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Researchers identify reddish coloring in an ancient fossil

The key fossil examined in this study is a 3-million-year-old extinct species of field mouse from Germany.
The key fossil examined in this study is a 3-million-year-old extinct species of field mouse from Germany. The mouse is approximately 7 cm long. Credit: University of Gӧttingen

Researchers have for the first time detected chemical traces of red pigment in an ancient fossil — an exceptionally well-preserved mouse, not unlike today’s field mice, that roamed the fields of what is now the German village of Willershausen around 3 million years ago.

The study revealed that the extinct creature, affectionately nicknamed “mighty mouse” by the authors, was dressed in brown to reddish fur on its back and sides and had a tiny white tummy. The results were published today in Nature Communications.

The international collaboration, led by researchers at the University of Manchester in the U.K., used X-ray spectroscopy and multiple imaging techniques to detect the delicate chemical signature of pigments in this long-extinct mouse.

“Life on Earth has littered the fossil record with a wealth of information that has only recently been accessible to science,” says Phil Manning, a professor at Manchester who co-led the study. “A suite of new imaging techniques can now be deployed, which permit us to peer deep into the chemical history of a fossil organism and the processes that preserved its tissues. Where once we saw simply minerals, now we gently unpick the ‘biochemical ghosts’ of long extinct species.”

The research team, which includes scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, used X-ray beams from SLAC’s Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) and the Diamond Light Source (DLS) in the U.K.

Painting a picture of the past

Color plays a vital role in the selective processes that have steered evolution for hundreds of millions of years. But until recently, techniques used to study fossils weren’t capable of exploring the pigmentation of ancient animals, which is pivotal when reconstructing what they looked like.

This most recent paper marks a breakthrough in the ability to resolve fossilized color pigments in long-gone species by mapping key elements associated with the pigment melanin, the dominant pigment in animals. In the form of eumelanin, the pigment gives a black or dark brown color, but in the form of pheomelanin, it produces a reddish or yellow color.

Building the foundation

Until recently, the researchers had focused on the traces of elements known to be associated with eumelanin, which in previous experiments revealed dark and light patterns in the feathers of the first birds, including Archaeopteryx, the famous fossil that first offered a clear link between dinosaurs and birds.

In 2016, co-author Nick Edwards, scientist at SLAC, led a study that demonstrated the potential to differentiate between eumelanin and pheomelanin in modern bird feathers. That work provided a chemical benchmark for this most recent paper, which for the first time showed it’s possible to detect the elusive red pigment, which is far less stable over geological time, in ancient fossils.

“We had to build up a strong foundation using modern animal tissue before we could apply the technique to these ancient animals,” Edwards said. “It was really a tipping point in using chemical signatures to crack the coloring of ancient animals with soft tissue fossils.”

To reveal the fossil patterns in the mighty mouse, the Manchester team used SSRL and DLS to bathe the fossils in intense X-rays. The interaction of those X-rays with trace metals found in pigments allowed the team to reconstruct the reddish coloring in the mouse’s fur.

“The fossils used in this study preserve amazing structural detail, but our work emphasizes that such exceptional preservation may also lead to extraordinary chemical detail that changes our understanding of what is possible to resolve in fossils,” said Manchester professor of geochemistry Roy Wogelius, who co-led the study. “Along the way we learned so much more about the chemistry of pigmentation throughout the animal kingdom”

Adding a new dimension

The key to their work was determining that trace metals were incorporated into the fossilized mouse fur in exactly the same way that they bond to pigments in animals with high concentrations of red pigment in their tissue.

“As you do research in a particular area, the scope of your techniques might evolve,” says Uwe Bergmann, co-author and a distinguished staff scientist at SLAC who led the development of the X-ray fluorescence imaging used in this research. “The hope is that you can develop a tool that will become part of the standard arsenal when something new is studied, and I believe the application to fossils is a good example.”

The effort, which involved physics, paleontology, organic chemistry and geochemistry, informs the scientists what to look for in the future.

“Our hope is that these results will mean that we can become more confident in reconstructing extinct animals and thereby add another dimension to the study of evolution,” Wogelius says.

The team also included researchers from the Fujita Health University in Japan; the Stanford PULSE Institute; the College of Charleston in South Carolina; the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis; the University of Southampton in the U.K.; and the Joint Paleontology Foundation in Spain. The fossils were made available to the study by the University of Göttingen in Germany.

SSRL is a DOE Office of Science user facility. Funding was provided by the U.K. Natural Environment Research Council.

Phillip L. Manning, Nicholas P. Edwards, Uwe Bergmann, Jennifer Anné, William I. Sellers, Arjen van Veelen, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Victoria M. Egerton, Roberto Alonso-Mori, Konstantin Ignatyev, Bart E. van Dongen, Kazumasa Wakamatsu, Shosuke Ito, Fabien Knoll, Roy A. Wogelius. Pheomelanin pigment remnants mapped in fossils of an extinct mammal. Nature Communications, 2019; 10 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-10087-2

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by DOE/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Original written by Ali Sundermier.

Plankton as a climate driver instead of the sun?

Microscopic view on marine plankton.
Microscopic view on marine plankton. Credit: A. Stuhr, GEOMAR.

Fluctuations in the orbital parameters of the Earth are considered to be the trigger for long-term climatic fluctuations such as ice ages. This includes the variation of the inclination angle of the Earth’s axis with a cycle of about 40,000 years. Kiel-based marine scientists lead by GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel have shown by using a new model that biogeochemical interactions between ocean and atmosphere could also be responsible for climate fluctuations on this time scale. The study was recently published in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Earth’s climate history is marked by periodic changes that are usually ascribed to the solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth. This insolation is not constant over geological time but modulated by cyclic changes in the Earth’s orbital parameters. One of the key parameters affecting insolation is the tilt of the Earth’s rotation axis (obliquity) that changes periodically over time with a cycle length of about 40,000 years. Chemical and isotopic signatures of sediments that were deposited during the Cretaceous and other periods of earth’s history document regular changes in temperature and carbon cycling on this time scale. The 40 kyr cycles observed in the geological climate archives are believed to be the result of obliquity-triggered insolation changes affecting the surface temperature, the circulation of ocean and atmosphere, the hydrological cycle, the biosphere, and ultimately the carbon cycle. One of the problems with this standard theory is that changes in global insolation are very small and have to be amplified by poorly understood positive feedback mechanisms to affect global climate.

A group of scientists from Kiel, Germany propose a very different perspective that emerges from a new numerical model of the marine biosphere. It simulates the turnover of plankton biomass in the ocean and resolves the associated microbial oxidation and reduction reactions controlling the standing stocks of dissolved oxygen, sulfide, nutrients and plankton in the ocean. In their model experiments the scientists found surprisingly a self-sustained 40 kyr climate cycle using the biogeochemical model integrated in a circulation model of the Cretaceous Ocean without applying obliquity forcing.

“In our model, the carbon cycle is largely controlled by plankton living in the surface ocean,” explains Prof. Dr. Klaus Wallmann from GEOMAR, lead author of the study which was recently published in Nature Geoscience. Plankton consumes atmospheric CO2 via photosynthesis and by microorganisms that degraded plankton biomass and release CO2 back into the atmosphere. Since CO2 is a potent greenhouse gas, the biological CO2 turnover affects surface temperatures and global climate. The growth of plankton is controlled by nutrients that take part in a range of microbial oxidation and reduction reactions.

“We have integrated this new biogeochemical model in a circulation model of the Cretaceous Ocean, and it creates a self-sustained 40 kyr climate cycle without applying obliquity forcing,” says Dr. Sascha Flögel, co-author from GEOMAR. “From our perspective, the cycle is induced by a web of positive and negative feedbacks that are rooted in the oxygen-dependent turnover of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and sulfur in the ocean. Chemical and isotopic data recorded in sediments deposited in the Cretaceous Ocean show periodic changes that are consistent with the model results,” Flögel continues

In this new view on climate change, the relationship between causes and effects is radically different from the standard orbital theory. The marine biosphere rather than insolation is setting the pace and amplitude by controlling the partial pressure of CO2 in the atmosphere. “Our new theory is supported by observations and consistent with our understanding of biogeochemical cycles in the ocean,” according to Prof. Wallmann.

“However obliquity and other orbital parameters may also affect global climate change when their delicate effects on insolation are amplified by positive feedback mechanisms. Therefore, the periodic climate change documented in the geological record may reflect both the breath of the biosphere and the response of the Earth system to external orbital and insolation forcing,” summarizes Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kuhnt from Kiel University who participated in this study.

Klaus Wallmann, Sascha Flögel, Florian Scholz, Andrew W. Dale, Tronje P. Kemena, Sebastian Steinig, Wolfgang Kuhnt. Periodic changes in the Cretaceous ocean and climate caused by marine redox see-saw. Nature Geoscience, 2019; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-019-0359-x

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR).

Colorful Obsidian : What is Obsidian? What are Obsidian Colors?

Spectacular rainbow obsidian blade
Spectacular rainbow obsidian blade (from Davis Creek, California material) Photo: Quinn Street


Obsidian is a volcanic glass that occurs naturally, formed as an extrusive igneous rock.

Obsidian is produced by rapidly cooling felsic lava extruded from a volcano with minimal growth in crystals. It is commonly found within the margins of rhyolitic lava flows known as obsidian flows, where the chemical composition (high silica content) gives rise to a high viscosity that forms a natural lava glass after rapid cooling. The inhibition by this highly viscous lava of atomic diffusion explains the lack of growth in crystals. Obsidian is hard, brittle, and amorphous, with very sharp edges fracturing. It was used in the past to produce cutting and piercing tools and was used as experimental scalpel blades for surgical purposes.

Colorful Obsidian : What Color is Obsidian?

Black is obsidian’s most common color. It can be brown, tan, or green, though. Obsidian may rarely be blue, red, orange, or yellow. Obsidian with multicolored iridescence caused by inclusions of magnetite nanoparticles “caused mainly by trace elements or inclusions”.

Pure obsidian usually appears to be dark, although the color may vary depending on the presence of impurities. Iron and other elements of transition can give a dark brown to black color to the obsidian. Most black obsidians contain magnetite, an iron oxide, nanoinclusions.

Very few obsidian samples are almost colorless. In some stones, a blotchy or snowflake pattern (snowflake obsidian) is produced by the inclusion of small, white, radially clustered mineral cristobalite spherulites in the black glass. Obsidian may contain patterns of the remaining gas bubbles from the lava flow, aligned with layers created as the molten rock flowed before cooling. These bubbles can have interesting effects like a golden shine (sheen obsidian). The inclusion of magnetite nanoparticles creating thin-film interference causes an iridescent, rainbow-like sheen (fire obsidian). Mexico’s colorful, striped obsidian (rainbow obsidian) contains oriented hedenbergite nanorods that cause thin-film interference to the rainbow stripping effects.

Where can obsidian be found?

Obsidian can be found in places where rhyolitic eruptions have occurred. It can be found in Argentina, Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Canada, Chile, Georgia, Greece, El Salvador, Guatemala, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Scotland, Turkey and the United States.

In the calderas of the Newberry Volcano and Medicine Lake Volcano in the Cascade Range of West North America and in Inyo Craters east of the Sierra Nevada in California, obsidian flows that can be hiked on are found. Yellowstone National Park has an obsidian mountainside between Mammoth Hot Springs and Norris Geyser Basin, and deposits can be found in many other western U.S. states including Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho.

Obsidian can also be found in the eastern U.S. states of Virginia, as well as Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

In the central Mediterranean, there are only four major deposit areas: Lipari, Pantelleria, Palmarola and Monte Arci. Milos and Gyali were ancient sources in the Aegean.

How Earth’s mantle is like a Jackson Pollock painting

A mineral map of a cumulate mineral sample.
A mineral map of a cumulate mineral sample. Credit: Sarah Lambart/University of Utah

In countless grade-school science textbooks, the Earth’s mantle is a yellow-to-orange gradient, a nebulously defined layer between the crust and the core.

To geologists, the mantle is so much more than that. It’s a region that lives somewhere between the cold of the crust and the bright heat of the core. It’s where the ocean floor is born and where tectonic plates die.

A new paper published today in Nature Geoscience paints an even more intricate picture of the mantle as a geochemically diverse mosaic, far different than the relatively uniform lavas that eventually reach the surface. Even more importantly, a copy of this mosaic is hidden deep in the crust. The study is led by Sarah Lambart, assistant professor of geology at the University of Utah, and is funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the National Science Foundation.

“If you look at a painting from Jackson Pollock, you have a lot of different colors,” Lambart says. “Those colors represent different mantle components and the lines are magmas produced by these components and transported to the surface. You look at the yellow line, it’s not going to mix much with the red or black.”

Primitive minerals

Our best access to the mantle comes in the form of lava that erupts at mid-ocean ridges. These ridges are at the middle of the ocean floor and generate new ocean crust. Samples of this lava show that it’s chemically mostly the same anywhere on the planet.

But that’s at odds with what happens at the other end of the crust’s life cycle. Old ocean crust spreads away from mid-ocean ridges until it’s shoved beneath a continent and sinks back into the mantle. What happens after that is somewhat unclear, but if both the mantle and the old crust melt, there should be some variation in the chemical composition of the magmas.

So Lambart and her colleagues from Wales and the Netherlands, sought to discover what the mantle looks like before it rises as lava at a mid-ocean ridge. They examined cores, drilled through the ocean crust, to look at cumulate minerals: the first minerals to crystallize when the magmas enter the crust.

“We looked at the most primitive part of these minerals,” Lambart says, adding that once they located the primitive minerals they analyzed only the chemical composition from those very earliest minerals to form. “If you are not actually looking at the most primitive part you might lose the signal of this first melt that has been delivered to the crust. That is the originality of our work.”

They analyzed the samples centimeter by centimeter to look at variations in isotopes of neodymium and strontium, which can indicate different chemistries of mantle material that come from different types of rock. “If you have isotopic variability in your cumulates, that means that you have to have isotopic variability in the mantle too,” Lambart says.

When the blender turns on

That’s exactly what the team found. The amount of isotope variability in the cumulates was seven times greater than that in the mid-ocean ridge lavas. That means that the mantle is far from well-mixed and that this variability is preserved in the cumulates.

The likely reason, Lambart says, is that different rocks melt at different temperatures. The first rock to melt, for example the old crust, can create channels that can transport magma up to the crust. Melting of another type of rock can do the same. The end result is several networks of channels that converge towards the mid-ocean ridge but don’t mix — hearkening back to the streaks of paint on a Jackson Pollock painting.

To get at what this finding means for geology, picture a smoothie. No — go farther back than that and picture the blender carafe full of fruit, ice, milk and other ingredients. That’s like the mantle — discrete ingredients, as different from each other as a strawberry is from a blueberry. The fully blended smoothie is like the mid-ocean ridge lava. It’s fully mixed. At some point between the deep mantle and the mid-ocean ridge, Earth turns on the blender. Lambart says that her results show that at the very top of the mantle, the mixing hasn’t happened yet. The blender, it turns out, doesn’t turn on until somewhere in the crust.

Lambart’s work helps her and other geologists redefine their idea of how material moves up through the mantle to the surface.

“The problem is we need to find a way to model the geodynamic earth, including plate tectonics, to actually reproduce what is recorded in the rock today,” she says. “So far this link is missing.”

Now Lambart is setting up a new experimental petrology lab to study the conditions for the magmas to preserve their chemical compositions during their journey through the mantle and the crust.

Sarah Lambart, Janne M. Koornneef, Marc-Alban Millet, Gareth R. Davies, Matthew Cook, C. Johan Lissenberg. Highly heterogeneous depleted mantle recorded in the lower oceanic crust. Nature Geoscience, 2019; DOI: 10.1038/s41561-019-0368-9

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Utah.

A high-heeled dinosaur?

An artist’s impression of Rhoetosaurus brownei, (c) Queensland Museum 2014. Credit: Konstantinov, Atuchin & Hocknull.
An artist’s impression of Rhoetosaurus brownei, (c) Queensland Museum 2014. Credit: Konstantinov, Atuchin & Hocknull. Credit: University of Queensland

A 24-tonne dinosaur may have walked in a ‘high-heeled’ fashion, according to University of Queensland research.

UQ Ph.D. candidate Andréas Jannel and colleagues from UQ’s Dinosaur Lab analysed fossils of Australia’s only named Jurassic sauropod, Rhoetosaurus brownei, to better understand how such an enormous creature could support its own body weight.

“Looking at the bones of the foot, it was clear that Rhoetosaurus walked with an elevated heel, raising the question: how was its foot able to support the immense mass of this animal, up to 40 tonnes?” Mr Jannel said.

“Our research suggests that even though Rhoetosaurus stood on its tiptoes, the heel was cushioned by fleshy pad.”

“We see a similar thing in elephant feet, but this dinosaur was at least five times as heavy as an elephant, so the forces involved are much greater.”

Mr Jannel and his colleagues arrived at this conclusion by creating a replica of the fossil, and then physically manipulating it in an attempt to understand the movement between bones.

“We also used 3-D modeling techniques to assess the different foot postures that would have allowed Rhoetosaurus to support its weight,” he said.

“Finally, we looked at a range of sauropod footprints from around the world, many of which indicated the presence of a fleshy heel pad behind the toes, supporting what the bones were telling us.

“The addition of a cushioning pad that supports the raised heel appears to be a key innovation during the evolution of sauropods, and probably appeared in early members of the group some time during the Early to Middle Jurassic Periods.

“The advantages of a soft tissue pad may have helped facilitate the trend towards the enormous body sizes we see in these dinosaurs.”

The fossils of the specimen R. brownei were found near Roma in southwest Queensland and are dated to 160–170 million years ago, when Australia was part of the supercontinent of Gondwana.

Mr Jannel is now using computer techniques to simulate how different foot postures and the presence of a soft tissue pad affect stress distributions within the bones.

“In a nutshell, I’m using engineering tools to apply theoretical forces on the bones, assessing how stress is distributed within the feet of these giant dinosaurs, with the aim to provide mechanical evidence for the presence of such a soft tissue pad.

“It can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but I’ve always been fascinated by palaeontology, particularly the link between form and function in extinct animals,” he said.

“There’s so much more to know, but it’s amazing to discover that becoming ‘high-heeled’ might have been an important step in the evolution of sauropod dinosaurs.”

Andréas Jannel et al. “Keep your feet on the ground”: Simulated range of motion and hind foot posture of the Middle Jurassic sauropod Rhoetosaurus brownei and its implications for sauropod biology, Journal of Morphology (2019). DOI: 10.1002/jmor.20989

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Queensland.

Museum volunteers discover new species of extinct heron at North Florida fossil site

The new heron species was described from two interlocking shoulder bones from the same individual: the scapula, top, and coracoid, a bone that is often useful for identifying bird species.
The new heron species was described from two interlocking shoulder bones from the same individual: the scapula, top, and coracoid, a bone that is often useful for identifying bird species. Credit: Florida Museum photo by Kristen Grace

When the bones of an ancient heron were unearthed at a North Florida fossil site, the find wasn’t made by researchers but by two Florida Museum of Natural History volunteers.

A previously unknown genus and species, the heron has been named Taphophoyx hodgei (TAFF’-oh-foy-ks HAHJ’-ee-eye) in honor of landowner Eddie Hodge, who has allowed Florida Museum researchers and volunteers to excavate the site on his property near Williston since his granddaughter first discovered fossils there in 2015.

Nearly 700 volunteers have worked at the Montbrook fossil site, collectively digging more than 12,000 hours.

“You couldn’t have a better group of people,” Hodge said. “There’s a lot of negativity when we get home and turn on the television, but it does you good to be out here seeing volunteers get excited and be positive about something.”

The bones used to identify the new heron were found by volunteers Toni-Ann Benjamin and Sharon Shears.

Taphophoyx hodgei — whose genus name means “buried heron” in Greek and Latin — is the first new species to be described from Montbrook. Many other new species from the fossil-rich site await publication.

“It’s invigorated the local fossil community,” said David Steadman, Florida Museum curator of ornithology and lead author of the description of T. hodgei. “One of the greatest values of Montbrook is that it’s been such a collaborative learning tool.”

Because Montbrook is such an intensively worked fossil site, processing the finds takes the teamwork of scientists and amateurs. Hodge oversees much of the land management that Montbrook requires, including moving dirt and managing drainage. In addition to working outdoors at the site, volunteers prepare and catalog specimens in the Florida Museum’s vertebrate paleontology lab.

A good day of digging requires between 10 and 20 days to process in the lab, said Jonathan Bloch, Florida Museum curator of vertebrate paleontology and a coordinator of the fossil dig.

“We simply couldn’t do all this work without help from the public,” Bloch said. “Volunteers are not only the backbone of the dig, they’re actively contributing to scientific discoveries.”

Steadman and then-master’s student Oona Takano used the characteristics of the bird’s scapula and coracoid, two bones that intersect to support the bird’s shoulder, to determine the relationship between this ancient heron and modern lineages.

They believe T. hodgei is most closely related to today’s tiger-herons, which live in Mexico and Central and South America. They have given the new species the common name “Hodge’s tiger-heron.”

“This heron adds to this big suite of aquatic birds we’re finding at Montbrook,” Steadman said. “We’re seeing the same families of birds you’d see around wetlands today, but they’re all extinct species. The fun challenge is finding out how closely related any given species at Montbrook is to the birds that we see flying and swimming around Florida today. Even after three and a half years, we’re nowhere near diminishing returns.”

Takano, now a University of New Mexico Ph.D. student, said that bird fossils are prized finds, particularly at a site like Montbrook where the majority of fossils belong to young gomphotheres, extinct elephant-like mammals.

“In general, bird bones don’t fossilize well because they’re hollow,” she said. “It’s relatively rare to find well-preserved bird bones at all and even rarer to find articulated bones,” referring to bones that would have locked together in the bird’s body.

Most Florida fossil sites are limestone sinkholes or pitfall traps created by ancient predators to capture their prey. At Montbrook, researchers have been able to glimpse a different type of ancient environment: the riverine ecosystem. Five million years ago, T. hodgei would have lived alongside saber-toothed cats, rhinoceroses and horses that frequented a river that likely weaved through a grassland, Steadman said.

Researchers believe the ancient river’s current scattered decomposing animal remains, making this find of two intersecting bones even more significant. Steadman said naming the species after Hodge was a natural choice.

“Through the kindness of his heart and being interested — just wanting to know what’s in the ground on his land — Eddie let us in and one thing led to another.” Steadman said. “Naming this heron after Eddie is a minor part of treating him right because he’s been treating us right.”

“He’s genuinely interested in the fossils we’re finding,” Takano added.

The Florida Museum recruits volunteers for the Montbrook dig in fall and spring and regularly encourages volunteers and students to become involved, often resulting in meaningful fossil discoveries. Finds are shared on the Florida Museum Montbrook Fossil Dig Blog.

“Volunteers are fascinated by this stuff — it’s really their passion,” Hodge said. “There’s a satisfaction in being able to provide something like this for people interested in higher learning, and you don’t get the chance to do that very often. You never know what you can find. Just the next little spoonful of dirt, brush it back and there it is.”

David W. Steadman, Oona M. Takano. A new genus and species of heron (Aves: Ardeidae) from the late Miocene of Florida. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History, 2019; 55 (9): 174-186 [link]

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Florida Museum of Natural History. Original written by Halle Marchese.

Granite Rocks : What Is Granite Rock And How Is It Formed?

Granite Rocks
Pink granite sample approximately 1″ (3cm) in size – Large crystals in this felsic plutonic rock

What is Granite?

Granite is a common type of granular and phaneritic felsic intrusive igneous rock. Granites, depending on their mineralogy, can be predominantly white, pink or gray in colour. In reference to the coarse-grained structure of such a holocrystalline rock, the word “granite” comes from the Latin granum, a grain. Strictly speaking, granite is an igneous rock with a volume of between 20% and 60% and at least 35% of the total feldspar consisting of alkali feldspar, although the term “granite” is commonly used to refer to a wider range of coarse-grained igneous rocks with quartz and feldspar.

The term “granite” is used for granite and a group of intrusive igneous rocks with similar textures and slight variations in composition and origin. These rocks consist mainly of feldspar, quartz, mica, and amphibole minerals, forming an interlocking, somewhat equigranular feldspar and quartz matrix with dispersed darker biotite mica and amphibole (often hornblende) peppering the lighter minerals.

Granite is almost always massive, hard and tough (i.e. without any internal structures). Throughout human history, these properties have made granite a widespread building stone. The average granite density ranges from 2.65 to 2.75 g / cm3 (165 to 172 lb / cu ft), its compressive strength is usually above 200 MPa, and its viscosity near STP is 3–6·1019 Pa·s.

How is granite formed?

Granite is more common in continental crust than in oceanic crust and has a felsic composition. They are crystallized by felsic melts that are less dense than mafia rocks and therefore tend to ascend to the surface. Mafic rocks, on the other hand, either basalts or gabbros, once metamorphosed at eclogite facies, tend to sink under the Moho into the mantle.

Uses of Granite

Granite has many uses as well as interior / exterior design in the construction. It is popular throughout the world and widely used for architectural design. The following are some of the most commonly used granite products:

  1. Granite flooring tiles
  2. Granite wall tiles
  3. Granite slabs for vanity and counter tops, feature walls and kitchen islands
  4. Granite monuments
  5. Granite tombstones
  6. Granite cobbles
  7. Granite paving stones
  8. Granite veneers

Related: Types of Rocks

From Earth’s deep mantle, scientists find a new way volcanoes form

Bermuda has a unique volcanic past. About 30 million years ago, a disturbance in the mantle’s transition zone supplied the magma to form the now-dormant volcanic foundation on which the island sits.
Bermuda has a unique volcanic past. About 30 million years ago, a disturbance in the mantle’s transition zone supplied the magma to form the now-dormant volcanic foundation on which the island sits. Credit: Wendy Kenigsberg/Clive Howard – Cornell University, modified from Mazza et al. (2019)

Far below Bermuda’s pink sand beaches and turquoise tides, geoscientists have discovered the first direct evidence that material from deep within Earth’s mantle transition zone — a layer rich in water, crystals and melted rock — can percolate to the surface to form volcanoes.

Scientists have long known that volcanoes form when tectonic plates (traveling on top of the Earth’s mantle) converge, or as the result of mantle plumes that rise from the core-mantle boundary to make hotspots at Earth’s crust. But obtaining evidence that material emanating from the mantle’s transition zone — between 250 to 400 miles (440-660 km) beneath our planet’s crust — can cause volcanoes to form is new to geologists.

“We found a new way to make volcanoes. This is the first time we found a clear indication from the transition zone deep in the Earth’s mantle that volcanoes can form this way,” said senior author Esteban Gazel, associate professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University. The research published in Nature.

“We were expecting our data to show the volcano was a mantle plume formation — an upwelling from the deeper mantle — just like it is in Hawaii,” Gazel said. But 30 million years ago, a disturbance in the transition zone caused an upwelling of magma material to rise to the surface, forming a now-dormant volcano under the Atlantic Ocean and then forming Bermuda.

Using a 2,600-foot (over 700-meter) core sample — drilled in 1972, housed at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia — co-author Sarah Mazza of the University of Münster, in Germany, assessed the cross-section for isotopes, trace elements, evidence of water content and other volatile material. The assessment provided a geologic, volcanic history of Bermuda.

“I first suspected that Bermuda’s volcanic past was special as I sampled the core and noticed the diverse textures and mineralogy preserved in the different lava flows,” Mazza said. “We quickly confirmed extreme enrichments in trace element compositions. It was exciting going over our first results … the mysteries of Bermuda started to unfold.”

From the core samples, the group detected geochemical signatures from the transition zone, which included larger amounts of water encased in the crystals than were found in subduction zones. Water in subduction zones recycles back to Earth’s surface. There is enough water in the transition zone to form at least three oceans, according to Gazel, but it is the water that helps rock to melt in the transition zone.

The geoscientists developed numerical models with Robert Moucha, associate professor of Earth sciences at Syracuse University, to discover a disturbance in the transition zone that likely forced material from this deep mantle layer to melt and percolate to the surface, Gazel said.

Despite more than 50 years of isotopic measurements in oceanic lavas, the peculiar and extreme isotopes measured in the Bermuda lava core had not been observed before. Yet, these extreme isotopic compositions allowed the scientists to identify the unique source of the lava.

“If we start to look more carefully, I believe we’re going to find these geochemical signatures in more places,” said co-author Michael Bizimis, associate professor at the University of South Carolina.

Gazel explained that this research provides a new connection between the transition zone layer and volcanoes on the surface of Earth. “With this work we can demonstrate that the Earth’s transition zone is an extreme chemical reservoir,” said Gazel. “We are now just now beginning to recognize its importance in terms of global geodynamics and even volcanism.”

Said Gazel: “Our next step is to examine more locations to determine the difference between geological processes that can result in intraplate volcanoes and determine the role of the mantle’s transition zone in the evolution of our planet.”

In addition to Gazel, Mazza, Bizimis and Moucha, co-authors of “Sampling the Volatile-Rich Transition Zone Beneath Bermuda,” are Paul Béguelin, University of South Carolina; Elizabeth A. Johnson, James Madison University; Ryan J. McAleer, United States Geological Survey; and Alexander V. Sobolev, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The National Science Foundation provided funding for this research.

Sarah E. Mazza, Esteban Gazel, Michael Bizimis, Robert Moucha, Paul Béguelin, Elizabeth A. Johnson, Ryan J. McAleer, Alexander V. Sobolev. Sampling the volatile-rich transition zone beneath Bermuda. Nature, 2019; 569 (7756): 398 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1183-6

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Cornell University. Original written by Blaine Friedlander.

Bedbugs evolved more than 100 million years ago “walked the earth with T. rex”

Bedbug. Credit: © Tomasz

Bedbugs — some of the most unwanted human bed-mates — have been parasitic companions with other species aside from humans for more than 100 million years, walking the earth at the same time as dinosaurs.

Work by an international team of scientists, including the University of Sheffield, compared the DNA of dozens of bedbug species in order to understand the evolutionary relationships within the group as well as their relationship with humans.

The team discovered that bedbugs are older than bats — a mammal that people had previously believed to be their first host 50-60 million years ago. Bedbugs in fact evolved around 50 million years earlier.

Bedbugs rank high among the list of most unwanted human bedfellows but until now, little was known about when they first originated.

Experts have now discovered that the evolutionary history of bed bugs is far more complex than previously thought and the critters were actually in existence during the time of dinosaurs. More research is needed to find out what their host was at that time, although current understanding suggests it’s unlikely they fed on the blood of dinosaurs. This is because bed bugs and all their relatives feed on animals that have a “home” — such as a bird’s nest, an owl’s burrow, a bat’s roost or a human’s bed — a mode of life that dinosaurs don’t seem to have adopted.

The team spent 15 years collecting samples from wild sites and museums around the world, dodging bats and buffaloes in African caves infected with Ebola and climbing cliffs to collect from bird nests in South East Asia.

Professor Mike Siva-Jothy from the University of Sheffield’s Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, who was part of the team, said: “To think that the pests that live in our beds today evolved more than 100 million years ago and were walking the earth side by side with dinosaurs, was a revelation. It shows that the evolutionary history of bed bugs is far more complex than we previously thought.”

Dr Steffen Roth from the University Museum Bergen in Norway, who led the study, added: “The first big surprise we found was that bedbugs are much older than bats, which everyone assumed to be their first host. It was also unexpected to see that evolutionary older bedbugs were already specialised on a single host type, even though we don’t know what the host was at the time when T. rex walked the earth.”

The study also reveals that a new species of bedbug conquers humans about every half a million years: moreover that when bedbugs changed hosts, they didn’t always become specialised on that new host and maintained the ability to jump back to their original host. This demonstrates that while some bedbugs become specialised, some remain generalists, jumping from host to host.

Professor Klaus Reinhardt, a bedbug researcher from Dresden University in Germany, who co-led the study, said: “These species are the ones we can reasonably expect to be the next ones drinking our blood, and it may not even take half a million years, given that many more humans, livestock and pets that live on earth now provide lots more opportunities.”

The team also found that the two major bedbug pests of humans — the common and the tropical bedbug — are much older than humans. This contrasts with other evidence that the evolution of ancient humans caused the split of other human parasites into new species.

Professor Mike Siva-Jothy from the University of Sheffield, added: “These findings will help us better understand how bedbugs evolved the traits that make them effective pests — that will also help us find new ways of controlling them.”

The researchers hope the findings will help create an evolutionary history of an important group of insects, allowing us to understand how other insects become carriers of disease, how they evolve to use different hosts and how they develop novel traits. The aim is to help control insects effectively and prevent the transmission of insect-vectored disease.

The research has been published in Current Biology.

Steffen Roth, Ondřej Balvín, Michael T. Siva-Jothy, Osvaldo Di Iorio, Petr Benda, Omar Calva, Eduardo I. Faundez, Faisal Ali Anwarali Khan, Mary McFadzen, Margie P. Lehnert, Richard Naylor, Nikolay Simov, Edward H. Morrow, Endre Willassen, Klaus Reinhardt. Bedbugs Evolved before Their Bat Hosts and Did Not Co-speciate with Ancient Humans. Current Biology, 2019; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.04.048

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Sheffield.

Monitoring Earth’s shifting land

Subsidence in Tuscany
Ground deformation map of the Tuscany region in Italy. Using data acquired between 2014 and 2019 from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission, this map shows subsidence in red and uplift in blue. This information is routinely sent to the local authorities in charge of geohazard management practices. The subsidence values derived from the radar data have been overlaid on top of a Copernicus Sentinel-2 image. Credit: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2014-19), processed by ESA/TRE ALTAMIRA

The monitoring of land subsidence is of vital importance for low-lying countries, but also areas which are prone to peculiar ground instability.

Land subsidence is the lowering or sinking of the ground’s surface, owing to changes that take place underground. Subsidence is usually due to a combination of ground water overexploitation, mining, natural consolidation of sediments and rapid urbanization.

This is a major threat, in both urban and agricultural areas, where the continuous lowering over time can cause damage to buildings, sink houses, crack roads, and can cause severe impacts on the environment and economy. In order to support urban development projects and risk assessment efforts, subsidence monitoring is necessary.

Along with the Veneto and Emilia Romagna regions in Italy, Tuscany is an interesting area to analyze, seeing as several cities such as Pistoia, are affected by land subsidence.

Conventional techniques to track and monitor this silent hazard, including repeat optical leveling and groundwater monitoring, can be difficult to manage in the long-term. By using radar data acquired by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission over time, ground deformation maps can be created in order to provide a regional monitoring system.

These maps can be useful to analyze past displacement phenomena of a single point in Tuscany over the last few years, in order to help spot unstable areas. This information is routinely sent to the local authorities in charge of geohazard management practices.

The project was driven by the University of Florence, representing the Italian Civil Protection Department, the Regional Government of Tuscany and TRE ALTAMIRA, a company which provides displacement measurements and mapping solutions from satellite radar data at a global level.

Alessandro Ferretti, CEO of TRE ALTAMIRA, comments, “Thanks to Copernicus Sentinel-1, the SAR industry paradigm has definitely changed from ‘mapping’ to ‘monitoring.” Tuscany is the first region in Italy to benefit from this.”

Professor Nicola Casagli from the University of Florence adds, “Satellite data, acquired with short revisiting times and promptly processed, can contribute to the detection of changes in ground deformation patterns, and can feed a decision support system for hydrogeological risk mitigation strategies.”

Radar images—such as those provided by Sentinel-1’s C-band synthetic aperture radar at centimeter precision—are the best way of tracking land subsidence and structural damage across wide areas.

In order to have a continuous flow of displacement information on a regional scale, once a new Copernicus Sentinel-1 image is available, it is automatically downloaded and added to the existing archive. This allows new deformation maps to be generated and updated on a regular basis.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by European Space Agency.

3D Earth in the making

Credit: Density values from LithoRef18 (Afonso et al.) and gravity gradients from Bouman et al. (2016)
Credit: Density values from LithoRef18 (Afonso et al.) and gravity gradients from Bouman et al. (2016)

A thorough understanding of the ‘solid Earth’ system is essential for deciphering the links between processes occurring deep inside Earth and those occurring nearer the surface that lead to seismic activity such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the rise of mountains and the location of underground natural resources. Thanks to gravity and magnetic data from satellites along with seismology, scientists are on the way to modelling inner Earth in 3-D.

Solid Earth refers to the crust, mantle and core. Because these parts of our world are completely hidden from view, understanding what is going on deep below our feet can only be done by using indirect measurements.

New results, based on a paper published recently in Geophysical Journal International and presented at this week’s Living Planet Symposium, reveal how scientists are using a range of different measurements including satellite data along with seismological models to start producing a global 3-D Earth reference model.

The model will make a step change in being able to analyze Earth’s lithosphere, which is the rigid outer shell, and the underlying mantle to understand the link between Earth’s structure and the dynamic processes within.

Juan Carlos Afonso, from Australia’s Macquarie University and Norway’s Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, said, “We are realising the new global model of Earth’s lithosphere and upper mantle by combining gravity anomalies, geoid height, and gravity gradients complemented with seismic, thermal, and rock information.”

Wolfgang Szwillus from Kiel University, added, “Data from ESA’s GOCE satellite mission served as input for the inversion. It is the first time that gravity gradients have been inverted on a global scale in such an integrated framework.”

While this is just a first step, 3-D Earth offers tantalizing insights into the deep structure of our world. For example, the new models of the thickness of the crust and the lithosphere are important for unexplored continents like Antarctica.

Jörg Ebbing from Kiel University, noted, “This is just a first step so we have more work to do, but we plan to release the 3-D Earth models in 2020.”

The 3-D Earth research, which involves scientists from nine institutes in six European countries, is funded through ESA’s Science for Society programme. ESA’s GOCE gravity mission and Swarm magnetic field mission are key to this research.

Juan Carlos Afonso et al. A global reference model of the lithosphere and upper mantle from joint inversion and analysis of multiple data sets, Geophysical Journal International (2019). DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggz094

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by European Space Agency.

Newly discovered fossil footprints force paleontologists to rethink ancient desert inhabitants

Close-up view of the Ichniotherium trackway from Grand Canyon National Park.
Close-up view of the Ichniotherium trackway from Grand Canyon National Park. Credit: Heitor Francischini

An international team of paleontologists has united to study important fossil footprints recently discovered in a remote location within Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. A large sandstone boulder contains several exceptionally well-preserved trackways of primitive tetrapods (four-footed animals) which inhabited an ancient desert environment. The 280-million-year-old fossil tracks date to almost the beginning of the Permian Period, prior to the appearance of the earliest dinosaurs.

The first scientific article reporting fossil tracks from the Grand Canyon was published in 1918, just a year before the park was established as a unit of the National Park Service. One hundred years later, during the Centennial Celebration for Grand Canyon National Park, new research on ancient footprints from the park is being presented in a scientific publication released this week. Brazilian paleontologist Dr. Heitor Francischini, from the Laboratory of Vertebrate Paleontology,Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, is the lead author of the new publication, working with scientists from Germany and the United States.

Francischini and Dr. Spencer Lucas, Curator of Paleontology at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science in Albuquerque, New Mexico, first visited the Grand Canyon fossil track locality in 2017. The paleontologists immediately recognized the fossil tracks were produced by a long-extinct relative of very early reptiles and were similar to tracks known from Europe referred to as Ichniotherium (ICK-nee-oh-thay-ree-um). This new discovery at Grand Canyon is the first occurrence of Ichniotherium from the Coconino Sandstone and from a desert environment. In addition, these tracks represent the geologically youngest record of this fossil track type from anywhere in the world.

Ichniotherium is a kind of footprint believed to have been made by an enigmatic group of extinct tetrapods known as the diadectomorphs. The diadectomorphs were a primitive group of tetrapods that possessed characteristics of both amphibians and reptiles. The evolutionary relationships and paleobiology of diadectomorphs have long been important and unresolved questions in the science of vertebrate paleontology.

Although the actual track maker for the Grand Canyon footprints may never be known for certain, the Grand Canyon trackways preserve the travel of a very early terrestrial vertebrate. The measurable characteristics of the tracks and trackways indicate a primitive animal with short legs and a massive body. The creature walked on all four legs and each foot possessed five clawless digits.

Another interesting aspect of the new Grand Canyon fossil tracks is the geologic formation in which they are preserved. The Coconino Sandstone is an eolian (wind-deposited) rock formation that exhibits cross-bedding and other sedimentary features indicating a desert / dune environment of deposition. Therefore, the presence of Ichniotherium in the Coconino Sandstone is the earliest evidence of diadectomorphs occupying an arid desert environment.

According to Francischini, “These new fossil tracks discovered in Grand Canyon National Park provide important information about the paleobiology of the diadectomorphs. The diadectomorphs were not expected to live in an arid desert environment, because they supposedly did not have the classic adaptations for being completely independent of water. The group of animals that have such adaptations is named Amniota (extant reptiles, birds and mammals) and diadectomorphs are not one of them.”

Lucas also notes that “paleontologists have long thought that only amniotes could live in the dray and harsh Permian deserts. This discovery shows that tetrapods other than reptiles were living in those deserts, and, surprisingly, were already adapted to life in an environment of limited water.”

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science .

Texas A&M student identifies unique 5-million-year-old rhino species

The cast of “Little Guy” mounted on display in the East Tennessee State University Museum of Natural History at the Gray Fossil Site
The cast of “Little Guy” mounted on display in the East Tennessee State University Museum of Natural History at the Gray Fossil Site. Credit: Dr. Steven Wallace

Rhinoceros don’t roam the prairies of Texas today, and some might not even know they once roamed the Great Plains. But one Texas A&M University student knows about rhinos: she’s identified unique specimens from fossilized remains found in the mountains of Tennessee dating back almost 5 million years.

Rachel Short, a doctoral candidate in the department of ecosystem science and management at Texas A&M University, is part of a team that identified a new species of ancient rhinoceros, Teleoceras aepysoma, from the late Hemphillian-aged Gray Fossil Site of eastern Tennessee.

The genus, Teleoceras, has been described as the “pot-bellied rhinos,” though this new, taller species changes that, and the species name, aepysoma, means “high-bodied,” Short said. Longer front legs and the lack of a nasal horn are only a few of the body features that make this rhino different from other species already identified.

Short recently published her findings with co-authors Laura Emmert with the Don Sundquist Center of Excellence in Paleontology, and Dr. Steven Wallace, professor and curator of the Museum of Natural History, both at East Tennessee State University.

Short and Emmert completed their master’s degrees at East Tennessee in 2013, and Wallace was their advisor. Short said she got involved with the project because of an interest in North American rhinoceroses that started when she interned at Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park in northeastern Nebraska.

According to the new rhino research, the occurrence of Teleoceras aepysoma in the Appalachian Mountains is unique within a genus typically found in the Great Plains.

“Habitat is most likely a major factor in the unique features,” she said. “We suspect the longer forelimbs helped the rhinos browse on shrubs and trees in the oak-hickory forest. It was a forested environment with little grass, and the smaller tapirs would have been browsing on shorter shrubs, so the rhinos would have had to raise their heads higher.”

Short said it was upon the completion of that project and her interest in the unique morphology and habitat of the Gray Fossil Site rhinos that led her to develop questions that turned in to her Texas A&M dissertation.

At Texas A&M, Short works with Dr. Michelle Lawing to investigate trait-environment relationships of hoofed mammals using bones in the ankle and elbow. The shape of these bones is directly tied to the environment in which the animals live, so fossils can be used to understand past environments as well as how animals respond to environmental change.

“We know mammal communities are being severely impacted by environmental changes,” she said. “We can better predict responses to these ongoing changes if we understand the responses that have been preserved in the information-rich fossil record.”

Teleoceras is a widespread Miocene rhinoceros that has been reported in North American faunas from approximately 20 million years ago to approximately 5 million years ago. The Gray Fossil Site represents one of the last known populations of North American rhinoceroses.

In 2000, late Miocene fossils were found during road construction near Gray, Tennessee, and the Gray Fossil Site was established at the location. There, the fossil material at the site is found primarily in an organic-rich clay deposit that filled a large sinkhole. This sinkhole once served as a watering hole for local fauna, including tapirs, red pandas, alligators and turtles, she said.

Fossils from a minimum of six rhinoceroses, including two nearly complete, articulated skeletons, have been unearthed, Short said, and while Wallace knew they were different, they weren’t studied until she started her master’s thesis in 2011. Availability of such complete specimens enabled a thorough bone-by-bone description of the new species.

Excavations are still ongoing, and as more material is uncovered, the understanding of this unique fauna will improve, she said.

A New Species of Teleoceras (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae) from the Late Hemphillian of Tennessee. … hillian_of_Tennessee

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Texas A&M University.

Crystallized Skull : All Fakes?

Crystallized coyote skull
Crystallized coyote skull. Credit: longhairbearhandmade

Crystallized Skull

The crystal skulls are human skull hardstone carvings made of clear or milky white quartz, claimed by their alleged finders to be pre-Colombian Mesoamerican artifacts ; however, these claims were refuted for all the specimens available for scientific studies.

The type of crystal was determined by examining chlorite inclusions. It is found only in Madagascar and Brazil, and therefore in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica unrecognizable or unknown.The study concluded that the skulls were made in Germany in the 19th century, most likely at workshops in the city of Idar-Oberstein, renowned in the late 19th century for crafting objects made of imported Brazilian quartz.

There are no uncommon or terribly mysterious crystal skulls. In Brazil, China, and Germany, thousands are produced each year. But a handful of these rather macabre objects have fuelled intense interest and controversy for more than a century among archeologists, scientists, spiritualists, and museum officials.

In private and public collections, there may be a dozen of these rare crystal skulls. Some are crystal-clear, others are quartz smoky or colored. Some of them are of real human size and very fine detail, while others are smaller and less refined. Everyone is supposed to come from Mexico and Central America.

All Fakes?

Moreover, recent analyzes of the British Museum and the Smithsonian Institution’s electron microscope of skulls revealed markings that could only have been made using modern carving tools. Both museums estimate that their skulls date from the mid to late 1800s, a time when there was high public interest in ancient cultures and museums were eager to display pieces.

The Central Andes had the largest volcanic eruption of the last 5000 years

Tafí del Valle (Tucumán, Argentina)on the ash deposits originated in the Cerro Blanco eruption
Field work conducted in Tafí del Valle (Tucumán, Argentina)on the ash deposits originated in the Cerro Blanco eruption. Credit: José Luis Fernández-Turiel

Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex, located in the south of the Altiplano-Puna plateau, erupted around 4,200 years ago. But it was not an ordinary event. It was the largest eruption of the last 5,000 years in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes according to a new study published in the journal Estudios Geológicos. The estimated volume of ejected ash places this eruption amongst the largest eruptions of the Holocene Era (the last 11,700 years).

The research team was led by José Luis Fernández Turiel, researcher at Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera of the CSIC (ICTJA-CSIC). Spanish researchers from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Salamanca of the CSIC also participated in the study. They worked alongside Argentinian researchers from the National University of Mar del Plata, the National University of Tucumán and the University of Buenos Aires.

The authors of the study determined that the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex, located in the Argentine province of Catamarca, was the source of the thick, high-volume volcanic ash-fall deposits that are still present today in a large area of north-western Argentina. The existence of these deposits was previously known, but not their origin.

Researchers studied 62 outcrops in the area and collected more than 230 ash samples during several field campaigns. In order to determine the origin of these ash deposits, the samples were analysed and characterized by different petrological and geochemical techniques.

“Now we can confirm that the eruption of Cerro Blanco volcano was the event that produced those large Holocene ash deposits that blanketed and cover a large area of the Puna and neighbouring areas of northwestern Argentina,” says José Luis Fernández Turiel, leading author of the study.

The vegetal remains preserved in the sediment layers embedded below the ash deposits were dated using carbon 14. Researchers were able to establish that the eruption took place 4,200 years ago. They reconstructed the transport and the fall of the ash that created the deposits. The eruption of Cerro Blanco was so explosive that the ash was scattered over an area of about 500,000 square kilometres. Ash deposits originated by the eruption were identified and found 400 kilometres away from the volcano caldera, near the town of Santiago del Estero.

In addition, pyroclastic flows filled up the surrounding valleys with thick ignimbrite deposits, some of them located about 35 kilometres away from Cerro Blanco volcano. The emptying of the magmatic chamber caused by the eruption led to the collapse of the volcanic building and the formation of a complex volcanic caldera.

“The geodynamic context of the area determines large explosive eruptions. These are a type of eruptions characterized by rhyolitic magma, with high silica and gas content,” says Francisco José Pérez Torrado, researcher at the Institute of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

According to Perez Torrado, “the eruption was not annular, following the edge of the caldera; in this case it was focused on a point to the edge. It was an explosive eruption that pushed an ash and gas cloud at an altitude of almost 32 kilometres according to our simulations.”

According to the study, the volume of deposited ash in this eruption was bigger than 170 cubic kilometres which lead to the researchers to estimate that the eruption of Cerro Blanco had a Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 7. This places the Cerro Blanco eruption among the largest volcanic global events of the last 10,000 years: it is similar to the eruption that occurred in the Island of Santorini which meant the end of the Minoan civilization. Moreover the volume of magma ejected by Cerro Blanco volcano eruption doubled to the magma ejected by the eruption of the Tambora volcano in 1815, which is thought to be the cause of a global cooling (1815 is known as “the year without summer”).

The present study takes its origin from a previous project conducted to determine whether the high arsenic levels in the water of the Chaco-Pampeana Plain was related to ash-fall deposits of the Central and Southern Andes Volcanic Zones. It was during this work when the team of researchers began to characterize the ashes.

“We verified that the ash from the analysed deposits in the north came mainly from a single eruption, unlike in the south, which clearly came from different volcanoes,” recalls Alejandro Rodríguez González, from the Institute of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

According to Fernández-Turiel, “our investigation changes the model of active volcanism of the Central Andean Volcanic Zone. Until now, it was thought that volcanism worked exactly the same, like in the south: many volcanoes with many eruptions over time. What we have seen in our research is that there are few eruptions, but highly explosive and erupting large volumes of magma.”

These findings offer researchers an excellent temporal milestone to study many geological, archaeological and paleoclimatic features, among others, which occurred around the middle Holocene in a broad geographical area of South America.

According to Norma Ratto, archaeologist at the Institute of Cultures of the University of Buenos Aires and CONICET (UBA-CONICET), “the determination of the scope and occurrence of this large eruption provides new information to interpret different aspects of hunter-gatherer societies which inhabited north-western Argentina during the Holocene, as the different occupation of the spaces, the changes in the mobility of the groups due to modification and alteration of routes that allowed the connection between different ecological environments, the changes in the ecosystems and the health of the prehispanic populations, among others topics.”

Fernandez-Turiel, J.L., et al. The large eruption 4.2 ks cal BP in Cerro Blanco, Central Volcanic Zone Andes: Insights to the Holocene eruptive deposits in the southern Puna and adjacent regions. 2019. Estudios Geológicos,75 (1): e088

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Institue of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera.

Tooth fossils fill 6-million-year-old gap in primate evolution

primitive monkey teeth in Kenya
UNLV geoscientist Terry Spell and former master’s student Dawn Reynoso are part of a research team that discovered primitive monkey teeth in Kenya. The fossils were determined to belong to a previously undiscovered species — filling a 6-million-year void in primate evolution. Credit: Terry Spell/UNLV

Researchers have used fossilized teeth found near Lake Turkana in northwest Kenya to identify a new monkey species—a discovery that helps fill a 6-million-year gap in primate evolution.

UNLV geoscientist Terry Spell and former master’s student Dawn Reynoso were part of the international research team that discovered the species that lived 22 million years ago. Understanding the evolution of Old World monkeys is important because, along with the great apes and humans, they belong to the anthropoid group of primates—primates that resemble humans.

According to Spell, the monkey fossil discovery grew out of a more extensive study of a section of sedimentary rocks in Kenya that contain a large number of different types of fossils, including several hundred mammal and reptile jaws, limbs, and teeth.

Previous studies had documented the early evolution of Old World monkeys using fossils dated at 19 million and 25 million years old, leaving a 6-million-year gap in the earliest record. However, the new fossil was determined to be 22 million years in age. Isotopic ages on the rocks were obtained in the Nevada Isotope Geochronology Laboratory on the UNLV campus.

“This adds to our understanding of the earliest evolutionary history of Old World monkeys, including changes in their diet with time to include more leaves,” Spell said. “Monkeys originated at a time in the past when Africa and Arabia were together as an island continent. Plate tectonic motions pushed this land mass into the Eurasian land mass at 20 to 24 million years ago, and an exchange of animals and plants occurred. It is unclear if competition with newly introduced species or changing climate conditions drove changes in diet.”

Scientists named the newly discovered monkey species Alophia (“without lophs”) due to the lack of molar crests on its teeth—a phenomenon that sets them apart from geologically younger monkey fossils.

Old World monkeys are the most successful living superfamily of nonhuman primates with a geographic distribution that is surpassed only by humans. The group occupies a wide spectrum of land to tree habitats and have a diverse range of diets. They evolved to develop a signature dental feature—having two molar crests—which to this day allows them to process a wide range of food types found in the varying environments of Africa and Asia.

“Primitive Old World monkey from the earliest Miocene of Kenya and the evolution of cercopithecoid bilophodonty” was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

D. Tab Rasmussen et al, Primitive Old World monkey from the earliest Miocene of Kenya and the evolution of cercopithecoid bilophodonty, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2019). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1815423116

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Iceland volcano eruption in 1783-84 did not spawn extreme heat wave

The Laki volcano in Iceland.
The Laki volcano in Iceland. It is not a typical mountain and its fissure to the right stretches into the distance. Credit: Alan Robock/Rutgers University-New Brunswick

An enormous volcanic eruption on Iceland in 1783-84 did not cause an extreme summer heat wave in Europe. But, as Benjamin Franklin speculated, the eruption triggered an unusually cold winter, according to a Rutgers-led study.

The study, in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, will help improve predictions of how the climate will respond to future high-latitude volcanic eruptions.

The eight-month eruption of the Laki volcano, beginning in June 1783, was the largest high-latitude eruption in the last 1,000 years. It injected about six times as much sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere as the 1883 Krakatau or 1991 Pinatubo eruptions, according to co-author Alan Robock, a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University–New Brunswick.

The eruption coincided with unusual weather across Europe. The summer was unusually warm with July temperatures more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit above the norm, leading to societal disruption and failed harvests. The 1783–84 European winter was up to 5 degrees colder than average.

Franklin, the U.S. ambassador to France, speculated on the causes in a 1784 paper, the first publication in English on the potential impacts of a volcanic eruption on the climate.

To determine whether Franklin and other researchers were right, the Rutgers-led team performed 80 simulations with a state-of-the-art climate model from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. The computer model included weather during the eruption and compared the ensuing climate with and without the effects of the eruption.

“It turned out, to our surprise, that the warm summer was not caused by the eruption,” Robock said. “Instead, it was just natural variability in the climate system. It would have been even warmer without the eruption. The cold winter would be expected after such an eruption.”

The warm 1783 summer stemmed from unusually high pressure over Northern Europe that caused cold polar air to bypass the region, the study says. After the eruption, precipitation in Africa and Asia dropped substantially, causing widespread drought and famine. The eruption also increased the chances of El Niño, featuring unusually warm water in the tropical Pacific Ocean, in the next winter.

The eruption spawned a sulfuric aerosol cloud – called the “Laki haze” – that lingered over most of the Northern Hemisphere in 1783. Reports from across Europe included lower visibility and the smell of sulfur or hydrogen sulfide. The air pollution was linked to reports of headaches, respiratory issues and asthma attacks, along with acid rain damage to trees and crops, the study notes.

More than 60 percent of Iceland’s livestock died within a year, and about 20 percent of the people died in a famine. Reports of increased death rates and/or respiratory disorders crisscrossed Europe.

“Understanding the causes of these climate anomalies is important not only for historical purposes, but also for understanding and predicting possible climate responses to future high-latitude volcanic eruptions,” Robock said. “Our work tells us that even with a large eruption like Laki, it will be impossible to predict very local climate impacts because of the chaotic nature of the atmosphere.”

Scientists continue to work on the potential impacts of volcanic eruptions on people through the Volcanic Impacts on Climate and Society project. The Laki eruption will be included in their research. Volcanic eruptions can have global climate impacts lasting several years.

The study’s lead author is Brian Zambri, a former post-doctoral associate who earned his doctorate at Rutgers and is now at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and University of Cambridge contributed to the study.

Brian Zambri et al, Modeling the 1783–1784 Laki Eruption in Iceland, Part II: Climate Impacts, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2019). DOI: 10.1029/2018JD029554

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Rutgers University.

Coastal organisms trapped in 99-million-year-old amber

Amber piece showing most large inclusions
Amber piece showing most large inclusions Credit: NIGPAS

Most amber inclusions are organisms that lived in the forest. It is very rare to find sea life trapped in amber. However, an international research group led by Prof. Wang Bo from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIGPAS) reported the first known ammonite trapped in amber in a study in PNAS published on May 13.

The ammonite, a kind of sea animal, was trapped in 99-million-year-old amber from northern Myanmar. The amber is 33 mm long, 9.5 mm wide, 29 mm high and weighs 6.08 g. Besides the ammonite, the amber also encases a diverse assemblage of organisms that today live on land or in the sea, including at least 40 individual animals.

Of the terrestrial fauna found in the amber, mites are the most abundant. Also present are spiders, millipedes, cockroaches, beetles, flies and wasps, most of which would have lived on the forest floor.

Of the marine fauna, in addition to the ammonite itself, sea snails and sea slaters are present. The slaters are like those living on the seashore today.

The researchers used X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) to obtain high-resolution three-dimensional images of the ammonite including its convoluted sutures, which are important for identifying ammonites.

They found that the ammonite is a juvenile Puzosia (Bhimaites) and its presence in the amber supports a late Albian-early Cenomanian age for the amber deposit. This discovery represents a rare example of dating using amber inclusions.

But how on earth did the ammonite, an extinct sea-dwelling relative of squid, get preserved in a piece of amber that also contains land-based animals? The ammonite and sea snail shells offer possible clues.

The shells are all empty with no soft-tissue, so the organisms were long dead by the time they were engulfed by resin. The outer shell of the ammonite is broken away and the entrance of the shell is full of sand. The amber also contains additional sand.

The most likely explanation for the appearance of both marine and terrestrial organisms within the amber is that a sandy beach covered with shells was located close to resin-producing trees. The flying insects were trapped in the resin while it was still on the tree. As the resin flowed down the tree trunk, it trapped organisms that lived near the foot of the tree. Reaching the beach, it entombed shells and trapped the slaters living there.

Tingting Yu el al. An ammonite trapped in Burmese amber. PNAS (2019).

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Archaeopteryx gets company

The illustration shows the wing of Alcmonavis poeschli as it was found in the limestone slab. Alcmonavis poeschli is the second known specimen of a volant bird from the Jurassic period.
The illustration shows the wing of Alcmonavis poeschli as it was found in the limestone slab. Alcmonavis poeschli is the second known specimen of a volant bird from the Jurassic period.

Archaeopteryx’s throne is tottering. Since the discovery of the first fossil of the primal bird in 1861, it had been considered the only bird from the Jurassic geological period. Today’s birds are thought to be direct descendants of carnivorous dinosaurs, with Archaeopteryx representing the oldest known flying representative of this lineage. All of the specimens that have been found up to now come from the region of the Solnhofen Archipelago, which during the Jurassic era spanned across what is today the Altmühl Valley, in the area between Pappenheim and Regensburg. Archaeopteryx lived here in a landscape of reef islands about 150 million years ago.

A team led by Professor Oliver Rauhut has taxonomically identified a bird unknown until now: Alcmonavis poeschli, the second bird from the era identified as capable of flight. “This suggests that the diversity of birds in the late Jurassic era was greater than previously thought,” says Rauhut, paleontologist at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences as well as the Bavarian State Collection of Paleontology and Geology.

Only a wing of Alcmonavis poeschli was discovered. “At first, we assumed that this was another specimen of Archaeopteryx. There are similarities, but after detailed comparisons with Archaeopteryx and other, geologically younger birds, its fossil remains suggested that we were dealing with a somewhat more derived bird,” says Rauhut. According to the team’s taxonomic studies, which are currently featured in the scientific journal eLife, Alcmonavis poeschli was not merely somewhat larger than Archaeopteryx; apparently it could also fly better. “The wing muscles indicate a greater capacity for flying,” says Rauhut. Alcmonavis poeschli exhibits numerous traits lacking in Archaeopteryx but present in more recent birds. This suggests that it was adapted better to active, flapping flight.

The discovery of Alcmonavis poeschli has implications for the debate over whether active flapping birds arose from gliding birds. “Its adaptation shows that the evolution of flight must have progressed relatively quickly,” says Dr. Christian Foth from the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), one of the co-authors of the study.

The bird now being described for the first time derives its name from the old Celtic word for the river Altmühl, Alcmona, and its discoverer Roland Pöschl, who leads the excavation at the Schaudiberg quarry close to Mörnsheim. A fossil of Archaeopteryx was also discovered in the same unit of limestones. The two primal birds thus apparently lived at the same time in what was then a subtropical lagoon landscape in southern Germany.

Oliver WM Rauhut, Helmut Tischlinger, Christian Foth. A non-archaeopterygid avialan theropod from the Late Jurassic of southern Germany. eLife, 2019; 8 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.43789

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Recreating ancient minerals

Fine grains of dolomite form on anaerobic microbial mats under various environmental conditions.
Fine grains of dolomite form on anaerobic microbial mats under various environmental conditions. Credit: Lauren Hinkel

When it comes to making a lasting impression in geological history, the medium makes all the difference, especially in the Earth’s paleo-oceans. Here, during the Archean Eon (4,000-2,500 million years ago) and at times during the Proterozoic (2,500-541 million years ago), when oxygen in the atmosphere and oceans was much lower than today, sedimentary minerals preserved signatures of biological activity in the form of fine textures created by microbial communities. The environmental conditions under which rocks like these form dictate how the crystal structure develops—the more orderly and fine-grained, the better the preservation.

Understanding, and better yet, replicating how these ancient minerals grew provides information about Earth’s past environments, and how organisms developed and behaved. One of these fossil-bearing rocks has proven difficult to copy in the lab—until now.

Researchers from MIT and Princeton University have found a way to emulate a part of ancient Earth in the lab by reproducing one of these weathering-resistant, information-carrying minerals, dolomite, whose formation has long perplexed scientists. A close relative to, and which can be created from, minerals that make limestone, dolomite was pervasive in the past; however, researchers rarely find it in modern environments. While it’s created from components commonly found in seawater, there are physical and kinetic barriers preventing the formation of dolomite—layers of carbonate (CO3-2) ions with alternating central atoms of calcium and magnesium. Alternatively, studies have reported protodolomite—a rock with a disordered crystalline structure, occurring only in very salty modern environments—but this mineral does not preserve the same fine microbial textures as its more ordered brother.

“To look for evidence of ancient life and old processes, you have to look at microbial structures. That’s where the information is. Some of that information is preserved in the form of very finely-grained dolomite, which precipitates almost as the microbes grow. It preserves the lamina of these microbial mats,” says Tanja Bosak, associate professor in the MIT Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) whose lab led the research. Her group uses experimental geobiology to explore modern biogeochemical and sedimentological processes in microbial systems and interpret the record of life on the early Earth. However, “there’s a big problem about the origin of finely-grained dolomite in a lot of microbial structures through time: There was no clear way of making dolomite under Earth’s surface conditions.”

Their results published in the journal Geology report the first creation of ordered dolomite and find that the trick to capturing these textures may be a slurry of manganese ions, seawater, light, and a biofilm of anaerobic, sulfur-metabolizing, photosynthetic microbes in an oxygen-free environment.

The study’s co-authors are former EAPS postdoc Mirna Daye and Associate Professor John Higgins from Princeton University.

Dolomite problem and the importance of order

Since the first identification of dolomite in the 18th century in what is now known as the Dolomite Mountains of Northern Italy, scientists have been stumped by how dolomite forms, and why there is so much ancient dolomite and so little of the mineral in modern times. This issue was dubbed “the dolomite problem.”

Scientists have found that modern dolomite can form in two main ways. It precipitates when shallow, hypersaline seawater is heated, and when limestone encounters magnesium-rich water, like a deep reef that’s invaded by seawater solutions. However, both methods make large crystals that obscure much of the biological information. In modern seawater, however, aragonite and calcite (different crystalline structures of calcium carbonate) are more likely to precipitate out than dolomite. “It’s not hard to make dolomite if you heat up a beaker of seawater to very high temperatures, but you’ll never get it at the Earth’s surface temperature and pressure just on its own,” says Bosak. “It’s really hard to get magnesium into the minerals; it doesn’t really want to go into the crystal lattice.” That’s a portion of the larger picture. Additionally, these mechanisms do not account for mineral variations (manganese or iron-rich dolomite) seen during the Archean and Proterozoic periods that preserved these textures. “You see that seawater is saturated with respect to dolomite, [but] it just doesn’t form, so there’s some kinetic barrier to that.”

It wasn’t until the turn of the 20th century that a Russian microbiologist demonstrated the potential for anaerobic bacteria to cause dolomite to form from minerals in ocean water, a process called biomineralization. Since then, researchers have found that in modern environments, biofilms—containing photosynthetic microbes and the slimy organic matrix that they excrete for their home (exopolymeric substances)—in highly evaporative pools of salty water can provide a surface on which dolomite can nucleate and grow. However, these biofilms are not photosynthetic. In contrast, many microbial structures that were preserved before the rise of oxygen grew in less-salty marine environments and are thought to have been produced by photosynthetic microbial communities. Additionally, the location of ions and microbes thought to be involved in this process likely differed in the past. The past microbes relied on sulfide, hydrogen, or iron ions for photosynthesis. Researchers suspect that more than 2 billion years ago, manganese and iron ions were present higher in the ocean sediments or even the water column. Today, because of the oxygenated atmosphere, they’re buried deeper in sediments where anaerobic conditions can occur. However, the lack of sunlight means that microbial mats don’t grow here, so neither does dolomite.

While the suggestion of microbial involvement was a strong step to solving the dolomite problem, the matters of crystal ordering and formation in the sunlit marine zone, where microbes colonize sediments, were still unresolved.

Reproducing the past

While investigating early sedimentological preservation, the group performed a series of experiments replicating the conditions of these ancient oceans with an anaerobic atmosphere. They used a combination of modern biofilms, light/dark environments, and seawater modified to mimic early Earth conditions with and without manganese, one of the metals often found in the mineral and thought to facilitate bacterial growth. The researchers used microbes from a lake in upstate New York, from depths that lack oxygen.

In their experiments, the researchers noticed something unexpected—that the most abundant mineral in the biofilms was highly ordered dolomite, and the vials that produced the most contained photosynthesizing microbes and manganese—a result consistent with field reports. As the mats grew up toward the light, crystals accumulated on them, with the oldest on the bottom capturing tiny wiggles where now degraded microbial mats used to be. The more extensive the coverage, the smaller the porosity, which reduced the chances of fluids infiltrating them, interacting with and dissolving the minerals, and essentially erasing data. The experiments lacking manganese or performed in the dark (not photosynthesizing) developed disordered dolomite. “We don’t understand exactly why manganese and the microbes have that effect, but it seems like they do. It’s almost like a natural consequence of those types of conditions,” says Bosak. Nonetheless, “It was a big deal to show that that can actually happen.”

Now that the team has found a way to make ordered dolomite, they plan to look into why it forms, variations, and how the rock records the environmental conditions it forms in. After seeing the effect that manganese had on dolomite, the researchers will look at iron ions, which integrated into these ancient rocks. “Iron also seems to stimulate the formation of the incorporation of magnesium into this mineral, for whatever reason,” says Bosak.

They’ll also investigate the unique microbial interactions and physical properties present to see what components are essential to precipitating dolomite. The individual niches that each anaerobic organism occupies seem to help the community grow, cycle elements, degrade substances, and provide a surface for crystals. The Bosak group will do this by fossilizing various organisms under the same or different environmental conditions to see if they can produce dolomite. During these experiments, they will monitor how well dolomite records the temperature at which it was made, as well as the chemical and isotopic composition of the surrounding solution, to understand the process better.

“I think it tells us that—when we are trying to interpret the past—it’s a really different planet: different types of organisms, different types of metabolisms that were dominant,” says Bosak, “and I think we are just starting to scratch the surface of what possible mineral outcomes, what kind of textural outcomes we can even expect.”

Mirna Daye et al. Formation of ordered dolomite in anaerobic photosynthetic biofilms, Geology (2019). DOI: 10.1130/G45821.1

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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