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A microbe’s membrane helps it survive extreme environments

Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park

Within harsh environments like hot springs, volcanic craters and deep-sea hydrothermal vents — uninhabitable by most life forms — microscopic organisms are thriving. How? It’s all in how they wrap themselves.

Stanford University researchers have identified a protein that helps these organisms form a protective, lipid-linked cellular membrane — a key to withstanding extremely highly acidic habitats.

Scientists had known that this group of microbes — called archaea — were surrounded by a membrane made of different chemical components than those of bacteria, plants or animals. They had long hypothesized that it could be what provides protection in extreme habitats. The team directly proved this idea by identifying the protein that creates the unusual membrane structure in the species Sulfolobus acidocaldarius.

The structures of some organisms’ membranes are retained in the fossil record and can serve as molecular fossils or biomarkers, leaving hints of what lived in the environment long ago. Finding preserved membrane lipids, for example, could suggest when an organism evolved and how that may have been the circumstance of its environment. Being able to show how this protective membrane is created could help researchers understand other molecular fossils in the future, offering new evidence about the evolution of life on Earth. The results appeared the week of Dec. 3 in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“Our model is that this organism evolved the ability to make these membranes because it lives in an environment where the acidity changes,” said co-author Paula Welander, an assistant professor of Earth system science at Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences (Stanford Earth). “This is the first time we’ve actually linked some part of a lipid to an environmental condition in archaea.”

Rare chemistry

The hot springs where S. acidocaldarius is found, such as those in Yellowstone National Park that are over 200 degrees Fahrenheit, can experience fluctuating acidity. This organism is also found in volcanic craters, deep-sea hydrothermal vents and other acidic environments with both moderate and cold temperatures.

Welander became interested in studying this microbe because of its rare chemistry, including its unusual lipid membranes. Unlike plants and fungi, archaeal organisms do not produce protective outer walls of cellulose and their membranes do not contain the same chemicals as bacteria. Scientists had explored how the species produced its unusual membrane for about 10 years before experimentation stopped in 2006, she said.

“I think we forget that some things just haven’t been done yet — I’ve been finding that a lot ever since I stepped into the geobiology world,” Welander said. “There are so many questions out there that we just need the basic knowledge of, such as, ‘What is the protein that’s doing this? Does this membrane structure really do what we’re saying it does?'”

From previous research in archaea, Welander and her team knew that the organisms produce a membrane containing a ringed molecule called a calditol. The group thought this molecule might underlie the species’ ability to withstand environments where other organisms perish.

To find out, they first went through the genome of S. acidocaldarius and identified three genes likely to be involved in making a calditol. They then mutated those genes one-by-one, eliminating any proteins the genes made. The experiments revealed one gene that, when mutated, produced S. acidocaldarius that lacked calditol in the membrane. That mutated organism was able to grow at high temperatures but withered in a highly acidic environment, suggesting that the protein is necessary to both make the unusual membrane and withstand acidity.

The work was particularly challenging because Welander’s lab had to replicate those high temperature, acidic conditions in which the microbes thrive. Most of the incubators in her lab could only reach body temperature, so lead author Zhirui Zeng, a postdoctoral researcher in Welander’s lab, figured out how to imitate the organism’s home using a special small oven, she said.

“That was really cool,” Welander said. “We did a lot of experimenting to try to figure out the chemistry.”

Third domain of life

This work is about more than just finding one protein, Welander said. Her research explores lipids found in present-day microbes with the goal of understanding Earth’s history, including ancient climatic events, mass extinctions and evolutionary transitions. But before scientists can interpret evolutionary characteristics, they need to understand the basics, like how novel lipids are created.

Archaea are sometimes called the “third domain of life,” with one domain being bacteria and the other being a group that includes plants and animals — collectively known as eukaryotes. Archaea includes some of the oldest, most abundant lifeforms on the planet, without which the ecosystem would collapse. Archaea are particularly anomalous microbes, confused with bacteria one day and likened to plants or animals the next because of their unique molecular structures.

The research is particularly interesting because the classification for archaea is still debated by taxonomists. They were only separated from the bacteria and eukaryote domains in the past two decades, following the development of genetic sequencing in the 1970s.

“There are certain things about archaea that are different, like the lipids,” Welander said. “Archaea are a big area of research now because they are this different domain that we want to study, and understand — and they’re really cool.”

Zhirui Zeng, Xiao-Lei Liu, Jeremy H. Wei, Roger E. Summons, and Paula V. Welander. Calditol-linked membrane lipids are required for acid tolerance in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1814048115

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Stanford’s School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences. Original written by Danielle Torrent Tucker.

Tracing iron in the North Pacific

The iron cycle in the ocean
The iron cycle in the ocean. Credit: Yuntao Wang

The micronutrient iron (Fe) is recognized as a key factor in controlling oceanic primary productivity, and subsequently impacting the carbon cycle and marine ecosystem. The high-latitude area of the North Pacific is one of the three main high-nutrient and low-chlorophyll (HNLC) regions on Earth. Also, the growth of phytoplankton is limited by the availability of Fe. Climate change, human activities and ocean acidification are expected to influence the availability and transport of Fe in the ocean. Therefore, it is of great importance to study the Fe cycle and make reliable predictions for the future.

“As a result of human activity, the amount and composition of Fe induced by atmospheric decomposition has changed and affected the ocean. After depositing into the ocean, the distribution and transport of Fe is mainly determined by physical processes, e.g., mixing and upwelling. So, clarifying the sources and transport of biologically available Fe are key scientific questions for understanding the marine ecosystem,” explains Dr. Fei Chai, a researcher at the Second Institute of Oceanography and corresponding author of a project report recently published in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters.

“The biological availability of Fe in the ocean also depends on the amount and strength of organic complex ligands. The spatial distribution of Fe-binding ligands is highly variable, with more ligands found in the Northwest Pacific than Northeast Pacific. Also, the strength of ligands is mainly affected by the pH of water, with lower pH reducing the strength of ligands and decreasing the Fe uptake rate of diatoms. Therefore, under the influence of ocean acidification, the distribution and strength of Fe-binding ligands will change considerably, with subsequent impacts on the ecosystem of the North Pacific,” adds Dr. Chai.

Dr. Fei Chai and his team, from the Second Institute of Oceanography, will develop and utilize a coupled physical-biological-Fe model, named ROMS-CoSiNE-Fe, in the North Pacific. The model will incorporate the Fe cycle for the upper North Pacific and make predictions of primary production and marine ecosystems in the future. The project is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China from 2018 to 2022.

“These studies will explore the sources and transport of biologically available Fe in the HNLC region. The results can give scientific advice to stakeholders on the feasibility of conducting ocean Fe fertilization,” says Dr. Chai, “In the future, we hope to better understand the rate of Fe uptake by phytoplankton and make predictions of changes in the marine ecosystem of the North Pacific.”

Yuntao Wang et al, The sources and transport of iron in the North Pacific and its impact on marine ecosystems, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters (2018). DOI: 10.1080/16742834.2019.1545513

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Medullary bone found in Cretaceous birds

Main slab of Pengornithid Enantiornithine
Main slab of Pengornithid Enantiornithine, preserved in three-dimensions unlike most compression fossils from the Jehol Biota. Scale bar is one centimeter. Credit: Jingmai O’Connor

A team of scientists led by Jingmai O’Connor from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences, reported the first occurrence of medullary bone in Enantiornithes, the dominant clade of birds during the Cretaceous. The findings were published in Nature Communications on Dec. 5.

Medullary bone is a bone tissue unique to birds today. It is present only in females about to lay eggs and forms in the empty spaces within the skeleton. This bone tissue serves as a reservoir for calcium needed to form the eggshell.Medullary bone has been reported in a variety of non-avian dinosaurs including Tyrannosaurus rex, ornithopod dinosaurs like Tenontosaurus, and several sauropods (huge long-necked dinosaurs) including Mussasaurus. It has also been identified in pterosaurs, which are flying reptiles closely related to dinosaurs.

Since the first report of medullary bone in a Mesozoic fossil in 2005, this tissue has attracted great interest because it links birds and dinosaurs. However, the presence of this bone tissue in pterosaurs and non-avian dinosaurs is perplexing. Non-avian dinosaurs were so large and their eggs so small that they shouldn’t have required medullary bone. Since pterosaurs laid soft-shelled eggs, they also shouldn’t have required medullary bone.

Some reported instances of medullary bone are probably actually bone pathologies causing abnormal growth. However, in this report, IVPP scientists, working together with Mark Norell from the American Museum of Natural History and Greg Erickson from Florida State University, argued that no previous description of medullary bone in a Mesozoic reptile was well supported.

The new report is the best support for medullary bone in the Mesozoic so far since it was found throughout the entire preserved skeleton, suggesting it was part of a system-wide process rather than a local pathology. However, the authors concede that scientists still know too little about medullary bone to confirm, without additional evidence (e.g., association with a nest or eggs), that the fossilized individual with this tissue was reproductively active.

In light of the currently available evidence, medullary bone might have been an entirely avian feature even in the Mesozoic. It evolved as a result of the thinned, hollow bones in birds, which lightened the skeleton for flight, as well as their increased egg size.

Jingmai O’Connor et al, Medullary bone in an Early Cretaceous enantiornithine bird and discussion regarding its identification in fossils, Nature Communications (2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-07621-z

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Millook Haven Beach, England

Millook Haven Beach, England
The cliffs at Millook Haven in north Cornwall have very striking folded rock formations.

Millook is a deep coastal valley and hamlet in the parish of Poundstock, on the north coast of Cornwall, England.

In 2014 the cliffs at Millook Haven were voted by the Geological Society of London as one of Britain’s top 10 geological sites, leading the “folding and faulting” category. The cliffs display an impressive series of recumbent chevron folds, in Carboniferous age killas of inter-bedded sandstones and shales, originally deposited in deep water.

The stony beach is popular with surfers despite there being few parking spaces and the South West Coast Path passes through the seaward end of the valley. The ancient semi-natural woodland has been described as the best ravine wood in Cornwall and along with the coast is within the Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Millook Haven

The coastal section through north Cornwall into Devon that runs to Bude and Hartland Point contains a spectacularly folded series of inter-bedded sandstones and shales originally deposited deeply under water.

The cliffs at Millock Haven are a great site for getting to grips with these deformed rocks.

The folds are recumbent and have a characteristic “chevron” kinky shape that tends to form when strongly layered rocks are buckled.


Oxygen could have been available to life as early as 3.5 billion years ago

Cyanobacteria up close
Cyanobacteria up close

Microbes could have performed oxygen-producing photosynthesis at least one billion years earlier in the history of the Earth than previously thought.

The finding could change ideas of how and when complex life evolved on Earth, and how likely it is that it could evolve on other planets.

Oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere is necessary for complex forms of life, which use it during aerobic respiration to make energy.

The levels of oxygen dramatically rose in the atmosphere around 2.4 billion years ago, but why it happened then has been debated. Some scientists think that 2.4 billion years ago is when organisms called cyanobacteria first evolved, which could perform oxygen-producing (oxygenic) photosynthesis.

Other scientist think that cyanobacteria evolved long before 2.4 billion years ago but something prevented oxygen from accumulating in the air.

Cyanobacteria perform a relatively sophisticated form of oxygenic photosynthesis — the same type of photosynthesis that all plants do today. It has therefore been suggested that simpler forms of oxygenic photosynthesis could have existed earlier, before cyanobacteria, leading to low levels of oxygen being available to life.

Now, a research team led by Imperial College London have found that oxygenic photosynthesis arose at least one billion years before cyanobacteria evolved. Their results, published in the journal Geobiology, show that oxygenic photosynthesis could have evolved very early in Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history.

Lead author Dr Tanai Cardona, from the Department of Life Sciences at Imperial, said: “We know cyanobacteria are very ancient, but we don’t know exactly how ancient. If cyanobacteria are, for example, 2.5 billion years old that would mean oxygenic photosynthesis could have started as early as 3.5 billion years ago. It suggests that it might not take billions of years for a process like oxygenic photosynthesis to start after the origin of life.”

If oxygenic photosynthesis evolved early, it could mean it is a relatively simple process to evolve. The probability of complex life emerging in a distant exoplanet may then be quite high.

It is difficult for scientists to figure out when the first oxygen-producers evolved using the rock record on Earth. The older the rocks, the rarer they are, and the harder it is to prove conclusively that any fossil microbes found in these ancient rocks used or produced any amount of oxygen.

Instead, the team investigated the evolution of two of the main proteins involved in oxygenic photosynthesis.

In the first stage of photosynthesis, cyanobacteria use light energy to split water into protons, electrons and oxygen with the help of a protein complex called Photosystem II.

Photosystem II is made up of two proteins called D1 and D2. Originally, the two proteins were the same, but although they have very similar structures, their underlying genetic sequences are now different.

This shows that D1 and D2 have been evolving separately — in cyanobacteria and plants they only share 30 percent of their genetic sequence. Even in their original form, D1 and D2 would have been able to perform oxygenic photosynthesis, so knowing how long ago they were identical could reveal when this ability first evolved.

To find out the difference in time between D1 and D2 being 100 percent identical, and them being only 30 percent the same in cyanobacteria and plants, the team determined how fast the proteins were changing — their rate of evolution.

Using powerful statistics methods and known events in the evolution of photosynthesis, they determined that the D1 and D2 proteins in Photosystem II evolved extremely slowly — even slower than some of the oldest proteins in biology that are believed to be found in the earliest forms of life.

From this, they calculated that the time between the identical D1 and D2 proteins and the 30 percent similar versions in cyanobacteria and plants is at least a billion years, and could be more than that.

Dr Cardona said: “Usually, the appearance of oxygenic photosynthesis and cyanobacteria are considered to be the same thing. So, to find out when oxygen was being produced for the first time researchers have tried to find when cyanobacteria first evolved.

“Our study instead shows that oxygenic photosynthesis likely got started long before the most recent ancestor of cyanobacteria arose. This is in agreement with current geological data that suggests that whiffs of oxygen or localized accumulations of oxygen were possible before three billion years ago.

“Therefore, the origin of oxygenic photosynthesis and the ancestor of cyanobacteria do not represent the same thing. There could be a very large gap in time between one and the other. It is a massive change in perspective.”

Now, the team are trying to recreate what the photosystem looked like before D1 and D2 evolved in the first place. Using the known variation in photosystem genetic codes across all species alive today, they are trying to piece together the ancestral photosystem genetic code.

Tanai Cardona, Patricia Sánchez-Baracaldo, A. William Rutherford, Anthony W. Larkum. Early Archean origin of Photosystem II. Geobiology, 2018; DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12322

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Imperial College London. Original written by Hayley Dunning.

Whales lost their teeth before evolving hair-like baleen in their mouths

This is an artistic reconstruction of a mother and calf of Maiabalaena nesbittae nursing offshore of Oregon during the Oligocene, about 33 million years ago.
This is an artistic reconstruction of a mother and calf of Maiabalaena nesbittae nursing offshore of Oregon during the Oligocene, about 33 million years ago. While Maiabalaena would not have been able to chew or filter feed, muscle attachments on the bones of its throat indicate it likely had strong cheeks and a retractable tongue. These traits would have enabled it to suck water into its mouth, taking up fish and small squid in the process. The ability to suction feed would have rendered teeth, whose development requires a lot of energy to grow, unnecessary. The loss of teeth, then, appears to have set the evolutionary stage for the baleen, which the scientists estimate arose about 5 to 7 million years later.
Credit: Alex Boersma

Rivaling the evolution of feathers in dinosaurs, one of the most extraordinary transformations in the history of life was the evolution of baleen — rows of flexible hair-like plates that blue whales, humpbacks and other marine mammals use to filter relatively tiny prey from gulps of ocean water. The unusual structure enables the world’s largest creatures to consume several tons of food each day, without ever chewing or biting. Now, Smithsonian scientists have discovered an important intermediary link in the evolution of this innovative feeding strategy: an ancient whale that had neither teeth nor baleen.

In the Nov. 29 issue of the journal Current Biology, scientists at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and colleagues describe for the first time Maiabalaena nesbittae, a whale that lived about 33 million years ago. Using new methods to analyze long-ago discovered fossils housed in the Smithsonian’s national collection, the team, which includes scientists at George Mason University, Texas A&M University and the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle, have determined that this toothless, 15-foot whale likely had no baleen, showing a surprising intermediary step between the baleen whales that live today and their toothed ancestors.

“When we talk about whale evolution, textbooks tend to focus on the early stages, when whales went from land to sea,” said National Museum of Natural History’s curator of fossil marine mammals. “Maiabalaena shows that the second phase of whale evolution is just as important for evolution over big scales. For the first time, we can now pin down the origin of filter-feeding, which is one of the major innovations in whale history.”

When whales first evolved, they used teeth to chew their food, just like their land-dwelling ancestors. As time went on, many descendants of these early whales continued to chew their food, inheriting this trait from their predecessors. But as the oceans around them changed and animals evolved, entirely new feeding strategies arose, including baleen filter feeding, says National Museum of Natural History predoctoral fellow Carlos Mauricio Peredo, the lead author of the study who analyzed the Maiabalaena fossils.

Whales were the first mammals to evolve baleen, and no other mammal uses any anatomical structure even remotely similar to it to consume its prey. But frustratingly, baleen, whose chemical composition is more like that of hair or fingernails than bone, does not preserve well. It is rarely found in the fossil record, leaving paleontologists without direct evidence of its past or origins. Instead, scientists have had to rely on inferences from fossils and studies of fetal-whale development in the womb to piece together clues about how baleen evolved.

As a result, it has not been clear whether, as they evolved, early baleen whales retained the teeth of their ancestors until a filter-feeding system had been established. An early initial assumption, Peredo said, was that ocean-dwelling mammals must have needed teeth or baleen to eat — but several living whales contradict that idea. Sperm whales have teeth in their bottom jaw, but none on the top, so they cannot bite or chew. Narwhals’ only teeth are their long tusks, which they do not use for feeding. And some species of beaked whales, despite being classified as toothed whales, have no teeth at all.

Because of its age, Peredo said, paleontologists suspected Maiabalaena might hold important clues about baleen’s evolution. The fossil comes from a period of massive geological change during the second major phase of whale evolution, around the time the Eocene epoch was transitioning to the Oligocene. With continents shifting and separating, ocean currents were swirling around Antarctica for the first time, cooling the waters significantly. The fossil record indicates that whales’ feeding styles diverged rapidly during this timeframe, with one group leading to today’s filter-feeding whales and the other leading to echolocating ones.

Consequently, Maiabalaena had received plenty of scrutiny since its discovery in Oregon in the 1970s, but the rock matrix and material that the fossil was collected in still obscured many of its features. It was not until Peredo finally cleaned the fossil and then examined it with state-of-the-art CT scanning technology that its most striking features became clear. Maiabalaena’s lack of teeth was readily apparent from the preserved bone, but the CT scans, which revealed the fossil’s internal anatomy, told the scientists something new: Maiabalaena’s upper jaw was thin and narrow, making it an inadequate surface from which to suspend baleen.

“A living baleen whale has a big, broad roof in its mouth, and it’s also thickened to create attachment sites for the baleen,” Peredo said. “Maiabalaena does not. We can pretty conclusively tell you this fossil species didn’t have teeth, and it is more likely than not that it didn’t have baleen either.”

While Maiabalaena would not have been able to chew or to filter feed, muscle attachments on the bones of its throat indicate it likely had strong cheeks and a retractable tongue. These traits would have enabled it to suck water into its mouth, taking up fish and small squid in the process. The ability to suction feed would have rendered teeth, whose development requires a lot of energy to grow, unnecessary. The loss of teeth, then, appears to have set the evolutionary stage for the baleen, which the scientists estimate arose about 5 to 7 million years later.

Peredo and Pyenson see studying whale evolution as key to understanding their survival in today’s rapidly changing oceans. Like the emergence of baleen, tooth loss in whales is evidence of adaptability, suggesting that whales might be able to adapt to challenges posed in the ocean today. Still, Peredo cautions, evolutionary change may be slow for the largest whales, which have long life spans and take a long time to reproduce.

“Given the scale and rate of changes in the ocean today, we don’t exactly know what that will mean for all of the different species of filter-feeding whales,” he said. “We know that they’ve changed in the past. It’s just a matter of whether they can keep up with whatever the oceans are doing — and we’re changing the oceans pretty quickly right now.”

Carlos Mauricio Peredo, Nicholas D. Pyenson, Christopher D. Marshall, Mark D. Uhen. Tooth Loss Precedes the Origin of Baleen in Whales. Current Biology, 2018; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.10.047

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Smithsonian.

Oldest-known ancestor of modern primates may have come from North America, not Asia

Teilhardina brandti
Teilhardina brandti, a 56-million year-old primate found in Wyoming, may be older than its Asian cousin, previously thought to be the earliest ancestor of modern primates. Unusual tooth sockets in this lower jaw of Teilhardina brandti helped make the determination. Credit: Florida Museum image by Paul Morse

About 56 million years ago, on an Earth so warm that palm trees graced the Arctic Circle, a mouse-sized primate known as Teilhardina first curled its fingers around a branch.

The earliest-known ancestor of modern primates, Teilhardina’s close relatives would eventually give rise to today’s monkeys, apes and humans. But one of the persistent mysteries about this distant cousin of ours is where it originated.

Teilhardina (ty-hahr-DEE’-nuh) species quickly spread across the forests of Asia, Europe and North America, a range unparalleled by all other primates except humans. But where did its journey begin?

New research shows that Teilhardina brandti, a species found in Wyoming, is as old or older than its Asian and European relatives, upending the prevailing hypothesis that Teilhardina first appeared in China.

Teilhardina’s origins, however, remain a riddle.

“The scientific conclusion is ‘We just don’t know,'” said Paul Morse, the study’s lead author and a recent University of Florida doctoral graduate. “While the fossils we’ve found potentially overturn past hypotheses of where Teilhardina came from and where it migrated, they definitely don’t offer a clearer scenario.”

What is clear, Morse said, is that T. brandti had a wide variety of features, some of which are as primitive as those found in Teilhardina asiatica, its Asian cousin, previously thought to be the oldest species in the genus.

To make this determination, Morse studied 163 teeth and jaws in the most comprehensive analysis of T. brandti to date.

Teeth contain a treasure-trove of information and often preserve better than bone, thanks to their tough enamel. They can reveal clues about an animal’s evolutionary past, its size, diet and age as an individual and in geological time.

Primate teeth have particularly distinct structures that are immediately recognizable to the trained eye, said Jonathan Bloch, study co-author and curator of vertebrate paleontology at the Florida Museum of Natural History.

“Identifying differences between primate teeth is not so different from a biker recognizing that a Harley is different from a scooter or an art critic evaluating whether an image was created by Picasso or Banksy,” he said. “In detail, they are very different from each other in specific, predictable ways.”

While Teilhardina bones are very rare in the fossil record, its teeth are more plentiful — if you know how to find them. Bloch’s team of paleontologists, Morse included, have spent years combing the surface of Wyoming’s Bighorn Basin on hands and knees and then packing out 50-pound bags of soil to a river to screen wash. The remaining bits of bones and teeth — which can be smaller than a flea — are examined under a microscope back at the museum.

This painstaking search has built up the dental record of T. brandti from a single molar — used to first describe the species in 1993 — to hundreds of teeth, providing a broad look at the primate’s population-level variation.

Still, Morse and Bloch were unprepared for the peculiar variation exhibited by specimen UF 333700, a jagged piece of jaw with T. brandti teeth.

“Jon and I started arguing about the alveoli” — empty tooth sockets — “and how they didn’t look right at all,” said Morse, now a postdoctoral researcher at Duke University. “By the end of the day, we realized that specimen completely overturned both the species definition of T. asiatica and part of the rationale for why it is the oldest Teilhardina species.”

Studies based on a small number of teeth simply missed the diversity in Teilhardina’s physical characteristics, Morse said.

“There’s likely a tremendous amount of variation in the fossil record, but it’s extremely difficult to capture and measure when you have a small sample size,” he said. “That’s one of the reasons collecting additional fossils is so important.”

The analysis also reshuffled the Teilhardina family tree, reducing the number of described species from nine to six and reclassifying two species as members of a new genus, Bownonomys, named for prominent vertebrate paleontologist Thomas Bown.

But the precise ages of Teilhardina species are still impossible to pinpoint and may remain that way.

Teilhardina appeared during the geological equivalent of a flash in the pan, a brief 200,000-year period known as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, or PETM. This era was characterized by a massive injection of carbon into the Earth’s atmosphere, which sent global temperatures soaring. Sea levels surged by 220 feet, ecosystems were overhauled and the waters at the North Pole warmed to 74 degrees.

Scientists can use the distinct carbon signature of the PETM to locate this period in the rock record, and carbon isotopes in teeth can also be used to identify fossil animals from the era.

But among Teilhardina fossil sites across the globe, only Wyoming has the uninterrupted, neatly demarcated layers of rock that allow paleontologists to hone in on more precise dates.

“The humblest statement would be to say that these species are essentially equivalent in age,” Bloch said. “Determining which came earlier in the PETM probably surpasses the level of resolution we have in the rock record. But what we can say is that the only place where you can really establish where Teilhardina appears in this climate event with confidence is in the Bighorn Basin.”

As the Earth warmed, plants and animals expanded their ranges northward, returning south as temperatures cooled at the end of the PETM.

“This dance of plants and animals with climate change happened over vast landscapes, with forests moving from the Gulf Coast to the Rocky Mountains in just a few thousand years,” Bloch said.

Teilhardina likely tracked the shifts in its forest habitats across the land bridges that then connected North America, Greenland and Eurasia, he said.

“Teilhardina is not throwing its bag over its shoulder and walking,” he said. “Its range is shifting from one generation to the next. Over 1,000 years, you get a lot of movement, and over 2,000-3,000 years, you could easily cover continental distances.”

While it was well-suited to Earth’s hothouse environment, Teilhardina disappeared with the PETM, replaced by new and physically distinct primates. It’s a sobering reminder of what can happen to species — including humans — during periods of swift climatic changes, Bloch said.

“A changing planet has dramatic effects on biology, ecosystems and evolution. It’s part of the process that has produced the diversity of life we see today and mass extinctions of life that have happened periodically in Earth’s history,” Bloch said. “One of the unexpected results of global warming 56 million years ago is that it marks the origin of the group that ultimately led to us. How we will fare under future warming scenarios is less certain.”

Paul E. Morse, Stephen G.B. Chester, Doug M. Boyer, Thierry Smith, Richard Smith, Paul Gigase, Jonathan I. Bloch. New fossils, systematics, and biogeography of the oldest known crown primate Teilhardina from the earliest Eocene of Asia, Europe, and North America. Journal of Human Evolution, 2018; DOI: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2018.08.005

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Florida Museum of Natural History.

New automated volcano warning system forecasts imminent eruptions

Mount Etna Eruption on Jan. 12, 2011.
Mount Etna Eruption on Jan. 12, 2011. Credit: gnuckx

Scientists have developed an automated early warning system for volcanic eruptions, according to a new study. The new system helped government officials warn the public of impending eruptions in Italy and could potentially do the same around the globe, according to the study’s authors.

New research in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, a journal of the American Geophysical Union, details the new system that monitors volcanic noises and automatically alerts officials if an eruption is imminent. The study’s authors tested this system over a period of eight years on Mount Etna, a volcano on the island of Sicily. Using the new system, the Italian government activated an emergency plan about one hour prior to an eruption for the first time in late 2015.

A majority of the approximately 1,500 active volcanoes around the world are not monitored in real time. Many volcanoes are monitored with methods based on seismic waves, which are vibrations of the Earth’s layers that can be triggered by eruptions. But seismic waves are often not great at telling volcanic explosions apart from other processes, like internal magma movements, earthquakes, or storms, the study’s authors said. Most of the methods require input from volcano experts and alerts are sent only after volcanoes begin erupting.

Aircraft pilots, for example, should know about volcanic eruptions as early as possible, said Maurizio Ripepe, a geophysicist at the University of Florence in Florence, Italy, and lead author of the new study. On several occasions in the past, aircraft encounters with volcanic ash clouds have led to engine failure.

“Tens of seconds sometimes can save lives and reduce damage, like in the case of an earthquake” Ripepe said. “The need is to have something automatic that can be used to speed up the procedure to reduce risk.”

Volcanic noises can enable early warnings to be issued quickly and dependably, according to Ripepe. Volcanoes generate low-frequency sounds inaudible to human ears during their eruption processes, and these infrasonic waves can travel over thousands of kilometers and are more closely related to volcanic eruptions than seismic waves, he said.

In the new study, researchers listened to sounds produced by Mount Etna for years with arrays of infrasonic sensors placed 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from the volcano.

They found the infrasound sensors can reliably identify eruption signals. From 2008 to 2016, the sensors detected 57 of 59 eruptions and sent alerts to the researchers about an hour before each eruption.

“When we got this percentage of success, [the Department of Italian Civil Protection] decided to use it as an operational system,” Ripepe said. “Now we send SMS messages and emails to the authorities that are in charge to start an emergency plan in case of volcanic eruption.”

On Dec. 4, 2015, a warning was automatically issued to the Italian government almost two hours before an eruption, which allowed the government to activate emergency plans about one hour in advance of a volcanic eruption for the first time, Ripepe said. For the last four years, the automated system has remained operational in monitoring Etna and has issued warnings without error.

To extend the benefits of automated warnings to the rest of the world, researchers must study infrasound from other types of volcanoes. Early eruption phases in Etna, which allow for early warnings, may be shorter or completely absent in volcanoes with different dynamics, according to the authors.

Another hurdle for global monitoring is the area of coverage required to monitor all active volcanoes around the globe, but infrasound could offer a solution, Ripepe said.

The idea for a global warning system would be to use infrasonic arrays to monitor several volcanoes at once over long distances, Ripepe said. As a first step, the researchers studied an array set up hundreds of kilometers away from Etna. They found these measurements to be favorable and are now studying arrays up to 1,000 kilometers (621.3 miles) away from the volcano.

“This opens a new way to do monitoring of volcanoes at the global scale,” Ripepe said.

M. Ripepe et al. Infrasonic Early Warning System for Explosive Eruptions, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2018). DOI: 10.1029/2018JB015561

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by American Geophysical Union.
This story is republished courtesy of AGU Blogs (, a community of Earth and space science blogs, hosted by the American Geophysical Union.

Fossil algae reveal 500 million years of climate change

For her research Witkowski collected seawater with fresh, modern algae to test potential indicators of the past.
For her research Witkowski collected seawater with fresh, modern algae to test potential indicators of the past. Credit: Caitlyn Witkowski

Earth scientists are able to travel far back in time to reconstruct the geological past and paleoclimate to make better predictions about future climate conditions. Scientists at the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and Utrecht University succeeded in developing a new indicator (proxy) of ancient CO2-levels, using the organic molecule phytane, a debris product of chlorophyll. This new organic proxy not only provides the most continuous record of CO2-concentrations ever, it also breaks a record in its time span, covering half a billion years. The data show the present idea that rises in CO2-levels that used to take millions of years, are now happening in a century. These findings are published in Science Advances on November 28th.

As CO2 increases today, it’s vital to understand what impact these changes will have. To better predict the future, we must understand long-term changes in CO2 over geologic history. Direct measurements of past CO2 are available, e.g. bubbles in ice cores containing ancient gases. However, ice cores have a limited time span of one million years. To go farther back in time, earth scientists have developed various indirect measurements of CO2 from proxies e.g. from algae, leaves, ancient soils and chemicals stored in ancient sediments to reconstruct past environmental conditions.

Phytane, a new way to travel in time

A new proxy, using a degradation product of chlorophyll, allows geochemists to infer a continuous record of historic CO2-levels in deep time. Scientists at NIOZ have recently developed phytane as a promising new organic proxy that uncovers half a billion years of CO2-levels in the oceans, from the Cambrian until recent times.

Using the new proxy, they were able to make the most continuous record of ancient carbon dioxide levels ever. “We developed and validated a new way to time travel — going farther back in time and to more places,” says NIOZ-scientist Caitlyn Witkowski. “With phytane, we now have the longest CO2-record with one single marine proxy. This new data is invaluable to modelers who can now more accurately make predictions of the future.”

Witkowski and colleagues selected more than 300 samples of marine sediments from deep sea cores and oils from all over the globe, reflecting the majority of geological periods in the last 500 million years.

Fossil molecules

Past chemical reactions can be ‘stored’ in fossil molecules, and so they may reflect various ancient environmental conditions. Geochemists are able to ‘read’ these conditions, such as seawater temperature, pH, salinity and CO2-levels. Organic matter, such as phytane, reflects the pressure of CO2 in ocean water or the atmosphere (pCO2).

Little green miracles

Although all organic matter has the potential to reflect CO2, phytane is special. Phytane is the pigment responsible for our green world. Anything that uses photosynthesis to absorb sunlight, including plants, algae, and some species of bacteria, has chlorophyll from which phytane comes. Plants and algae take in CO2 and produce oxygen. Without these little green miracles, our world just wouldn’t be the same.

Because chlorophyll is found all around the world, phytane is also everywhere and is a major constituent of decayed and fossilized biomass. “Phytane doesn’t chemically change over the course of time, even if it is millions of years old,” Witkowski says.

Carbon isotope fractionation

CO2 of the past is estimated from organic matter, such as phytane, through the phenomenon of carbon isotope fractionation during photosynthesis. When taking up CO2, plants and algae prefer the light carbon isotope (12C) over the heavy carbon isotope (13C). They only use the heavy carbon isotope when CO2-levels in the surrounding water or atmosphere are low. The proportion between these two isotopes therefore reflects the level of carbon dioxide in the environment at the moment of growth.

This also explains why Witkowski didn’t use terrestrial plants as a source for her research, exclusively using phytane from (fossilized) marine sources. The plant world is divided into so-called C3- and C4-plants, each with their own unique ratio of light-to-heavy carbon. Phytoplankton all have very similar ratios compared to their plant counterparts. Witkowski: “By choosing only marine sources, we could limit uncertainty of the phytane source in the dataset.”

“In our data, we see high levels of carbon dioxide, reaching 1000 ppm as opposed to today’s 410 ppm. In this respect, present day levels are not unique, but the speed of these changes have never been seen before. Changes that typically take millions of years are now happening in a century. This additional CO2-data may help us understand the future of our planet.” In future research, phytane can be used to go even further back in time than the Phanerozoic, the earliest found in two billion-year-old samples.

Caitlyn R. Witkowski, Johan W. H. Weijers, Brian Blais, Stefan Schouten, and Jaap S. Sinninghe Damst�. Molecular fossils from phytoplankton reveal secular Pco2 trend over the Phanerozoic. Science Advances, 2018 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aat4556

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research.

Blood-sucking flies have been spreading malaria for 100 million years

Mosquitoes in the amber.
Mosquitoes in the amber. Credit: © Kriss Szkurlatowski / Fotolia

The microorganisms that cause malaria, leishmaniasis and a variety of other illnesses today can be traced back at least to the time of dinosaurs, a study of amber-preserved blood-sucking insects and ticks show.

In addition to demonstrating the antiquity of vectors and their long-term association with parasitic microorganisms, the findings are remarkable for several reasons.

First, bloodsuckers like mosquitoes, fleas, sand flies, ticks and biting midges aren’t frequently found in amber, and rarer yet is evidence of any microorganisms they might have been carrying.

But a review by entomologist George Poinar of Oregon State University showed that amber from five regions around the world contained hematophagous arthropods carrying preserved, identifiable pathogens and parasites.

“Feeding on vertebrate blood evolved as an efficient way for certain insects and acarines to get protein for growth and reproduction,” said Poinar, professor emeritus in the College of Science and an international expert on plant and animal life forms found preserved in amber. “It’s likely that primitive mosquitoes and other arthropod vectors were present back in the Jurassic and were even transmitting pathogens at that period. This would have resulted in widely dispersed diseases, many of which were probably fatal to vertebrates when they first appeared.”

Poinar looked at bloodsucking insects and ticks encased in Dominican, Mexican, Baltic, Canadian and Burmese amber dating back from 15 million to 100 million years.

Among the vectors were mosquitoes, sand flies, biting midges, bat flies, black flies, fleas, kissing bugs and ticks. They carry a cornucopia of microorganisms that today cause diseases such as filariasis, sleeping sickness, river blindness, typhus, Lyme disease and, perhaps most significantly, malaria.

Malaria remains a relentless public health concern, with multiple nations reporting increases in infections for 2018. In Venezuela alone, Poinar notes, more than 650,000 new cases of malaria have been reported this year.

“Numerous malaria species parasitize vertebrates today, and we now know that over the past 100 million years, malaria was being vectored by mosquitoes, biting midges, bat flies and ticks,” Poinar said. “Obtaining fossil records of pathogens carried by biting arthropods establishes a timeline when and where various diseases appeared and how they could have affected the survival, extinction and distribution of vertebrates over time.”

Poinar stresses, however, that while his research shows what parasites and pathogens specific bloodsuckers were transmitting at particular periods and locations in the past, “these fossils are not old enough to tell us when and how associations between vectors, pathogens and vertebrates originated.”

Poinar believes that the microorganisms first infected blood-sucking arthropods and only after equilibria had been reached between them were the microorganisms then vectored to vertebrates.

“That topic has been and will continue to be under discussion for years to come,” he said.

George Poinar. Vertebrate pathogens vectored by ancient hematophagous arthropods. Historical Biology, 2018; 1 DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2018.1545018

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Oregon State University. Original written by Steve Lundeberg.

A large volcanic eruption shook Deception Island 3,980 years ago

Deception Island.
Deception Island. Credit: Antonio Álvarez-Valero

A large volcanic eruption shook Deception Island, in Antarctica, 3,980 years ago, and not 8,300, as it was previously thought, according to an international study published in Scientific Reports, in which researchers from the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera have participated. This event was the largest eruption in the austral continent during the Holocene (the last 11,700 years after the last great glaciation on Earth), and was comparable in volume of ejected rock to the Tambora volcano eruption in 1815. The eruption formed the caldera of the volcano, one of the most active in Antarctica, with more than 20 eruptions registered in the last 200 years.

In the study, whose first author was Dermot Antoniades, from the University of Laval, Canada have taken part researchers from the Universities of Barcelona (UB), Salamanca (USAL), and Cambridge and Leicester (UK), CREAF, the Centre for Research, and Monitoring and Evaluation of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, and Centre for Hydrographic Studies (CEDEX).

According to the age published in this new study, a volcanic eruption caldera collapse type took place 3980 years ago. The emptying of the magmatic chamber, the zone of magma accumulation that fuelled the eruption, during this violent eruptive event caused a sudden pressure drop which in turn caused the collapse of the upper part of the volcano. As a result, a depression between 8 and 10 kilometres in diameter was formed, which is what today gives to Deception Island its particular horseshoe shape. The caldera collapse would have caused a seismic event of great magnitude whose trace was recorded in the sediments accumulated in the lakes’ bottom of Livingstone Island.

The lacustrine sediment cores were recovered during the Antarctic campaigns of the HOLOANTAR project, between 2012 and 2014. This fieldwork was lead and coordinated by Marc Oliva, then researcher at Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento of the University of Lisboa and now Ramon y Cajal researcher at University of Barcelona (UB). Oliva is coauthor of this study.

“The initial objective of the study was purely climatic, since we wanted to reconstruct the climate fluctuations of this region for the last 11,700 years using different proxies found in the sediments of the Byers Peninsula lakes, about 40 kilometres north of Deception Island. However, the presence of a different sediment layer in all lakes and of the same age after a thick layer of tephra surprised us,” said Sergi Pla, researcher at CREAF and coauthor of the study.

“Later geochemical and biological analyses indicated us that these sediments had terrestrial origin and were deposited abruptly in the lake’s bottom. These results suggested the occurrence of a major earthquake that affected all this area; put us on the track that, perhaps, we were not facing a common earthquake but the one generated by the collapse of the caldera of the Deception Island volcano. From here on, we pulled the thread,” explained Santiago Giralt, researcher at ICTJA-CSIC and co-author of the study.

The exact date of the eruption was obtained using different geochemical, petrological and paleolimnological techniques applied on the sediment cores from 4 lakes of the Byers Peninsula from Livingston island.

These sedimentary records contained several direct and indirect pieces of evidence of the volcanic event that occurred in Deception Island. “The recovered sedimentary records showed a common pattern: first the volcanic ash from Deception Island eruption, overlaid by a sediment layer almost one meter thick composed by material dragged from the lakes’ shores to their bottom due to the large earthquake and, finally, the common lake sediments, which are characterized by an alternation of clays and mosses,” explained Santiago Giralt.

One of the challenges that faced this study was to characterize the origin of the ashes produced during the volcanic eruption. For that, pressure and temperature conditions of the magmas that originated this eruption were calculated using the ashes present in the sediment cores. “Using this methodology, we were able to estimate the depth of all studied samples and to determine if they were part of the same magma and eruptive episode,” said Antonio Álvarez Valero, researcher from the University of Salamanca (USAL) and co-author of this study.

The study also estimates that the eruption had a Volcanic Explosive Index (VEI) around 6 which possibly makes it the largest known Holocene eruptive episode in the Antarctic continent.

“This colossal episode of eruptive caldera collapse ejected between 30 and 60 cubic kilometres of ash, comparable in volume to the eruption of the Tambora volcano in 1815, an event that is attributed to a global temperature cooling that resulted in a series of bad harvests in Europe, in what is known as the “year without summer,” explains Adelina Geyer, ICTJA-CSIC researcher and co-author of the study.

“It is very important to be able to date this type of eruptions that allow us to understand the climatic changes caused by volcanic eruptions, in this particular case at high austral latitudes,” adds the Geyer.

As suggested by this study, this eruption could have had significant climatic and ecological impacts in a large area of the southern region, although more studies and new data are needed to precisely characterize what the real effects on the climate of this large eruptive event.

Dermot Antoniades, Santiago Giralt, Adelina Geyer, Antonio M. Álvarez-Valero, Sergi Pla-Rabes, Ignacio Granados, Emma J. Liu, Manuel Toro, John L. Smellie, Marc Oliva. The timing and widespread effects of the largest Holocene volcanic eruption in Antarctica. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-35460-x

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Detective mission to characterise and trace the history of a new African meteorite

Close-up of the meteorite fragment showing the fusion crust.
Close-up of the meteorite fragment showing the fusion crust. Credit: Wits University

Wits researchers go on a mission to describe, classify and trace the 4.5 billion-year-old history of a meteorite that landed in Madagascar.

Researchers from Wits and colleagues from the University of Antananarivo in Madagascar are on a “detective mission” to describe, classify and trace the history of a meteorite that landed in and around the small town of Benenitra in southwestern Madagascar shortly before the lunar eclipse on 27 July 2018.

News of the event in this remote area was brought to the attention of a Wits Geosciences graduate, Tim Marais, who was travelling in the area a few days after the meteorite fall. He collected some preliminary eyewitness accounts that reported a bright meteor fireball, a loud explosion and a rain of rock fragments that fell in and around Benenitra that, fortuitously, appear to have missed all people and buildings, and he was able to acquire several small fragments that residents had managed to locate. He delivered these to Professors Roger Gibson and Lewis Ashwal in the School of Geosciences at Wits and asked them to verify their extra-terrestrial origin. The signs of a dark fusion crust and small spheres in the rock matrix that were visible on broken surfaces appeared promising and the School’s Senior Technician, Caiphas Majola, was immediately commissioned to prepare a thin section of one of the fragments for microscopic analysis.

Tracing the history

Assessment of the thin section confirmed that it was, indeed, a meteorite and, more specifically, a relatively common type called a chondrite, referring to the small spherical chondrules that it contains. This established that the meteorite dates from the formation of our Solar System about 4.56 billion years ago.

At the same time, a news report appeared in the local Triatra Gazettenewspaper on 4 August regarding the eyewitness reports and showing a large specimen with a similar black fusion crust. To corroborate the event scientifically, the team approached Dr. Andry Ramanantsoa of the Laboratory of Seismology and Infrasound at the Institute and Observatory of Geophysics at the University of Antananarivo to investigate if there was any evidence that a significant explosion occurred in the atmosphere above Madagascar sometime in the evening of 27 July. Ramanantsoa was able to confirm, using infrasound data from the international Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Infrasound Station IS33 outside Antananarivo, that there had, indeed, been an “upper atmosphere energy release event” at 5.16 p.m. GMT (7.16 p.m. local time). Furthermore, he was able to identify that it occurred in a direction south-southwest of Antananarivo – the exact bearing of Benenitra.

The next step was to see if the blast wave from the atmospheric detonation was sufficiently large to have caused a ground vibration that could be detected by geophysical seismometers. For this the team turned to Dr. Andriamiranto (Ranto) Raveloson, a Postdoctoral Fellow and Technical Manager of the Africa Array Seismic Network that is co-ordinated from Wits. He was able to confirm a very faint seismic tremor at 5.17 p.m. GMT on the same night. The final confirmation that the fragment was related to a fall on 27 July was obtained from Dr. Matthias Laubenstein from the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare in Italy, who measured the meteorite for rare cosmogenic nuclides that are created when an asteroid in Space is bombarded by high-energy cosmic rays. His measurements showed high levels of cosmogenic nuclides, consistent with the meteorite having entered Earth’s protective atmosphere only within the past few months.

Based on these findings, the team has submitted a request to the international Meteoritical Society to officially name and register Africa’s newest meteorite – Benenitra—on its database.

Classifying Africa’s newest meteorite

Ashwal and Gibson have refined the meteorite classification as an L6 chondrite. The name refers to the fact that it contains a low amount of iron (the “L”), and that it contains recognizable chondrules. Chondrules are the original building blocks of rocky bodies – such as asteroids and the Inner Planets – in Space. As these bodies grew larger, heat built up inside them – partly through gravitational collapse and partly because of radioactive elements – which caused the metals and chondrules to recrystallise and maybe even melt. Where temperatures were sufficiently high to melt the body, the denser metals were then able to settle towards the core of the body, with the less dense silicate melts rising towards the surface. Eventually the body would have cooled down sufficiently to solidify. The Benenitra meteorite appears to have got quite hot (the number “6” refers to the high amount of recrystallisation that occurred within the chondrules owing to this heating process) but only melted partially, allowing some of the chondrules to survive.

Poor Man’s Space Probe

The meteorite also has a thin shock-melt vein that is most likely related to a collision with another asteroid that shattered the original body and sent the fragment spinning off on its eventual collision course with Earth.

“Meteorites are commonly called The Poor Man’s Space Probe, because they deliver rocks from Outer Space to our door for free, where we can study the birth and history of other parts of our Solar System” says Gibson. The Benenitra meteorite fragment is being subjected to a range of other tests to establish properties such as its density and magnetism, and the team plans to write the results up soon in a scientific paper.

“The Benenitra meteorite is a new Space rock, but it is also a witnessed fall, which makes it part of special group of meteorites. It is part of our collective heritage as a species, planet and Solar System. It fell in a remote area that will henceforth be recognised internationally for the event on the evening of 27 July. Our project provides an opportunity to further strengthen scientific collaboration in the SADC region. Ultimately, one of our goals is to inform the people of Benenitra about the significance of what they witnessed and thus build greater awareness of science,” says Gibson.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Wits University.

Gigantic mammal ‘cousin’ discovered

During the Triassic period (252-201 million years ago) mammal-like reptiles called therapsids co-existed with ancestors to dinosaurs, crocodiles, mammals, pterosaurs, turtles, frogs, and lizards.
During the Triassic period (252-201 million years ago) mammal-like reptiles called therapsids co-existed with ancestors to dinosaurs, crocodiles, mammals, pterosaurs, turtles, frogs, and lizards. One group of therapsids are the dicynodonts. Researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden, together with colleagues in Poland, have discovered fossils from a new genus of gigantic dicynodont. The new species Lisowicia bojani is described in the journal Science. Credit: Tomasz Sulej

During the Triassic period (252-201 million years ago) mammal-like reptiles called therapsids co-existed with ancestors to dinosaurs, crocodiles, mammals, pterosaurs, turtles, frogs, and lizards. One group of therapsids are the dicynodonts. Researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden, together with colleagues in Poland, have discovered fossils from a new genus of gigantic dicynodont. The new species Lisowicia bojani is described in the journal Science.

The earth is about 4.5 billion years old and has gone through many geological periods and dramatic change. During the Triassic period, about 252-201 million years ago, all land on Earth came together and formed the massive continent called Pangea. During this time, the first dinosaurs came into being as well as ancestors to crocodiles, mammals, pterosaurs, turtles, frogs, and lizards. Recently, scientists have become interested in another type of animal, therapsids. Therapsids were “mammal-like” reptiles and are ancestors to the mammals, including humans, found today. One group of therapsids is called dicynodonts. All species of dicynodonts were herbivores (plant eaters) and their sizes ranged from small burrowers to large browsers. Most of them were also toothless. They survived the Permian mass extinction and became the dominant terrestrial herbivores in the Middle and Late Triassic. They were thought to have died out before the dinosaurs became the dominant form of tetrapod on land.

For the first time, researchers in the research programme Evolution and Development at Uppsala University in collaboration with researchers at the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw), have discovered fossils from a new species of dicynodont in the Polish village of Lisowice. The species was named Lisowicia bojani after the village and a German comparative anatomist named Ludwig Heinrich Bojanus who worked in Vilnius and is known for making several important anatomical discoveries. The findings show that the Lisowicia was about the size of a modern-day elephant, about 4.5 metres long, 2.6 metres high and weighed approximately 9 tons, which is 40 percent larger than any previously identified dicynodont. Analysis of the limb bones showed that they had a fast growth, much like a mammal or a dinosaur. It lived during the Late Triassic, about 210-205 million years ago, about 10 million years later than previous findings of dicynodonts.

“The discovery of Lisowicia changes our ideas about the latest history of dicynodonts, mammal Triassic relatives. It also raises far more questions about what really make them and dinosaurs so large,” says Dr Tomasz Sulej, Polish Academy of Sciences.

“Dicynodonts were amazingly successful animals in the Middle and Late Triassic. Lisowicia is the youngest dicynodont and the largest non-dinosaurian terrestrial tetrapod from the Triassic. It’s natural to want to know how dicynodonts became so large. Lisowicia is hugely exciting because it blows holes in many of our classic ideas of Triassic ‘mammal-like reptiles’,” says Dr Grzegorz Niedzwiedzki, Uppsala University.

The first findings of fossils from Lisowice in Poland were made in 2005 by Robert Borz?cki and Piotr Menducki. Since then, more than 1,000 bones and bone fragments have been collected from the area, including fossils from Lisowicia. The area is thought to have been a river deposit during the Late Triassic period.

The discovery of Lisowicia provides the first evidence that mammal-like elephant sized dicynodonts were present at the same time as the more well-known long-necked sauropodomorph dinosaurs, contrary to previous belief. Sauropodomorphs include species like the Diplodocus or Brachiosaurus. It fills a gap in the fossil record of dicynodonts and it shows that some anatomical features of limbs thought to characterize large mammals or dinosaurs evolved also in the non-mammalian synapsid. Finally, these findings from Poland are the first substantial finds of dicynodonts from the Late Triassic in Europe.

“The discovery of such an important new species is a once in a lifetime discovery,” says Dr Tomasz Sulej.

Tomasz Sulej, Grzegorz Niedźwiedzki. An elephant-sized Late Triassic synapsid with erect limbs. Science, 2018; eaal4853 DOI: 10.1126/science.aal4853

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Uppsala University.

Evolution: South Africa’s hominin record is a fair-weather friend

Field photograph of massive flowstone layers from one of the South African hominin caves, with red cave sediments underneath.
Field photograph of massive flowstone layers from one of the South African hominin caves, with red cave sediments underneath. Credit: Robyn Pickering

New research from an international team of scientists led by University of Cape Town isotope geochemist Dr Robyn Pickering is the first to provide a timeline for fossils from the caves within the Cradle of Humankind. It also sheds light on the climate conditions of our earliest ancestors in the area.

Published online in the journal Nature on 21 November 2018, the work corrects assumptions that the region’s fossil-rich caves could never be related to each other. In fact, the research suggests fossils from Cradle caves date to just six specific time periods.

“Unlike previous dating work, which often focused on one cave, sometimes even just one chamber of the cave, we are providing direct ages for eight caves and a model to explain the age of all the fossils from the entire region,” says Dr Robyn Pickering.

“Now we can link together the findings from separate caves and create a better picture of evolutionary history in southern Africa.”

The Cradle of Humankind is a World Heritage Site made up of complex fossil-bearing caves. It’s the world’s richest early hominin site and home to nearly 40% of all known human ancestor fossils, including the famous Australopithecus africanus skull nicknamed Mrs Ples.

Using uranium-lead dating, researchers analysed 28 flowstone layers that were found sandwiched between fossil-rich sediment in eight caves across the Cradle. The results revealed that the fossils in these caves date to six narrow time-windows between 3.2 and 1.3 million years ago.

“The flowstones are the key,” says Pickering. “We know they can only grow in caves during wet times, when there is more rain outside the cave. By dating the flowstones, we are picking out these times of increased rainfall. We therefore know that during the times in between, when the caves were open, the climate was drier and more like what we currently experience.”

This means the early hominins living in the Cradle experienced big changes in local climate, from wetter to drier conditions, at least six times between 3 and 1 million years ago. However, only the drier times are preserved in the caves, skewing the record of early human evolution.

Up until now, the lack of dating methods for Cradle fossils made it difficult for scientists to understand the relationship between East and South Africa hominin species. Moreover, the South African record has often been considered undateable compared to East Africa where volcanic ash layers allow for high resolution dating.

Professor Andy Herries, a co-author in the study at La Trobe University in Australia, notes that “while the South African record was the first to show Africa as the origin point for humans, the complexity of the caves and difficultly dating them has meant that the South African record has remained difficult to interpret.”

“In this study we show that the flowstones in the caves can act almost like the volcanic layers of East Africa, forming in different caves at the same time, allowing us to directly relate their sequences and fossils into a regional sequence,” he says.

Dr Pickering began dating the Cradle caves back in 2005 as part of her PhD research. This new publication is the result of 13 years of work and brings together a team of 10 scientists from South Africa, Australia and the US. The results return the Cradle to the forefront and open new opportunities for scientists to answer complex questions about human history in the region.

“Robyn and her team have made a major contribution to our understanding of human evolution,” says leading palaeoanthropologist Professor Bernard Wood, of the Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology at the George Washington University in the USA, who is not an author on the study.

“This is the most important advance to be made since the fossils themselves were discovered. Dates of fossils matter a lot. The value of the southern African evidence has been increased many-fold by this exemplary study of its temporal and depositional context.”

Robyn Pickering, Andy I. R. Herries, Jon D. Woodhead, John C. Hellstrom, Helen E. Green, Bence Paul, Terrence Ritzman, David S. Strait, Benjamin J. Schoville, Phillip J. Hancox. U–Pb-dated flowstones restrict South African early hominin record to dry climate phases. Nature, 2018; DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0711-0

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Cape Town.

Human ancestors not to blame for ancient mammal extinctions in Africa

A fossil tooth of a hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) (left) and a fossil tooth of a white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) (right) , two of the few surviving megaherbivores, from the Late Pleistocene of western Kenya (left).
A fossil tooth of a hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius) (left) and a fossil tooth of a white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) (right) , two of the few surviving megaherbivores, from the Late Pleistocene of western Kenya (left). Credit: J. Tyler Faith

New research disputes a long-held view that our earliest tool-bearing ancestors contributed to the demise of large mammals in Africa over the last several million years. Instead, the researchers argue that long-term environmental change drove the extinctions, mainly in the form of grassland expansion likely caused by falling atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels.

Tyler Faith, curator of archaeology at the Natural History Museum of Utah and assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Utah, led the study. The research team also includes John Rowan from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Andrew Du from the University of Chicago, and Paul Koch from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

The study is published today in the journal Science.

“Despite decades of literature asserting that early hominins impacted ancient African faunas, there have been few attempts to actually test this scenario or to explore alternatives,” Faith says. “We think our study is a major step towards understanding the depth of anthropogenic impacts on large mammal communities, and provides a convincing counter-argument to these long-held views about our early ancestors.”

To test for ancient hominin impacts, the researchers compiled a seven-million-year record of herbivore extinctions in eastern Africa, focusing on the very largest species, the so-called ‘megaherbivores’ (species over 2,000 lbs.) Though only five megaherbivores exist in Africa today, there was a much greater diversity in the past. For example, three-million-year-old ‘Lucy’ (Australopithecus afarensis) shared her woodland landscape with three giraffes, two rhinos, a hippo, and four elephant-like species at Hadar, Ethiopia.

When and why these species disappeared has long been a mystery for archaeologists and paleontologists, despite the evolution of tool-using and meat-eating hominins getting most of the blame.

“Our analyses show that there is a steady, long-term decline of megaherbivore diversity beginning around 4.6 million years ago. This extinction process kicks in over a million years before the very earliest evidence for human ancestors making tools or butchering animal carcasses and well before the appearance of any hominin species realistically capable of hunting them, like Homo erectus,” says Faith.

Taking a Closer Look

Faith and his team quantified long-term changes in eastern African megaherbivores using a dataset of more than 100 fossil assemblages spanning the last seven million years. The team also examined independent records of climatic and environmental trends and their effects, specifically global atmospheric CO2, stable carbon isotope records of vegetation structure, and stable carbon isotopes of eastern African fossil herbivore teeth, among others.

Their analysis reveals that over the last seven million years substantial megaherbivore extinctions occurred: 28 lineages became extinct, leading to the present-day communities lacking in large animals. These results highlight the great diversity of ancient megaherbivore communities, with many having far more megaherbivore species than exist today across Africa as a whole.

Further analysis showed that the onset of the megaherbivore decline began roughly 4.6 million years ago, and that the rate of diversity decline did not change following the appearance of Homo erectus, a human ancestor often blamed for the extinctions. Rather, Faith’s team argues that climate is more likely culprit.

“The key factor in the Plio-Pleistocene megaherbivore decline seems to be the expansion of grasslands, which is likely related to a global drop in atmospheric CO2 over the last five million years,” says John Rowan, a postdoctoral scientist from University of Massachusetts Amherst. “Low CO2 levels favor tropical grasses over trees, and as a consequence savannas became less woody and more open through time. We know that many of the extinct megaherbivores fed on woody vegetation, so they seem to disappear alongside their food source.”

The loss of massive herbivores may also account for other extinctions that have also been attributed to ancient hominins. Some scientist suggest that competition with increasingly carnivorous species of Homo led to the demise of numerous carnivores over the last few million years. Faith and his team suggest an alternative.

“We know there are also major extinctions among African carnivores at this time and that some of them, like saber-tooth cats, may have specialized on very large prey, perhaps juvenile elephants” says Paul Koch. “It could be that some of these carnivores disappeared with their megaherbivore prey.”

“Looking at all of the potential drivers of the megaherbivore decline, our analyses suggest that changing climate and environment played the key role in Africa’s past extinctions,” said Faith. “It follows that in the search for ancient hominin impacts on ancient African ecosystems, we must focus our attention on the one species known to be capable of causing them — us, Homo sapiens, over the last 300,000 years.”

J. Tyler Faith, John Rowan, Andrew Du, Paul L. Koch. Plio-Pleistocene decline of African megaherbivores: No evidence for ancient hominin impacts. Science, 2018; 362 (6417): 938 DOI: 10.1126/science.aau2728

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Utah.

Earth’s cobalt deposits formed much later than previously believed

cobalt-copper ore
UAlberta geologists have used a new technique to measure the age of cobalt-copper ore in Central Africa—showing the deposits are 150 million years younger than previously thought. The findings could lead to the discovery of more sources of cobalt around the world. Photo credit: Getty Images.

Cobalt deposits in one of Earth’s largest cobalt-mining regions are 150 million years younger than previously thought, according to a new study by University of Alberta geologists.

Working with former post-doctoral fellow Nicolas Saintilan, U of A geochemist Robert Creaser, Canada Research Chair in Isotope Geochemistry, used a new, rhenium-osmium dating system to examine the rich cobalt deposits in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Their results show that cobalt and copper mineralization occurred during a period of mountain building and deformation between 610 and 470 million years ago, suggesting that the deposits formed 100 to 150 million years more recently than originally thought.

The study also provides critical insight into exploration for cobalt, an important component in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries used in everything from smartphones to hybrid cars.

“Using this new knowledge of the timing of events that formed cobalt deposits, we can target regions for exploring known cobalt deposits and discovering new ones,” said Creaser.

Cobalt enables rechargeable batteries to stock energy without overheating. It is a strategic metal for the technological revolution, critical in efforts to face and remediate climate change.

Because of its use in lithium-ion batteries, cobalt is a hot commodity on the international market—creating steep competition. Most large cobalt deposits are located in developing or poverty-stricken regions in Central Africa. Exploration can be mired in human rights, geopolitical and sustainability issues, Creaser explained.

“The conundrum is that the western world needs cobalt, and the conditions in some places we currently get it from can be exploitative.

“The biggest value of this research is opening the possibility of finding more prospective areas worldwide for sources of cobalt. This background information helps exploration geologists develop ideas of where and where not to look,” said Creaser.

The research was supported by David Selby at Durham University in the United Kingdom. Key samples were provided by Stijn Dewaele at the Royal Museum for Central Africa in Belgium.

The paper, “Sulphide Re-Os Geochronology Links Orogenesis, Salt and Cu-Co Ores in the Central African Copperbelt,” was published in Scientific Reports.

N. J. Saintilan et al. Sulphide Re-Os geochronology links orogenesis, salt and Cu-Co ores in the Central African Copperbelt, Scientific Reports (2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-33399-7

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Alberta.

Oil extraction likely triggered mid-century earthquakes in L.A.

Angelenos play below derricks at Huntington Beach pier, c. 1930-40. In the early decades of the twentieth century, LA residents accepted ground subsidence and small earthquakes as the cost of producing oil. But discontent began to rumble in the late 1930s. Rapid exploitation of Wilmington, one of the largest oil fields in California, and the Huntington Beach field caused Long Beach harbor to sink, buckling railway lines and forcing the city to build higher piers. Credit: Orange County Archives
Angelenos play below derricks at Huntington Beach pier, c. 1930-40. In the early decades of the twentieth century, LA residents accepted ground subsidence and small earthquakes as the cost of producing oil. But discontent began to rumble in the late 1930s. Rapid exploitation of Wilmington, one of the largest oil fields in California, and the Huntington Beach field caused Long Beach harbor to sink, buckling railway lines and forcing the city to build higher piers. Credit: Orange County Archives

World War II-era oil pumping under Los Angeles likely triggered a rash of mid-sized earthquakes in the 1930s and 1940s, potentially leading seismologists to overestimate the earthquake potential in the region, according to new research published in AGU’s Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

Six independent earthquakes and two aftershocks of magnitude 4.4 to 5.1 shook L.A. between 1935 and 1944, a rate of about one every two years. The area also experienced a higher rate of low-intensity earthquakes during that time frame. After 1945, the rate dropped to one moderate earthquake every seven years.

The new study re-examined historical information about the earthquakes from archived newspaper reports of earthquake damage, postcard questionnaires collected by the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and other sources pulled from old files and the dusty corners of cyberspace.

The authors used this information to refine the earthquake locations identified by early earth-motion sensors. The first seismometers in the United States began monitoring earthquake activity in the L.A. region in 1932. It is known that these early instruments could err in locating earthquake epicenters by tens of miles because of the limitations of their clocks, and because the low-sensitivity instruments were so few, according to the study’s authors. Extrapolation of earthquake location from seismometer recordings relies on accurate time measurements.

Damage reports, which often specified street addresses or intersections, pinpointed confined regions of maximum damage at a distance from the locations indicated by these early seismometers and close to many active oil fields, according to the new research. The new study modeled stress on local faults based on archived data, finding areas of high stress matched the relocated epicenters.

“All these little earthquakes happened in the 1930s. It looked like the L.A. region was very active seismically, and of course it is quite active, but if you throw away those earthquakes induced by oil you come up with a lower rate of seismicity,” said Roger Bilham, a geologist at the University of Colorado Boulder and an author of the new study.

Unlike recent earthquakes associated with hydraulic fracturing in Oklahoma, the mid-century events were not caused by deep fluid injection but were likely caused by taking oil out of the ground, according to the new study.

The wide adoption in the late 1950s of water-flooding wells to recover more oil from waning reserves likely resolved the problem by balancing the volume of oil extracted with water injected, a technique now used around the world. Oil production does not cause earthquakes in L.A. today.

Most earthquakes in California are naturally caused and the L.A. region is seismically active. The new study’s authors said human industry in the L.A. basin in early twentieth century likely pushed some faults that were already under stress over the edge.

“If you do anything to the Earth, it always offers you an answer.” Bilham said. “These earthquakes that we modeled probably would have happened in the next few hundred years anyway. If an earthquake’s about to go, it doesn’t take much to make it happen sooner.”

L.A. oil boom

More than 9 billion barrels of oil have come out of the ground in the L.A. region since pioneering oil barons first tapped the Los Angeles City oil field in 1892.

Three of the earthquakes investigated in the new study occurred in the Wilmington and Torrence fields, where operators ramped up production rapidly in the late 1930 and early 1940s to support demand from the war. Oil companies sank more wells and drilled deeper, reaching the depth of active faults. The new study noted a pattern of earthquakes occurring within a few months of well expansion below 3 kilometers (1.9 miles).

The new study argues the cluster of earthquakes in the 1930s and 1940s could not be explained as aftershocks of the 1933 magnitude-6.3 Long Beach earthquake, as has been proposed by some seismologists, but were more likely instigated by pressure changes from pumping oil.

The oil companies themselves knew pumping was causing earthquakes, according to Bilham, because frequent small quakes within the oilfields damaged the wells, sometimes shutting down production for months. The expense of compensating for small earthquakes partially motivated the adoption of secondary oil recovery through water-flooding, he said.

“It turns out it would be almost impossible for the things they were doing in the 1930s not to produce earthquakes,” Bilham said. “In California, they were sucking out the oil so fast they were setting up these giant stresses near the oil fields, forces enough to break rock. And we know that they did break the rock because they produced earthquakes in the oil fields that severed the pipes.”

Seismological cold cases

Pumping increased the risk of sudden movement in nearby faults because removing fluid from the ground dropped the pressure under the wells, pulling on the surrounding rock.

Land sagged over sites of active pumping, sometimes leaving a visible dimple on the landscape. Based on records of the volume of oil pumped from the fields and the amount of subsidence, the authors of the new study calculated stresses induced in the rock. Damage reports from the time matched the areas of high stress.

“We know exactly how much Long Beach subsided, and we also know how much oil had been extracted and at what depth. So we were able to do a calculation to see whether the two things matched, and the calculation showed that it did,” Bilham said. “Armed with that, we asked ourselves what kinds of stresses occur at oil field depths, or near where these earthquakes were occurring. The stress turns out to be huge.”

David Simpson, president emeritus of the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology and a seismologist uninvolved in the new study, said scientists are constrained by the data available when looking at old cases, and there is always some possibility that these earthquakes were natural events, but he found the approach persuasive. Bringing relatively well-documented historic cases into discussion, he said, is important to advance policy, as well as the scientific and technical understanding of earthquakes.

“Going back and looking at old data with modern techniques—it’s a way of dusting off old cold cases in seismology, being the detective and trying to put the pieces together,” Simpson said. “It’s important to go back and look at these older cases and they’ve done, I think, a very careful job of reevaluating the data and looking for the possible connections.”

Susan E. Hough et al. Revisiting Earthquakes in the Los Angeles, California, Basin During the Early Instrumental Period: Evidence for an Association with Oil Production, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (2018). DOI: 10.1029/2017JB014616

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by American Geophysical Union.
This story is republished courtesy of AGU Blogs (, a community of Earth and space science blogs, hosted by the American Geophysical Union.

Fight over dinosaur fossils comes down to what’s a mineral

two fossilized dinosaur skeletons found on a Montana
In this Nov. 14, 2013 file photo, one of two “dueling dinosaur” fossils is displayed in New York. Ownership of two fossilized dinosaur skeletons found on a Montana ranch in 2006 are the subject of a legal battle over whether they are part of a property’s surface rights or mineral rights. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a split decision saying fossils are minerals under mineral rights laws. Credit: AP Photo/Seth Wenig

About 66 million years after two dinosaurs died apparently locked in battle on the plains of modern-day Montana, an unusual fight over who owns the entangled fossils has become a multimillion-dollar issue that hinges on the legal definition of “mineral.”

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last week that the “Dueling Dinosaurs” located on private land are minerals both scientifically and under mineral rights laws. The fossils belong both to the owners of the property where they were found and two brothers who kept two-thirds of the mineral rights to the land once owned by their father, a three-judge panel said in a split decision.

Eric Edward Nord, an attorney for the property owners, said the case is complex in dealing with who owns what’s on top of land vs. the minerals that make it up and addresses a unique question of mineral rights law related to dinosaur fossils that no court in the country has taken up before.

His clients own part of a ranch in the Hell Creek Formation of eastern Montana that’s rich with prehistoric fossils, including the Dueling Dinosaurs whose value had been appraised at $7 million to $9 million.

Lige and Mary Ann Murray bought it from George Severson, who also transferred part of his interest in the ranch to his sons, Jerry and Robert Severson. In 2005, the brothers sold their surface rights to the Murrays, but retained the mineral rights, court documents said.

At the time, neither side suspected valuable dinosaur fossils were buried on the ranch, court records said. A few months later, amateur paleontologist Clayton Phipps discovered the carnivore and herbivore apparently locked in battle. Imprints of the dinosaurs’ skin were also in the sediment.

A dispute arose in 2008 when the Seversons learned about the fossils—a 22-foot-long (7-meter-long) theropod and a 28-foot-long (9-meter-long) ceratopsian.

The Murrays sought a court order saying they owned the Dueling Dinosaurs, while the Seversons asked a judge to find that fossils are part of the property’s mineral estate and that they were entitled to partial ownership.

It had wider implications because the ranch is in an area that has numerous prehistoric creatures preserved in layers of clay and sandstone. Paleontologists have unearthed thousands of specimens now housed in museums and used for research.

But fossils discovered on private land can be privately owned, frustrating paleontologists who say valuable scientific information is being lost.

During the court case, the Dueling Dinosaurs were put up for auction in New York in November 2013. Bidding topped out at $5.5 million, less than the reserve price of $6 million.

A nearly complete Tyrannosaurus rex found on the property was sold to a Dutch museum for several million dollars in 2014, with the proceeds being held in escrow pending the outcome of the court case.

Other fossils found on the ranch also have been sold, including a triceratops skull that brought in more than $200,000, court records said.

The 9th Circuit decision on Nov. 6 overturned a federal judge’s 2016 opinion that fossils were not included in the ordinary definition of “mineral” because not all fossils with the same mineral composition are considered valuable.

“The composition of minerals found in the fossils does not make them valuable or worthless,” U.S. District Judge Susan Watters of Billings wrote. “Instead, the value turns on characteristics other than mineral composition, such as the completeness of the specimen, the species of dinosaur and how well it is preserved.”

The Seversons had appealed, arguing previous court cases determined that naturally occurring materials that have some special value meet the definition of minerals.

Attorneys for the Murrays asked the 9th Circuit this week for an extension of a Nov. 21 deadline to petition the judges to reconsider or for a hearing before an 11-judge panel.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by The Associated Press.

Tiny raptor tracks lead to big discovery

Dinosaur reconstructions by Dr Anthony Romilio
Dinosaur reconstructions by Dr Anthony Romilio. Credit: University of Queensland

Tracks made by dinosaurs the size of sparrows have been discovered in South Korea by an international team of palaeontologists.

University of Queensland researcher Dr. Anthony Romilio was part of the team which described the tracks, which were originally found by Professor Kyung Soo Kim from Chinju National University of Education, South Korea.

“These 110-million-year-old footprints and trackways were made by carnivorous dinosaurs commonly known as raptors,” Dr. Romilio said.

“These new tracks are just one centimetre in length, which means the dinosaur that made them was an animal you could have easily held in your hand.

“They are the world’s smallest dinosaur tracks.”

To estimate the size of the dinosaur that made the tracks, the team measured the footprint length and multiplied the value by 4.5 to get an approximate hip height.

“The diminutive sizes of these new tracks are extraordinary; the tracks were made by tiny dinosaurs about the size of sparrows,” Dr. Romilio said.

“Raptors placed only two of their toes on the ground, while the third toe was retracted like a cat’s claw.”

The research team are unsure if the tracks were made by a small adult species, or baby dinosaurs.

“Very small dinosaur species like the Chinese Microraptor were crow-sized, but these had feet too large to match the South Korean footprints,” Dr. Romilio said.

“If the tracks were made by dinosaur chicks, we are unclear as to the specific dinosaur that made them, since dinosaurs such as Velociraptor and Utahraptor had larger feet then the ones discovered in these new tracks.”

Professor Kim said the Cretaceous lake deposits at the discovery site created perfect conditions that allowed for the preservation of tiny footprints rarely found elsewhere.

“In addition to tiny dinosaur tracks, we have footprints made by birds, pterosaurs, lizards, turtles, mammals, and even frogs,” he said.

“We have named these small tracks Dromaeosauriformipes rarus, which means rare footprints made by a member of the raptor family known as dromaeosaurs,” Professor Kim said.

The research is published in Scientific Reports and included scientists from South Korea, the United States, China, Spain and Australia.

Kyung Soo Kim et al. Smallest known raptor tracks suggest microraptorine activity in lakeshore setting, Scientific Reports (2018). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-35289-4

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by University of Queensland.

Volcanoes and glaciers combine as powerful methane producers

Dr Peter Wynn, Lancaster University, taking a sample in Iceland. Credit: Dr Hugh Tuffen
Dr Peter Wynn, Lancaster University, taking a sample in Iceland. Credit: Dr Hugh Tuffen

Large amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane are being released from an Icelandic glacier, scientists have discovered.

A study of Sólheimajökull glacier, which flows from the active, ice-covered volcano Katla, shows that up to 41 tonnes of methane is being released through meltwaters every day during the summer months. This is roughly equivalent to the methane produced by more than 136,000 belching cows.

The Lancaster university-led research, which is featured in Scientific Reports, is the first published field study to show methane release from glaciers on this scale.

“This is a huge amount of methane lost from the glacial meltwater stream into the atmosphere,” said Dr Peter Wynn, a glacial biogeochemist from the Lancaster Environment Centre and corresponding author of the study. “It greatly exceeds average methane loss from non-glacial rivers to the atmosphere reported in the scientific literature. It rivals some of the world’s most methane-producing wetlands; and represents more than twenty times the known methane emissions of all Europe’s other volcanoes put together.”

Dr Wynn added: “Methane has a global warming potential 28 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2). It is therefore important that we know about different sources of methane being released to the atmosphere and how they might change in the future.

“There has been a lot of speculation about whether or not glaciers can release methane. The beds of glaciers contain the perfect cocktail of conditions for methane production — microbes, low oxygen, organic matter and water — along with an impermeable cap of ice on the surface trapping the methane beneath.

“However, nobody has thoroughly investigated this in the field before and this is the strongest evidence yet that glaciers are releasing methane.”

The study comes out of PhD research carried out by Dr Rebecca Burns when she was a graduate researcher at Lancaster University through the Centre for Global Eco-innovation, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

Dr Burns took water samples from the edge of the melt water lake in front of the Sólheimajökull glacier and measured the methane concentrations, comparing them with methane levels in nearby sediments and other rivers, to make sure that the methane wasn’t being released from the surrounding landscape.

“The highest concentrations were found at the point where the river emerges from underneath the glacier and enters the lake. This demonstrates the methane must be sourced from beneath the glacier,” Dr Wynn explains.

Using a mass spectrometer, which identifies the unique ‘fingerprint’ of the methane, the researchers discovered the methane is coming from microbiological activity at the bed of the glacier. But there is still a connection with the volcano.

“We believe that while the volcano is not producing the methane, it is providing the conditions that allow the microbes to thrive and release methane into the surrounding meltwaters,” Said Dr Wynn.

Normally when methane comes into contact with oxygen it combines to form CO2, so the methane effectively disappears. On a glacier, meltwaters rich in dissolved oxygen access the bed of the ice mass and convert any methane present into carbon dioxide.

“Understanding the seasonal evolution of Sólheimajökull’s subglacial drainage system and how it interacts with the Katla geothermal area formed part of this work,” said Professor Fiona Tweed, an expert in glacier hydrology at Staffordshire University and co-author of the study.

At Sólheimajökull when the meltwater reaches the glacier bed, it comes into contact with gases produced by the Katla volcano. These gases lower the oxygen content of the water, meaning some of the methane produced by the microbes can be dissolved into the water and transported out of the glacier without being converted to CO2.

Dr Hugh Tuffen, a volcanologist at Lancaster University and co-author on the study, said: “The heat from Katla volcano may greatly accelerate the generation of microbial methane, so in fact you could see Katla as a giant microbial incubator.

“Scientists have also recently discovered that Katla emits vast amounts of CO2 — it’s in the top five globally in terms of CO2 emissions from volcanoes — so Katla is certainly a very interesting, very gassy volcano.”

“Both Iceland and Antarctica have many ice-covered, active volcanoes and geothermal systems,” said Dr Burns. “The recent International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report highlights that current trajectories indicate global warming is likely to reach 1.5oC between 2030 and 2052, with greatest perceived climate sensitivity at higher latitudes. If methane produced under these ice caps has a means of escaping as the ice thins, there is the chance we may see short term increases in the release of methane from ice masses into the future.”

Andri Stefánsson, Professor of Hydrothermal Geochemistry at the University of Iceland, who was not involved in the study said: “These findings provide important and new information on the origin and fluxes of methane at the Earth’s surface and the significance of this greenhouse gas to the atmosphere from such systems.

However, the researchers caution that it is still unclear how these effects will play out. They believe that although there could be a short-term spike of methane released while the glacier melts and thins, in the long-term the process could be self-limiting as, along with other reasons, without the ice the conditions for methane production are removed.

R. Burns, P. M. Wynn, P. Barker, N. McNamara, S. Oakley, N. Ostle, A. W. Stott, H. Tuffen, Zheng Zhou, F. S. Tweed, A. Chesler, M. Stuart. Direct isotopic evidence of biogenic methane production and efflux from beneath a temperate glacier. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-35253-2

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Lancaster University.

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