shear wave, as it travels along the core-mantle boundary. In a recording from a single earthquake, known as a seismogram, echoes from diffracted shear waves can be hard to distinguish from random noise. But looking at many seismograms from many earthquakes at once can reveal similarities and patterns that identify the echoes hidden in the data.

Using a machine learning algorithm called Sequencer, the researchers analyzed 7,000 seismograms from hundreds of earthquakes of 6.5 magnitude and greater occurring around the Pacific Ocean basin from 1990 to 2018. Sequencer was developed by the new study’s co-authors from Johns Hopkins University and Tel Aviv University to find patterns in radiation from distant stars and galaxies. When applied to seismograms from earthquakes, the algorithm discovered a large number of shear wave echoes.

“Machine learning in earth science is growing rapidly and a method like Sequencer allows us to be able to systematically detect seismic echoes and get new insights into the structures at the base of the mantle, which have remained largely enigmatic,” Kim said.

The study revealed a few surprises in the structure of the core-mantle boundary.

“We found echoes on about 40% of all seismic wave paths,” said Vedran Lekić, an associate professor of geology at UMD and a co-author of the study. “That was surprising because we were expecting them to be more rare, and what that means is the anomalous structures at the core-mantle boundary are much more widespread than previously thought.”

The scientists found that the large patch of very dense, hot material at the core-mantle boundary beneath Hawaii produced uniquely loud echoes, indicating that it is even larger than previous estimates. Known as ultralow-velocity zones (ULVZs), such patches are found at the roots of volcanic plumes, where hot rock rises from the core-mantle boundary region to produce volcanic islands. The ULVZ beneath Hawaii is the largest known.

This study also found a previously unknown ULVZ beneath the Marquesas Islands.

“We were surprised to find such a big feature beneath the Marquesas Islands that we didn’t even know existed before,” Lekić said. “This is really exciting, because it shows how the Sequencer algorithm can help us to contextualize seismogram data across the globe in a way we couldn’t before.”

D. Kim, V. Lekić, B. Ménard, D. Baron and M. Taghizadeh-Popp. Sequencing Seismograms: A Panoptic View of Scattering in the Core-Mantle Boundary Region. Science, 2020 DOI: 10.1126/science.aba8972

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Maryland.

Which factors control the height of mountains?

 The Andes seen from space. The height of the Andes, like the height of other mountain ranges on Earth, is determined by tectonic forces (Credit: NASA; Astronaut photograph ISS059-E-517).
The Andes seen from space. The height of the Andes, like the height of other mountain ranges on Earth, is determined by tectonic forces (Credit: NASA; Astronaut photograph ISS059-E-517).

Which forces and mechanisms determine the height of mountains? A group of researchers from Münster and Potsdam has now found a surprising answer: It is not erosion and weathering of rocks that determine the upper limit of mountain massifs, but rather an equilibrium of forces in the Earth’s crust. This is a fundamentally new and important finding for the earth sciences. The researchers report on it in the scientific journal Nature.

The highest mountain ranges on Earth — such as the Himalayas or the Andes — arise along convergent plate boundaries. At such plate boundaries two tectonic plates move toward each other, and one of the plates is forced beneath the other into the Earth’s mantle. During this process of subduction, strong earthquakes repeatedly occur on the plate interface, and over millions of years mountain ranges are built at the edges of the continents.

Whether the height of mountain ranges is mainly determined by tectonic processes in the Earth’s interior or by erosional processes sculpturing the Earth’s surface has long been debated in geosciences.

A new study led by Armin Dielforder of GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience now shows that erosion by rivers and glaciers has no significant influence on the height of mountain ranges. Together with scientists from the GFZ and the University of Münster (Germany), he resolved the longstanding debate by analysing the strength of various plate boundaries and calculating the forces acting along the plate interfaces.

The researchers arrived at this surprising result by calculating the forces along different plate boundaries on the Earth. They used data that provide information about the strength of plate boundaries. These data are derived, for example, from heat flow measurements in the subsurface. The heat flow at convergent plate boundaries is in turn influenced by the frictional energy at the interfaces of the continental plates.

One can imagine the formation of mountains using a tablecloth. If you place both hands under the cloth on the table top and push it, the cloth folds and at the same time it slides a little over the back of your hands. The emerging folds would correspond, for instance, to the Andes, the sliding over the back of the hands to the friction in the underground. Depending on the characteristics of the rock, tensions also build up in the deep underground which are discharged in severe earthquakes, especially in subduction zones.

The researchers collected worldwide data from the literature on friction in the subsurface of mountain ranges of different heights (Himalayas, Andes, Sumatra, Japan) and calculated the resulting stress and thus the forces that lead to the uplift of the respective mountains. In this way they showed that in active mountains the force on the plate boundary and the forces resulting from the weight and height of the mountains are in balance.

Such a balance of forces exists in all the mountain ranges studied, although they are located in different climatic zones with widely varying erosion rates. This result shows that mountain ranges are able to react to processes on the Earth’s surface and to grow with rapid erosion in such a way that the balance of forces and the height of the mountain range are maintained. This fundamentally new finding opens up numerous opportunities to study the long-term development and growth of mountains in greater detail.

Armin Dielforder, Ralf Hetzel, Onno Oncken. Megathrust shear force controls mountain height at convergent plate margins. Nature, 2020; 582 (7811): 225 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2340-7

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by GFZ GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Helmholtz Centre.

Remixed mantle suggests early start of plate tectonics

New Curtin University research on the remixing of Earth's stratified deep interior suggests that global plate tectonic processes, which played a pivotal role in the existence of life on Earth, started to operate at least 3.2 billion years ago. Credit: Professor Zheng-Xiang Li
New Curtin University research on the remixing of Earth’s stratified deep interior suggests that global plate tectonic processes, which played a pivotal role in the existence of life on Earth, started to operate at least 3.2 billion years ago.
Credit: Professor Zheng-Xiang Li

New Curtin University research on the remixing of Earth’s stratified deep interior suggests that global plate tectonic processes, which played a pivotal role in the existence of life on Earth, started to operate at least 3.2 billion years ago.

Published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, researchers from Curtin University’s Earth Dynamics Research Group re-analysed global data to detect sudden changes in the chemical characteristics of basalt and komatiite lava rocks, believed to have been derived from Earth’s upper and lower mantle layers and erupted to the surface between two and four billion years ago.

Lead researcher PhD Candidate Mr Hamed Gamal El Dien, from Curtin’s School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said there was much scientific debate over the exact start date of plate tectonics on Earth.

“Some scientists believe plate tectonics only began to operate from around 800 million years ago, whereas others think it could go as far back as four billion years ago, soon after the formation of our planet,” Mr Gamal El Dien said.

“So far nearly all the evidence used in this debate came from scarcely preserved surface geological proxies, and little attention has been paid to the record kept by Earth’s deep mantle — this is where our research comes in.

“For the first time, we were able to demonstrate that a significant shift in mantle composition (or a major mantle remixing) started around 3.2 billion years ago, indicating a global recycling of the planet’s crustal materials back in to its mantle layer, which we believe shows the start of global plate tectonic activity.”

During the earliest stages of Earth’s planetary differentiation, the planet was divided into three main layers: the core, the mantle and the crust. Scientists believe there would have been very little remixing between the lighter crust and the much denser mantle, until the onset of plate tectonics.

However through the ongoing process of subduction, some lighter crustal materials are carried back into the denser deep Earth and remixed with the mantle. The question the researchers then asked was, when did this global and whole-mantle remixing process start?

“Keeping the basic process of subduction in mind, we hypothesise that ancient rock samples found on the crust, that are ultimately sourced from the deep mantle, should show evidence of the first major ‘stirring up’ in the mantle layer, marking the start of plate subduction as a vital component of plate tectonic processes,” Mr Gamal El Dien said.

To complete this research, the team looked at the time variation of the isotopic and chemical composition of approximately 6,000 mantle-derived basaltic and komatiitic lava rocks, dated to be between two and four billion years old.

Research co-author John Curtin Distinguished Professor and Australian Laureate Fellow Professor Zheng-Xiang Li, head of the Earth Dynamics Research Group, said the research is highly significant in understanding the dynamic evolution of our planet.

“Plate tectonic activity on the planet is responsible for the formation of mineral and energy resources. It also plays a vital role for the very existence of humankind. Plate tectonics are found uniquely operative on Earth, the only known habitable planet,” Professor Li said.

“Through our retrospective analysis of mantle-derived samples, we discovered that after the initial chemical stratification and formation of a hard shell in the first billion years of Earth’s 4.5 billion year history, there was indeed a major chemical ‘stir up’ some 3.2 billion years ago.

“We take this ‘stir up’ as the first direct evidence from deep Earth that plate tectonics started over 3 billion years ago, leading to a step change in mantle composition, followed by the oxygenation of our atmosphere and the evolution of life.”

Hamed Gamal El Dien, Luc S. Doucet, J. Brendan Murphy, Zheng-Xiang Li. Geochemical evidence for a widespread mantle re-enrichment 3.2 billion years ago: implications for global-scale plate tectonics. Scientific Reports, 2020; 10 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-66324-y

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Curtin University.

Half the earth relatively intact from global human influence

The Brooks Range stretches across northern Alaska. Boreal forests in North America are among the largest areas experiencing a relatively low human impact. (Jason Riggio/UC Davis)
The Brooks Range stretches across northern Alaska. Boreal forests in North America are among the largest areas experiencing a relatively low human impact. (Jason Riggio/UC Davis)

Roughly half of Earth’s ice-free land remains without significant human influence, according to a study from a team of international researchers led by the National Geographic Society and the University of California, Davis.

The study, published in the journal Global Change Biology, compared four recent global maps of the conversion of natural lands to anthropogenic land uses to reach its conclusions. The more impacted half of Earth’s lands includes cities, croplands, and places intensively ranched or mined.

“The encouraging takeaway from this study is that if we act quickly and decisively, there is a slim window in which we can still conserve roughly half of Earth’s land in a relatively intact state,” said lead author Jason Riggio, a postdoctoral scholar at the UC Davis Museum of Wildlife and Fish Biology.

The study, published June 5 on World Environment Day, aims to inform the upcoming global Convention on Biological Diversity — the Conference of Parties 15. The historic meeting was scheduled to occur in China this fall but was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Among the meeting’s goals is to establish specific, and higher, targets for land and water protection.

Approximately 15 percent of the Earth’s land surface and 10 percent of the oceans are currently protected in some form. However, led by organizations including Nature Needs Half and the Half-Earth Project, there have been bold global calls for governments to commit to protecting 30 percent of the land and water by 2030 and 50 percent by 2050.

Intact natural lands across the globe can help purify air and water, recycle nutrients, enhance soil fertility and retention, pollinate plants, and break down waste products. The value of maintaining these vital ecosystem services to the human economy has been placed in the trillions of U.S. dollars annually.


The coronavirus pandemic now shaking the globe illustrates the importance of maintaining natural lands to separate animal and human activity. The leading scientific evidence points to the likelihood that SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes the disease COVID-19, is a zoonotic virus that jumped from animals to humans. Ebola, bird flu and SARS are other diseases known to have spilled over into the human population from nonhuman animals.

“Human risk to diseases like COVID-19 could be reduced by halting the trade and sale of wildlife, and minimizing human intrusion into wild areas,” said senior author Andrew Jacobson, professor of GIS and conservation at Catawba College in North Carolina.

Jacobson said that regional and national land-use planning that identify and appropriately zone locations best suited to urban growth and agriculture could help control the spread of human development. Establishing protections for other landscapes, particularly those currently experiencing low human impacts, would also be beneficial.


Among the largest low-impact areas are broad stretches of boreal forests and tundra across northern Asia and North America and vast deserts like the Sahara in Africa and the Australian Outback. These areas tend to be colder and/or drier and less fit for agriculture.

“Though human land uses are increasingly threatening Earth’s remaining natural habitats, especially in warmer and more hospitable areas, nearly half of Earth still remains in areas without large-scale intensive use,” said co-author Erle Ellis, professor of geography at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County.

Areas having low human influence do not necessarily exclude people, livestock or sustainable management of resources. A balanced conservation response that addresses land sovereignty and weighs agriculture, settlement or other resource needs with the protection of ecosystem services and biodiversity is essential, the authors note.

“Achieving this balance will be necessary if we hope to meet ambitious conservation targets,” said Riggio. “But our study optimistically shows that these targets are still within reach.”

Jason Riggio, Jonathan E. M. Baillie, Steven Brumby, Erle Ellis, Christina M. Kennedy, James R. Oakleaf, Alex Tait, Therese Tepe, David M. Theobald, Oscar Venter, James E. M. Watson, Andrew P. Jacobson. Global human influence maps reveal clear opportunities in conserving Earth’s remaining intact terrestrial ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 2020; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15109

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of California – Davis. Original written by Kat Kerlin.

Researchers unlock clues to a dramatic chapter of Earth’s geological history

If ice once covered the entire planet, how did the transition take place and what does it say about Earth's climate? Credit: NASA Goddard photo
If ice once covered the entire planet, how did the transition take place and what does it say about Earth’s climate? Credit: NASA Goddard photo

Imagine Earth completely covered in ice. While it’s hard to picture all of today’s oceans and land masses obscured with glaciers, such an ice-covered version of the planet was not so far-fetched millions of years ago.

Lasting from approximately 1,000 to 540 million years ago, the dramatic chapter known as the Neoproterozoic Era is an important part of Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history. During that period of severe glaciation was a time when multicellular organisms were beginning to diversify and spread across the planet.

Many researchers posit that ice may have covered every surface of the planet, stretching from the poles all the way to the hot tropics of the equator—a hypothesis known as ‘Snowball Earth.’

How was it possible there was global ice—even in the warmest areas of Earth?

Researchers from the University of Rochester are shedding new light on that question. By analyzing mineral data left by glaciers before the onset of the Neoproterozoic Era, Scott MacLennan, a postdoctoral research associate in the lab of Mauricio Ibanez-Mejia, an assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, present the first geological evidence that Earth may have had a cool climate before Snowball Earth.

The study, published in Science Advances, provides important information about a period of the planet’s history that paved the way for the development of complex life on Earth.

“This is a fascinating period, as these dramatic environmental changes happened right as the first true animals were beginning to appear and evolve on Earth,” Ibanez-Mejia says.

What Caused Snowball Earth?

A critical aspect of understanding a period of planetwide glaciation is determining what the climate was like before Snowball Earth. Computer models indicate that a cool global climate was necessary in order to initiate a Snowball Earth state, but such a state has not been confirmed by geological evidence. Instead, geological evidence has previously suggested that Earth had a warm and ice-free climate immediately prior to the Neoproterozoic glaciation.

While scientists don’t know the exact mechanisms that may have caused Snowball Earth, they suspect that whatever they were, the mechanisms involved a massive decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. There are several scenarios in which the atmospheric carbon dioxide may have decreased. They include an increase in biomass in the oceans, which may have taken carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and turned it into organic matter, or an increase in the weathering of the continental crust, which also takes up carbon dioxide.

In order to determine whether these scenarios are feasible, however, it’s critical to know more about Earth’s climate before the massive glaciation events started.

“If the Earth was very hot, it would mean the ocean was storing a lot of heat, which would take a lot of time to get rid of in order to create a Snowball Earth,” MacLennan says.

Unlocking Climate Clues in Rocks

Scientists can determine Earth’s climate at points in time by studying rocks that were deposited at different times throughout Earth’s history. MacLennan and his colleagues used zircon dating methods to very precisely date glacial rocks found in modern-day Virginia. Paleomagnetic data, which allows researchers to determine where the continents were located thousands and even millions of years ago, have established that Virginia was located in the middle of a supercontinent within the tropics while the glacial rocks were being deposited. The supercontinent later broke up into smaller parts.

The researchers discovered that the glacial rocks were actually deposited 30 million years before the first Snowball Earth. The observation was surprising because they had expected the glacial rocks to be related to the Snowball Earth event. Instead, the discovery indicates that there were glaciers in the tropics near the equator—albeit at potentially high altitudes—even before Snowball Earth.

“The planet always gets colder away from the tropics and toward the poles because Earth receives most of its incoming sunlight at the equator,” MacLennan says. “If there are glaciers in the tropics, the rest of the planet must have also been very cold. This means that our previous vision of a hot, humid world before the Snowball Earth is probably incorrect.”

The potential trigger mechanism for the massive global cooling therefore may not have been as extreme as some researchers believe; the planet didn’t immediately turn from a warm state to a frozen state but instead appears to have experienced a more gradual cool-off into a Snowball Earth state.

The Survival Of Life In The Neoproterozoic Era

This research raises interesting questions about what Earth was really like 800 to 700 million years ago, before Snowball Earth events, during a time when interesting biological innovations were taking place as multicellular organisms were beginning to diversify.

“There have been a lot of questions about how multi- and single-cellular life forms would survive the Snowball Earths, especially if there was a rapid transition from a hot greenhouse world,” MacLennan says. “Our estimates for pre-Snowball climate imply the planet was probably colder than the modern world, which means there may have been ample cold environments at high latitude and altitude where organisms could have adapted to these cold conditions.”

Scott A. MacLennan et al, Geologic evidence for an icehouse Earth before the Sturtian global glaciation, Science Advances (2020). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aay6647

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Rochester.

Study proves that magma chambers are huge masses of crystals with just a very small amount of melt

The structure of Earth’s interior, showing the solid inner core and molten outer core and the surrounding mantle. Hot plumes of rock rise from the base of the mantle and erupt on the surface at hot spots like Iceland. © Johan Swanepoel/iStockphoto/Thinkstock

Wits University (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) PhD student, Willem Kruger’s study on the state of magma within plutonic magmatic systems in the Earth’s crust has been published in the journal Nature Communications.

Working alongside his PhD supervisor, Professor Rais Latypov, from the Wits School of Geosciences, Kruger’s paper shows that basaltic magma chambers may develop as large bodies of crystal-free melts in the Earth’s crust. This study challenges a recently-emerged paradigm that magma chambers are huge masses of crystal-rich mush — in other words, crystals with just a very small amount of melt.

Attempts to understand the processes that operate in magma chambers in our planet’s crust is incredibly challenging as they are hidden from direct observations. Geologists must follow an indirect approach to study these features, such as examining their ancient fossilised remains that are exposed on Earth’s surface after millions of years of erosion.

To examine the state of magma within a chamber is very demanding, as it requires the study of the very contact between the crystallising margins of magma bodies (also called solidification fronts) and their liquid interiors.

Difficulties in understanding the behaviour of solidification fronts can fortunately be overcome by studying a particularly fascinating rock type, called massive magnetitite, from the Bushveld Complex in South Africa.

“Magnetitite contains chromium that is an extremely sensitive indicator of magma chamber processes and can be used to study solidification fronts in extreme detail,” says Kruger.

“By mapping the distribution of chromium in magnetitite in the field we can observe the two-dimensional propagation patterns of solidification fronts on a scale never done before.”

Kruger and Latypov found that all evolved liquid is effectively removed from the solidification front of magnetitite as it propagates towards the chamber interior. “This is because of extremely effective compositional convection that occurs during the crystallisation of magnetite. The process results in the solidification front to propagate as almost a completely solid surface.” says Latypov.

This research shows that such powerful compositional convection may inhibit the formation of crystal-rich mushes in basaltic magma chambers.

There are many reasons to believe that this process is not unique to magnetitite layers of the Bushveld Complex but will likely operate in other rock types as well, for instance, in the Bushveld’s economically important chromitite layers.

“Our results thus argue for the existence of large, liquid-dominated magma chambers hidden within the Earth’s crust,” says Kruger.

Willem Kruger, Rais Latypov. Fossilized solidifications fronts in the Bushveld Complex argues for liquid-dominated magmatic systems. Nature Communications, 2020; 11 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16723-6

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of the Witwatersrand.

New hints of volcanism under the heart of northern Europe

Three water-filled maars in the Eifel, Germany (Gemündener Maar, Weinfelder Maar, Schalkenmehrener Maar). Created by volcanic activity, maars are also found in other parts of Europe and on other continents, but Eifel-Maars are the classic example worldwide.
Three water-filled maars in the Eifel, Germany (Gemündener Maar, Weinfelder Maar, Schalkenmehrener Maar). Created by volcanic activity, maars are also found in other parts of Europe and on other continents, but Eifel-Maars are the classic example worldwide.
Credit: Martin Schildgen / Wikimedia Commons

Scientists have discovered new evidence for active volcanism next door to some of the most densely populated areas of Europe. The study ‘crowd-sourced’ GPS monitoring data from antennae across western Europe to track subtle movements in the Earth’s surface, thought to be caused by a rising subsurface mantle plume. The work is published in Geophysical Journal International.

The Eifel region lies roughly between the cities of Aachen, Trier, and Koblenz, in west-central Germany. It is home to many ancient volcanic features, including the circular lakes known as ‘maars’.

These are the remnants of violent volcanic eruptions, such as the one which created Laacher See, the largest lake in the area. The explosion that created this is thought to have occurred around 13,000 years ago, with a similar explosive power to the cataclysmic Mount Pinatubo eruption in 1991.

The mantle plume that likely fed this ancient activity is thought to still be present, extending up to 400km down into the Earth. However, whether or not it is still active is unknown: “Most scientists had assumed that volcanic activity in the Eifel was a thing of the past,” said Prof. Corné Kreemer, lead author of the new study. “But connecting the dots, it seems clear that something is brewing underneath the heart of northwest Europe.”

In the new study, the team — based at the University of Nevada, Reno and the University of California, Los Angeles in the United States — used data from thousands of commercial and state-owned GPS antennae all over western Europe, to map out how the ground is moving vertically and horizontally as the Earth’s crust is pushed, stretched and sheared.

The research revealed that the region’s land surface is moving upward and outward over a large area centred on the Eifel, and including Luxembourg, eastern Belgium and the southernmost province of the Netherlands, Limburg.

“The Eifel area is the only region in the study where the ground motion appeared significantly greater than expected,” adds Prof. Kreemer. “The results indicate that a rising plume could explain the observed patterns and rate of ground movement.”

The new results complement those of a previous study in Geophysical Journal International that found seismic evidence of magma moving underneath the Laacher See. Both studies point towards the Eifel being an active volcanic system.

The implication of this study is that there may not only be an increased volcanic risk, but also a long-term seismic risk in this part of Europe. The researchers urge caution however: “This does not mean that an explosion or earthquake is imminent, or even possible again in this area. We and other scientists plan to continue monitoring the area using a variety of geophysical and geochemical techniques, in order to better understand and quantify any potential risks.”

Paul M Davis, Geoffrey Blewitt, Corné Kreemer. Geodetic evidence for a buoyant mantle plume beneath the Eifel volcanic area, NW Europe. Geophysical Journal International, 2020; 222 (2): 1316 DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaa227

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Royal Astronomical Society.

Study shows diamonds aren’t forever

Graphite & Hexagonal Diamond
Representative image: Graphite & Hexagonal Diamond

Diamonds, those precious, sparkling jewels, are known as the hardest materials on Earth. They are a high-pressure form of carbon and found deep in the ground.

While diamonds are commonly thought of as hard and stable, carbon from about 100 miles beneath the African plate is being brought to shallower levels where diamond will become unstable. Molten rock (magma) brings the excess carbon towards the surface, and earthquakes open cracks that allow the carbon to be released into the air as carbon dioxide.

PhD student Sarah Jaye Oliva and Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Marshall-Heape Chair in Geology Cynthia Ebinger are among a group of international researchers who co-authored a paper “Displaced cratonic mantle concentrates deep carbon during continental rifting,” which was published in the journal Nature on June 3.

“Somewhat amusedly,” Ebinger said, “the paper is evidence that Diamonds Aren’t Forever.”

The pair report on their findings about the African continent splitting in two and the massive amounts of CO2 (carbon dioxide) being released into the atmosphere.

Ebinger said of her student, “Sarah Jaye contributed to the gas measurements, and she analyzed the deep structure and state-of-stress data that enabled us to deduce the process leading to the excess CO2 in some rift zones.”

Oliva participated in a month-long campaign in 2018 to sample gases released diffusely through the soil and at springs that dot the East African Rift System in Tanzania.

Through the sampling, Oliva and other researchers found that CO2 fluxes [flows] and the number of earthquakes are highest where the rift intersects the edge of the ancient, thick cratonic plate that is more than 60 km (about 37 miles) thicker than the adjoining area.

Oliva said this made sense because the steep edge of the bottom of the plate is “where we expect magmas (molten rock material within the Earth that will cool to form igneous rock) to form and where faulting and fracture networks should be most intense.”

“The resulting faults and fissures, we think, act as conduits through the crust that concentrate fluxes of CO2 sourced from beneath,” said Oliva.

Modeling by the researchers also suggests that the mantle underneath the study region may be enriched in carbon due to the local erosion of the cratonic lithosphere that may even contain diamonds. (A craton is an old and stable part of the continental lithosphere, which consists of the Earth’s two topmost layers, the crust and the uppermost mantle.)

“The eroded material could melt as it moves towards thinner lithosphere, and this would be another factor in increasing the CO2 flux through the rift valley margin,” said Oliva.

She added, “Participating in this project was extremely rewarding for me. We, as seismologists, geodynamicists, structural geologists and geochemists all came together to understand how rifts help mobilize CO2 that is sequestered in the deep Earth. This newly liberated CO2 ultimately influences Earth’s climate over geologic time, temporarily contributing to global warming.”

James D. Muirhead, Tobias P. Fischer, Sarah J. Oliva, Amani Laizer, Jolante van Wijk, Claire A. Currie, Hyunwoo Lee, Emily J. Judd, Emmanuel Kazimoto, Yuji Sano, Naoto Takahata, Christel Tiberi, Stephen F. Foley, Josef Dufek, Miriam C. Reiss, Cynthia J. Ebinger. Displaced cratonic mantle concentrates deep carbon during continental rifting. Nature, 2020; 582 (7810): 67 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2328-3

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Tulane University.

Discovery of ancient super-eruptions indicates the Yellowstone hotspot may be waning

Yellowstone National Park is an American national park located in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.
Yellowstone National Park is an American national park located in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.

Throughout Earth’s long history, volcanic super-eruptions have been some of the most extreme events ever to affect our planet’s rugged surface. Surprisingly, even though these explosions eject enormous volumes of material — at least 1,000 times more than the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens — and have the potential to alter the planet’s climate, relatively few have been documented in the geologic record.

Now, in a study published in Geology, researchers have announced the discovery of two newly identified super-eruptions associated with the Yellowstone hotspot track, including what they believe was the volcanic province’s largest and most cataclysmic event. The results indicate the hotspot, which today fuels the famous geysers, mudpots, and fumaroles in Yellowstone National Park, may be waning in intensity.

The team used a combination of techniques, including bulk chemistry, magnetic data, and radio-isotopic dates, to correlate volcanic deposits scattered across tens of thousands of square kilometers. “We discovered that deposits previously believed to belong to multiple, smaller eruptions were in fact colossal sheets of volcanic material from two previously unknown super-eruptions at about 9.0 and 8.7 million years ago,” says Thomas Knott, a volcanologist at the University of Leicester and the paper’s lead author.

“The younger of the two, the Grey’s Landing super-eruption, is now the largest recorded event of the entire Snake-River-Yellowstone volcanic province,” says Knott. Based on the most recent collations of super-eruption sizes, he adds, “It is one of the top five eruptions of all time.”

The team, which also includes researchers from the British Geological Survey and the University of California, Santa Cruz, estimates the Grey’s Landing super-eruption was 30% larger than the previous record-holder (the well-known Huckleberry Ridge Tuff) and had devastating local and global effects. “The Grey’s Landing eruption enamelled an area the size of New Jersey in searing-hot volcanic glass that instantly sterilized the land surface,” says Knott. Anything located within this region, he says, would have been buried and most likely vaporized during the eruption. “Particulates would have choked the stratosphere,” adds Knott, “raining fine ash over the entire United States and gradually encompassing the globe.”

Both of the newly discovered super-eruptions occurred during the Miocene, the interval of geologic time spanning 23-5.3 million years ago. “These two new eruptions bring the total number of recorded Miocene super-eruptions at the Yellowstone-Snake River volcanic province to six,” says Knott. This means that the recurrence rate of Yellowstone hotspot super-eruptions during the Miocene was, on average, once every 500,000 years.

By comparison, Knott says, two super-eruptions have — so far — taken place in what is now Yellowstone National Park during the past three million years. “It therefore seems that the Yellowstone hotspot has experienced a three-fold decrease in its capacity to produce super-eruption events,” says Knott. “This is a very significant decline.”

These findings, says Knott, have little bearing on assessing the risk of another super-eruption occurring today in Yellowstone. “We have demonstrated that the recurrence rate of Yellowstone super-eruptions appears to be once every 1.5 million years,” he says. “The last super-eruption there was 630,000 years ago, suggesting we may have up to 900,000 years before another eruption of this scale occurs.” But this estimate, Knott hastens to add, is far from exact, and he emphasizes that continuous monitoring in the region, which is being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, “is a must” and that warnings of any uptick in activity would be issued well in advance.

This study, which builds on decades of contributions by many other researchers, grew out of a larger project investigating the productivity of major continental volcanic provinces. Those with super-eruptions are the result of colossal degrees of crustal melting over prolonged periods of time, says Knott, and therefore have a profound impact on the structure and composition of Earth’s crust in the regions where they occur.

Because studying these provinces is vital to understanding their role in shaping our planet’s crustal processes, Knott hopes this research foreshadows even more revelations. “We hope the methods and findings we present in our paper will enable the discovery of more new super-eruption records around the globe,” he says.

Robert S. Coe, Simon Tapster, David R. Finn, Marc K. Reichow, Michael J. Branney, Thomas R. Knott. Discovery of two new super-eruptions from the Yellowstone hotspot track (USA): Is the Yellowstone hotspot waning? Geology, 2020; DOI: 10.1130/G47384.1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Geological Society of America.

New model shows how diamond-carrying rocks formed in Northern Alberta

Blue Diamond
A blue, boron-bearing diamond with dark inclusions of a mineral called ferropericlase, which were examined as part of this study. This gem weighs 0.03 carats. Credit: Photo by Evan Smith/GIA.

A new study by University of Alberta geologists is proposing a new model for explaining the eruption of diamond-bearing kimberlites in Northern Alberta.

The research demonstrates that 90 to 70 million years ago, the movement of an ancient slab of oceanic rocks buried hundreds of kilometres beneath Earth’s surface caused the eruption of diamond-bearing kimberlite in Northern Alberta.

“We are able to provide a new theory about why we have diamond-bearing kimberlites in Northern Alberta, which has been a source of debate for decades,” explained Yunfeng Chen, who conducted this research as part of his graduate studies with Jeffrey Gu, professor in the Department of Physics. “Our work is based on geological, paleomagnetic, and seismic data from our collaborators both at the University of Alberta and around the world.”

The model enables scientists to match the seismic structures with the time and location of kimberlite eruptions in the area, explaining how these diamonds came to Earth’s surface in the Late Cretaceous period — and providing key insight for those on the hunt for other deposits in the region.

“The kimberlites in Northern Alberta were discovered in relatively young parts of Earth’s crust — an unconventional setting for diamond-bearing kimberlites,” added Chen. “This distant location relative to other major kimberlite groups in North America plus the large variability of compositions further highlight the complex nature of the origins of kimberlite.”

The multidisciplinary study combines the work of geophysical imaging, geochronological dating, and plate motion calculation.

“What we have observed in Northern Alberta is similar to Hawaii,” said Gu. “In both scenarios, a relatively stationary mantle heat source essentially burned through the migrating plates above it, leaving ‘scars’ on the Earth’s surface. Diamonds were carried to the surface through this ‘upwelling’ process.”

A key difference is that the generation of the mantle upwelling in Northern Alberta took place no deeper than 700 kilometres below surface, whereas the ongoing Hawaii ‘plume’ appears to have occurred much deeper, at approximately 2,900 kilometres under Earth’s surface.

Shu-Huei Hung, Erdinc Saygin, Lei Wu, Larry M. Heaman, Yu Jeffrey Gu, Yunfeng Chen. Reconciling seismic structures and Late Cretaceous kimberlitemagmatism in northern Alberta, Canada. Geology, 2020; DOI: 10.1130/G47163.1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta.

Scientists decipher the role of carbon and the break-up of continents

Proposed model for deep-carbon transport along a cratonic boundary in the EARS study region.
Proposed model for deep-carbon transport along a cratonic boundary in the EARS study region.

University of New Mexico (UNM) Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Dr. Tobias Fischer and Syracuse University research fellow (now University of Auckland Lecturer), Dr. James Muirhead led an international team of interdisciplinary researchers to investigate the role of carbon in the break-up of continents.

This work, much of which has been funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, is a culmination of research efforts that started with former students from UNM and other US, French, Tanzanian and Kenyan universities.

The collaboration, which also included scientists from New Mexico Tech, the University of Oregon, University of Dar Es Salaam, Seoul National University, University of Tokyo, University of Alberta, Macquarie University, Goethe University and Université de Montpellier II, led to new insights into the storage and dynamic transfer of carbon below thick and very old continental crust currently published in the journal Nature titled, Displacement of cratonic mantle and lithospheric channeling concentrates deep carbon during continental rifting.

It was first recognized by former UNM student, now assistant professor at Seoul National University, Dr. Hyunwoo Lee, that the East African Rift and continental rifts in general are significant sources of carbon degassed from the Earth’s mantle to the atmosphere. While later work by other groups showed that CO2 emissions from the East African Rift are variable along its 3,000 km extent, the question remained “where does all this carbon come from and how is it so efficiently released?”

Subsequent work by Fischer and collaborator Professor Stephen Foley from Macquarie University, Australia, proposed a model in which the degassing CO2 is ultimately sourced from carbon that has accumulated over billions of years at the base of the thick old cratonic lithosphere located in the center and edge of the East African Rift.

“The model suggests that this accumulated carbon originates from subducting oceanic plates and deep mantle plumes,” said Fischer. “These processes could deliver sufficient carbon to the bottom of very thick and billion year old continental lithosphere to explain the high CO2 fluxes observed in the actively deforming part of the rift.”

However, the model proposed by Fischer and Foley could not explain how this deep CO2 managed to leak out from the actively extending part of the rift, which is exactly where the current work connects the dots.

Muirhead and Fischer together with Master’s student Amani Laizer from University of Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania and geophysics Ph.D. student Sarah Jaye Oliva from Tulane University returned to Tanzania in 2018 and collected data and samples in locations where active rifting,

i.e. where the plates move apart, intersect the old thick craton that lies above a mantle plume. Gas samples were collected from hot springs in this region that have never been sampled before.

The analyses of these samples within the context of already existing data from the earlier work showed a striking difference in chemical composition of the gases that are released from the active rift and the craton. Craton gases are entirely crustal with no sign of any mantle gases, including CO2. Nitrogen and crustal helium dominate these craton gases. Rift gases on the other hand are stuffed with mantle CO2 and have a strong mantle helium isotope signature. Measured mantle CO2 fluxes are close to zero on the craton but surge in the adjacent actively extending rift.

“Right at the boundary between the craton and the deforming rift sits the world’s only currently erupting carbonatite volcano, Oldoinyo Lengai,” said Fischer. “This volcano erupts lavas that are so liquid they move like motor oil. The reason for this is that they are devoid of the silica that makes up most igneous rocks but contain about 30 percent carbon, a staggeringly high amount that gives the rock its name carbonatite. Looking back in geologic time, it turns out that there are many carbonatite volcanoes right at the edge of the Tanzania craton, but they are just not currently active.”

This distribution of carbonatites led the team to propose a mechanism that causes the lateral migration of the deep cratonic lithosphere where all that stored solid carbon is located, into the mantle at the edges of the craton.

Geophysical data acquired and analyzed by Tulane University and Université de Montpellier II image a steep step in plate thickness at the craton edge. The geophysicists led by Professor Cindy Ebinger, Drs. Sarah Oliva and Professor Christel Tiberi proposed that this step enhances formation of melt and explains the concentration of magma that carries the excess CO2, as well as the spatial distribution of sometimes damaging earthquakes that open cracks for the CO2 to rise to the surface. This would explain the striking difference in CO2 release and source as documented by the surface measurements.

This conceptual model also fits into quantitative physical models developed by Dr. Jolante van Wjik, professor at New Mexico Tech and Dr. Claire Currie, professor at University of Alberta, which shows that unusually thick and low density mantle rocks beneath a craton will be swept laterally by mantle flow, moving toward the thinner plate beneath the continental rift.

This material transfer may enhance melt production. Therefore, the research team concluded, lateral migration of deep cratonic lithosphere soaked with ancient accumulated carbon is ultimately responsible for carbonatite volcanism and the on-going continental break-up in this region of East Africa.

Muirhead, J.D., Fischer, T.P., Oliva, S.J. et al. Displaced cratonic mantle concentrates deep carbon during continental rifting. Nature, 2020 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2328-3

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of New Mexico. Original written by Steve Carr.

Scientists discover what an armored dinosaur ate for its last meal

Illustration of Borealopelta markmitchelli dinosaur by Julius Csotonyi. Credit: © Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Illustration of Borealopelta markmitchelli dinosaur by Julius Csotonyi. Credit: © Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology

More than 110 million years ago, a lumbering 1,300-kilogram, armour-plated dinosaur ate its last meal, died, and was washed out to sea in what is now northern Alberta. This ancient beast then sank onto its thorny back, churning up mud in the seabed that entombed it — until its fossilized body was discovered in a mine near Fort McMurray in 2011.

Since then, researchers at the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Drumheller, Alta., Brandon University, and the University of Saskatchewan (USask) have been working to unlock the extremely well-preserved nodosaur’s many secrets — including what this large armoured dinosaur (a type of ankylosaur) actually ate for its last meal.

“The finding of the actual preserved stomach contents from a dinosaur is extraordinarily rare, and this stomach recovered from the mummified nodosaur by the museum team is by far the best-preserved dinosaur stomach ever found to date,” said USask geologist Jim Basinger, a member of the team that analyzed the dinosaur’s stomach contents, a distinct mass about the size of a soccer ball.

“When people see this stunning fossil and are told that we know what its last meal was because its stomach was so well preserved inside the skeleton, it will almost bring the beast back to life for them, providing a glimpse of how the animal actually carried out its daily activities, where it lived, and what its preferred food was.”

There has been lots of speculation about what dinosaurs ate, but very little known. In a just-published article in Royal Society Open Science, the team led by Royal Tyrrell Museum palaeontologist Caleb Brown and Brandon University biologist David Greenwood provides detailed and definitive evidence of the diet of large, plant-eating dinosaurs — something that has not been known conclusively for any herbivorous dinosaur until now.

“This new study changes what we know about the diet of large herbivorous dinosaurs,” said Brown. “Our findings are also remarkable for what they can tell us about the animal’s interaction with its environment, details we don’t usually get just from the dinosaur skeleton.”

Previous studies had shown evidence of seeds and twigs in the gut but these studies offered no information as to the kinds of plants that had been eaten. While tooth and jaw shape, plant availability and digestibility have fuelled considerable speculation, the specific plants herbivorous dinosaurs consumed has been largely a mystery.

So what was the last meal of Borealopelta markmitchelli (which means “northern shield” and recognizes Mark Mitchell, the museum technician who spent more than five years carefully exposing the skin and bones of the dinosaur from the fossilized marine rock)?

“The last meal of our dinosaur was mostly fern leaves — 88 per cent chewed leaf material and seven per cent stems and twigs,” said Greenwood, who is also a USask adjunct professor.

“When we examined thin sections of the stomach contents under a microscope, we were shocked to see beautifully preserved and concentrated plant material. In marine rocks we almost never see such superb preservation of leaves, including the microscopic, spore-producing sporangia of ferns.”

Team members Basinger, Greenwood and Brandon University graduate student Jessica Kalyniuk compared the stomach contents with food plants known to be available from the study of fossil leaves from the same period in the region. They found that the dinosaur was a picky eater, choosing to eat particular ferns (leptosporangiate, the largest group of ferns today) over others, and not eating many cycad and conifer leaves common to the Early Cretaceous landscape.

Specifically, the team identified 48 palynomorphs (microfossils like pollen and spores) including moss or liverwort, 26 clubmosses and ferns, 13 gymnosperms (mostly conifers), and two angiosperms (flowering plants).

“Also, there is considerable charcoal in the stomach from burnt plant fragments, indicating that the animal was browsing in a recently burned area and was taking advantage of a recent fire and the flush of ferns that frequently emerges on a burned landscape,” said Greenwood.

“This adaptation to a fire ecology is new information. Like large herbivores alive today such as moose and deer, and elephants in Africa, these nodosaurs by their feeding would have shaped the vegetation on the landscape, possibly maintaining more open areas by their grazing.”

The team also found gastroliths, or gizzard stones, generally swallowed by animals such as herbivorous dinosaurs and today’s birds such as geese to aid digestion.

“We also know that based on how well-preserved both the plant fragments and animal itself are, the animal’s death and burial must have followed shortly after the last meal,” said Brown. “Plants give us a much better idea of season than animals, and they indicate that the last meal and the animal’s death and burial all happened in the late spring to mid-summer.”

“Taken together, these findings enable us to make inferences about the ecology of the animal, including how selective it was in choosing which plants to eat and how it may have exploited forest fire regrowth. It will also assist in understanding of dinosaur digestion and physiology.”

Borealopelta markmitchelli, discovered during mining operations at the Suncor Millennium open pit mine north of Fort McMurray, has been on display at the Royal Tyrrell Museum since 2017. The main chunk of the stomach mass is on display with the skeleton.

Other members of the team include museum scientists Donald Henderson and Dennis Braman, and Brandon University research associate and USask alumna Cathy Greenwood.

Research continues on Borealopelta markmitchelli — the best fossil of a nodosaur ever found — to learn more about its environment and behaviour while it was alive. Student Kalyniuk is currently expanding her work on fossil plants of this age to better understand the composition of the forests in which it lived. Many of the fossils she will examine are in Basinger’ collections at USask.

The research was funded by Canada Foundation for Innovation, Research Manitoba, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, National Geographic Society, Royal Tyrrell Museum Cooperating Society, and Suncor Canada, as well as in-kind support from Olympus Canada.

Caleb M. Brown, David R. Greenwood, Jessica E. Kalyniuk, Dennis R. Braman, Donald M. Henderson, Cathy L. Greenwood, James F. Basinger. Dietary palaeoecology of an Early Cretaceous armoured dinosaur (Ornithischia; Nodosauridae) based on floral analysis of stomach contents. Royal Society Open Science, 2020; 7 (6): 200305 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.200305

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Saskatchewan.

Palaeontologists create most detailed virtual 3-D-model of endocranial cast and blood vessels of head of ankylosaurian

What the ankylosaur Bissektipelta archibaldi might look like. Credit: the authors of the paper.
What the ankylosaur Bissektipelta archibaldi might look like. Credit: the authors of the paper.

Palaeontologists from St Petersburg University have been the first to study in detail the structure of the brain and blood vessels in the skull of the ankylosaur Bissektipelta archibaldi, an herbivorous dinosaur somewhat similar in appearance to a modern armadillo. Scientists produced the first three-dimensional computer reconstruction of a dinosaur endocast made in Russia,a digital cast of its braincase. It made it possible to determine that ankylosaurs, and Bissektipelta in particular, were capable of cooling their brains, had an extremely developed sense of smell, and heard low-frequency sounds. However, their brains were one and a half times smaller than that of modern animals of the same size.

Ankylosaurs appeared on Earth in the middle of the Jurassic—about 160 million years ago—and existed until the end of the dinosaur era, which ended 65 million years ago. These herbivorous animals were somewhat reminiscent of modern turtles or armadillos, were covered with thick armour, and sometimes even had a bony club on the tail. The researchers became interested in the uniquely preserved remains of ankylosaurs from Uzbekistan. Although these fossils have been known for 20 years, only now have the scientists had an opportunity to study the specimens from the inside using cutting-edge methods.

During the study, the palaeontologists examined three fragments of fossil skulls of the ankylosaur Bissektipelta archibaldi. They were found during a series of international expeditions URBAC (Uzbek / Russian / British / American / Canadian Joint Paleontological Expeditions) in the late 1990s and early 2000s at the Dzharakuduk locality in the Central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan. The scientists emphasise that it is unique, in that numerous remains of representatives of ~90-million-year-old fauna can be found there. These include dinosaurs, pterosaurs, crocodiles, birds, mammals and other vertebrates.

“This is really one of the richest locations in the world. The fauna of Dzharakuduk now has more than 100 species of ancient vertebrates,” said Pavel Skutschas, associate professor at St Petersburg University and an expert in Mesozoic vertebrates. “Of course, such a diversity of life would not have been found without large-scale field studies. A series of nine URBAC expeditions, undertaken from 1997 to 2006, pooled together the efforts of palaeontologists from many countries in the search for the bones of ancient animals.”

The material that was collected at that time comprises dozens of fragments of skulls and skeletons, and hundreds of thousands of isolated bones. Scientists still use them in their research and say that will provide studies for many years to come. At present, the three fragments of fossil ankylosaur braincases from Uzbekistan are stored at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. However, they have been temporarily transferred for research to the Department of Vertebrate Zoology at St Petersburg University.

Ankylosaurs lived on our planet for 100 million years

“Thanks to the development of computed tomography (CT) over the past 15 to 20 years, palaeontologists are able to learn more and more about the dinosaur brain and its structure,” said Ivan Kuzmin, the lead author of the article and a doctoral student at St Petersburg University.

“We decided to re-describe Bissektipelta archibaldi, and we managed to clarify its place on the phylogenetic tree of ankylosaurs. A 3-D reconstruction of the endocast of its brain cavity was made using CT. It is important to understand that the digital ‘cast’ of the braincase is not the brain itself. It is necessary to study it carefully to understand how big the actual brain was, where its parts were, how the vessels and nerves were housed.”

After meticulous work that lasted for three years, the scientists determined that a considerable part of the brain of Bissektipelta archibaldi was occupied by olfactory bulbs—about 60% of the size of the cerebral hemispheres. Bissektipelta likely had an extremely developed sense of smell, which probably helped it to look for food, the opposite sex, and to feel the approach of predators in time. It was of vital importance to know about any danger in advance because ankylosaurs had such heavy armor and a clumsy figure. The olfaction of ankylosaurs can even be compared with the olfaction of the famous predator Tyrannosaurus rex. Its olfactory bulbs were even larger, as they occupied about 65-70% of the size of the large hemispheres.

“Another interesting skill of the ankylosaur that we learned about is the ability to cool its brains in the literal sense,” said Ivan Kuzmin. “The network of veins and arteries in its braincase turned out to be very complicated: They did not go in a single direction, but constantly communicated with each other, like a system of railway tracks. The blood could have flowed in different directions and been redistributed, while maintaining the optimal brain temperature of the animal. For example, if the top of an ankylosaur’s head became warm, the vessels quickly diverted the warm blood and created a screening effect—as if a dinosaur put a sun hat on. Moreover, the endocranial vasculature of ankylosaurs turned out to be somewhat more like the vessels of present-day lizards than that of the closer extant relatives of dinosaurs—crocodiles or birds.”

Another important conclusion concerns the hearing of Bissektipelta archibaldi. The palaeontologists managed to examine the inner ear of the ancient animal. Its anatomy suggests the frequency of sounds that the ankylosaur could hear. The range turned out to have been from about 300 to 3,000 hertz—present-day crocodiles hear in the same range. These are quite low frequencies that correspond to the relatively large size of ankylosaurs. The larger the present-day animals are, the more low-frequency sounds they make and hear. The palaeontologists suggested that, during evolution, ankylosaurs increased in size, so later forms perceived sounds of even lower frequencies.

“Present-day animal species are characterized by a certain brain-body size relationship,” explained Ivan Kuzmin. “If you look at dinosaurs, then ankylosaurs and their closest relatives (stegosaurs) were almost outsiders. The mass of their brain turned out to be at least half less than what we would expect, based on a comparison with present-day animals. It was about 26.5 grams for a three-meter Bissektipelta. Its brain size can be compared with two walnuts. Nevertheless, ankylosaurs existed on the planet for 100 million years. They were quite successful in terms of evolution. However, judging by the size of their olfactory bulbs, they sniffed a little faster than they thought.”

At the next stage of their research, the scientists would like to study the fossil braincases of other species of ankylosaurs in order to test the hypotheses expressed in the paper. Additionally, the palaeontologists continue to use computed tomography and are currently working with digital endocranial casts of hadrosaurs—duck-billed dinosaurs whose remains were found at the same locality in Uzbekistan.

The research is published in Biological Communications.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by St. Petersburg State University.

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