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A 49 kilometers high volcanic ash column rose up over the Mayan civilization

San Salvador Volcano
Deposits of medium flows. The flows of Unit F are covered by the deposits of the subsequent eruption of the San Salvador Volcano. Credit: Dario Pedrazzi

The Ilopango’s volcano eruption (also known as Tierra Blanca Joven or TBJ) occurred approximately 1,500 years ago. Pyroclastics currents were dispersed over much of the present territory of El Salvador and a volcanic ash column reached a height of 49 km, according to a new research published recently in Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.

Dario Pedrazzi, researcher at the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera of the CSIC (ICTJA-CSIC) is the lead author of a research that, by means of analysing the TBJ ash (tephra) deposits, has reconstructed the eruptive process of what is thought to be the largest explosive eruption occurred in Central America in the Holocene (last 10,000 years).

“The TBJ eruption was initially studied several years ago, but such a complete stratigraphic study hadn’t yet been carried out and the physical parameters were not defined. The volcanic products dispersion was neither determined”, said Dario Pedrazzi.

This new study presents a complete stratigraphic description and the extent of the pyroclastic deposits of TBJ eruption, which are still present all over El Salvador and in some neighbouring countries. The study also describes the physical parameters of the different phases of the eruption that generated the surveyed deposits.

This research was carried out with the collaboration of researchers from the Centro de Geociencias of the Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) and the División de Geociencias aplicadas del IPICYT, Mexico; the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy; the Oxford University, UK; the Oregon State University, USA and the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de El Salvador (MARN).

The authors of the study conducted a detailed field mapping of an area of about 200.000 km2 during three field campaigns in order to reconstruct the stratigraphy of the TBJ deposits and the relationship with other eruptive deposits.

“What called our attention was the thickness of the pyroclastic deposits. Some of them were up to 70m thick and reached distances of at least 40-50 km from the vent. We shouldn’t forget that San Salvador City and its metropolitan area were built over the pyroclastic deposits originated during TBJ eruption”, explains Dario Pedrazzi.

Researchers measured 82 stratigraphic sections all over El Salvador Country, but they finally focused on 21 outcrops. They collected nearly 200 samples from all the outcrops that were analysed afterwards in the MARN and UNAM laboratories to obtain the parameters needed to develop numerical simulations.

With all this data available, the authors of the study were able to reconstruct the TBJ eruption dynamics. They could identify a total of 8 units in the deposits that correspond to the different phases of the eruption.

“It was an eruption that started with pyroclastic surges in a very specific area. Then, there was a shift in the eruptive dynamics, characterized by ash fallout, and then it shifted again to another phase driven mainly by pyroclastic flows”, said Pedrazzi.

According to the researcher, “the eruption reached its climax with a series of pyroclastic flows probably linked to a caldera collapse. In the last phase, all the materials ejected previously were deposited by fallout mechanisms”. Some of these materials were transported and spread by the dominating winds and they reached distances as large as 100 km from the vent, especially fine grain ashes.

Thanks to the numerical simulations conducted, the authors of the study were able to estimate that during the final phase of the eruption, the column of volcanic ashes and gases (co-ignimbrite plume) reached a height of 49 km. Moreover, they calculated that the total bulk volume of ejected material was about 60 km3 of magma (30 km3 dense rock equivalent, which is the original volume of erupted magma), corresponding to a 6.8 magnitude eruption.
The study notes that the” Mayan populations living in the region would have been considerably affected “ and that the communities living in the territory within 50 km from the Ilopango Caldera were the ones who suffered a more direct impact. However, indirect effects on the social, economic and political systems derived from the eruption “probably affected a much wider area of Central America”.

According to the researchers, this study “represents the first and necessary step towards improved volcanic hazard assessment for the region” to mitigate volcanic risk for the large number of communities living around Ilopango Caldera, an active volcano whose last eruption was in 1879. It was then when some domes (Islas Quemadas) were formed inside the caldera. About 3 million people live currently within 30 kilometres of the caldera.
“The previous eruption occurred 8,000 years before TBJ eruption. The returning time of the last eruptions are shorter if we compare them with the first ones, occurred about 1.5 million years ago, although the volume of material ejected during the most recent eruptions is smaller”, said Dario Pedrazzi.

The Ilopango Caldera is located less than 10 km from San Salvador City, the capital of El Salvador, and it forms part of Volcanic Arc of El Salvador which includes a total of 21 active volcanoes, being one of the most active segments of the Central America Volcanic Arc.

This work is part of a project founded by CONACYT and lead by Dr.Gerardo Aguírre Díaz, UNAM researcher. The project is focused in the study of the Ilopango Caldera and its goal is to determine the potential hazard of volcanic supereruptions in Central America.

Pedrazzi, D., Sunye-Puchol, I., Aguirre-Díaz, G., Costa, A., Smith, V., Poret, M., Dávila-Harris, P., Miggins,D., Hernández, W., Gutiérrez, E. (2019) “The Ilopango Tierra Blanca Joven (TBJ) eruption, El Salvador: Volcano-Stratigraphy and physical characterization of the major Holocene event of Central America”. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 377, 81-102. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.03.0060377-0273

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by ICTJA-CSIC. The original article was written by Jordi Cortés.

Garnet Color : What is Garnet’s Color?

Garnet. Credit: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

What is Garnet?

Garnets are a group of minerals of silicate that have been used as gemstones and abrasives since the Bronze Age.

All garnet species have similar physical characteristics and crystal shapes, but differ in chemical composition. The various species are pyrope, almandine, spessartine, gross (hessonite or cinnamon-stone and tsavorite varieties), uvarovite and and andradite. Two solid solution series are made up of garnets: pyrope-almandine-spessartine and uvarovite-grossular-andradite.

Garnet is not a single mineral, but it describes a group of several minerals that are closely related. Garnets are available in a variety of colors and have many varieties. However, Garnet gemstones’ most widely known color is dark red. When using the term “Garnet,” the dark red form is usually connotative; more descriptive gemstone terms are usually given to other color garnets.

Garnet Color

  • Uvarovite: dark green.
  • Grossular: colorless, white, gray, yellow, green, green (various shades: pale green apple, medium green apple, dark green), brown, pink, reddish, black.
  • Andradite: Yellow-green, green, brown green, yellow orange, brown, black and black grayish. The color is associated with Ti and Mn’s content. The color is light if there is little of either element, and it may look grossly.
  • Pyrope: Purple red, pink red, orange red, raspberry, dark red. Note: Colorless pure pyrope ; red colors are derived from Fe + Cr.
  • Almandine: red, brownish red, brownish black, violet red.
  • Spessartine: red, reddish orange, orange, yellow-brown, reddish brown, blackish brown.
  • Malaia: various shades of orange, red-orange, peach, and pink.
  • Rhodolite: usually has a distinctive purplish color.

Is Garnet Rare?

It depends on Garnet’s type and color. Peach, green and clear are the rarest garnets. More common are the red garnets.

How much does a Garnet Cost?

It depends on the gemstone’s size and color. A 2ct stone can range from $ 10 per carat to $ 5,000 per carat, for example.

How many Garnets types?

There are two different groups and six different types. The two groups are Garnets of Calcium and Garnets of Magnesium.

  1. Almandine
  2. Pyrope
  3. Spessartite
  4. Grossular
  5. Andradite
  6. Uvarovite

How Hard is Garnet?

It depends on the Garnet type, but it varies between 6.5 and 7.5 ” Mohs Hardness Scale

Uses Garnet


Pure garnet crystals are still being used as gemstones. The varieties of gemstones occur in green, red, yellow, and orange shades. It is known as the January birthstone in the US. It is Connecticut’s state mineral, New York’s gemstone, and Idaho’s state gemstone is the star garnet (garnet with rutile asterisms).

Industrial uses

Garnet sand is a good abrasive and a common substitute in sand blasting for silica sand. For such blasting treatments, alluvial rounder garnet grains are more suitable. In water jets, the garnet is mixed with very high pressure water to cut steel and other materials. Grenets extracted from hard rock are suitable for water jet cutting as they are more angular in shape, hence more efficient in cutting.

Unconformity : What Is Unconformity? What are Types of Unconformity?

Siccar Point
Siccar Point is a rocky promontory in the county of Berwickshire on the east coast of Scotland. It is famous in the history of geology for Hutton’s Unconformity found in 1788, which James Hutton regarded as conclusive proof of his uniformitarian theory of geological development.


An unconformity is a buried erosional or non-depositional surface that separates two different-age rock masses or strata, indicating that the deposition of sediments was not continuous. The older layer was generally exposed to erosion for an interval of time before the younger layer was deposed, but the term is used to describe any break in the sedimentary geological record.

How is an unconformity formed?

Unconformities are gaps in the geologic record that may indicate episodes of crustal deformation, erosion, and sea level variations. They are a characteristic of stratified rocks and are thus usually found in sediments (but can also be found in stratified volcanics). They are surfaces that form a substantial break (hiatus) in the geological record between two rock bodies (sometimes people say inaccurately that “time” is missing). Unconformities represent times when deposition stopped, some of the previously deposited rock was removed by an erosion interval and finally resumed deposition.

What are Types of Unconformity?


A disconformity is an unconformity between parallel layers of sedimentary rocks which is a period of erosion or non-deposition. Disconformities are characterized by subaerial erosion features. This type of erosion may leave in the rock record channels and paleosols. A paraconformity is a type of disconformity where separation is a simple bedding plane with no apparent buried erosional surface.


A nonconformity exists between sedimentary rocks and metamorphic or igneous rocks when the sedimentary rock lies above and was deposited on the pre-existing and eroded metamorphic or igneous rock. Namely, if the rock below the break is igneous or has lost its bedding due to metamorphism, the plane of juncture is a nonconformity.

Angular unconformity

An angular unconformity is an unconformity in which horizontally parallel strata of sedimentary rock are deposited on tilted and eroded layers, resulting in angular discordance with the horizontal layers above. Further orogenic activity can deform and tilt the entire sequence later.


A paraconformity is a type of unconformity in which strata are parallel ; no apparent erosion occurs and the surface of the unconformity resembles a simple bedding plane. It is also called pseudoconformity or nondepositional unconformity. Short paraconformities are called diastems.

Buttress unconformity

When younger bedding is deposited against older strata, an unconformity of the buttress occurs, thus influencing its bedding structure.

Blended unconformity

A blended unconformity is a type of disconformity or nonconformity that has no distinct plane or contact separation, sometimes consisting of soils, paleosols, or pebble beds derived from the rock.

What is the difference between Disconformity and nonconformity?

A nonconformity is what its called when sedimentary rock strata are over crystalline (metamorphic or igneous) strata. A disconformity is when the sedimentary strata is over another sedimentary strata.

Earth recycles ocean floor into diamonds

Is the sparkler on your finger recycled seabed? Credit: Stephen Durham

The diamond on your finger is most likely made of recycled seabed cooked deep in the Earth.

Traces of salt trapped in many diamonds show the stones are formed from ancient seabeds that became buried deep beneath the Earth’s crust, according to new research led by Macquarie University geoscientists in Sydney, Australia.

Most diamonds found at the Earth’s surface are formed this way; others are created by crystallization of melts deep in the mantle.

In experiments recreating the extreme pressures and temperatures found 200 kilometres underground, Dr Michael Förster, Professor Stephen Foley, Dr Olivier Alard, and colleagues at Goethe Universität and Johannes Gutenberg Universität in Germany, have demonstrated that seawater in sediment from the bottom of the ocean reacts in the right way to produce the balance of salts found in diamond.

The study, published in Science Advances, settles a long-standing question about the formation of diamonds. “There was a theory that the salts trapped inside diamonds came from marine seawater, but couldn’t be tested,” says lead author Michael. “Our research showed that they came from marine sediment.”

Diamonds are crystals of carbon that form beneath the Earth’s crust in very old parts of the mantle. They are brought to the surface in volcanic eruptions of a special kind of magma called kimberlite.

While gem diamonds are usually made of pure carbon, so-called fibrous diamonds, which are cloudy and less appealing to jewellers, often include small traces of sodium, potassium and other minerals that reveal information about the environment where they formed.

These fibrous diamonds are commonly ground down and used in technical applications like drill bits.

Fibrous diamonds grow more quickly than gem diamonds, which means they trap tiny samples of fluids around them while they form.

“We knew that some sort of salty fluid must be around while the diamonds are growing, and now we have confirmed that marine sediment fits the bill,” says Michael.

For this process to occur, a large slab of sea floor would have to slip down to a depth of more than 200 kilometres below the surface quite rapidly, in a process known as subduction in which one tectonic plate slides beneath another.

The rapid descent is required because the sediment must be compressed to more than four gigapascals (40,000 times atmospheric pressure) before it begins to melt in the temperatures of more than 800°C found in the ancient mantle.

To test the idea, team members at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz and Goethe Universität Frankfurt in Germany carried out a series of high-pressure, high-temperature experiments.

They placed marine sediment samples in a vessel with a rock called peridotite that is the most common kind of rock found in the part of the mantle where diamonds form. Then they turned up the pressure and the heat, giving the samples time to react with one another in conditions like those found at different places in the mantle.

At pressures between four and six gigapascals and temperatures between 800°C and 1100°C, corresponding to depths of between 120 and 180 kilometres below the surface, they found salts formed with a balance of sodium and potassium that closely matches the small traces found in diamonds.

“We demonstrated that the processes that lead to diamond growth are driven by the recycling of oceanic sediments in subduction zones,” says Michael.

“The products of our experiments also resulted in the formation of minerals that are necessary ingredients for the formation of kimberlite magmas, which transport diamonds to the Earth’s surface.”

Michael W. Förster, Stephen F. Foley, Horst R. Marschall, Olivier Alard, Stephan Buhre. Melting of sediments in the deep mantle produces saline fluid inclusions in diamonds. Science Advances, 2019; 5 (5): eaau2620 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aau2620

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Macquarie University.

Scientists find telling early moment that indicates a coming megaquake

In four sample events (colored lines), the acceleration of peak ground displacement (measurements shown at right) just five seconds later suggests whether a megaquake, such as a magnitude 9 (red X) or a sub-7 magnitude quake is in progress. Real time monitoring, the researchers say, could enhance earthquake early warning.
Scientists have found in GPS data a telling window that begins 10 seconds into an earthquake. In four sample events (colored lines), the acceleration of peak ground displacement (measurements shown at right) just five seconds later suggests whether a megaquake, such as a magnitude 9 (red X) or a sub-7 magnitude quake is in progress. Real time monitoring, the researchers say, could enhance earthquake early warning. Credit: University of Oregon

Scientists combing through databases of earthquakes since the early 1990s have discovered a possible defining moment 10-15 seconds into an event that could signal a magnitude 7 or larger megaquake.

Likewise, that moment — gleaned from GPS data on the peak rate of acceleration of ground displacement — can indicate a smaller event. GPS picks up an initial signal of movement along a fault similar to a seismometer detecting the smallest first moments of an earthquake.

Such GPS-based information potentially could enhance the value of earthquake early warning systems, such as the West Coast’s ShakeAlert, said Diego Melgar, a professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oregon.

The physics-heavy analyses of two databases maintained by co-author Gavin P. Hayes of the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center in Colorado detected a point in time where a newly initiated earthquake transitions into a slip pulse where mechanical properties point to magnitude.

Melgar and Hayes also were able to identify similar trends in European and Chinese databases. Their study was detailed in the May 29 issue of the online journal Science Advances.

“To me, the surprise was that the pattern was so consistent, Melgar said. “These databases are made different ways, so it was really nice to see similar patterns across them.”

Overall, the databases contain data from more than 3,000 earthquakes. Consistent indicators of displacement acceleration that surface between 10-20 seconds into events were seen for 12 major earthquakes occurring in 2003-2016.

GPS monitors exist along many land-based faults, including at ground locations near the 620-mile-long Cascadia subduction zone off the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast, but their use is not yet common in real time hazard monitoring. GPS data shows initial movement in centimeters, Melgar said.

“We can do a lot with GPS stations on land along the coasts of Oregon and Washington, but it comes with a delay,” Melgar said. “As an earthquake starts to move, it would take some time for information about the motion of the fault to reach coastal stations. That delay would impact when a warning could be issued. People on the coast would get no warning because they are in a blind zone.”

This delay, he added, would only be ameliorated by sensors on the seafloor to record this early acceleration behavior.

Having these capabilities on the seafloor and monitoring data in real time, he said, could strengthen the accuracy of early warning systems. In 2016, Melgar, as a research scientist at Berkeley Seismological Laboratory in Berkeley, California, led a study published in Geophysical Research Letters that found real time GPS data could provide an additional 20 minutes of warning of a possible tsunami.

Japan already is laying fiber optic cable off its shores to boost its early warning capabilities, but such work is expensive and would be more so for installing the technology on the seafloor above the Cascadia fault zone, Meglar noted.

Melgar and Hayes came across the slip-pulse timing while scouring USGS databases for components that they could code into simulations to forecast what a magnitude 9 rupture of the Cascadia subduction zone would look like.

The subduction zone, which hasn’t had a massive lengthwise earthquake since 1700, is where the Juan de Fuca ocean plate dips under the North American continental plate. The fault stretches just offshore of northern Vancouver Island to Cape Mendocino in northern California.

Diego Melgar and Gavin P. Hayes. Characterizing large earthquakes before rupture is complete. Science Advances, 2019 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav2032

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Oregon.

A family of comets reopens the debate about the origin of Earth’s water

The comet 46P/Wirtanen on January 3, 2019.
The comet 46P/Wirtanen on January 3, 2019. Credit: © Nicolas Biver

Where did the Earth’s water come from? Although comets, with their icy nuclei, seem like ideal candidates, analyses have so far shown that their water differs from that in our oceans.

Now, however, an international team, bringing together CNRS researchers at the Laboratory for Studies of Radiation and Matter in Astrophysics and Atmospheres (Paris Observatory — PSL/CNRS/ Sorbonne University/University of Cergy-Pontoise) and the Laboratory of Space Studies and Instrumentation in Astrophysics (Paris Observatory — PSL/CNRS/Sorbonne University/University of Paris), has found that one family of comets, the hyperactive comets, contains water similar to terrestrial water. The study, published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics on May 20, 2019, is based in particular on measurements of comet 46P/Wirtanen carried out by SOFIA, NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy.

According to the standard theory, the Earth is thought to have formed from the collision of small celestial bodies known as planetesimals. Since such bodies were poor in water, Earth’s water must have been delivered either by a larger planetesimal or by a shower of smaller objects such as asteroids or comets.

To trace the source of terrestrial water, researchers study isotopic ratios (1), and in particular the ratio in water of deuterium to hydrogen, known as the D/H ratio (deuterium is a heavier form of hydrogen). As a comet approaches the Sun, its ice sublimes (2), forming an atmosphere of water vapour that can be analysed remotely. However, the D/H ratios of comets measured so far have generally been twice to three times that of ocean water, which implies that comets only delivered around 10% of the Earth’s water.

When comet 46P/Wirtanen approached the Earth in December 2018 it was analysed using the SOFIA airborne observatory, carried aboard a Boeing aircraft. This was the third comet found to exhibit the same D/H ratio as terrestrial water. Like the two previous comets, it belongs to the category of hyperactive comets which, as they approach the Sun, release more water than the surface area of their nucleus should allow. The excess is produced by ice-rich particles present in their atmosphere.

Intrigued, the researchers determined the active fraction (i.e. the fraction of the nucleus surface area required to produce the amount of water present in their atmosphere) of all comets with a known D/H ratio. They found that there was an inverse correlation between the active fraction and the D/H ratio of the water vapour: the more a comet tends towards hyperactivity (i.e. an active fraction exceeding 1), the more its D/H ratio decreases and approaches that of the Earth.

Hyperactive comets, whose water vapour is partially derived from icy grains expelled into their atmosphere, thus have a D/H ratio similar to that of terrestrial water, unlike comets whose gas halo is produced only by surface ice. The researchers suggest that the D/H ratios measured in the atmosphere of the latter are not necessarily indicative of the ice present in their nucleus. If this hypothesis is correct, the water in all cometary nuclei may in fact be very similar to terrestrial water, reopening the debate on the origin of Earth’s oceans.


  1. The isotopic ratio is the ratio, within the same sample, between two isotopes (two forms with a different mass) of a chemical element. This can be used both to date a sample and determine its source.
  2.  Sublimation is the direct transition from a solid (in this case, ice) to a gas (water vapour).

Dariusz C. Lis, Dominique Bockelée-Morvan, Rolf Güsten, Nicolas Biver, Jürgen Stutzki, Yan Delorme, Carlos Durán, Helmut Wiesemeyer, Yoko Okada. Terrestrial deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio in water in hyperactive comets. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2019; 625: L5 DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201935554

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by CNRS.

‘Fettuccine’ may be most obvious sign of life on Mars, researchers report

New research focuses on filamentous microbes that make their living in hot springs and catalyze the formation of travertine rock.
New research focuses on filamentous microbes that make their living in hot springs and catalyze the formation of travertine rock. Credit: Bruce W. Fouke

A rover scanning the surface of Mars for evidence of life might want to check for rocks that look like pasta, researchers report in the journal Astrobiology.

The bacterium that controls the formation of such rocks on Earth is ancient and thrives in harsh environments that are similar to conditions on Mars, said University of Illinois geology professor Bruce Fouke, who led the new, NASA-funded study.

“It has an unusual name, Sulfurihydrogenibium yellowstonense,” he said. “We just call it ‘Sulfuri.'”

The bacterium belongs to a lineage that evolved prior to the oxygenation of Earth roughly 2.35 billion years ago, Fouke said. It can survive in extremely hot, fast-flowing water bubbling up from underground hot springs. It can withstand exposure to ultraviolet light and survives only in environments with extremely low oxygen levels, using sulfur and carbon dioxide as energy sources.

“Taken together, these traits make it a prime candidate for colonizing Mars and other planets,” Fouke said.

And because it catalyzes the formation of crystalline rock formations that look like layers of pasta, it would be a relatively easy life form to detect on other planets, he said.

The unique shape and structure of rocks associated with Sulfuri result from its unusual lifestyle, Fouke said. In fast-flowing water, Sulfuri bacteria latch on to one another “and hang on for dear life,” he said.

“They form tightly wound cables that wave like a flag that is fixed on one end,” he said. The waving cables keep other microbes from attaching. Sulfuri also defends itself by oozing a slippery mucus.

“These Sulfuri cables look amazingly like fettuccine pasta, while further downstream they look more like capellini pasta,” Fouke said. The researchers used sterilized pasta forks to collect their samples from Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park.

The team analyzed the microbial genomes, evaluated which genes were being actively translated into proteins and deciphered the organism’s metabolic needs, Fouke said.

The team also looked at Sulfuri’s rock-building capabilities, finding that proteins on the bacterial surface speed up the rate at which calcium carbonate — also called travertine — crystallizes in and around the cables “1 billion times faster than in any other natural environment on Earth,” Fouke said. The result is the deposition of broad swaths of hardened rock with an undulating, filamentous texture.

“This should be an easy form of fossilized life for a rover to detect on other planets,” Fouke said.

“If we see the deposition of this kind of extensive filamentous rock on other planets, we would know it’s a fingerprint of life,” Fouke said. “It’s big and it’s unique. No other rocks look like this. It would be definitive evidence of the presences of alien microbes.”

Fouke also is an affiliate professor of microbiology and of the Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology at the U. of I.

Yiran Dong, Robert A. Sanford, William P. Inskeep, Vaibhav Srivastava, Vincent Bulone, Christopher J. Fields, Peter M. Yau, Mayandi Sivaguru, Dag Ahrén, Kyle W. Fouke, Joseph Weber, Charles R. Werth, Isaac K. Cann, Kathleen M. Keating, Radhika S. Khetani, Alvaro G. Hernandez, Chris Wright, Mark Band, Brian S. Imai, Glenn A. Fried, Bruce W. Fouke. Physiology, Metabolism, and Fossilization of Hot-Spring Filamentous Microbial Mats. Astrobiology, 2019; DOI: 10.1089/ast.2018.1965

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, News Bureau. Original written by Diana Yates.

Contact Metamorphism Vs. Regional Metamorphism

Contact Metamorphism Vs. Regional Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism Vs. Regional Metamorphism

Contact Metamorphism Vs. Regional Metamorphism

Metamorphism is the solid change in minerals and textures in a pre-existing rock (country rock) due to changing pressure / temperature conditions. Fluids like H2O also have a very important role to play.

Regional metamorphism occurs as a result of convergent tectonic activity and is usually characterised by low temperature and high pressure conditions. Thus this type of metamorphism is often associated with orogenic events and over a large area causes metamorphism. Under regional metamorphic conditions, Barrovian zone sequences and structures such as folds are formed.

Conversely, contact metamorphism usually occurs under higher temperature conditions associated with ignorant intrusions on a smaller scale. The high temperatures ‘ bake’ the surrounding country rock as the magma intrudes into the country rock and a metamorphic aureole is formed. The formed rocks are usually called hornfels.

The three types of metamorphism

Contact Metamorphism

Contact Metamorphism occurs when magma comes into contact with an existing rock body. When this happens, the temperature of the existing rocks rises and is also infiltrated with the magma fluid. The area affected by magma contact is usually small, ranging from 1 km to 10 km. Contact metamorphism produces rocks like marble, quartzite, and horns that are non-foliated(rocks without any cleavage).

Regional Metamorphism

Regional metamorphism takes place over a much wider area. This metamorphism creates rocks like gneiss and schist. Large geological processes such as mountain-building cause regional metamorphism. When exposed to the surface, these rocks show the incredible pressure that causes the mountain building process to bend and break the rocks. Regional metamorphism usually produces gneiss and schist-like foliated rocks.

Dynamic Metamorphism

There is also dynamic metamorphism due to mountain building. These enormous heat and pressure forces bend, fold, crush, flatten, and shear the rocks.

Thai dinosaur is a cousin of T. rex

Phuwiangvenator and Vayuraptor were fast and dangerous predators. Although only half as long as its relative, the T. rex, Phuwiangvenator almost reached the size of an Asian elephant.
Phuwiangvenator and Vayuraptor were fast and dangerous predators. Although only half as long as its relative, the T. rex, Phuwiangvenator almost reached the size of an Asian elephant. Credit: Adun Samathi/Uni of Bonn

Scientists from the University of Bonn and the Sirindhorn Museum in Thailand have identified two new dinosaur species. They analyzed fossil finds that were already discovered 30 years ago in Thailand. Both species are distant relatives of T. rex, but with a somewhat more primitive structure. They were efficient predators. The results have now been published in the journal Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.

Three decades ago a Thai museum employee discovered some fossilized bones during excavations. He handed them over to the Sirindhorn Museum, where they were never examined in detail. “Five years ago I came across these finds during my research,” explains Adun Samathi. The Thai paleontologist is currently doing his doctorate at the Steinmann Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Paleontology at the University of Bonn. He brought some casts of the fossils here to analyze them together with his doctoral supervisor Prof. Dr. Martin Sander using state-of-the-art methods.

The results take a new look at the history of the megaraptors (“giant thieves”). The relatives of this group of carnivorous predatory dinosaurs include the Tyrannosaurus rex. Like the T. rex, they ran on their hind legs. Unlike the tyrant lizard, however, their arms were strong and armed with long claws. They also had more delicate heads that ended in a long snout. “We were able to assign the bones to a novel megaraptor, which we baptized Phuwiangvenator yaemniyomi,” explains Samathi. The name is reminiscent on the one hand of the location, the Phuwiang district, and on the other hand of the discoverer of the first Thai dinosaur fossil, Sudham Yaemniyom.

Phuwiangvenator was probably a fast runner. With a length of about six meters, it was considerably smaller than the T. rex, who measured about twelve meters. Megaraptors have so far been discovered mainly in South America and Australia. “We have compared the Thai fossils with the finds there,” says Samathi. “Various characteristics of Phuwiangvenator indicate that it is an early representative of this group. We take this as an indication that the megaraptors originated in Southeast Asia and then spread to other regions.”

During his research in Thailand, the doctoral student discovered further unidentified fossils. They also belong to a predatory dinosaur, which was a bit smaller with a length of about 4.5 meters. The material was not sufficient to clarify the exact ancestry. However, scientists assume that smaller dinosaur, named Vayuraptor nongbualamphuenisis, is also related to Phuwiangvenator and T. rex. “Perhaps the situation can be compared with that of African big cats,” explains Samathi. “If Phuwiangvenator were a lion, Vayuraptor would be a cheetah.”

The two new predatory dinosaurs will be presented to the public today on the tenth anniversary of the Sirindhorn Museum. With blue-blooded support: The event will be opened by the Thai Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.

Adun Samathi et al. Two new basal coelurosaurian theropod dinosaurs from the Early Cretaceous Sao Khua Formation of Thailand, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (2019). DOI: 10.4202/app.00540.2018

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Bonn.

Green Obsidian : What is green obsidian?

Green Obsidian
Green Obsidian

What is Green Obsidian?

Green Obsidian is one of Obsidian Rocks that contain impurities as Pure obsidian usually appears to be dark, although the color may vary depending on the presence of impurities. Iron and other elements of transition can give a dark brown to black color to the obsidian. Most black obsidians contain magnetite, an iron oxide, nanoinclusions, the composition of obsidian is extremely felsic. Obsidian mainly consists of SiO2 (silicon dioxide), usually 70% or more. Crystalline rocks comprise granite and rhyolite with the composition of obsidian.


Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass that is formed as an igneous rock that is extrusive.

Obsidian is produced by rapidly cooling felsic lava extruded from a volcano with minimal growth in crystals. It is commonly found within the margins of rhyolitic lava flows known as obsidian flows, where the chemical composition (high silica content) gives rise to a high viscosity that forms a natural lava glass after rapid cooling.

Obsidian is mineral-like, but not a real mineral because it is not crystalline as a glass ; moreover, its composition is too variable to be classified as a mineral. It’s classified as a mineraloid sometimes.

Obsidian Properties

  • Varieties: Apache Tears, Fire Obsidian, Mahogany Obsidian, Rainbow Obsidian, Sheen Obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian
  • Colors: Black; gray, banded with brown streaks. Iridescence noted: gold, silver, blue, violet, green, and combinations of these colors, due to inclusions of minute bubbles that reflect light.
  • Luster: Vitreous.
  • Polish Luster: Vitreous.
  • Hardness: 5; 6 for basalt glass.
  • Wearability: Poor
  • Optics: Isotropic.

Where can obsidian be found in the United States?

  1. Oregon: varieties of fire, mahogany, and rainbow are known.
  2. Wyoming: at Yellowstone National Park in particular.
  3. New Mexico: Apache tears.
  4. Arizona
  5. Colorado
  6. California
  7. Nevada
  8. Utah: major source of snowflake variety.
  9. Hawaii: Pele’s hair and other varieties

Oldest meteorite collection on Earth found in one of the driest places

The L6 ordinary chondrite El Médano 128, a 556 g meteorite recovered in the Atacama Desert. Photo courtesy CCJ-CNRS, P. Groscaux.
The L6 ordinary chondrite El Médano 128, a 556 g meteorite recovered in the Atacama Desert. Photo courtesy CCJ-CNRS, P. Groscaux. Credit: Photo courtesy CCJ-CNRS, P. Groscaux.

Earth is bombarded every year by rocky debris, but the rate of incoming meteorites can change over time. Finding enough meteorites scattered on the planet’s surface can be challenging, especially if you are interested in reconstructing how frequently they land. Now, researchers have uncovered a wealth of well-preserved meteorites that allowed them to reconstruct the rate of falling meteorites over the past two million years.

“Our purpose in this work was to see how the meteorite flux to Earth changed over large timescales — millions of years, consistent with astronomical phenomena,” says Alexis Drouard, Aix-Marseille Université, lead author of the new paper in Geology.

To recover a meteorite record for millions of years, the researchers headed to the Atacama Desert. Drouard says they needed a study site that would preserve a wide range of terrestrial ages where the meteorites could persist over long time scales.

While Antarctica and hot deserts both host a large percentage of meteorites on Earth (about 64% and 30%, respectively), Drouard says, “Meteorites found in hot deserts or Antarctica are rarely older than half a million years.” He adds that meteorites naturally disappear because of weathering processes (e.g., erosion by wind), but because these locations themselves are young, the meteorites found on the surface are also young.

“The Atacama Desert in Chile, is very old ([over] 10 million years),” says Drouard. “It also hosts the densest collection of meteorites in the world.”

The team collected 388 meteorites and focused on 54 stony samples from the El Médano area in the Atacama Desert. Using cosmogenic age dating, they found that the mean age was 710,000 years old. In addition, 30% of the samples were older than one million years, and two samples were older than two million. All 54 meteorites were ordinary chondrites, or stony meteorites that contain grainy minerals, but spanned three different types.

“We were expecting more ‘young’ meteorites than ‘old’ ones (as the old ones are lost to weathering),” says Drouard. “But it turned out that the age distribution is perfectly explained by a constant accumulation of meteorites for millions years.” The authors note that this is the oldest meteorite collection on Earth’s surface.

Drouard says this terrestrial crop of meteorites in the Atacama can foster more research on studying meteorite fluxes over large time scales. “We found that the meteorite flux seems to have remained constant over this [two-million-year] period in numbers (222 meteorites larger than 10 g per squared kilometer per million year), but not in composition,” he says. Drouard adds that the team plans to expand their work, measuring more samples and narrowing in on how much time the meteorites spent in space. “This will tell us about the journey of these meteorites from their parent body to Earth’s surface.”

A. Drouard, J. Gattacceca, A. Hutzler, P. Rochette, R. Braucher, D. Bourlès, ASTER Team, M. Gounelle, A. Morbidelli, V. Debaille, M. Van Ginneken, M. Valenzuela, Y. Quesnel, R. Martinez. The meteorite flux of the past 2 m.y. recorded in the Atacama Desert. Geology, May 22, 2019; DOI: 10.1130/G45831.1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Geological Society of America.

Study identifies lherzolite as a source rock for diamond deposits

A tiny inclusion of lherzolitic garnet inside a diamond collected from the De Beers Group Victor Mine in Ontario. New research revealed lherzolite is a source rock for diamond formation—a discovery that could eventually help geologists find valuable deposits around the world.
A tiny inclusion of lherzolitic garnet inside a diamond collected from the De Beers Group Victor Mine in Ontario. New research revealed lherzolite is a source rock for diamond formation—a discovery that could eventually help geologists find valuable deposits around the world. Credit: Anetta Banas

A startling discovery has the potential to change diamond exploration in Canada and around the world.

Research by geologists from the University of Alberta and De Beers Group, the world’s largest diamond company, showed that “economic” diamond deposits can come from lherzolitic diamond substrates, a common rock type in Earth’s mantle, which until now had only been peripherally associated with diamond formation.

“The outcome of the project fundamentally changes our understanding of where diamonds come from,” said U of A geologist Thomas Stachel, the Canada Research Chair in Diamonds. “(It) has the potential to cause diamond companies to retool their approach to exploration.”

Diamonds in ancient continental regions, such as the Canadian Shield, were thought to have grown mainly in different types of mantle rocks. The assumption, which has guided exploration for decades, is now being turned on its head.

The research team used samples from the De Beers Group Victor Mine in the James Bay region of northern Ontario. The area, part of the Canadian Shield, is characterized by a large-scale heating event that occurred about one billion years ago, an unusual setting for a diamond mine.

The research group dated and analyzed the makeup of diamonds, their minuscule inclusions and the mantle itself, said Stachel, who is also director of the Canadian Centre for Isotopic Microanalysis.

“The level of detail collected in this study couldn’t be done anywhere else in the world,” he said, referring to U of A analytical facilities in which almost $30 million has been invested to enable scientists to probe the age and origins of diamonds at the micro-analytical level.

Stachel said the research results for the Victor Mine could apply to other regions around the world that experienced geologically “young” overprint, in particular in Western Canada.

“In the long run, this could make a big difference in diamond exploration,” he said.

The world’s diamond industry is worth an estimated $13 billion annually. Canada is home to the world’s third largest diamond industry, at $2 billion.

The study, “The Victor Mine (Superior Craton, Canada): Neoproterozoic Lherzolitic Diamonds From a Thermally-Modified Cratonic Root,” was published in Mineralogy and Petrology.

Thomas Stachel et al. The Victor Mine (Superior Craton, Canada): Neoproterozoic lherzolitic diamonds from a thermally-modified cratonic root, Mineralogy and Petrology (2018). DOI: 10.1007/s00710-018-0574-y

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta.

Rare volcanic rocks lift lid on dangers of little-studied eruptions

Researchers doing fieldwork at Aluto in East Africa.
Researchers doing fieldwork at Aluto in East Africa. Credit: Ben Clarke

Unusual rocks discovered on a remote mountainside have alerted scientists to the dangers posed by a little-studied type of volcano.

Researchers say that the rocks, found in East Africa, provide vital clues into the hazards associated with active volcanoes elsewhere.

The volcanic remnants from Aluto in Ethiopia were formed by intense eruptions that could be far more dangerous than previously thought, researchers say.

Their findings provide fresh insight into the hazards posed by a type of volcanic activity—known as a pumice cone eruption—which, until now, was poorly understood.

Previous studies had suggested the eruptions—which last took place on Aluto more than 2,000 years ago—were quite small and presented a low risk to all but those living very near them.

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh used a range of precise techniques to analyse the rocks and better understand the eruptions that formed them. Their findings could build a clearer picture of the risks posed by these rare volcanoes, which are among the most common types found in East Africa. Others are found in Iceland and on Mayor Island, New Zealand.

The rocks are composed of a thin layer of volcanic glass surrounding a porous, foam-like interior. This structure reveals that the rocks were still hot and sticky when they hit the ground, researchers say.

These small, ultra-light rocks were found a long way from the volcano, suggesting they were carried in a hot jet of volcanic material—known as an eruption column—and fell from the sky.

Eruption columns are formed only during powerful eruptions, and collapse to form fast-moving avalanches of super-heated rock, ash and gas, researchers say.

The study, published in Nature Communications, was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council. The work involved researchers from Addis Ababa and Wollega Universities in Ethiopia. It forms part of the collaborative RiftVolc project between UK and Ethiopian universities.

Ph.D. student Ben Clarke, of the University of Edinburgh’s School of GeoSciences, who led the study, said: “Many people live on and around these volcanoes, which also host valuable geothermal power infrastructure. Our work suggests that future eruptions at these volcanoes have the potential to cause significant harm, further from the volcano than we previously thought. Continued interdisciplinary research to understand and manage this risk is required to safeguard people and infrastructure in Ethiopia.”

Ben Clarke et al. Fluidal pyroclasts reveal the intensity of peralkaline rhyolite pumice cone eruptions, Nature Communications (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-09947-8

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Edinburgh.

Solving geothermal energy’s earthquake problem

Conventional geothermal resources have been generating commercial power for decades in places where heat and water from burble up through naturally permeable rock.
Conventional geothermal resources have been generating commercial power for decades in places where heat and water from burble up through naturally permeable rock. Credit: Shutterstock

On a November afternoon in 2017, a magnitude 5.5 earthquake shook Pohang, South Korea, injuring dozens and forcing more than 1,700 of the city’s residents into emergency housing. Research now shows that development of a geothermal energy project shoulders the blame.

“There is no doubt,” said Stanford geophysicist William Ellsworth. “Usually we don’t say that in science, but in this case, the evidence is overwhelming.” Ellsworth is among a group of scientists, including Kang-Kun Lee of Seoul National University, who published a perspective piece May 24 in Science outlining lessons from Pohang’s failure.

The Pohang earthquake stands out as by far the largest ever linked directly to development of what’s known as an enhanced geothermal system, which typically involves forcing open new underground pathways for Earth’s heat to reach the surface and generate power. And it comes at a time when the technology could provide a stable, ever-present complement to more finicky wind and solar power as a growing number of nations and U.S. states push to develop low-carbon energy sources. By some estimates, it could amount to as much as 10 percent of current U.S. electric capacity. Understanding what went wrong in Pohang could allow other regions to more safely develop this promising energy source.

Conventional geothermal resources have been generating power for decades in places where heat and water from deep underground can burble up through naturally permeable rock. In Pohang, as in other enhanced geothermal projects, injections cracked open impermeable rocks to create conduits for heat from the Earth that would otherwise remain inaccessible for making electricity.

“We have understood for half a century that this process of pumping up the Earth with high pressure can cause earthquakes,” said Ellsworth, who co-directs the Stanford Center for Induced and Triggered Seismicity and is a professor in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences (Stanford Earth).

Here, Ellsworth explains what failed in Pohang and how their analysis could help lower risks for not only the next generation of geothermal plants, but also fracking projects that rely on similar technology. He also discusses why, despite these risks, he still believes enhanced geothermal can play a role in providing renewable energy.

How does enhanced geothermal technology work?

The goal of an enhanced geothermal system is to create a network of fractures in hot rock that is otherwise too impermeable for water to flow through. If you can create that network of fractures, then you can use two wells to create a heat exchanger. You pump cold water down one, the Earth warms it up, and you extract hot water at the other end.

Operators drilling a geothermal well line it with a steel tube using the same process and technology used to construct an oil well. A section of bare rock is left open at the bottom of the well. They pump water into the well at high pressure, forcing open existing fractures or creating new ones.

Sometimes these tiny fractures make tiny little earthquakes. The problem is when the earthquakes get too big.

What led to the big earthquake in Pohang, South Korea?

When they began injecting fluids at high pressure, one well produced a network of fractures as planned. But water injected in the other well began to activate a previously unknown fault that crossed right through the well.

Pressure migrating into the fault zone reduced the forces that would normally make it difficult for the fault to move. Small earthquakes lingered for weeks after the operators turned the pumps off or backed off the pressure. And the earthquakes kept getting bigger as time went by.

That should have been recognized as a sign that it wouldn’t take a very big kick to trigger a strong earthquake. This was a particularly dangerous place. Pressure from the fluid injections ended up providing the kick.

What are the current methods for monitoring and minimizing the threat of earthquakes related to fluid injection for geothermal or other types of energy projects?

Civil authorities worldwide generally don’t want drilling and injection to cause earthquakes big enough to disturb people. In practice, authorities and drillers tend to focus more on preventing small earthquakes that can be felt rather than on avoiding the much less likely event of an earthquake strong enough to do serious harm.

With this in mind, many projects are managed by using a so-called traffic light system. As long as the earthquakes are small, then you have a green light and you go ahead. If earthquakes begin to get larger, then you adjust operations. And if they get too big then you stop, at least temporarily. That’s the red light.

Many geothermal, oil and gas projects have also been guided by a hypothesis that as long as you don’t put more than a certain volume of fluid into a well, you won’t get earthquakes beyond a certain size. There may be some truth to that in some places, but the experience in Pohang tells us it’s not the whole story.

What would a better approach look like?

The potential for a runaway or triggered earthquake always has to be considered. And it’s important to consider it through the lens of evolving risk rather than hazard. Hazard is a potential source of harm or danger. Risk is the possibility of loss caused by harm or danger. Think of it this way: An earthquake as large as Pohang poses the same hazard whether it strikes in a densely populated city or an uninhabited desert. But the risk is very much higher in the city.

The probability of a serious event may be small, but it needs to be acknowledged and factored into decisions. Maybe you would decide that this is not such a good idea at all.

For example, if there’s a possibility of a magnitude 5.0 earthquake before the project starts, then you can estimate the damages and injuries that might be expected. If we can assign a probability to earthquakes of different magnitudes, then civil authorities can decide whether or not they want to accept the risk and under what terms.

As the project proceeds, those conversations need to continue. If a fault ends up being activated and the chance of a damaging earthquake increases, civil authorities and project managers might say, “we’re done.”

From everything you’ve learned about what happened at Pohang, do you think enhanced geothermal development should slow down?

Natural geothermal systems are an important source of clean energy. But they are rare and pretty much tapped out. If we can figure out how to safely develop power plants based on enhanced geothermal systems technology, it’s going to have huge benefits for all of us as a low-carbon option for electricity and space heating.

Kang-Kun Lee et al. Managing injection-induced seismic risks, Science (2019). DOI: 10.1126/science.aax1878

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Stanford University.

Aftershocks of 1959 earthquake rocked Yellowstone in 2017-18

State Highway 287 slumped into Hebgen Lake; damage from the August 1959 Hebgen Lake (Montana-Yellowstone) earthquake.
State Highway 287 slumped into Hebgen Lake; damage from the August 1959 Hebgen Lake (Montana-Yellowstone) earthquake.

On Aug. 17, 1959, back when Dwight D. Eisenhower was president, the U.S. had yet to send a human to space and the nation’s flag sported 49 stars, Yellowstone National Park shook violently for about 30 seconds. The shock was strong enough to drop the ground a full 20 feet in some places. It toppled the dining room fireplace in the Old Faithful Inn. Groundwater swelled up and down in wells as far away as Hawaii. Twenty-eight people died. It went down in Yellowstone history as the Hebgen Lake earthquake, with a magnitude of 7.2.

And in 2017, nearly 60 years and 11 presidents later, the Hebgen Lake quake shook Yellowstone again. A swarm of more than 3,000 small earthquakes in the Maple Creek area (in Yellowstone National Park but outside of the Yellowstone volcano caldera) between June 2017 and March 2018 are, at least in part, aftershocks of the 1959 quake. That’s according to a study published in Geophysical Research Letters by University of Utah geoscientists led by Guanning Pang and Keith Koper.

“These kinds of earthquakes in Yellowstone are very common,” says Koper, director of the University of Utah Seismograph Stations. “These swarms happen very frequently. This one was a little bit longer and had more events than normal.”

“We don’t think it will increase the risk of an eruption,” Pang adds.

A long seismic tail

Taken together, the more than 3,000 small quakes of the Maple Creek swarm can be divided into two clusters. The northern cluster consists of Hebgen Lake aftershocks. The quakes fell along the same fault line, and were oriented the same way, as the Hebgen Lake event. Also, the team didn’t see signs that the northern cluster was caused by movement of magma and other fluids beneath the ground.

Koper and Pang says it’s not unheard of for aftershocks of a large earthquake to continue decades after the initial event. Pang, for example, has also studied aftershocks as recent as 2017 from the 1983 Borah Peak earthquake in central Idaho.

“There are formulas to predict how many aftershocks you should see,” Koper says. “For Hebgen Lake, there looked like a deficit in the number of aftershocks. Now that we’ve had these, it has evened things out back up to the original expectations.”

A second culprit

The southern cluster of the Maple Creek swarm seems to have a different origin. Although the northern cluster was lined up with the Hebgen Lake fault, the southern cluster’s lineup was rotated about 30 degrees and the quakes were about 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) shallower than the northern cluster.

So, the researchers concluded, although the shaking in the northern cluster influenced the southern cluster, the primarily cause of the southern shaking was likely subsurface movement of magma.

“We do consider it to be one swarm all together,” Koper says. “Because they were so close, there was some feedback and influence between the two sections.”

Koper says that the results highlight how earthquakes are different than other natural hazards. Floods, hurricanes or wildfires are over when they’re over. “Earthquakes don’t happen as a single discrete event in time,” he says. The specter of aftershocks can continue for months, years or even, as Maple Creek shows, decades.

Guanning Pang et al, The 2017–2018 Maple Creek Earthquake Sequence in Yellowstone National Park, USA, Geophysical Research Letters (2019). DOI: 10.1029/2019GL082376

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Utah.

On Mars, sands shift to a different drum

The retreat of Mars' polar cap of frozen carbon dioxide during the spring and summer generates winds that drive the largest movements of sand dunes observed on the red planet.
The retreat of Mars’ polar cap of frozen carbon dioxide during the spring and summer generates winds that drive the largest movements of sand dunes observed on the red planet. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/USGS

Wind has shaped the face of Mars for millennia, but its exact role in piling up sand dunes, carving out rocky escarpments or filling impact craters has eluded scientists until now.

In the most detailed analysis of how sands move around on Mars, a team of planetary scientists led by Matthew Chojnacki at the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Lab set out to uncover the conditions that govern sand movement on Mars and how they differ from those on Earth.

The results, published in the current issue of the journal Geology, reveal that processes not involved in controlling sand movement on Earth play major roles on Mars, especially large-scale features on the landscape and differences in landform surface temperature.

“Because there are large sand dunes found in distinct regions of Mars, those are good places to look for changes,” said Chojnacki, associate staff scientist at the UA and lead author of the paper, “Boundary conditions controls on the high-sand-flux regions of Mars.” “If you don’t have sand moving around, that means the surface is just sitting there, getting bombarded by ultraviolet and gamma radiation that would destroy complex molecules and any ancient Martian biosignatures.”

Compared to Earth’s atmosphere, the Martian atmosphere is so thin its average pressure on the surface is a mere 0.6 percent of our planet’s air pressure at sea level. Consequently, sediments on the Martian surface move more slowly than their Earthly counterparts.

The Martian dunes observed in this study ranged from 6 to 400 feet tall and were found to creep along at a fairly uniform average speed of two feet per Earth year. For comparison, some of the faster terrestrial sand dunes on Earth, such as those in North Africa, migrate at 100 feet per year.

“On Mars, there simply is not enough wind energy to move a substantial amount of material around on the surface,” Chojnacki said. “It might take two years on Mars to see the same movement you’d typically see in a season on Earth.”

Planetary geologists had been debating whether the sand dunes on the red planet were relics from a distant past, when the atmosphere was much thicker, or whether drifting sands still reshape the planet’s face today, and if so, to what degree.

“We wanted to know: Is the movement of sand uniform across the planet, or is it enhanced in some regions over others?” Chojnacki said. “We measured the rate and volume at which dunes are moving on Mars.”

The team used images taken by the HiRISE camera aboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been surveying Earth’s next-door neighbor since 2006. HiRISE, which stands for High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment, is led by the UA’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and has captured about three percent of the Martian surface in stunning detail.

The researchers mapped sand volumes, dune migration rates and heights for 54 dune fields, encompassing 495 individual dunes.

“This work could not have been done without HiRISE,” said Chojnacki, who is a member of the HiRISE team. “The data did not come just from the images, but was derived through our photogrammetry lab that I co-manage with Sarah Sutton. We have a small army of undergraduate students who work part time and build these digital terrain models that provide fine-scale topography.”

Across Mars, the survey found active, wind-shaped beds of sand and dust in structural fossae — craters, canyons, rifts and cracks — as well as volcanic remnants, polar basins and plains surrounding craters.

In the study’s most surprising finding, the researchers discovered that the largest movements of sand in terms of volume and speed are restricted to three distinct regions: Syrtis Major, a dark spot larger than Arizona that sits directly west of the vast Isidis basin; Hellespontus Montes, a mountain range about two-thirds the length of the Cascades; and North Polar Erg, a sea of sand lapping around the north polar ice cap. All three areas are set apart from other parts of Mars by conditions not known to affect terrestrial dunes: stark transitions in topography and surface temperatures.

“Those are not factors you would find in terrestrial geology,” Chojnacki said. “On Earth, the factors at work are different from Mars. For example, ground water near the surface or plants growing in the area retard dune sand movement.”

On a smaller scale, basins filled with bright dust were found to have higher rates of sand movement, as well.

“A bright basin reflects the sunlight and heats up the air above much more quickly than the surrounding areas, where the ground is dark,” Chojnacki said, “so the air will move up the basin toward the basin rim, driving the wind, and with it, the sand.”

Understanding how sand and sediment move on Mars may help scientists plan future missions to regions that cannot easily be monitored and has implications for studying ancient, potentially habitable environments.

The paper is co-authored by Maria Banks at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, Lori Fenton at the Carl Sagan Center at the SETI institute in Mountain View, California, and Anna Urso at LPL.

Matthew Chojnacki, Maria E. Banks, Lori K. Fenton, Anna C. Urso. Boundary condition controls on the high-sand-flux regions of Mars. Geology, 2019; 47 (5): 427 DOI: 10.1130/G45793.1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Arizona. Original written by Daniel Stolte.

Contact Metamorphism : What is Contact Metamorphism? How it formed?

Contact Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism

Contact Metamorphism

Contact metamorphism is a type of metamorphism that occurs adjacent to intrusive igneous rocks due to temperature increases resulting from hot magma intrusion into the rock. The metamorphosed zone is known as the metamorphic aureole around an igneous rock.

Metamorphic contact rocks, also known as horns, are often fine-grained and do not show signs of strong deformation. The size of the aureole depends on the temperature difference between the rocks of the wall and the intrusion heat.

In general, dikes have small aureoles with minimal metamorphism while thick and well-developed contact metamorphism has large ultramafic intrusions.

How Contact Metamorphism formed?

There is contact metamorphism where a magma body enters the upper part of the crust. Any type of magma body, from a thin dyke to a large stock, can lead to metamorphism in contact. The type and intensity of the metamorphism and the width of the metamorphic aureole will depend on a number of factors, including country rock type, intrusion body temperature, and body size.

A large intrusion will contain more thermal energy and cool much slower than a small one, thus providing metamorphism with a longer time and more heat. This will enable the heat to spread further into the country rock, creating a larger aureole.

Typically, metamorphic contact aureoles are quite small, ranging from a few centimeters around small dykes and sills to as much as 100 meters around a large stock. Contact metamorphism can occur over a wide range of temperatures— from about 300 ° C to over 800 ° C — and, of course, the type of metamorphism and the formation of new minerals will vary. Also important is the nature of country rock. It will convert mudrock or volcanic rock into horns. Limestone will be transformed into marble and quartzite into sandstone.

Regional Metamorphism : What is regional metamorphism? How it formed?

Regional Metamorphism
Regional Metamorphism

Regional Metamorphism

When rocks are buried deep in the crust, regional metamorphism occurs. This is commonly associated with the boundaries of convergent plate and mountain range formation. Because burial is required from 10 km to 20 km, the affected areas tend to be large.

It happens in a much larger area. This metamorphism creates rocks like gneiss and schist. Large geological processes such as mountain-building cause regional metamorphism. When exposed to the surface, these rocks show the incredible pressure that causes the mountain building process to bend and break the rocks. Regional metamorphism usually produces gneiss and schist-like foliated rocks.

How it formed?

Regional or Barrovian metamorphism covers large areas of continental crust typically associated with mountain ranges, particularly those associated with convergent tectonic plates or the roots of previously eroded mountains. Conditions producing widespread regionally metamorphosed rocks occur during an orogenic event.

The collision of two continental plates or island arcs with continental plates produces the extreme compressive forces needed for regional metamorphic changes. Later, these orogenic mountains are eroded, exposing the intensely deformed rocks characteristic of their core.

The conditions within the subducting slab as it plunges toward the mantle in a subduction zone also produce regional metamorphic effects, characterized by paired metamorphic belts. Structural geology techniques are used to unravel the history of the collision and to determine the forces involved. Regional metamorphism can be described and classified throughout the orogenic terrane into metamorphic facies or metamorphic temperature / pressure zones.

Formation of the moon brought water to Earth

The rising Earth from the perspective of the moon.
The rising Earth from the perspective of the moon. Credit: NASA Goddard

The Earth is unique in our solar system: It is the only terrestrial planet with a large amount of water and a relatively large moon, which stabilizes the Earth’s axis. Both were essential for Earth to develop life.

Planetologists at the University of Münster (Germany) have now been able to show, for the first time, that water came to Earth with the formation of the Moon some 4.4 billion years ago. The Moon was formed when Earth was hit by a body about the size of Mars, also called Theia. Until now, scientists had assumed that Theia originated in the inner solar system near the Earth. However, researchers from Münster can now show that Theia comes from the outer solar system, and it delivered large quantities of water to Earth. The results are published in the current issue of Nature Astronomy.

From the outer into the inner solar system

The Earth formed in the ‘dry’ inner solar system, and so it is somewhat surprising that there is water on Earth. To understand why this the case, we have to go back in time when the solar system was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. From earlier studies, we know that the solar system became structured such that the ‘dry’ materials were separated from the ‘wet’ materials: the so-called ‘carbonaceous’ meteorites, which are relatively rich in water, come from the outer solar system, whereas the drier ‘non-carbonaceous’ meteorites come from the inner solar system. While previous studies have shown that carbonaceous materials were likely responsible for delivering the water to Earth, it was unknown when and how this carbonaceous material — and thus the water — came to Earth.

“We have used molybdenum isotopes to answer this question. The molybdenum isotopes allow us to clearly distinguish carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous material, and as such represent a ‘genetic fingerprint’ of material from the outer and inner solar system,” explains Dr. Gerrit Budde of the Institute of Planetology in Münster and lead author of the study.

The measurements made by the researchers from Münster show that the molybdenum isotopic composition of the Earth lies between those of the carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous meteorites, demonstrating that some of Earth’s molybdenum originated in the outer solar system. In this context, the chemical properties of molybdenum play a key role because, as it is an iron-loving element, most of the Earth’s molybdenum is located in the core.

“The molybdenum which is accessible today in the Earth’s mantle, therefore, originates from the late stages of Earth’s formation, while the molybdenum from earlier phases is entirely in the core,” explains Dr. Christoph Burkhardt, second author of the study. The scientists’ results therefore show, for the first time, that carbonaceous material from the outer solar system arrived on Earth late.

But the scientists are going one step further. They show that most of the molybdenum in Earth’s mantle was supplied by the protoplanet Theia, whose collision with Earth 4.4 billion years ago led to the formation of the Moon. However, since a large part of the molybdenum in Earth’s mantle originates from the outer solar system, this means that Theia itself also originated from the outer solar system. According to the scientists, the collision provided sufficient carbonaceous material to account for the entire amount of water on Earth.

“Our approach is unique because, for the first time, it allows us to associate the origin of water on Earth with the formation of the Moon. To put it simply, without the Moon there probably would be no life on Earth,” says Thorsten Kleine, Professor of Planetology at the University of Münster.

Gerrit Budde, Christoph Burkhardt, Thorsten Kleine. Molybdenum isotopic evidence for the late accretion of outer Solar System material to Earth. Nature Astronomy, 2019; DOI: 10.1038/s41550-019-0779-y

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Münster.

Ammonium fertilized early life on Earth

Researchers have found that a class of molecules called sulfidic anions may have been abundant in Earth’s lakes and rivers.

A team of international scientists — including researchers at the University of St. Andrews, Syracuse University and Royal Holloway, University of London — has demonstrated a new source of food for early life on the planet.

Life on Earth relies on the availability of critical elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus. These nutrient elements are ubiquitous to all life, as they are required for the formation of DNA, the blueprints of life, and proteins, the machinery. They are originally sourced from rocks and the atmosphere, so their availability to life has fluctuated alongside significant changes in the chemistry of Earth’s surface environments over geologic time.

The research, published in Nature Geoscience, reveals how the supply of these elements directly impacted the growth of Earth’s oxygen-rich atmosphere and were key to the evolution of early life on Earth.

The most dramatic change in Earth history followed the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis, which fundamentally transformed the planet by providing a source of carbon to the biosphere and a source of oxygen to the atmosphere, the latter culminating in the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) some 2.3 billion years ago.

Despite the critical importance of nutrients to life, the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in pre-GOE oceans is not well understood, particularly how the supply of these elements drove and/or responded to planetary oxygenation.

Using samples of exceptionally well-preserved rocks that have been associated with early evidence for oxygenic photosynthesis 2.7 billion year ago, the team of researchers examined Earth’s early nitrogen cycle to decipher feedbacks associated with the initial stages of planetary oxygenation.

“There is precious little rock available from this time interval that is suitable for the type of analyses we performed. Most rocks that are this old have been deformed and heated during 2.7 billion years of plate tectonic activity, rendering the original signals of life lost,” says Christopher Junium, associate professor of Earth sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences.

The rock samples showed the first direct evidence of the build-up of a large pool of ammonium in the pre-GOE oceans. This ammonium would have provided an ample source of nitrogen to fuel the early biosphere and associated oxygen production.

Research team leader Aubrey Zerkle, reader in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of St Andrews, says: “Today we think of ammonium as the unpleasant odor in our cleaning supplies, but it would’ve served as an all-you-can-eat buffet for the first oxygen-generating organisms, a significant improvement on the dumpster scraps they relied on earlier in Earth’s history.”

As well as helping scientists better understand the role of the nitrogen cycle in global oxygenation, the new findings also provide context for other nutrient feedbacks during early planetary evolution.

“It is becoming ever more clear that the game of nutrient limitation has tipped back and forth through Earth’s history as life has evolved and as conditions have changed,” Junium says.

Surprisingly, evidence for significant atmospheric oxygenation does not appear until 400 million years later, meaning that some other nutrient, such as phosphorus, must have been important in setting the evolutionary pace.

J. Yang, C. K. Junium, N. V. Grassineau, E. G. Nisbet, G. Izon, C. Mettam, A. Martin, A. L. Zerkle. Ammonium availability in the Late Archaean nitrogen cycle. Nature Geoscience, 2019; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-019-0371-1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Syracuse University.

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