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Sandgrouse : Six million-year-old bird skeleton points to arid past of Tibetan plateau

Photograph of the fossil sandgrouse Linxiavis inaquosus (left) with a fabricated-color image (right) of the bird's skeleton based on CT scanning data Credit: IVPP
Photograph of the fossil sandgrouse Linxiavis inaquosus (left) with a fabricated-color image (right) of the bird’s skeleton based on CT scanning data Credit: IVPP

Researchers from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have found a new species of sandgrouse in six to nine million-year-old rocks in Gansu Province in western China. The newly discovered species points to dry, arid habitats near the edge of the Tibetan Plateau as it rose to its current extreme altitude.

According to their study published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution on Mar. 31, the new species, named Linxiavis inaquosus, fills a nearly 20 million-year gap in the sandgrouse fossil record.

The fossil of the partial skeleton includes much of the body, such as the shoulder girdles, wishbone, bones from both wings, vertebrae, and part of a leg. Unfortunately, the head is missing.

“As the oldest fossil of a sandgrouse in Asia and the most complete fossil known from the group, the new skeleton provides a key link in expanding our understanding of the evolution of the sandgrouse living in China today, as well as the ecosystem associated with the Tibetan Plateau and the species that live only there,” said Dr. Li Zhiheng, first author of the study.

Sandgrouse are a group of 16 species of birds related to doves and pigeons that live in some of the most arid areas across Europe, Asia, and Africa. The association between sandgrouse and dry environments has helped scientists determine that the area next to the Tibetan Plateau was equally arid when Linxiavis inaquosus lived during the period known as the late Miocene.

“Most people would probably think of the Tibetan Plateau, with its high elevation, low oxygen levels, and harsh sun as one of the last places to be invaded by a group of animals. But in this case, our fossil suggests that sandgrouse might have quickly adapted to the dry, mountainous plateau millions of years ago,” said the coauthor Dr. Thomas A. Stidham.

Importantly, this fossil is from the time period known as the late Miocene when the Tibetan Plateau was continuing to rise rapidly in altitude and changing the climate of central Asia with an increase in aridity, along with a strong monsoon season.

This fossil was found at over 2,000 meters above sea level and within sight of Tibetan Plateau peaks that exceed 4,000 meters. That elevation is far greater than where all species of sandgrouse, except for the specialized Tibetan Sandgrouse, live today.

Despite the elevation and arid conditions, other fossils from the area show that the ecosystem was quite diverse. Dr. Stidham explains, “If you were on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau where our fossil is from six or seven million years ago, it would have looked quite like a nature documentary about the savannas in Africa, with the horizon filled with extinct relatives of hyenas, elephants, rhinos, pigs, antelopes, horses, ostriches, vultures, falcons, and of course now, sandgrouse.”

“We are discovering many fossil birds in this area by the Tibetan Plateau that help us to understand the relationships between the plateau, climate change, and biodiversity. We’re likely to keep uncovering more unusual and amazing bird fossils like this sandgrouse and the pheasant with a windpipe longer than its body that we reported a couple of years ago,” said Dr. Li.

Zhiheng Li et al, Evidence of Late Miocene Peri-Tibetan Aridification From the Oldest Asian Species of Sandgrouse (Aves: Pteroclidae), Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2020). DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2020.00059

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Palaeobiologists have identified another new species of pterosaur

Image shows artwork of the Afrotapejara zouhrii. Credit: Megan Jacobs, Baylor University, Texas
Image shows artwork of the Afrotapejara zouhrii. Credit: Megan Jacobs, Baylor University, Texas

You wait ages for a pterosaur and then four come along at once.

Hot on the heels of a recent paper discovering three new species of pterosaur, University of Portsmouth palaeobiologists have identified another new species—the first of its kind to be found on African soil.

Pterosaurs are the less well-known cousins of dinosaurs. They had adept flying ability—some as large as a fighter jet and others as small as a model aeroplane.

The new species belongs to a group of pterosaurs called tapejarids from the Cretaceous period. Tapejarids were small to medium-sized pterosaurs with wingspans perhaps as wide as four metres, most of which had large, broad crests sweeping up from the front of the skull.

They are well known in Brazil and China, and specimens have also been discovered in Europe, but this is the first time the flying reptile has been found in Africa.

It differs from the three recent species discovered as this one had no teeth—it was ‘edentulous’.

Professor David Martill, from the University’s School of the Environment, Geography and Geosciences, led the study. He said: “The study of Moroccan material shows that we are still far from having found all the paleontological treasures of North Africa. Even fragmentary fossils, like the jaw piece of the new pterosaur, can give us important information about the biodiversity of the past.”

Ph.D. student Roy Smith, one of the co-authors, said: “I feel very privileged to be part of such an exciting discovery. Working in the Sahara was a life-changing experience, and discovering a new species of pterosaur is the icing on the cake.”

The new pterosaur has been named Afrotapejara zouhrii to honour the Moroccan palaeontologist Professor Samir Zouhri. Originally a mammal specialist, Zouhri also contributed to several discoveries of prehistoric reptiles in Morocco, including dinosaurs and pterosaurs.

Professor Martill said: “The opportunity to illuminate the diversity of pterosaurs in Africa while honouring a colleague does not happen every day.”

The research team included Dr. David Unwin from the University of Leicester and Dr. Nizar Ibrahim from the University of Detroit Mercy.

Palaeontologist Dr. Ibrahim, said: “Samir Zouhri has played an important role in the development of Moroccan palaeontology, not only through his publications, but also because he organised scientific conferences in Morocco and edited an entire volume for the Geological Society of France on the subject of vertebrate palaeontology in Morocco.”

The fossil material is part of the collections of the Faculty of Sciences Aïn Chock, Casablanca Hassan II University and the paper was published in Cretaceous Research.

David M. Martill et al, A new tapejarid (Pterosauria, Azhdarchoidea) from the mid-Cretaceous Kem Kem beds of Takmout, southern Morocco, Cretaceous Research (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2020.104424

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Portsmouth.

Dineobellator notohesperus : New feathered dinosaur was one of the last surviving raptors

A new feathered dinosaur that lived in New Mexico 67 million years ago is one of the last known surviving raptor species, according to a new publication in the journal Scientific Reports. Dineobellator notohesperus adds to scientists' understanding of the paleo-biodiversity of the American Southwest, offering a clearer picture of what life was like in this region near the end of the reign of the dinosaurs. Credit: Sergey Krasovskiy
A new feathered dinosaur that lived in New Mexico 67 million years ago is one of the last known surviving raptor species, according to a new publication in the journal Scientific Reports. Dineobellator notohesperus adds to scientists’ understanding of the paleo-biodiversity of the American Southwest, offering a clearer picture of what life was like in this region near the end of the reign of the dinosaurs. Credit: Sergey Krasovskiy

A new feathered dinosaur that lived in New Mexico 67 million years ago is one of the last known surviving raptor species, according to a new publication in the journal Scientific Reports.

Dineobellator notohesperus adds to scientists’ understanding of the paleo-biodiversity of the American Southwest, offering a clearer picture of what life was like in this region near the end of the reign of the dinosaurs.

Steven Jasinski, who recently completed his Ph.D. in Penn’s Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences in the School of Arts and Sciences, led the work to describe the new species, collaborating with doctoral advisor Peter Dodson of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Penn Arts and Sciences and as well as Robert Sullivan of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science in Albuquerque.

In 2008, Sullivan found fossils of the new species in Cretaceous rocks of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico. He, along with his field team of Jasinski and James Nikas, collected the specimen on U.S. federal land under a permit issued by the Bureau of Land Management. The entire specimen was recovered over four field seasons. Jasinski and his coauthors gave the species its official name, Dineobellator notohesperus, which means “Navajo warrior from the Southwest,” in honor of the people who today live in the same region where this dinosaur once dwelled.

Dineobellator, as well as its Asian cousin Velociraptor, belong to a group of dinosaurs known as the dromaeosaurids. Members of this group are commonly referred to as “raptor” dinosaurs, thanks to movies such as “Jurassic Park” and “Jurassic World.” But unlike the terrifying beasts depicted in film, Dineobellator stood only about 3.5 feet (about 1 meter) at the hip and was 6 to 7 feet (about 2 meters) long — much smaller than its Hollywood counterparts.

Raptor dinosaurs are generally small, lightly built predators. Consequently, their remains are rare, particularly from the southwestern United States and Mexico. “While dromaeosaurids are better known from places like the northern United States, Canada, and Asia, little is known of the group farther south in North America,” says Jasinski.

While not all of the bones of this dinosaur were recovered, bones from the forearm have quill nobs — small bumps on the surface where feathers would be anchored by ligaments — an indication that Dineobellator bore feathers in life, similar to those inferred for Velociraptor.

Features of the animal’s forelimbs, including enlarged areas of the claws, suggest this dinosaur could strongly flex its arms and hands. This ability may have been useful for holding on to prey — using its hands for smaller animals such as birds and lizards, or perhaps its arms and feet for larger species such as other dinosaurs.

Its tail also possessed unique characteristics. While most raptors’ tails were straight and stiffened with rod-like structures, Dineobellator’s tail was rather flexible at its base, allowing the rest of the tail to remain stiff and act like a rudder.

“Think of what happens with a cat’s tail as it is running,” says Jasinski. “While the tail itself remains straight, it is also whipping around constantly as the animal is changing direction. A stiff tail that is highly mobile at its base allows for increased agility and changes in direction, and potentially aided Dineobellator in pursuing prey, especially in more open habitats.”

This new dinosaur provides a clearer picture of the biology of North American dromaeosaurid dinosaurs, especially concerning the distribution of feathers among its members.

“As we find evidence of more members possessing feathers, we believe it is likely that all the dromaeosaurids had feathers,” says Jasinski. The discovery also hints at some of the predatory habits of a group of iconic meat-eating dinosaurs that lived just before the extinction event that killed off all the dinosaurs that weren’t birds.

Jasinski plans to continue his field research in New Mexico with the hope of finding more fossils.

“It was with a lot of searching and a bit of luck that this dinosaur was found weathering out of a small hillside,” he says. “We do so much hiking and it is easy to overlook something or simply walk on the wrong side of a hill and miss something. We hope that the more we search, the better chance we have of finding more of Dineobellator or the other dinosaurs it lived alongside.”

Steven E. Jasinski, Robert M. Sullivan, Peter Dodson. New Dromaeosaurid Dinosaur (Theropoda, Dromaeosauridae) from New Mexico and Biodiversity of Dromaeosaurids at the end of the Cretaceous. Scientific Reports, 2020; 10 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-61480-7

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Pennsylvania.

Mines in Texas & New Mexico : Mines Where You Can Dig For Gemstones

Minerals on Hand
Representative Image : Minerals

Texas and New Mexico each have a good range of mineral specimens to be found from fluorite, quartz, opals, barite, agates, chalcedony and more. In particular, Texas has a great range of fossil specimens that you can find, too. Some states offer many pay-to-dig incentives.

What minerals can be found in Texas?

In the Central Texas region of Llano is where topaz, quartz crystals, agate, onyx, pyrite, feldspar crystals, mica, garnet, Llanonite (only present in Llano, TX), gold, fluorite, hematite, blue quartz, smoky quartz, platinum, tourmaline, opal species and many more can be present in the Llano basin.

What minerals can be found in New Mexico?

New Mexico is a popular state for searching for a range of rocks, minerals, and gems. There is an array of numerous styles that can be mined here, some of which are pretty good.

Few of the most highly desired minerals that you can find in the state of New Mexico. Turquoise, Opal, Amethyst, Jasper, Red Beryl, Peridot & Azurite

Public Gem Mines in Texas

Mineral Wells Fossil Park

Mineral Wells Fossil Park provides the fossil enthusiast, paleontologist, and student an excellent opportunity to see and collect well preserved “Pennsylvanian Period” fossils with ease and abundance. These fossils have been dated to be just over 300 million years old. Yes, you read correctly, you may collect and take fossils out of the park – for personal use only. See the park rules for more information.

The park as it exists today is a result of 20 years of erosion of the old City of Mineral Wells landfill’s borrow pit, which was closed in the early 1990s. The erosion of the borrow pit has revealed fossils documenting ancient sea species of crinoids (sea lilies), echinoids (urchins), brachiopods, pelecypods (clams and oysters), bryozoans, corals, trilobites (arthropods), plants and even primitive sharks.

In recent years, the borrow pit has become a mecca for the avid fossil hunter, the amateur and professional paleontologist, and various fossil, paleontological, gem and mineral groups and societies in Texas and the surrounding states.

What Can I Find in Mineral Wells Fossil Park?

The most common fossil found at Mineral Wells Fossil Park are the stalks of crinoids (sea lilies). While crinoids may look like weird plants, they are actually animals. There are likely dozens of species found here, each with their own design and ornamentation. Some even have spikes.

Seaquist Family Ranch

In 1887, Rev. Thomas A. Broad began constructing a handsome, two-story sandstone house north of Mason’s courthouse square on Comanche Creek. The house was later purchased in 1891 by Edward M. Reynolds, a banker from New York, who hired the German architect Richard Grosse to remodel and enlarge the house. In 1919, the property was sold to Swedish immigrant Oscar Seaquist, after which the family made several improvements to the house. Oscar Seaquist died in 1933, leaving his widow, Ada, to care for the mansion until her death in 1972.

The Seaquists’ son and daughter-in-law, Garner and Clara Seaquist, began the first major refurbishment of the house in 1972. Work was completed in the summer of 1973 and for the first time the mansion was opened to the public for tours. It received a Texas state historical marker in 1974 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Seaquist House Foundation purchased the house in January of 2015 and continues to restore the property.

In Texas the Seaquist Family Ranch is topaz Hunting’s most famous spot. Like the other privately owned places that do not permit public collecting, Seaquist Family Ranch is available to anyone, so you can dig up so gather as many jewels as you may like. Topaz is the most precious gem found here but exquisite quartz as well as chalcedony, jasper and agate can also be found here. The spring rain will rush the work, wiping the top dirt away and unveiling fresh gems.

Bar M Ranch Services

At Bar M Ranch, guests are invited to search Honey Creek and its tributaries for topaz. Blue Topaz is the state gem of Texas—naturally occurring topaz of this variety is quite rare. Mason County, located in the heart of Texas, is the best place in the state for hunters to find the colorless and light blue varieties. As there is no commercial mining of topaz in our area, Bar M Ranch offers everyone the opportunity to search for (and keep, of course!) the gem.

Teri Smith Rock Hunts

To beginner rockhounds who are interested in hiring a guide to help them discover the isolated mineral and fossil hunting areas of Texas, this is a rare opportunity. Some of his favorite locations include trips for agate and other collectible rocks to some of the Texas ‘ famous rockhounds.

Such supervised excursions encourage novices and seasoned rockhounds alike to find a wide range of minerals. One of the best aspects about the Teri Smith Rock Hunts is the access provided to certain unique Texas ranches which some have not yet looked for. The chances of discovering mineral quality specimens are very good.

Public Gem Mines in New Mexico

Desert Rose Mine

This mine is located on Highway 380 approximately three miles west of Bingham, next to the Blanchard Rock Shop in Bingham, New Mexico. When you want to find minerals of high quality than this is one of the finest pay-to-dig mines you can visit.

Good tabular barite crystals and cubic fluorite specimens can be found, as well as galena crystals and other wonderful minerals. When you wish your loved ones to collect ready gemstones as presents then you can buy them in the adjacent Blanchard Rock Store.

Rockhound State Park

Rockhound State Park is a state park of New Mexico, United States, located 7 miles (11 km) southeast of Deming. It is named for the abundance of minerals in the area, and visitors can search for quartz crystals, geodes, jasper, perlite, and many other minerals. The park is located in the Little Florida Mountains, a range of low mountains that have become sky islands due to the arid desert between the peaks.

It is a free collection place, where you can visit in the Little Florida Mountains. What makes this place so unique is that it’s one of the few state parks in the nation that has been expressly built for rock collectors. Several kinds of collectable gemstones can be found from quartz, agates, chalcedony, and opals. Rockhounds can carry up to 15 pounds of rocks a day, and it’s not costing you money.

Kelly Mine

Kelly Mine is a disused metalliferous mine located on Dartmoor’s eastern slope near Lustleigh village in Devon, England. This was active intermittently from the 1790s until 1951. It is one of some ten mines and two or three trials within the triangle created by the towns of Bovey Tracey and Moretonhampstead and the village of Hennock, which worked micaceous haematite deposits, known as “shiny rock.’ The mine is the focus of a volunteer restoration effort since 1984.

A mining lease dating back to the 1790s marks the first mining record on this site, and some activity may have lasted until the early 1870s. The mine reopened in 1879 and produced 324 tons of haematite from then until 1891—a comparatively small amount. From 1892 until 1900 the mine was closed when it restarted under the Scottish Silvoid Company which operated it until 1917 when it was taken over by Ferrubron, who also operated the nearby Great Rock Mine. Ferrubron worked the mine until 1946, when work on the property ceased. The Pepperdon Mining company opened a level for the extraction of ore near Kelly Mining for a year or two from 1950, and the washing plant at Kelly was used for the initial treatment of this ore.

The mine never employed a large number of people; in the fifty years to 1938 it had an average of six workers, and rarely more than ten.

Ancestor of all animals identified in Australian fossils

A 3D laser scan of an Ikaria wariootia impression. (Droser Lab/UCR)
A 3D laser scan of an Ikaria wariootia impression. (Droser Lab/UCR)

A team led by UC Riverside geologists has discovered the first ancestor on the family tree that contains most familiar animals today, including humans.

The tiny, wormlike creature, named Ikaria wariootia, is the earliest bilaterian, or organism with a front and back, two symmetrical sides, and openings at either end connected by a gut. The paper is published today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The earliest multicellular organisms, such as sponges and algal mats, had variable shapes. Collectively known as the Ediacaran Biota, this group contains the oldest fossils of complex, multicellular organisms. However, most of these are not directly related to animals around today, including lily pad-shaped creatures known as Dickinsonia that lack basic features of most animals, such as a mouth or gut.

The development of bilateral symmetry was a critical step in the evolution of animal life, giving organisms the ability to move purposefully and a common, yet successful way to organize their bodies. A multitude of animals, from worms to insects to dinosaurs to humans, are organized around this same basic bilaterian body plan.

Evolutionary biologists studying the genetics of modern animals predicted the oldest ancestor of all bilaterians would have been simple and small, with rudimentary sensory organs. Preserving and identifying the fossilized remains of such an animal was thought to be difficult, if not impossible.

For 15 years, scientists agreed that fossilized burrows found in 555 million-year-old Ediacaran Period deposits in Nilpena, South Australia, were made by bilaterians. But there was no sign of the creature that made the burrows, leaving scientists with nothing but speculation.

Scott Evans, a recent doctoral graduate from UC Riverside; and Mary Droser, a professor of geology, noticed miniscule, oval impressions near some of these burrows. With funding from a NASA exobiology grant, they used a three-dimensional laser scanner that revealed the regular, consistent shape of a cylindrical body with a distinct head and tail and faintly grooved musculature. The animal ranged between 2-7 millimeters long and about 1-2.5 millimeters wide, with the largest the size and shape of a grain of rice — just the right size to have made the burrows.

“We thought these animals should have existed during this interval, but always understood they would be difficult to recognize,” Evans said. “Once we had the 3D scans, we knew that we had made an important discovery.”

The researchers, who include Ian Hughes of UC San Diego and James Gehling of the South Australia Museum, describe Ikaria wariootia, named to acknowledge the original custodians of the land. The genus name comes from Ikara, which means “meeting place” in the Adnyamathanha language. It’s the Adnyamathanha name for a grouping of mountains known in English as Wilpena Pound. The species name comes from Warioota Creek, which runs from the Flinders Ranges to Nilpena Station.

“Burrows of Ikaria occur lower than anything else. It’s the oldest fossil we get with this type of complexity,” Droser said. “Dickinsonia and other big things were probably evolutionary dead ends. We knew that we also had lots of little things and thought these might have been the early bilaterians that we were looking for.”

In spite of its relatively simple shape, Ikaria was complex compared to other fossils from this period. It burrowed in thin layers of well-oxygenated sand on the ocean floor in search of organic matter, indicating rudimentary sensory abilities. The depth and curvature of Ikaria represent clearly distinct front and rear ends, supporting the directed movement found in the burrows.

The burrows also preserve crosswise, “V”-shaped ridges, suggesting Ikaria moved by contracting muscles across its body like a worm, known as peristaltic locomotion. Evidence of sediment displacement in the burrows and signs the organism fed on buried organic matter reveal Ikaria probably had a mouth, anus, and gut.

“This is what evolutionary biologists predicted,” Droser said. “It’s really exciting that what we have found lines up so neatly with their prediction.”

Scott D. Evans, Ian V. Hughes, James G. Gehling, and Mary L. Droser. Discovery of the oldest bilaterian from the Ediacaran of South Australia. PNAS, March 23, 2020 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2001045117

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of California – Riverside. Original written by Holly Ober.

Unprecedented preservation of fossil feces from the La Brea Tar Pits

Example coprolites from Rancho La Brea (A) prior to asphalt removal with surrounding sediments, (B) showing intact pellets with plant material, (C) isolated, cleaned pellets. Figure 2, from: Mychajliw et al. 2020. Exceptionally preserved asphaltic coprolites expand the spatiotemporal range of a North American paleoecological proxy. Credit: Carrie Howard
Example coprolites from Rancho La Brea (A) prior to asphalt removal with surrounding sediments, (B) showing intact pellets with plant material, (C) isolated, cleaned pellets. Figure 2, from: Mychajliw et al. 2020. Exceptionally preserved asphaltic coprolites expand the spatiotemporal range of a North American paleoecological proxy. Credit: Carrie Howard

While Rancho La Brea, commonly known as the La Brea Tar Pits, is famous for its thousands of bones of large extinct mammals, big insights are coming from small fossils, thanks to new excavation and chemical techniques.

Today, a team of researchers from La Brea Tar Pits, the University of Oklahoma and the University of California Irvine report the first coprolites — or fossil feces — ever discovered in an asphaltic — or tar pit — context. These hundreds of fossilized rodent pellets were found during the excavation of a parking garage for the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in Hancock Park in 2016, which had also yielded the more traditional La Brea fossils, such as extinct mammoths, dire wolves and saber-toothed cats.

Alexis Mychajliw, a postdoctoral research associate at OU, is the lead author of the study. The details of the research team’s findings were published today in Scientific Reports.

“It’s incredible that after more than a century of excavation and study, we are still unearthing new types of fossils from La Brea’s treasure trove of deposits,” said Emily Lindsey, assistant curator at La Brea Tar Pits. “These tiny finds may lead to big discoveries about the climate and ecosystems of Ice Age Los Angeles.”

Researchers were skeptical at first, given the abundance of urban rats in the area.

“We noted the occasional rodent fecal pellet in the processed matrix before, but it was easy to explain it away as modern contamination,” said Laura Tewksbury, senior preparator at La Brea Tar Pits.

But, with more and more pellets appearing encased in asphalt, Tewksbury recalled, “We stared at the sheer number of pellets in silence for a minute, before looking at each other and stating, ‘There’s just no way that much is contamination.'”

Indeed, radiocarbon dates generated at UC Irvine would confirm the pellets were ~50,000 years old.

Rancho La Brea has been associated with the image of big animals getting stuck in “tar pits,” or shallow, sticky asphalt pools, with carnivores attracted en masse by struggling herbivore prey. But these coprolites tell a new story of how fossils can be preserved at Rancho La Brea.

“The intact nature and density of the fossils require a taphonomic explanation other than entrapment. The preservation is more likely the result of an asphalt seep overtaking an existing rodent nest,” noted Karin Rice, preparator at La Brea Tar Pits.

Using a suite of cutting-edge tools, including stable isotope analysis and scanning electron microscopy, the researchers demonstrated that the fecal pellets were associated with beautifully preserved twigs, leaves, and seeds, apparently as part of an intact nest made by a woodrat. Woodrats — also known as packrats — are well-known in the paleontological community for their hoarding behavior that produces massive nests that can be preserved for thousands of years. Slices of plant material from these nests, in turn, represent snapshots of vegetation and climate conditions of the past.

“This nest provides an unparalleled view of what was beneath the feet of Rancho La Brea’s famous megafauna,” Mychajliw said. “And to me, it emphasizes the importance of studying small mammals, too. Woodrats survived the Ice Age and still build nests in local urban green spaces like Griffith Park! By studying these nests, we have a direct line from the past to the present through which to trace human impacts on Los Angeles’ nature over time.”

Alexis M. Mychajliw, Karin A. Rice, Laura R. Tewksbury, John R. Southon, Emily L. Lindsey. Exceptionally preserved asphaltic coprolites expand the spatiotemporal range of a North American paleoecological proxy. Scientific Reports, 2020; 10 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-61996-y

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Oklahoma.

Wonderchicken : fossil from the age of dinosaurs reveals origin of modern birds

 Dr Daniel Field holding a replica version of the 'Wonderchicken' skull
Dr Daniel Field holding a replica version of the ‘Wonderchicken’ skull

The oldest fossil of a modern bird yet found, dating from the age of dinosaurs, has been identified by an international team of palaeontologists.

The spectacular fossil, affectionately nicknamed the ‘Wonderchicken’, includes a nearly complete skull, hidden inside nondescript pieces of rock, and dates from less than one million years before the asteroid impact which eliminated all large dinosaurs.

Writing in the journal Nature, the team, led by the University of Cambridge, believe the new fossil helps clarify why birds survived the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous period, while the giant dinosaurs did not.

Detailed analysis of the skull shows that it combines many features common to modern chicken- and duck-like birds, suggesting that the ‘Wonderchicken’ is close to the last common ancestor of modern chickens and ducks. The fossil was found in a limestone quarry near the Belgian-Dutch border, making it the first modern bird from the age of dinosaurs found in the northern hemisphere.

The fossil doesn’t look like much on first glance, with only a few small leg bone fragments poking out from a piece of rock the size of a deck of cards. Even those small bones attracted the researchers’ interest, since bird fossils from this point in Earth’s history are so rare.

Using high-resolution X-ray CT scans, the researchers peered through the rock to see what was lying beneath the surface. What they saw, just one millimetre beneath the rock, was the find of a lifetime: a nearly complete 66.7-million-year-old bird skull.

“The moment I first saw what was beneath the rock was the most exciting moment of my scientific career,” said Dr Daniel Field from Cambridge’s Department of Earth Sciences, who led the research. “This is one of the best-preserved fossil bird skulls of any age, from anywhere in the world. We almost had to pinch ourselves when we saw it, knowing that it was from such an important time in Earth’s history.

“The ability to CT scan fossils, like we can at the Cambridge Biotomography Centre, has completely transformed how we study palaeontology in the 21st century.”

“Finding the skull blew my mind,” said co-author Juan Benito, also from Cambridge, who was CT scanning the fossils with Field when the skull was discovered. “Without these cutting-edge scans, we never would have known that we were holding the oldest modern bird skull in the world.”

The skull, despite its age, is clearly recognisable as a modern bird. It combines many features common to the group that includes living chickens and ducks — a group called Galloanserae. Field describes the skull as a kind of ‘mash-up’ of a chicken and a duck.

“The origins of living bird diversity are shrouded in mystery — other than knowing that modern birds arose at some point towards the end of the age of dinosaurs, we have very little fossil evidence of them until after the asteroid hit,” said co-author Albert Chen, a PhD student based at Cambridge. “This fossil provides our earliest direct glimpse of what modern birds were like during the initial stages of their evolutionary history.”

While the fossil is colloquially known as the Wonderchicken, the researchers have given it the slightly more elegant name of Asteriornis, in reference to Asteria, the Greek Titan goddess of falling stars.

“We thought it was an appropriate name for a creature that lived just before the end-Cretaceous asteroid impact,” said co-author Dr Daniel Ksepka from the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, Connecticut. “In Greek mythology, Asteria transforms herself into a quail, and we believe Asteriornis was close to the common ancestor that today includes quails, as well as chickens and ducks.”

The fact that Asteriornis was found in Europe is another thing which makes it so extraordinary. “The late Cretaceous fossil record of birds from Europe is extremely sparse,” said co-author Dr John Jagt from the Natuurhistorische Museum Maastricht in the Netherlands. “The discovery of Asteriornis provides some of the first evidence that Europe was a key area in the early evolutionary history of modern birds.”

“This fossil tells us that early on, at least some modern birds were fairly small-bodied, ground-dwelling birds that lived near the seashore,” said Field. “Asteriornis now gives us a search image for future fossil discoveries — hopefully it ushers in a new era of fossil finds that help clarify how, when and where modern birds first evolved.”

The announcement of the Wonderchicken find coincides with a new exhibit at Cambridge’s Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences, where visitors can learn more about Asteriornis and see the fossil up close. “Dawn of the Wonderchicken” runs from 19 March to 15 June. Admission is free.

Dr Daniel Field is funded by a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship. He is a University Lecturer in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Christ’s College Cambridge.

Daniel J. Field, Juan Benito, Albert Chen, John W. M. Jagt, Daniel T. Ksepka. Late Cretaceous neornithine from Europe illuminates the origins of crown birds. Nature, 2020; 579 (7799): 397 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2096-0

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Cambridge. Original written by Sarah Collins. The original story is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

In Earth’s largest extinction, land die-offs began long before ocean turnover

Researchers dated ash deposits from this hill, called a koppie in South Africa. The lower part of koppie Loskop exposes strata from before the end-Permian extinction (Palingkloof Member of the Balfour Formation), while the upper part contains layers deposited after the extinction (Katberg Formation). Credit: John Geissman
Researchers dated ash deposits from this hill, called a koppie in South Africa. The lower part of koppie Loskop exposes strata from before the end-Permian extinction (Palingkloof Member of the Balfour Formation), while the upper part contains layers deposited after the extinction (Katberg Formation). Credit: John Geissman

The mass extinction at the end of the Permian Period 252 million years ago—one of the great turnovers of life on Earth—appears to have played out differently and at different times on land and in the sea, according to newly redated fossils beds from South Africa and Australia.

New ages for fossilized vertebrates that lived just after the demise of the fauna that dominated the late Permian show that the ecosystem changes began hundreds of thousands of years earlier on land than in the sea, eventually resulting in the demise of up to 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species. The later marine extinction, in which nearly 95% of ocean species disappeared, may have occurred over the time span of tens of thousands of years.

Though most scientists believe that a series of volcanic eruptions, occurring in large pulses over a period of a million years in what is now Siberia, were the primary cause of the end-Permian extinction, the lag between the land extinction in the Southern Hemisphere and the marine extinction in the Northern Hemisphere suggests different immediate causes.

“Most people thought that the terrestrial collapse started at the same time as the marine collapse, and that it happened at the same time in the Southern Hemisphere and in the Northern Hemisphere,” said paleobotanist Cindy Looy, University of California, Berkeley, associate professor of integrative biology. “The fact that the big changes were not synchronous in the Northern and Southern hemispheres has a big effect on hypotheses for what caused the extinction. An extinction in the ocean does not, per se, have to have the same cause or mechanism as an extinction that happened on land.”

Did loss of ozone layer contribute to extinction?

Members of Looy’s lab have conducted experiments on living plants to determine whether a collapse of Earth’s protective ozone layer may have irradiated and wiped out plant species. Other global changes—a warming climate, a rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and an increase in ocean acidification—also occurred around the end of the Permian period and the beginning of the Triassic and likely contributed.

On land, the end-Permian extinction of vertebrates is best documented in Gondwana, the southern half of the supercontinent known as Pangea that eventually separated into the continents we know today as Antarctica, Africa, South America and Australia. There, in the South African Karoo Basin, populations of large herbivores, or plant eaters, shifted from the Daptocephalus assemblage to the Lystrosaurus assemblage. These groups are now extinct.

In the ocean, the extinction is best documented in the Northern Hemisphere, in particular by Chinese fossils. The end-Permian extinction is perhaps best associated with the demise of trilobites.

To improve on previous dates for the land extinction, an international team of scientists, including Looy, conducted uranium-lead dating of zircon crystals in a well-preserved volcanic ash deposit from the Karoo Basin. Looy, who is also a curator of paleobotany at the campus’s Museum of Paleontology and curator of gymnosperms at the University and Jepson Herbaria, confirmed that sediments from several meters above the dated layer were devoid of Glossopteris pollen, evidence that these seed ferns, which used to dominate late Permian Gondwanan floras, became extinct around that time.

At 252.24 million years old, the zircons—microscopic silicate crystals that form in rising magma inside volcanoes and are spewed into the atmosphere during eruptions—are 300,000 years older than dates obtained for the confirmed Permian-Triassic (P-T) boundary in China. This means that the sediment layer assumed to contain the P-T boundary in South Africa was actually at least 300,000 years too old.

Dates for an ash deposit in Australia, just above the layers that document the initial plant extinction, similarly came in almost 400,000 years older than thought. That work was published in January by Christopher Fielding and colleagues at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.

“The Karoo Basin is the poster child for the end-Permian vertebrate turnover, but until recently, it was not well-dated,” Looy said. “Our new zircon date shows that the base of the Lystrosaurus zone predates the marine extinction with several hundred thousand years, similar to the pattern in Australia. This means that both the floral and faunal turnover in Gondwana is out of sync with the Northern Hemisphere marine biotic crisis.

“For some years now, we have known that—in contrast to the marine mass extinction—the pulses of disturbance of life on land continued deep into the Triassic Period. But that the start of the terrestrial turnover happened so long before the marine extinction was a surprise.”

In their paper, Looy and an international team of colleagues concluded “that greater consideration should be given to a more gradual, complex, and nuanced transition of terrestrial ecosystems during the Changhsingian (the last part of the Permian) and, possibly, the early Triassic.”

Looy and colleagues published their findings March 19 in the open access journal Nature Communications.

Robert A. Gastaldo et al. The base of the Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone, Karoo Basin, predates the end-Permian marine extinction, Nature Communications (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15243-7

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of California – Berkeley.

The Mawenzi : The Largest Tanzanite rough in the World

The Mawenzi : The Largest Tanzanite rough  in the World
The Mawenzi : The Largest Tanzanite rough in the World

The Largest Tanzanite rough in the World

The world’s largest piece of rough tanzanite has been found at a mine in northern Tanzania in 2005, well over six pounds.

The discovery was made about 885 feet underground at Bravo Shaft of TanzaniteOne Ltd., the southernmost shaft of the world’s leading tanzanite miner and marketer. Weighing in at cts 16.839. (Well over six pounds) and measuring 8.6 inchesx 3.15 inchesx 2.8 inches, the rugged tanzanite piece is remarkable in size and shape and is the world’s largest single piece of tanzanite ever mined, said the company.

The company named the piece “The Mawenzi” after Kilimanjaro’s second highest peak. “We were reluctant to name it Uhuru, after Kilimanjaro’s highest peak, on the off chance that a larger piece is ever found,” said Ian Harebottle, TanzaniteOne’s president and COO

No value was put on stone. TanzaniteOne said it plans to examine and evaluate the piece before any final decision on the potential cutting and polishing from this crystal of individual tanzanite gems is made. The business is considering before cutting and polishing putting The Mawenzi on display.

Ami Mpungwe, TanzaniteOne’s deputy chairman said the find is comparable to what the Cullinan Diamond is to the diamond industry and that the stone will be cut and polished in Tanzania.

“It is only fitting that The Mawenzi is cut and polished here in Tanzania,” Mpungwe said. “We expect to produce some truly exquisite gems from it, some of which we will put on display at Tanzania’s National Museum.”

What is Tanzanite?

Tanzanite is the mineral zoisite (a calcium aluminum hydroxyl sorosilicate) blue and violet type caused by small amounts of vanadium belonging to the group of epidotes. Tanzanite is found only in Tanzania, in a very small mining area (about 7 km (4.3 mi) long and 2 km (1.2 mi) wide) close to the Mirerani Hills.

Tanzanite is known for its remarkably strong trichroism, appearing in turn blue, violet and burgundy depending on the orientation of the crystal. When viewed under different lighting conditions tanzanite can also appear differently. When exposed to fluorescent light the blues become more visible, and when viewed under incandescent lighting, the violet hues can be readily seen. A reddish brown to clear is colored in its rough state tanzanite, and it needs heat treatment to dissolve the brownish “veil” to bring out the stone’s blue violet.

The gemstone was given the name ‘tanzanite’ by Tiffany & Co. after Tanzania, the country in which it was discovered. The scientific name of “blue-violet zoisite” was not thought to be consumer friendly enough by Tiffany’s marketing department, who introduced it to the market in 1968. In 2002, the American Gem Trade Association chose tanzanite as a December birthstone, the first change to their birthstone list since 1912.

Late cretaceous dinosaur-dominated ecosystem

This mural was originally made for a recent Royal Ontario Museum exhibit about a fossil ankylosaur named Zuul crurivastator. That fossil is found within a couple of meters stratigraphically/temporally of the site described in this paper. The last author on the study, David Evans, is the dinosaur curator at the Royal Ontario Museum and was also involved in the description of Zuul and design of that exhibit. Credit: Danielle Dufault, Royal Ontario Museum.
This mural was originally made for a recent Royal Ontario Museum exhibit about a fossil ankylosaur named Zuul crurivastator. That fossil is found within a couple of meters stratigraphically/temporally of the site described in this paper. The last author on the study, David Evans, is the dinosaur curator at the Royal Ontario Museum and was also involved in the description of Zuul and design of that exhibit. Credit: Danielle Dufault, Royal Ontario Museum.

A topic of considerable interest to paleontologists is how dinosaur-dominated ecosystems were structured, how dinosaurs and co-occurring animals were distributed across the landscape, how they interacted with one another, and how these systems compared to ecosystems today. In the Late Cretaceous (~100-66 million years ago), North America was bisected into western and eastern landmasses by a shallow inland sea. The western landmass (Laramidia) contained a relatively thin stretch of land running north-south, which was bordered by that inland sea to the east and the rising Rocky Mountains to the west. Along this ancient landscape of warm and wet coastal plains comes an extremely rich fossil record of dinosaurs and other extinct animals.

Yet, from this record, an unexpected pattern has been identified: Most individual basins preserve an abundant and diverse assemblage of dinosaur species, often with multiple groups of co-occurring large (moose- to elephant-sized) herbivorous species, yet few individual species occur across multiple putatively contemporaneous geological formations (despite them often being less than a few hundred kilometers apart). This is in fairly stark contrast to the pattern seen in modern terrestrial mammal communities, where large-bodied species often have very extensive, often continent-spanning ranges. It has therefore been suggested that dinosaurs (and specifically large herbivorous dinosaurs) were particularly sensitive to environmental differences over relatively small geographic distances (particularly with respect to distance from sea level), and may have even segregated their use of the landscape between more coastal and inland sub-habitats within their local ranges.

In their new study published in Geology, Thomas Cullen and colleagues sought to test some of these hypotheses as part of their broader research reconstructing the paleoecology of Late Cretaceous systems.

One of the methods they’re using to do that is stable isotope analysis. This process measures differences in the compositions of non-decaying (hence, “stable”) isotopes of various common elements, as the degree of difference in these compositions in animal tissues and in the environment have known relationships to various factors such as diet, habitat use, water source, and temperature. So the team applied these methods to fossilized teeth and scales from a range of animals, including dinosaurs, crocodilians, mammals, bony fish, and rays, all preserved together from a relatively small region over a geologically short period of time in sites called vertebrate microfossil bonebeds.

By analyzing the stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of these fossils they were able to reconstruct their isotopic distributions in this ecosystem — a proxy for their diets and habitat use. They found evidence of expected predator-prey dietary relationships among the carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs and among aquatic reptiles like crocodilians and co-occurring fish species.

Critically, says Cullen, “What we didn’t see was evidence for large herbivorous dinosaurs segregating their habitats, as the hadrosaurs, ceratopsians, and ankylosaurs we sample all had strongly overlapping stable carbon and oxygen ranges. If some of those groups were making near-exclusive use of certain parts of the broader landscape, such as ceratopsians sticking to coastal environments and hadrosaurs sticking to more inland areas, then we should see them grouping distinctly from each other. Since we didn’t see that, that suggests they weren’t segregating their resource use in this manner. It’s possible they were doing so in different ways though, such as by feeding height segregation, or shifting where in the landscape they go seasonally, and our ongoing research is investigating some of these possibilities.”

Another important part of their study was comparing the fossil results to an environmentally similar modern environment in order to examine how similar they are ecologically. For a modern comparison, they examined the animal communities of the Atchafalaya River Basin of Louisiana, the largest contiguous wetland area in the continental U.S. The landscape of this area is very similar to their Cretaceous system, as are many elements of the plant and animal communities (not including the non-avian dinosaurs, of course).

From their comparisons, the team found that the Cretaceous system was similar to the Louisiana one in having a very large amount of resource interchange between the aquatic and terrestrial components of the ecosystem, suggesting that fairly diverse/mixed diets were common, and food being obtained from both terrestrial and aquatic sources was the norm. They also found that habitat use differences among the herbivorous mammals in the Louisiana system was more distinct than among those large herbivorous dinosaurs in the Cretaceous system, lending further evidence to their results about their lack of strict habitat use preferences.

Lastly, the team used modified oxygen stable isotope temperature equations to estimate mean annual temperature ranges for both systems (with the Louisiana one being a test of the accuracy of the method, as they could compare their results to directly measured water and air temperatures). The team found that in their Late Cretaceous ecosystem in Alberta, mean annual temperature was about 16-20 degrees C, a bit cooler than modern day Louisiana, but much warmer than Alberta today, reflecting the hotter greenhouse climate that existed globally about 76 million years ago.

Characterizing how these ecosystems were structured during this time, and how these systems changed across time and space, particularly with respect to how they responded to changes in environmental conditions, may be of great importance for understanding and predicting future ecosystem responses under global climate change. The team’s research continues and should reveal much more about the food webs and ecology of the dinosaurs and other organisms that inhabited these ancient landscapes.

D.C. Evans, M.J. Ryan, M.B. Goodwin, F. Fanti, L. Huang, U.G. Wortmann, F.J. Longstaffe, T.M. Cullen. Large-scale stable isotope characterization of a Late Cretaceous dinosaur-dominated ecosystem. Geology, 2020; DOI: 10.1130/G47399.1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Geological Society of America.

Beetles changed their diet during the Cretaceous period

Numerous specimens of Kateretidae in a piece of amber from the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology in Nanjing (China). Included are also pollen grains from primitive water lilies. Credit: Georg Oleschinski/Uni Bonn
Numerous specimens of Kateretidae in a piece of amber from the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology in Nanjing (China). Included are also pollen grains from primitive water lilies. Credit: Georg Oleschinski/Uni Bonn

Like a snapshot, amber preserves bygone worlds. An international team of paleontologists from the University of Bonn has now described four new beetle species in fossilized tree resin from Myanmar, which belong to the Kateretidae family. They still exist today, with only a few species. As well as the about 99 million years old insects, the amber also includes pollen. It seems that the beetles helped the flowering plants to victory, because they contributed to their propagation. In turn, the beetles benefited from the new food source. The results have now been published in the journal iScience.

The researchers have described the new beetle species using specimens in four amber pieces from Myanmar (previously known as Burma). The pieces are estimated to be 99 million years old and date from the Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs were a rich and diverse group. Two of the pieces are in the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona (Spain), while the other two specimens are kept in the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology in Nanjing (China).

“Although Myanmar surprises us time and again with finds of great scientific importance, amber pieces containing numerous organisms are not often found there,” says project leader Dr. David Peris, who comes from Spain and is a postdoc at the Institute for Geosciences at the University of Bonn with an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellowship. He carried out the project with scientists from the USA, Spain, Germany, China and the Czech Republic.

Three of the examined amber pieces contained numerous beetles, while the fourth piece contained only one specimen of this family. Many pollen grains of different groups of seed plants, some of them long extinct, have been preserved with the beetles in the tree resin. Peris: “This close association suggests that the grains were distributed in the viscous lump of resin by the movement of the beetles.”

The beetle family still exists today

The Kateretidae are a small family of beetles with less than 100 described modern species that today live in South America and other temperate and subtropical regions. The species of this family feed on pollen and flower parts. Due to their dietary habits, they are nowadays regarded as pollinators of flowering plants (angiosperms). But in the middle Cretaceous period their rapid development had just begun. Previously, the Earth was colonized by gymnosperms, literally meaning “naked seeds”, which also includes our conifers. “The most important aspect of this study is that the pollen grains in three of the amber pieces do not belong to flowering plants,” says Peris. The pollen grains on the beetle of the fourth piece of amber, however, come from a water lily, a group of very primitive angiosperms that emerged at an early stage.

Living together for mutual benefit

There are other pollinating insects in amber, but almost all of them concern gymnosperms. When flowering plants (angiosperms) began their early development, they represented a new resource that was used by the Kateretidae. The beetles adapted quickly and formed a mutually beneficial symbiosis: The flowering plants served the beetles as a food source and these animals contributed to the propagation of the new angiosperms by pollination.

In earlier studies it was speculated that the beetles might belong to the insect groups that pollinated the earliest flowers. Some of these animals had developed the ability to pollinate gymnosperms well before the appearance of angiosperms. “Our study supports this hypothesis of significant host plant relocation, as there are no Kateretidae associated with gymnosperms today,” says Peris. Adapting to the new resource has proven to be an evolutionary advantage.

David Peris et al, Generalist Pollen-Feeding Beetles During the Mid-Cretaceous, SSRN Electronic Journal (2019). DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3492117

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Bonn.

Geologists find lost fragment of ancient continent in Canada’s North

Geologists studying rock samples from Baffin Island find lost fragment of continent. Credit: istock
Geologists studying rock samples from Baffin Island find lost fragment of continent. Credit: istock

Sifting through diamond exploration samples from Baffin Island, Canadian scientists have identified a new remnant of the North Atlantic craton—an ancient part of Earth’s continental crust.

A chance discovery by geologists poring over diamond exploration samples has led to a major scientific payoff.

Kimberlite rock samples are a mainstay of diamond exploration. Formed millions of years ago at depths of 150 to 400 kilometers, kimberlites are brought to the surface by geological and chemical forces. Sometimes, the igneous rocks carry diamonds embedded within them.

“For researchers, kimberlites are subterranean rockets that pick up passengers on their way to the surface,” explains University of British Columbia geologist Maya Kopylova. “The passengers are solid chunks of wall rocks that carry a wealth of details on conditions far beneath the surface of our planet over time.”

But when Kopylova and colleagues began analyzing samples from a De Beers Chidliak Kimberlite Province property in southern Baffin Island, it became clear the wall rocks were very special. They bore a mineral signature that matched other portions of the North Atlantic craton—an ancient part of Earth’s continental crust that stretches from Scotland to Labrador.

“The mineral composition of other portions of the North Atlantic craton is so unique there was no mistaking it,” says Kopylova, lead author of a new paper in the Journal of Petrology that outlines the findings. “It was easy to tie the pieces together. Adjacent ancient cratons in Northern Canada—in Northern Quebec, Northern Ontario and in Nunavut—have completely different mineralogies.”

Cratons are billion-year old, stable fragments of continental crust—continental nuclei that anchor and gather other continental blocks around them. Some of these nuclei are still present at the center of existing continental plates like the North American plate, but other ancient continents have split into smaller fragments and been re-arranged by a long history of plate movements.

“Finding these ‘lost’ pieces is like finding a missing piece of a puzzle,” says Kopylova. “The scientific puzzle of the ancient Earth can’t be complete without all of the pieces.”

The continental plate of the North Atlantic craton rifted into fragments 150 million years ago, and currently stretches from northern Scotland, through the southern part of Greenland and continues southwest into Labrador.

The newly identified fragment covers the diamond bearing Chidliak kimberlite province in southern Baffin Island. It adds roughly 10 percent to the known expanse of the North Atlantic craton.

This is the first time geologists have been able to piece parts of the puzzle together at such depth—so called mantle correlation. Previous reconstructions of the size and location of Earth’s plates have been based on relatively shallow rock samples in the crust, formed at depths of one to 10 kilometers.

“With these samples we’re able to reconstruct the shapes of ancient continents based on deeper, mantle rocks,” says Kopylova. “We can now understand and map not only the uppermost skinny layer of Earth that makes up one percent of the planet’s volume, but our knowledge is literally and symbolically deeper. We can put together 200-kilometer deep fragments and contrast them based on the details of the deep mineralogy.”

The samples from the Chidliak Kimberlite Province in southern Baffin Island were initially provided by Peregrine Diamonds, a junior exploration company. Peregrine was acquired by the international diamond exploration company and retailer De Beers in 2018. The drill cores sample themselves are very valuable, and expensive to retrieve.

“Our partner companies demonstrate a lot of goodwill by providing research samples to UBC, which enables fundamental research and the training of many grad students,” says Kopylova. “In turn, UBC research provides the company with information about the deep diamondiferous mantle that is central to mapping the part of the craton with the higher changes to support a successful diamond mine.”

M G Kopylova et al. The metasomatized mantle beneath the North Atlantic Craton: Insights from peridotite xenoliths of the Chidliak kimberlite province (NE Canada), Journal of Petrology (2019). DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egz061

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of British Columbia.

Darkness, not cold, likely responsible for dinosaur-killing extinction

Roughly 66 million years ago an asteroid slammed into the Yucatan peninsula. New research shows darkness, not cold, likely drove a mass extinction after the impact. Credit: NASA
Roughly 66 million years ago an asteroid slammed into the Yucatan peninsula. New research shows darkness, not cold, likely drove a mass extinction after the impact. Credit: NASA

New research finds soot from global fires ignited by an asteroid impact could have blocked sunlight long enough to drive the mass extinction that killed most life on Earth, including the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago.

The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event wiped out about 75 percent of all species on Earth. An asteroid impact at the tip of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula caused a period of prolonged cold and darkness, called an impact winter, that likely fueled a large part of the mass extinction. But scientists have had a hard time teasing out the details of the impact winter and what the exact mechanism was that killed life on Earth.

A new study in AGU’s journal Geophysical Research Letters simulates the contributions of the impact’s sulfur, dust, and soot emissions to the extreme darkness and cold of the impact winter. The results show the cold would have been severe but likely not devastating enough to drive a mass extinction. However, soot emissions from global forest fires darkened the sky enough to kill off photosynthesizers at the base of the food web for well over a year, according to the study.

“This low light seems to be a really big signal that would potentially be devastating to life,” said Clay Tabor, a geoscientist at the University of Connecticut and lead author of the new study. “It seems like these low light conditions are a probable explanation for a large part of the extinction.”

The results help scientists better understand this intriguing mass extinction that ultimately paved the way for humans and other mammals to evolve. But the study also provides insight into what might happen in a nuclear winter scenario, according to Tabor.

“The main driver of a nuclear winter is actually from soot in a similar type situation,” Tabor said. “What it really highlights is just how potentially impactful soot can be on the climate system.”

The impact and extinction

The Chicxulub asteroid impact spewed clouds of ejecta into the upper atmosphere that then rained back down to Earth. The returning particles would have had enough energy to broil Earth’s surface and ignite global forest fires. Soot from the fires, along with sulfur compounds and dust, blocked out sunlight, causing an impact winter lasting several years. Previous research estimates average global temperatures plummeted by at least 26 degrees Celsius (47 degrees Fahrenheit).

Scientists know the extreme darkness and cold were devastating to life on Earth but are still teasing apart which component was more harmful to life and whether the soot, sulfate, or dust particles were most disruptive to the climate.

In the new study, Tabor and his colleagues used a sophisticated climate model to simulate the climatic effects of soot, sulfates, and dust from the impact.

Their results suggest soot emissions from global fires absorbed the most sunlight for the longest amount of time. The model showed soot particles were so good at absorbing sunlight that photosynthesis levels dropped to below one percent of normal for well over a year.

“Based on the properties of soot and its ability to effectively absorb incoming sunlight, it did a very good job at blocking sunlight from reaching the surface,” Tabor said. “In comparison to the dust, which didn’t stay in the atmosphere for nearly as long, and the sulfur, which didn’t block as much light, the soot could actually block almost all light from reaching the surface for at least a year.”

A refuge for life

The darkness would have been devastating to photosynthesizers and could explain the mass extinction through a collapse of the food web, according to the researchers. All life on Earth depends on photosynthesizers like plants and algae that harvest energy from sunlight.

Interestingly, the temperature drop likely wasn’t as disturbing to life as the darkness, according to the study.

“It’s interesting that in their model, soot doesn’t necessarily cause a much larger cooling when compared other types of aerosol particles produced by the impact-but soot does cause surface sunlight to decline a lot more,” said Manoj Joshi, a climate dynamics professor at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom who was not connected to the new study.

In regions like the high latitudes, the results suggest oceans didn’t cool significantly more than they do during a normal cycle of the seasons.

“Even though the ocean cools by a decent amount, it doesn’t cool by that much everywhere, particularly in the higher latitude regions,” Tabor said. “In comparison to the almost two years without photosynthetic activity from soot, it seems to be a secondary importance.”

As a result, high latitude coastal regions may have been refuges for life in the months after the impact. Plants and animals living in the Arctic or Antarctic are already used to large temperature swings, extreme cold, and low light, so they may have had a better chance of surviving the impact winter, according to the researchers.


  1. Clay R. Tabor et al. Causes and Climatic Consequences of the Impact Winter at the Cretaceous‐Paleogene Boundary, Geophysical Research Letters (2020). DOI: 10.1029/2019GL085572
  2. Julia Brugger et al. Baby, it’s cold outside: Climate model simulations of the effects of the asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous, Geophysical Research Letters (2016). DOI: 10.1002/2016GL072241

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by American Geophysical Union. The original article was written by Lauren Lipuma.

Blue Quartz : What is Blue Quartz? How does Blue Quartz Form?

Blue Quartz
Representative Image: Blue Quartz

What is Quartz?

Quartz is a crystalline, strong mineral made up of silicon and oxygen atoms. The atoms are linked in a continuous SiO4 Silicon–oxygen tetrahedra structure, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving SiO2 an overall chemical formula. Quartz is the second most abundant of minerals in the continental crust of Earth, behind feldspar.

Quartz occurs in two types, normal α-quartz and high-temperature β-quartz, both chiral. The transformation from α-quartz to β-quartz occurs abruptly at 573 ° C (846 K; 1.063 ° F). Since the transformation is followed by a major volume change, it can easily trigger the fracturing of ceramics or rocks that pass this temperature threshold.

There are several different quartz types and some semi-precious gemstones. Quartz varieties have been the most widely used minerals in jewelry making and hardstone carvings since the antiquity, particularly in Eurasia.

Quartz belongs to the trigonal crystal system. The ideal crystal shape is a six-sided prism terminating with six-sided pyramids at each end. In nature quartz crystals are often twinned (with twin right-handed and left-handed quartz crystals), distorted, or so intergrown with adjacent crystals of quartz or other minerals as to only show part of this shape, or to lack obvious crystal faces altogether and appear massive. Well-formed crystals typically form in a ‘bed’ that has unconstrained growth into a void; usually the crystals are attached at the other end to a matrix and only one termination pyramid is present. However, doubly terminated crystals do occur where they develop freely without attachment, for instance within gypsum. A quartz geode is such a situation where the void is approximately spherical in shape, lined with a bed of crystals pointing inward.

What is Blue Quartz?

An opaque to translucent, blue quartz variety due to inclusions of its color, typically fibrous magnesioriebeckite or crocidolite, or tourmaline. The color can be caused by the color of the minerals used, or by microscopic inclusions of Rayleigh light scattering.

Blue quartz contains inclusions of fibrous magnesio-riebeckite or crocidolite.

How does Blue Quartz from?

Blue quartz formation may depend on the type of inclusion to which it relates. Within metamorphic rocks, the blue quartz with mineral inclusions typically crystallizes. Nevertheless, those where tourmaline inclusions predominate usually occur in igneous rocks and pegmatites. Coarse-grained blue quartz is often used to form the constituents of igneous rocks.

Where does Blue Quartz come from?

Quartz is a very common mineral throughout the world, having important deposits in the Americas, specifically in the United States, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil, in the European continent, this precious mineral can also be found in Spain, Switzerland, Italy and even in more remote areas such as the island of Madagascar.

How to identify Blue Quartz?

In the jewelry world one of the most common fakes is selling tinted glass as if it were blue quartz. In order to avoid anything like this from happening to us, you need to learn certain quartz physical characteristics this separate them from the rest.

While it sounds like a natural science lesson, identifying them in a very simple way is very useful knowledge. The first thing you should know about quartz is that it has a higher hardness than glass so you can do a simple test to verify whether you have an authentic piece.

A piece of quartz would be able to crack glass with a higher hardness, and you can try a glass bottle and if the stone scratches it is quartz with ease. In the other side, if it takes an enormous effort to create a crack in the bottle we can face a plain piece of glass.

The trick we’ve just discussed is a piece of homemade advice you can do at any time, but if you’d like anything more sophisticated you’ll need some jeweler loupes. Magnifying glasses are required to test whether or not there are bubbles in the composition of the rock.


How the Bungle Bungles got their stripes

Arial view of the Bungle Bungle range, May 2016. Credit: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Nichollas Harrison
Arial view of the Bungle Bungle range, May 2016. Credit: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Nichollas Harrison

Their distinctive stripes made Purnululu world famous and have helped the striking sandstone formations survive for generations.

The story of the Bungle Bungles begins about 360 million years ago with a river not so different from the Ord River that flows nearby today.

That river flowed downhill towards the ocean until it hit a broad low basin. There, it spread out, slowed down and deposited its load of sediment before drying up.

Every wet season and every flood, the river left the sand and stone it carried behind, layer upon layer.

Strange and fantastic formations

After a few million years, the landscape shifted upwards. The plateau formed mountains and hills, and the river began to flow downstream again.

After megayears of adding new layers, the rivers began to take them away. In that time, the earliest layers buried kilometers below the surface had become sandstone.

But unlike regular sandstone, the Bungle Bungles are held together by nothing but pressure.

“If you reach out and touch them, you’ll feel sand coming away at your fingertips,” says Chris Done, Chairperson of the Purnululu World Heritage Committee.

“The grains of sand are held together by their own pressure on each other. There’s no cementing,” he explains.

(That’s the stuff between the grains that helps them stick together.)

“They’re just pressed down with enough weight above them that they’re forced together.”

There’s some debate among geologists about just how this happened. Some think that the rock formed with cementing and later lost it, while others think it never had cementing at all.

However it formed, once that soft sandstone was uncovered, wind and water carved through it easily. A surreal landscape reflecting the twisting paths of rivers and streams emerged, and the layers deposited years ago were exposed to the elements.

As Edward Hardman, the first European geologist to encounter the formation, described it: “The prevailing nature of the rock, however, is that of a yellow or reddish freestone, very soft in places, and susceptible to ‘weathering’, owing to which the rock-masses often assume strange and fantastic forms.”

The hills are alive

Once they were exposed, each layer reacted differently.

Layers slightly richer in iron developed a rust-colored red color, as the iron percolated through to the surface and oxidized.

Other layers, richer in clay, were able to hold onto more water. These became home to colonies of dark-colored cyanobacteria, sometimes called blue-green algae.

“Those algae are about some of the toughest lifeforms you can think of,” Chris says.

“They go dormant when it’s dry, and they thrive when it’s wet.

“If you go up there when it’s been raining, it’s a shiny deep green or black, whereas during the dry season, they’re more of a gray color.”

So while the layers run throughout the hills, the stripes are only visible on the surface. Underground, it’s pale sandstone all the way through.

Nothing but footprints

As well as giving the hills their striking colors, the protective crust of iron and bacteria slows erosion of the sandstone.

So without their distinctive appearance, the Bungle Bungles may not have endured the forces of nature for so long.

But are the stripes attracting a new force of erosion? As more and more tourists explore the spectacular site, could their feet crush the Bungle Bungles back to sand?

Humans have visited and lived in Purnululu for thousands of years. Aboriginal people hunted and traded in the area long before tourists arrived.

They recognised the range as a site of great significance long before it was World Heritage listed, and Rangers from their descendants still live in and care for the area.

They think an increase in tourists isn’t an immediate threat “as long as people do the right thing and stay on the trails”, says Chris.

So if you visit the Bungle Bungles, stick to the path and let the stripes do their job. With care, they’ll still be amazing us for megayears to come.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Particle. The original article was written by Rockwell McGellin.

Ancient shell shows days were half-hour shorter 70 million years ago

Fossil rudist bivalves (Vaccinites) from the Al-Hajar Mountains, United Arab Emirates. Credit: Wikipedia, Wilson44691 – Own work, Public Domain
Fossil rudist bivalves (Vaccinites) from the Al-Hajar Mountains, United Arab Emirates.
Credit: Wikipedia, Wilson44691 – Own work, Public Domain

Earth turned faster at the end of the time of the dinosaurs than it does today, rotating 372 times a year, compared to the current 365, according to a new study of fossil mollusk shells from the late Cretaceous. This means a day lasted only 23 and a half hours, according to the new study in AGU’s journal Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology.

The ancient mollusk, from an extinct and wildly diverse group known as rudist clams, grew fast, laying down daily growth rings. The new study used lasers to sample minute slices of shell and count the growth rings more accurately than human researchers with microscopes.

The growth rings allowed the researchers to determine the number of days in a year and more accurately calculate the length of a day 70 million years ago. The new measurement informs models of how the Moon formed and how close to Earth it has been over the 4.5-billion-year history of the Earth-Moon gravitational dance.

The new study also found corroborating evidence that the mollusks harbored photosynthetic symbionts that may have fueled reef-building on the scale of modern-day corals.

The high resolution obtained in the new study combined with the fast growth rate of the ancient bivalves revealed unprecedented detail about how the animal lived and the water conditions it grew in, down to a fraction of a day.

“We have about four to five datapoints per day, and this is something that you almost never get in geological history. We can basically look at a day 70 million years ago. It’s pretty amazing,” said Niels de Winter, an analytical geochemist at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the lead author of the new study.

Climate reconstructions of the deep past typically describe long term changes that occur on the scale of tens of thousands of years. Studies like this one give a glimpse of change on the timescale of living things and have the potential to bridge the gap between climate and weather models.

Chemical analysis of the shell indicates ocean temperatures were warmer in the Late Cretaceous than previously appreciated, reaching 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in summer and exceeding 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) in winter. The summer high temperatures likely approached the physiological limits for mollusks, de Winter said.

“The high fidelity of this data-set has allowed the authors to draw two particularly interesting inferences that help to sharpen our understanding of both Cretaceous astrochronology and rudist palaeobiology,” said Peter Skelton, a retired lecturer of palaeobiology at The Open University and a rudist expert unaffiliated with the new study.

Ancient reef-builders

The new study analyzed a single individual that lived for over nine years in a shallow seabed in the tropics — a location which is now, 70-million-years later, dry land in the mountains of Oman.

Torreites sanchezi mollusks look like tall pint glasses with lids shaped like bear claw pastries. The ancient mollusks had two shells, or valves, that met in a hinge, like asymmetrical clams, and grew in dense reefs, like modern oysters. They thrived in water several degrees warmer worldwide than modern oceans.

In the late Cretaceous, rudists like T. sanchezi dominated the reef-building niche in tropical waters around the world, filling the role held by corals today. They disappeared in the same event that killed the non-avian dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

“Rudists are quite special bivalves. There’s nothing like it living today,” de Winter said. “In the late Cretaceous especially, worldwide most of the reef builders are these bivalves. So they really took on the ecosystem building role that the corals have nowadays.”

The new method focused a laser on small bits of shell, making holes 10 micrometers in diameter, or about as wide as a red blood cell. Trace elements in these tiny samples reveal information about the temperature and chemistry of the water at the time the shell formed. The analysis provided accurate measurements of the width and number of daily growth rings as well as seasonal patterns. The researchers used seasonal variations in the fossilized shell to identify years.

The new study found the composition of the shell changed more over the course of a day than over seasons, or with the cycles of ocean tides. The fine-scale resolution of the daily layers shows the shell grew much faster during the day than at night

“This bivalve had a very strong dependence on this daily cycle, which suggests that it had photosymbionts,” de Winter said. “You have the day-night rhythm of the light being recorded in the shell.”

This result suggests daylight was more important to the lifestyle of the ancient mollusk than might be expected if it fed itself primarily by filtering food from the water, like modern day clams and oysters, according to the authors. De Winter said the mollusks likely had a relationship with an indwelling symbiotic species that fed on sunlight, similar to living giant clams, which harbor symbiotic algae.

“Until now, all published arguments for photosymbiosis in rudists have been essentially speculative, based on merely suggestive morphological traits, and in some cases were demonstrably erroneous. This paper is the first to provide convincing evidence in favor of the hypothesis,” Skelton said, but cautioned that the new study’s conclusion was specific to Torreites and could not be generalized to other rudists.

Moon retreat

De Winter’s careful count of the number of daily layers found 372 for each yearly interval. This was not a surprise, because scientists know days were shorter in the past. The result is, however, the most accurate now available for the late Cretaceous, and has a surprising application to modeling the evolution of the Earth-Moon system.

The length of a year has been constant over Earth’s history, because Earth’s orbit around the Sun does not change. But the number of days within a year has been shortening over time because days have been growing longer. The length of a day has been growing steadily longer as friction from ocean tides, caused by the Moon’s gravity, slows Earth’s rotation.

The pull of the tides accelerates the Moon a little in its orbit, so as Earth’s spin slows, the Moon moves farther away. The moon is pulling away from Earth at 3.82 centimeters (1.5 inches) per year. Precise laser measurements of distance to the Moon from Earth have demonstrated this increasing distance since the Apollo program left helpful reflectors on the Moon’s surface.

But scientists conclude the Moon could not have been receding at this rate throughout its history, because projecting its progress linearly back in time would put the Moon inside the Earth only 1.4 billion years ago. Scientists know from other evidence that the Moon has been with us much longer, most likely coalescing in the wake of a massive collision early in Earth’s history, over 4.5 billion years ago. So the Moon’s rate of retreat has changed over time, and information from the past, like a year in the life of an ancient clam, helps researchers reconstruct that history and model of the formation of the moon.

Because in the history of the Moon, 70 million years is a blink in time, de Winter and his colleagues hope to apply their new method to older fossils and catch snapshots of days even deeper in time.

Niels J. Winter, Steven Goderis, Stijn J.M. Van Malderen, Matthias Sinnesael, Stef Vansteenberge, Christophe Snoeck, Joke Belza, Frank Vanhaecke, Philippe Claeys. Subdaily‐Scale Chemical Variability in a Torreites Sanchezi Rudist Shell: Implications for Rudist Paleobiology and the Cretaceous Day‐Night Cycle. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 2020; 35 (2) DOI: 10.1029/2019PA003723

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by American Geophysical Union.

Earth’s Mantle, Not Its Core, May Have Generated Planet’s Early Magnetic Field

Scientists are finding that Earth’s mantle may have generated the planet’s early magnetic field. Credit: Naeblys

New research lends credence to an unorthodox retelling of the story of early Earth first proposed by a geophysicist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.

In a study appearing March 15 in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Scripps Oceanography researchers Dave Stegman, Leah Ziegler, and Nicolas Blanc provide new estimates for the thermodynamics of magnetic field generation within the liquid portion of the early Earth’s mantle and show how long that field was available.

The paper provides a “door-opening opportunity” to resolve inconsistencies in the narrative of the planet’s early days. Significantly, it coincides with two new studies from UCLA and Arizona State University geophysicists that expand on Stegman’s concept and apply it in new ways.

“Currently we have no grand unifying theory for how Earth has evolved thermally,” Stegman said. “We don’t have this conceptual framework for understanding the planet’s evolution. This is one viable hypothesis.”

The trio of studies are the latest developments in a paradigm shift that could change how Earth history is understood.

It has been a bedrock tenet of geophysics that Earth’s liquid outer core has always been the source of the dynamo that generates its magnetic field. Magnetic fields form on Earth and other planets that have liquid, metallic cores, rotate rapidly, and experience conditions that make the convection of heat possible.

In 2007, researchers in France proposed a radical departure from the long-held assumption that the Earth’s mantle has remained entirely solid since the very beginnings of the planet. They argued that during the first half of the planet’s 4.5-billion-year history, the bottom third of Earth’s mantle would have had to have been molten, which they call “the basal magma ocean.” Six years later, Stegman and Ziegler expanded upon that idea, publishing the first work showing how this once-liquid portion of the lower mantle, rather than the core, could have exceeded the thresholds needed to create Earth’s magnetic field during that time.

The Earth’s mantle is made of silicate material that is normally a very poor electrical conductor. Therefore, even if the lowermost mantle were liquid for billions of years, rapid fluid motions inside it wouldn’t produce large electrical currents needed for magnetic field generation, similar to how Earth’s dynamo currently works in the core. Stegman’s team asserted the liquid silicate might actually be more electrically conductive than what was generally believed.

“Ziegler and Stegman first proposed the idea of a silicate dynamo for the early Earth,” said UCLA geophysicist Lars Stixrude. The idea was met with skepticism because their early results “showed that a silicate dynamo was only possible if the electrical conductivity of silicate liquid was remarkably high, much higher than had been measured in silicate liquids at low pressure and temperature.”

A team led by Stixrude used quantum-mechanical computations to predict the conductivity of silicate liquid at basal magma ocean conditions for the first time.

According to Stixrude, “we found very large values of the electrical conductivity, large enough to sustain a silicate dynamo.” The UCLA study appeared in the Feb. 25 issue of Nature Communications.

In another paper, Arizona State geophysicist Joseph O’Rourke applied Stegman’s concept to consider whether it’s possible that Venus might have at one point generated a magnetic field within a molten mantle.

These new studies are signs that the premise is starting to take hold, but is still far from being widely accepted.

“No one is going to believe it until they do it themselves and now two other highly esteemed scientists have done it themselves,” said Stegman.

“The pioneering studies of Dave Stegman and his collaborators directly inspired my work on Venus,” said O’Rourke. “Their recent paper helps answer a question that vexed scientists for many years: How has Earth’s magnetic field survived for billions of years?”

If Stegman’s premise is correct, it would mean the mantle could have provided the young planet’s first magnetic shield against cosmic radiation. It could also underpin studies of how tectonics evolved on the planet later in history.

“If the magnetic field was generated in the molten lower mantle above the core, then Earth had protection from the very beginning and that might have made life on Earth possible sooner,” Stegman said.

“Ultimately, our papers are complementary because they demonstrate that basal magma oceans are important to the evolution of terrestrial planets,” said O’Rourke. “Earth’s basal magma ocean has solidified but was key to the longevity of our magnetic field.”

The Scripps Oceanography study was funded by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, and a UC San Diego SEED Fellowship.


  1. Nicolas A. Blanc, Dave R. Stegman, Leah B. Ziegler. Thermal and magnetic evolution of a crystallizing basal magma ocean in Earth’s mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020; 534: 116085 DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116085
  2. J. G. O’Rourke. Venus: A Thick Basal Magma Ocean May Exist Today. Geophysical Research Letters, 2020; 47 (4) DOI: 10.1029/2019GL086126
  3. Lars Stixrude, Roberto Scipioni, Michael P. Desjarlais. A silicate dynamo in the early Earth. Nature Communications, 2020; 11 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14773-4

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of California – San Diego.

Building blocks for life on Earth arrived much later than we thought, billion-year-old rocks show

The rocks the team analysed are the oldest preserved mantle rocks. They allow us to see into the early history of the Earth as if through a window. Credit: UNSW
The rocks the team analysed are the oldest preserved mantle rocks. They allow us to see into the early history of the Earth as if through a window. Credit: UNSW

Ancient rocks from Greenland have shown that the elements necessary for the evolution of life did not come to Earth until very late in the planet’s formation—much later than previously thought.

An international team of geologists—led by the University of Cologne and involving UNSW scientists—have published important new findings about the origin of oceans and life on Earth: they have found evidence that a large proportion of the elements that are essential to the formation of oceans and life—such as water, carbon and nitrogen—only came to Earth very late in its history.

Many scientists previously believed that these elements had already been there at the beginning of our planet’s formation. However, the geological investigations published in Nature today have shown that most of the water in fact only came to Earth when its formation was almost complete.

Volatile elements such as water originate from asteroids, the planetary building blocks that formed in the outer solar system. There has been a lot of discussion and controversy in the scientific community around when precisely these building blocks came to Earth.

Dr. Mario Fischer-Gödde from the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy at the University of Cologne, who led the work, says we are now able to narrow down the timeframe more precisely.

“The rocks we analyzed are the oldest preserved mantle rocks. They allow us to see into the early history of the Earth as if through a window.

“We compared the composition of the oldest, approximately 3.8 billion-year-old, mantle rocks from the Archean Eon with the composition of the asteroids from which they formed, and with the composition of the Earth’s mantle today.”

To understand the temporal process, the researchers determined the isotope abundances of a very rare platinum metal called ruthenium, which the Archean mantle of the Earth contained.

Like a genetic fingerprint, the rare platinum metal is an indicator for the late growth phase of the Earth.

“Platinum metals like ruthenium have an extremely high tendency to combine with iron. Therefore, when the Earth formed, ruthenium must have been completely discharged into the Earth’s metallic core,” says Professor Fischer-Gödde.

Professor Martin Van Kranendonk, the UNSW scientist who was part of the research, says the reason why this is of such interest relates directly to understanding the origins of life on Earth, how we humans came to be, and in fact, to whether we might be alone, or have neighbours in the universe.

“This is because the results show that Earth did not really become a habitable planet until relatively late in its accretionary history,” he says.

“If you combine this with the evidence for very ancient life on Earth, it reveals that life got started on our planet surprisingly quickly, within only a few hundred million years. Now this might sound like a lot of time, and it is, but it is far different from what we used to think, that life took half a billion, or even a billion years to get started.

“And this gives hope for finding life on other planets that had a shorter geological history and period of ‘warm and wet’ conditions than Earth, because if life could get started quickly here, then perhaps it got started quickly elsewhere.”

Professor Dr. Carsten Münker, also at the University of Cologne, added: “The fact that we are still finding traces of rare platinum metals in the Earth’s mantle means that we can assume they were only added after the formation of the core was completed—they were certainly the result of later collisions of the Earth with asteroids or smaller planetesimals.”

Scientists refer to the very late building blocks of Earth, which arrived through these collisions, as the ‘late veneer.”

“Our findings suggest that water and other volatile elements such as carbon and nitrogen did indeed arrive on Earth very late in the ‘late veneer’ phase,” Professor Fischer-Gödde says.

The new findings are the result of collaboration among scientists from Germany, Denmark, England, Australia and Japan. The scientists are planning further field trips to India, northwestern Australia, and Greenland to investigate more rock samples.

Mario Fischer-Gödde et al. Ruthenium isotope vestige of Earth’s pre-late-veneer mantle preserved in Archaean rocks, Nature (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2069-3

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of New South Wales.

‘Fossil earthquakes’ offer new insight into seismic activity deep below Earth’s surface

The grey line in the rock, running from the foreground away under the boulder towards the mountains, is one of the shear zones from the study area. Credit: Lucy Campbell
The grey line in the rock, running from the foreground away under the boulder towards the mountains, is one of the shear zones from the study area. Credit: Lucy Campbell

A major international study has shed new light on the mechanisms through which earthquakes are triggered up to 40km beneath the earth’s surface.

While such earthquakes are unusual, because rocks at those depth are expected to creep slowly and aseismically, they account for around 30 per cent of intracontinental seismic activity. Recent examples include a significant proportion of seismicity in the Himalaya as well as aftershocks associated with the 2001 Bhuj earthquake in India.

However, very little is presently known about what causes them, in large part due to the fact that any effects are normally hidden deep underground.

The current study, published in Nature Communications and funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, sought to understand how such deep earthquakes may be generated.

They showed that earthquake ruptures may be encouraged by the interaction of different shear zones that are creeping slowly and aseismically. This interaction loads the adjacent blocks of stiff rocks in the deep crust, until they cannot sustain the rising stress anymore, and snap — generating earthquakes.

Emphasising observations of quite complex networks created by earthquake-generated faults, they suggest that this context is characterised by repeating cycles of deformation, with long-term slow creep on the shear zones punctuated by episodic earthquakes.

Although only a transient component of such deformation cycles, the earthquakes release a significant proportion of the accumulated stress across the region.

The research was led by the University of Plymouth (UK) and University of Oslo (Norway), with scientists conducting geological observations of seismic structures in exhumed lower crustal rocks on the Lofoten Islands.

The region is home to one of the few well-exposed large sections of exhumed continental lower crust in the world, exposed during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean.

Scientists spent several months in the region, conducting a detailed analysis of the exposed rock and in particular pristine pseudotachylytes (solidified melt produced during seismic slip regarded as ‘fossil earthquakes’) which decorate fault sets linking adjacent or intersecting shear zones.

They also collected samples from the region which were then analysed using cutting edge technology in the University’s Plymouth Electron Microscopy Centre.

Lead author Dr Lucy Campbell, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth, said: “The Lofoten Islands provide an almost unique location in which to examine the impact of earthquakes in the lower crust. But by looking at sections of exposed rock less than 15 metres wide, we were able to see examples of slow-forming rock deformation working to trigger earthquakes generated up to 30km beneath the surface. The model we have now developed provides a novel explanation of the causes and effects of such earthquakes that could be applied at many locations where they occur.”

Project lead Dr Luca Menegon, Associate Professor at the University of Plymouth and the University of Oslo, added: “Deep earthquakes can be as destructive as those nucleating closer to the Earth’s surface. They often occur in highly populated areas in the interior of the continents, like in Central Asia for example. But while a lot is known about what causes seismic activity in the upper crust, we know far less about those which occur lower. This study gives us a fascinating insight into what is happening deep below the Earth’s surface, and our challenge is now to take this research forward and see if we can use it to make at-risk communities more aware of the dangers posed by such activity.”

As part of the study, scientists also worked with University of Plymouth filmmaker Heidi Morstang to produce a 60-minute documentary film about their work. Pseudotachylyte premiered at the 2019 Bergen International Film Festival, and will be distributed internationally once it has screened at various other festivals globally.

L. R. Campbell, L. Menegon, Å. Fagereng, G. Pennacchioni. Earthquake nucleation in the lower crust by local stress amplification. Nature Communications, 2020; 11 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15150-x

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Plymouth.

What causes an ice age to end?

Galleria delle Stalattiti, Corchia Cave. Credit: Linda Tegg
Galleria delle Stalattiti, Corchia Cave. Credit: Linda Tegg

New University of Melbourne research has revealed that ice ages over the last million years ended when the tilt angle of the Earth’s axis was approaching high values.

During these times, longer and stronger summers melted the large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, propelling the Earth’s climate into a warm ‘interglacial’ state, like the one we’ve experienced over the last 11,000 years.

The study by PhD candidate, Petra Bajo, and colleagues also showed that summer energy levels at the time these ‘ice-age terminations’ were triggered controlled how long it took for the ice sheets to collapse, with higher energy levels producing fast collapse.

Researchers are still trying to understand how often these periods happen and how soon we can expect another one.

Since the mid 1800s, scientists have long suspected that changes in the geometry of Earth’s orbit are responsible for the coming and going of ice ages — the uncertainty has been over which orbital property is most important.

Petra Bajo’s paper “Persistent influence of obliquity on ice age terminations since the Middle Pleistocene transition,” published today in Science, moves closer to resolving some of the mystery of why ice ages end by establishing when they end.

The team combined data from Italian stalagmites with information from ocean sediments drilled off the coast of Portugal.

“Colleagues from the University of Cambridge and Portugal’s Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera compiled detailed records of the North Atlantic’s response to ice-sheet collapse,” said Associate Professor Russell Drysdale, from the research team.

“We could identify in the stalagmite growth layers the same changes that were being recorded in the ocean sediments. This allowed us to apply the age information from the stalagmite to the ocean sediment record, which cannot be dated for this time period.”

Using the latest techniques in radiometric dating, the international team determined the age of two terminations that occurred about 960,000 and 875,000 years ago.

The ages suggest that the initiation of both terminations is more consistent with increases in Earth’s tilt angle. These increases produce warmer summers over the regions where the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets are situated, causing melting.

“Both terminations then progressed to completion at a time when Northern Hemisphere summer energy over the ice sheets approached peak values,” said Dr Drysdale. “A comparison of these findings with previously published data from younger terminations shows this pattern has been a recurring feature of the last million years.”

The team plan to have a closer look next at the Middle Pleistocene Transition when the average length of ice-age cycles suddenly doubled in length.

Petra Bajo, Russell N. Drysdale, Jon D. Woodhead, John C. Hellstrom, David Hodell, Patrizia Ferretti, Antje H. L. Voelker, Giovanni Zanchetta, Teresa Rodrigues, Eric Wolff, Jonathan Tyler, Silvia Frisia, Christoph Spötl, Anthony E. Fallick. Persistent influence of obliquity on ice age terminations since the Middle Pleistocene transition. Science, 2020; 367 (6483): 1235 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw1114

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Melbourne.

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